The Peerless Tangmen of Online Games

Chapter 230 Demonized Liu Ruyan, Sky Fire Cloud

Chapter 230 Demonized Liu Ruyan, Sky Fire Cloud

Lightning, fire, and earth-shattering bangs roared, and the entire main hall of the Tang Sect seemed to be collapsing, but Tang Tang laughed, making such a big noise, if the main hall of the Tang Sect was really demolished, the old elder of the Criminal Law Hall The guy will definitely be furious at her again, and treat her as a laborer to brush up the master dungeon.

Jin Lingdong tapped Tang Tang's head in dissatisfaction and said, "Little girl, why are you still in the mood to smile?"

Tang Tang spread his hands and said, "Otherwise, what can I do? My soul power is used up, my mana is used up, and I have used up everything that can be used. If Liu Ruyan is still alive, there is nothing I can do."

It is true to say so, but Tang Tang thinks that Liu Ruyan must be dead, but it is a level 62 boss monster, there is still an upper limit, at most only about 10000 health points, and it is impossible to survive such continuous attacks. I can hold on, but, at this moment...

There was a roar of grief and indignation!

Tang Tang's heart skipped a beat!
The tumbling fire wave was pushed away abruptly by a force of energy, and a silhouette slowly emerged from the thunder fire!

It turned out to be Ruyan Liu!

Tang Mei went to the underworld, but Liu Ruyan is still alive, and it seems that Liu Ruyan is not Liu Ruyan at this moment!

Liu Ruyan's body suddenly swelled several times, her upper body was naked, revealing a body of steel-like muscles, the skin of her whole body turned blue-gray, covered with cracks, like mud, and there was a mass of white animal mane on her chest , his hands turned into claw blades, and half a meter long bone spurs grew on his elbows and shoulders. A horn like a sharp tooth, opened its mouth, and there were two rows of sharp animal teeth!
The group of people were stupefied, and Tang Tang moved his throat even more, gurgling, and swallowing his saliva!

Demonized Liu Ruyan, a level 90 boss monster!
Tang Tang now feels that he is a fool, even ordinary members of the Firework Mercenary Corps can demonize, so as the leader of the Firework Mercenary Corps, how could Liu Ruyan not have this skill?
After being demonized, Ruyan Liu has soared by nearly 90 levels, reaching a horror level of [-]. Especially in terms of appearance, those demonized pyrotechnic mercenary groups can barely see some human figures, and Ruyan Liu has nothing but He can still stand on both feet, and he still looks like a human being. He is completely a beast, a monster!
"Run, this is a level 90 leader monster!"

Tang Tang gritted his teeth and popped out a few words, the opportunity was bought by his eldest sister Tang Mei's sacrifice, and Tang Tang also felt unwilling to give up.However, for the boss monsters at level 90, this gap is really big. In many cases, it doesn't mean that everything can be done with a single drive. This is an insurmountable threshold!
And when Tang Mei's words fell, everyone reacted quickly, and immediately turned around and rushed out of the hall, no matter where it was, they ran as far as they could, as long as they couldn't see Liu Ruyan, it was a good place.


At this time, the demonized Liu Ruyan clasped her claws tightly, and once again raised her head to the sky and screamed, the ear-piercing voice reached the sky!

Boom, boom!
The ground began to crack, and there were spider web cracks one by one. There were thousands of members of the demonized pyrotechnic mercenary group, and in a blink of an eye, the main hall was surrounded by groups, densely packed!
Tang Tang wanted to die now, but his soul power had not recovered, so he could not rely on the pulse of death, so he had to use the recovery potion constantly, and when he raised his hand, it was a sun god flame, but the demonized pyrotechnic servant The number of members of the corps is really too much. Although Tianhuo Zhiyan is very powerful, but after killing a few demonized members in a row, the rear will make up for it immediately, and there are new demonized members appearing in the cracks in the ground. It is almost as inexhaustible as locusts, and it is simply impossible to kill them all.

bang, bang, bang...

At this time, the demonized Liu Ruyan finally stopped shouting, and strode towards the crowd. Every time he took a step, there would be a heavy muffled sound, and the bluestone floor under the demonized Liu Ruyan's feet instantly annihilated into dust .

Terrifying power!

The demonized Liu Ruyan put tremendous pressure on everyone, everyone tried their best to break out of the main hall.Perhaps, they will be overwhelmed by the densely packed members of the demonized pyrotechnic mercenary group, but it is much better than staying in the main hall. Liu Ruyan has already asked them to do their best and use all their tricks, and the demonized Liu Ruyan It's really not something they can deal with now.

But, can't rush out!

Those demonized pyrotechnic mercenary members are definitely not their opponents. However, after these demonized members are under the command of Liu Ruyan, they are completely fighting for their lives. No matter how they kill, there will always be new demonized members. The members blocked the gap, and this situation also made everyone anxious, especially the dull sound that the demonized Liu Ruyan would smash a piece of bluestone floor with every step, which made them even more upset.

"Damn it, I can only fight!" After killing for a while, there was no effect, Lin Dong suddenly stopped, gritted his teeth and said to others: "I will deal with these demonized members of the pyrotechnic mercenary group, and everyone will go out with all their strength later!" Rush, can you rush out, each has his own destiny!"

