The Peerless Tangmen of Online Games

Chapter 229 Flying Meteor Frozen Full Firepower

Chapter 229 Flying Meteor Frozen Full Firepower
When Liu Ruyan staggered back, Tang Tang also ran forward quickly. When Liu Ruyan barely stabilized his figure, he looked up and saw Tang Tang again, close at hand. , right in front of my eyes.

"Jade girl shuttle!"

Damage -744!

Tang Tang laughed lightly, drawing a circle with his toes on the ground, stretching his two arms straight, stretching out to the sides, following the twisting of his body, he also drew a circle in the air, and then, Tang Tang's left palm followed the arc, A palm was cut on Liu Ruyan's chin, and Liu Ruyan had just condensed the sword energy in his hand, but before he could slash forward, he was sent flying by Tang Tang's palm knife, and then he was slammed Hit the ground.

Lin Dong couldn't help exclaiming: "Is that the strength of Taijiquan?"

Tang Tang naturally heard Lin Dong's exclamation, and immediately hooked the corners of his mouth!
Yes, it is the fist strength of Tai Chi!

In fact, kung fu is not as useful as imagined in the soul domain, and it can even be said to be useless at all, because no matter how good your kung fu is, it is only a normal attack in the soul domain, and it is only unarmed, and the damage only comes from yourself. Basic attributes, even breaking the defense are difficult to do, even if it can break the defense, it is only a few dozen points of damage, which can be completely ignored, and Tang Tang used the most direct method to solve this!
Injury is not a problem!
Taijiquan pays attention to far fists, close elbows and leaning close to the body. The feeling of holding a sword is different from that of bare hands, but as long as the flying sword is attached to the arm, Tang Tang can use it completely as he wants.Moreover, the moment the palm knife hits the opponent, the flying sword will also hit the opponent. In this way, it will not be regarded as a normal attack, but a Yujianshu attack!

Liu Ruyan was sent flying again by Tang Tang.

I don't know how many times Liu Ruyan raised his hand to release the sword energy, but as soon as he raised his hand, Tang Tang would immediately send him flying. Tang Tang always had a way to drive Liu Ruyan's arm to swing, although she There is no way to stop Liu Ruyan from releasing the sword energy, but there is a way to use Taijiquan to pull Liu Ruyan's arm to bring the direction of the sword energy to other positions. The whole hall is full of rubble, all of which were destroyed by Liu Ruyan The sword qi was shattered, but Liu Ruyan couldn't hit anyone with the sword qi.


After a while, Tang Tang hit more and more smoothly, Liu Ruyan was also beaten out of anger, and suddenly raised his head to the sky and screamed!

Tang Tang shouldn't have cared about Liu Ruyan's long roar, no matter how loud the other party's roar was, the situation would not change just because of one roar, but Tang Tang retreated...

Because she sensed something different from Liu Ruyan's long whistle, or rather, it was a kind of intuition, an intuition for danger!

Sure enough, as soon as Tang Tang's figure retreated, Liu Ruyan suddenly raised his right hand high, and then pressed down fiercely in front of him!
Liu Ruyan actually chopped the sword energy directly in front of her body, and the bluestone under her feet immediately shattered into countless pieces with a loud noise, and the stone chips flew, creating pieces of dust!

Liu Ruyan used a method that was almost self-harming to deal with Tang Tang. If Tang Tang hadn't evacuated first, with Liu Ruyan's terrifying damage, the damage caused by the explosion of sword energy alone could have sent Tang Tang to the hospital. Hell.

However, to live is to live, Tang Tang escaped this fatal blow by relying on his intuition!
This obviously made Liu Ruyan feel extremely angry. She spread her palm forward, and immediately a faint green poisonous flame appeared again, but at the moment when the poisonous flame surged...

Tang Tang flew close to him again, and in the palm of Tang Tang's right hand, there was also a small flame, the blazing white flame was constantly beating.

Fire and thunder detonated!

Tang Tang suddenly stretched out his hand and grabbed Liu Ruyan's wrist. Before Liu Ruyan could react, Tang Tang slapped him with a "slap" and pressed his fire thunder on the poisonous flame.

Injury - 2011!Damage -1444!Damage—90, Damage—90…

Tang Tang and Liu Ruyan were blown away at the same time, both of them were enduring the power of the fire and thunder explosion, and at the same time Tang Tang also had to bear the toxin damage from the poisonous flame.However, the poisonous flame was deciphered by Tang Tang, because Tang Tang was the only one who suffered the damage, and besides the damage from the toxin, the power of the poisonous flame was completely wiped out by the overbearing impact of the divine fire and thunder, and...

This is an excellent opportunity!

This is the great opportunity Tang Tang has been waiting for!

This is also the only chance to defeat Ruyan Liu!

At this time, Little Qiao also suddenly clenched her fist, and an invisible fist shadow flew forward, one divided into two, two into four, four into eight..., a total of [-] fist shadows bloomed instantly A dazzling golden awn!

"Possessed by the gods, the stars explode in the sky!"

Little Qiao let go of her tightly clenched fist, and the shadow of that fist exuded a bright golden glow in the air that burst suddenly. Countless golden glows spread like stars bursting, and the stabbed people seemed to be unable to open their eyes.

Liu Ruyan's reaction was quick, and when she raised her hand, continuous sword energy shot out, but is it useful?
Seems to be working!The fist shadow is very fragile in front of Liu Ruyan's sword energy, but how many sword energy can Liu Ruyan release?

together?Two ways?Or nonsense?
When hundreds of fist shadows fell from the top of Liu Ruyan's head, Liu Ruyan's sword energy was helpless. He wanted to hide, but there was no chance. Tang Tang even did not hesitate to injure himself to hold Liu Ruyan back, Liu Ruyan didn't have any chance to dodge at all!

