Chapter 197
Dou Shuangfei raised his hand with a smile, and took three steps back. Tang Tang continued to point to him. Dou Shuangfei took another five steps back. Tang Tang nodded in satisfaction, indicating that he could put his hand down.

Turning his head, Tang Tang said to the two disciples of the Martial God Hall: "You are too close, can you please retreat ten meters away?"

Those two people from the Valkyrie Temple have been stared at by everyone for a long time, and they can transfer the target from themselves to Tang Tang's group. They couldn't wish for it, and immediately retreated more than ten meters away obediently, and even hung the bow and crossbow behind their backs , saying that he would never do it.

Tang Tang nodded to express his satisfaction, then patted the jade coffin and said: "Everyone seems to want this treasure of heaven and earth, but they dare not take it. It's okay. I have a good way, that is to hold an auction. You can bid anonymously. Whoever has the highest price, I will trade the item to him, and because it is through the transaction, the item will go directly into the backpack, and no one will know who got the item, this method is not bad.”

"Hmph!" Yumian Luosha dissatisfied: "Auction? Little girl, why do you auction? What qualifications do you have? Do you think it's yours?"

Tang Tang swiped the Huo Yu Feiyan sword twice on the jade coffin, and immediately scared the others to step forward. Tang Tang smiled and put the sword away, and everyone heaved a sigh of relief, and returned to their original positions consciously.

Tang Tang smiled and said: "Why do you think I am qualified? Since I can destroy this thing, the 10% chance is not high, but with my two masters of the Tang Sect sitting in charge, it should be no problem to delay for half a minute. And I can hit at least a dozen swords in half a minute, do you dare to bet on such a chance? Will you kill me first, or I will destroy this Lingbao first? Secondly, I am the closest to the Lingbao now, and I can lift my hand. Take out the Lingbao, can any of you compete with me? In the end, I am thinking of everyone, such a stalemate is not an option, and if you do not want to participate in the auction, this master of the Shura Hall, I will not force you. You can step back and watch, and those who want to participate in the bidding, depending on the sect, each sect can pay 200 gold coins to participate in the bidding, thank you for participating!"

After Tang Tang finished speaking, the masters from various sects all around couldn't help muttering to each other, but they just muttered. If the gold coins were really given, they would probably be laughed at. It's really just pocket money, but no one seems to have the intention of taking the money out.

Tang Tang was not in a hurry, sitting on the white jade coffin, drew a few slashes in the air with the Huoyufeiyan sword, and said calmly, "I'm not in a hurry, but you should be in a hurry, because I only plan to give you five minutes Considering the time, after 5 minutes, I will do it immediately. At that time, everyone can only bet on whether I can destroy this thing. In fact, I personally think that it is only 5 gold coins, and I should not be so poor that I can’t even get this money. Is it out? Or are you guys so stingy that you don’t even want to take out such a small amount of money? But it doesn’t matter, this year pays attention to freedom of choice, everyone can choose by themselves, by the way, I don’t accept transactions, if someone is willing to give the 200 gold coins, Please leave your wallet ten meters away, and throw it over, thank you."

After finishing speaking, Tang Tang sat cross-legged on the coffin, and never looked at the crowd again, as if he really didn't care, but for a moment, he lowered his head and glanced at Niu DaDa, who turned over helplessly. Rolling his eyes and giving Tang Tang a contemptuous look, he took out 200 gold coins and put them in a money bag with a look of reluctance, and threw them towards Tang Tang, which landed on the side of the jade coffin with a bang.

"Little girl, remember to pay back the money, and you will get [-]% of what you earn!"

Half a minute later, Tang Tang received a voice transmission from the bald man Niu DaDa.

Tang Tang also quietly made a no-problem gesture, then picked up the purse with the tip of his sword and laughed, "200 gold coins!"

The others were silent, but they could see that they were a little shaken. This is how people are sometimes. Most people don’t like being taken advantage of. Woolen cloth?Is it worth the money?If I don't pay the money, will I be picked up by others?As a result, everyone began happily being taken advantage of.

Douluo Palace was the second one to lose money. Tang Tang believed that if the people from Scarlet Muka were there, they would definitely not be so straightforward, so Tang Tang was very lucky.

And the people from Douluo Palace paid a big stone to everyone's hearts. After all, the two bald heads of the Sanren Alliance are not good at fighting, and their prestige is not enough. But since Douluo Palace has compromised, the others are also embarrassed , The Tomb Raider Family is the third one to throw money to Tang Tang. You must know that the Tomb Raider Family has a very low sense of existence. It can refine weapons, and it can also explore caves and rob graves.Eighty percent of the players’ equipment on the market came from a family of tomb robbers, and the 200 gold coins were not even pocket money for them. Immediately afterwards, the two brothers of the Holy See, I am the Pope and the Archbishop, whispered for a moment, and threw out a money bag .

In the end, only the people from the Asura Palace and the Valley of the Souls are left. The people in the Valley of the Souls don’t want to pay. Tang Tang can understand that, after all, the two sides have a festival, but they don’t care about the small money. The key is to save face, but Tang Tang wants Xiaoxian to be poisonous Let's face it, who made this guy lead someone to chase him into a mess last time, so he will never compromise. As for Shura Palace, it's a bit strange. The jade-faced Rasha was very hesitant, and his attitude towards them seemed to be very bad. Could it be that there was a festival?But Yumian Luosha was sure that he and Yumian Luosha should meet for the first time. Could it be that Tang Xin robbed his woman?Or did Tang Jian kidnap his lover?
"Well..." Tang Tang cleared his throat and said, "Since some people are unwilling to pay, then I think it means that they voluntarily give up this auction. Since they give up, it means that they are out of the competition. Here, I personally suggest that going to the underworld is the fastest way to leave!"

Everyone's eyes fell on the two groups of people from Shura Hall and Samurai Soul Valley.

"Hmph!" Xiaoxian gritted her teeth poisonously, threw out a purse and said, "Little girl, save these gold coins to buy a coffin!"

"Hey, you don't need to worry about that." Tang Tang took the purse with a smile and said, "Now there are still everyone in the Shura Hall left. Let me make a final confirmation. Everyone in the Shura Hall really doesn't plan to participate in the bidding?"

Jade-faced Luo Sha was about to speak, but was stopped by the two remaining disciples from Shura Hall, shook his head, and threw the money bag at Tang Tang!

"Very good!" Tang Tang took the money bag, threw it to Niu Dada and said, "The two masters of the Sanren Alliance are monks, and the monks are relatively poor, and the two cooperate so well. I am embarrassed to take the money. Now , Let me talk about the rules, instead of using the auction method, we use the bidding method. Each sect has three rounds of bidding opportunities. After each round of bidding ends, I will give the highest price among them. After three rounds, who's If the bid is high, the item will belong to whoever it is, now everyone can use Qianli Voice Transmission to find the deputy guild leader Tang Xin to quote, I believe that the reputation of the Kuangzhan Pavilion is still good, and it is also a good guarantee for everyone!"

Everyone started whispering, but Tang Xin gritted his teeth and whispered: "Stinky girl, you let Kuangzhan Pavilion take the blame for you?"

Tang Tang whispered: "Can you recite it? If you don't recite the treasure of heaven and earth, you will lose your share! Maybe you don't even have gold coins!"

"Fuck you!" Tang Xin gave Tang Tang a thumbs up, and said immediately, "The current highest price is 1000 gold coins, the price of Douluo Palace."

"That's right, the treasure of heaven and earth is worth 1000 gold coins?" Tang Tang said angrily, "The first round is over, and the highest price is 1500 gold coins. Now everyone can start the second round of quotations."

Tang Xin said sincerely to Tang Tang: "Little girl, you are really dark."

Tang Tang said politely: "General, general."

"I didn't praise you!" Tang Xin said with a dark face: "The second round of quotations came out, and this group of people really risked their lives. The quotation from Douluo Palace is 4000 gold coins. Do you think they are really willing to pay? It's not a small amount!"

"A group of people gather together, like five people from a family of tomb robbers, and each person is less than 900 gold coins." Tang Tang continued to shout while talking: "The second round of quotations, the highest price is 4000 gold coins , now the final round, everyone think about it."

The last round of quotations did not go so smoothly. After hesitating for seven or eight minutes, Tang Xin whispered to Tang Tang: "It is still the quotation from the Shura Palace, but it is still zero. 8 gold coins are more than the family of tomb robbers." 6005 gold coins!"

"You said that Dou Shuangfei is a slut, so there will be cheap tricks." Tang Tang said loudly immediately: "The price for the third round has been announced, now please come forward and stand in a horizontal row three meters away, I will Trade things to whoever buys them."

Tang Xin whispered: "Why, girl, are you really going to give it?"

"Don't make noise, just watch." Tang Tang chiseled the lid of the jade coffin a few times with the Huo Yu Fei Yan sword, then dug out the ancient mirror, then walked forward, glanced at everyone and said : "The transaction is completed, firstly congratulate me for earning a lot of money, secondly thank someone for his generosity, of course, also congratulate someone for getting a spirit treasure, with a tenth-level heaven and earth spirit treasure, I will be invincible in all directions from now on , Congratulations, I'll go first!"

Tang Tang cupped his hands in congratulations, and was about to run away after speaking, before leaving, he cast Dou Shuangfei a sneaky look, then pushed everyone away, and was about to go out, but was suddenly held by Dou Shuangfei's arm.

"Girl, do you want to frame me?" Dou Shuangfei looked at Tang Tang with a smile and said, "Will you hand over the things yourself, or should I kill you and take the things? I can give you 30 seconds to choose."

Tang Tang smiled and said, "What are you talking about? Oh, you want me to tell who bought it? Isn't that good? I'm very reputable!"

Dou Shuangfei smiled and said: "I think you are not willing to give up until the Yellow River, do you really think that little trick is useful to me? What is the highest price? It is 6005 gold coins, my quotation! Because the quotation of Samurai Soul Valley is 4500 , the quotation of the Martial God Temple is 4700, the quotation of the Asura Palace is 5200, the quotation of the Guangming Holy See is 5700, and the quotation of the Tomb Raider Family is 6000. As for the two bald heads of the Sanren Alliance, hehe, I don’t know their quotations. Tall? If it's taller than me, is that the Lingbao they bought?"

Dou Shuangfei kept smirking, but the jade-faced Luo Sha and the brothers I am the Pope and the Archbishop of the Bright Vatican formed a triangular formation, surrounding the two bald men from the Sanren Alliance in the center!
(End of this chapter)

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