Puff puff……

Damage -118! Damage -199!Damage -154! ...

Like the sound of fireworks bursting, the golden fist shadow poured down on Liu Ruyan's body like rain, causing dense damage, but Liu Ruyan was also stubborn, and even crossed his arms above his head, stiffly It can resist all the fist shadows, but is it useful?
After a while, the golden fist light dissipated, and Liu Ruyan seemed to have resisted this attack, but when Liu Ruyan raised his head.

The corner of Xiao Qiao's mouth curled into a smile, and the golden fist in his hand struck out again!
Fly meteor!
The Meteor Fist is like a rainbow, and has the tendency of a meteor flying through the sky, so it is named Flying Meteor!
It's not as dazzling as the falling star pose, but it's fast, as if it's coming in an instant, especially the right advantage of Xiao Qiao's attack. The golden fist light has not died yet, she has already hit the flying meteor, Liu Ruyan Let go, the flying meteor has flown in front of you.

Avoid the inevitable attack!

Crit damage -991!

Liu Ruyan raised his hand suddenly, and used the toughest way to block the fist shadows. Those fist shadows hit Liu Ruyan's arm, and even dealt critical damage, but that was all, there was no blow. Hitting the vital point, it can't pose too much threat to Liu Ruyan. The most important thing is that Xiao Qiao's quick and seamless attack also failed because of Liu Ruyan's incomparably domineering blocking method.

But is that really the case?
"Underworld fireball!" Tang Tang laughed suddenly, then he stretched out his hand and clenched his fist and said, "Hellfire!"

Liu Ruyan showed shock on his face, when he looked down, he discovered that there was a dark fire ball hidden behind the fist shadow, and the dark fire ball suddenly ignited, and then...

The flame exploded, and Liu Ruyan was swallowed by the billowing black flames of the underworld, but this was still just the beginning!
At the moment when the black smoke surged, Tang Mei was like a ghost, she slipped behind Liu Ruyan suddenly at some point, and at the moment Liu Ruyan was blown away by the explosion, Tang Tang suddenly rushed from behind. Go up, use your arms to tightly trap Liu Ruyan from behind.

"Your days are coming to an end." Tang Mei grinned ferociously at Liu Ruyan and said, "You look down on the Nine Heavens, frozen!"

Dense cold air suddenly burst out from Tang Mei's body, surrounding the two of them, a layer of white frost visible to the naked eye surged from the soles of their feet, covering their bodies, little by little. Freeze, spread little by little.

"Little girl!" Tang Mei yelled: "I'm going to kill this bastard soon, I'm fighting for the price of losing a level."

Accompanied by the shout of the eldest sister Tang Mei, the frost finally completely froze the two of them into ice sculptures.

Tang Tang stepped forward!This is the opportunity that everyone has been waiting for, the opportunity to really hit Liu Ruyan with one blow!
"Summon Dragon Soul!"

Tang Tang raised his hand high, and the thunderbolt in his hand condensed into a phantom, turning into a huge thunder ball floating in Duanmuyu's palm, crackling with electric current, constantly expanding, and becoming huge , then...

Tang Tang pressed the light ball surrounded by lightning down hard!
The raging electric current quickly turned into ten running and roaring dragon souls, bringing out a piece of scorched black on the ground, dragging the blue streamer and slamming into Liu Ruyan's direction fiercely, but this was not enough!
"Thunder Breaks the Sky!"

Tang Tang intertwined his hands and waved his hands quickly. A black thundercloud formed in front of the ceiling of the hall, and countless blue currents surged. Tang gave a soft shout, and several thick thunderbolts suddenly fell from the thundercloud, moving rapidly, hitting everything around, and the square bluestone slabs on the ground were annihilated into fine powder in an instant with the movement of the thunderbolts , that berserk force was completely irresistible, and immediately after that, thunderfire fell from the black thunder cloud, fell on the ground and burned blazingly, rendering the entire hall into a fire!

However, these are still not enough!
"The fire meteor is extinguished!"

Tang Tang's five fingers slightly bent, and he recalled the Huo Yu Fei Yan Sword. The flaming flying sword spun rapidly in Tang Tang's palm. Slowly, it lost its sword shape and turned into a ball of red-hot fire. As Tang Tang sent the ball of fire towards the top of his head, the ball of fire suddenly exploded and spread rapidly in the air, turning into a boundless red cloud of fire!

Tang Tang used the last 30 points of soul power, and countless fire balls fell from the fire cloud, and began to bombard wildly downward. Every time a blow fell, a two-foot-wide deep pit was created, which burst into pieces. The flames made the sea of ​​fire billow like waves, more like a waking ancient ferocious beast, showing its ferocious fangs to the world, vowing to devour and destroy everything in front of it!
After Tang Tang let out a long breath, he took two steps back and fell to the ground!

Thunder Breaker, a sixth-level spell, is also the most powerful spell in Tang Tang's hands, extremely powerful!
Summoning Dragon Soul, the super powerful Summoning Dragon Soul condensed by Raiden Longyon, runs wildly!

The fire meteor is extinguished, and the super powerful soul skill condensed by the Huo Yu Fei Yan sword is tyrannical and domineering!
Tang Tang has already shown her strongest means. This is the first time that Tang Tang fought with all her strength without any reservations. Her purpose is only one...

Ruyan Liu must be killed!

(End of this chapter)

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