Lin Dong obviously still has something at the bottom of the box, but just looking at his expression, it seems that he also has no idea.

However, the current situation is that a dead horse is treated as a living horse doctor, and everyone cares so much, urging Lin Dong to do it quickly.

Lin Dong had no choice but to grit his teeth, and suddenly released a cloud of fire!
Sky Fire Cloud!
This is the auxiliary Horcrux that Lin Dong got when he killed the Nine-Tailed Firefox. It is an auxiliary Horcrux of the fifth-level elite quality. The Nine-Tailed Firefox used this fire cloud to roll up countless Nine-Tailed Foxes to attack the Tang Sect. .Now, the sky fire cloud fell into Lin Dong's hands, and it was released suddenly. It was still so surging and huge, rolling up waves of fire, and it turned out to completely cover the front of the main hall, glowing red.

"This is a magic circle." Lin Dong said bitterly: "Tianhuoyun is actually a lair. The nest where nine-tailed foxes are pregnant must have a sufficient number of nine-tailed foxes for Tianhuoyun to be effective."

In a word, to express Lin Dong's depression, Tianhuoyun and Nine-Tailed Fox complement each other, and Tianhuoyun with Nine-Tailed Fox is the real Tianhuoyun.But where should Lin Dong find the Nine-Tailed Fox?This has nothing to do with strength or weakness, it's just that I don't know where to find it. Even if the Nine-Tailed Fox is only level [-], it is very rare as an ancient beast. It's not a small wild monster that keeps refreshing on the roadside. I don't know where to find the Nine-Tailed Fox. Domestication is Lin Dong's greatest distress, and without the Nine-Tailed Fox, the power of Tianhuoyun would be greatly reduced.

However, it is only a big discount, not without power!
As Lin Dong stretched out his hand to press the void, the fire cloud fell down like a huge boulder that day, and more than a thousand demonized members of the pyrotechnic mercenary group were all shrouded in the fire cloud.

"Everyone listen to me." After Lin Dong wiped out those demonized disciples with a fire cloud, he said to others: "There is a space formation in the sky fire cloud, that is to say, the space in the sky fire cloud is bigger than our eyes. What I see is several times larger, and with my control, I will separate those demonized disciples. However, as the opponent continues to attack, the sky fire cloud will become smaller and smaller, and I don't know how long it can last So, after everyone entered Huoyun, they immediately tried their best to find a direction to escape, whether they can escape or not is up to their destiny, it depends on their own luck."

Everyone nodded and followed Lin Dong into the fire cloud.

As soon as he entered the fire cloud, Tang Tang found that everyone else had disappeared. This is also the characteristic of Tianhuoyun. If this auxiliary Horcrux has a nine-tailed fox, it is indeed a very good Horcrux. sub-direction.

Everywhere you can see is flames, even if you enter together, they will be separated by the flames automatically, and the nine-tailed fox can easily hide in the flames, that is to say, while enduring the engulfing of the flames, it also has to fight all the time. Guarding against the sneak attack of the Nine-Tailed Fox and entering the space formation at the same time, it is not so easy to get out.

If you are lucky, you can walk half a step forward and the fire cloud will come out. If you are not lucky, you may not be able to get out of the fire cloud after flying in the fire cloud for three days and three nights, and there is not even a nine-tailed fox in the fire cloud today. , only relying on the damage of the flames around it, it is indeed a pity to lose such a good Horcrux.

Tang Tang couldn't help sighing for Lin Dong, and then ran wildly.

At this time, it really depends on luck. Except for Lin Dong who can distinguish the direction, the others are just making sure not to be swallowed by the flames when they form a team with Lin Dong. Even if Lin Dong knows the direction, he can't point it out to everyone. Space In the formation, Lin Dong could only know the direction, but could not know where everyone was.

However, Tang Tang always believed that she had good luck. Moreover, her sense of direction could only be described as very bad.

At this moment……

With a loud bang, Tang Tang felt the sky fire cloud shake wildly, and he could clearly see that the frequency of the surrounding flames became violent. Tang Tang knew that it was Liu Ruyan who made a move, and sent some demonized pyrotechnic servants Although the members of the corps were difficult to deal with, they didn't have that great ability to shake Tianhuoyun with a single blow. Only the demonized Liu Ruyan's attack could cause such a huge commotion.

And thinking of Luo Rulie, Liu Ruyan couldn't help scolding her mother, the god of pitfalls, Green Apple, and her eldest sister, Tang Mei, both sacrificed, and she couldn't kill Liu Ruyan, so she was really upset, and more importantly, in the situation of Tang Mei's self-sacrifice Now, she seemed to be about to succeed, but that bastard Liu Ruyan actually turned into a demon, isn't this a rogue!


Just as Tang Tang was thinking, the fire cloud shook violently again that day, obviously Liu Ruyan made another move, but it was just this shaking that Tang Tang saw a ray of light, which was a gap in the sky fire cloud.

Tang Tang didn't have any hesitation, and immediately ran wildly. After leaving Tianhuoyun, Tang Tang looked around and found that he was back near the Tangmen stone carvings, and then glanced behind him. The others were all still in the sky fire cloud, and even Lin Dong himself didn't have time to rush out, which shows that Tang Tang was lucky this time.

Tang Tang originally wanted to wait for other people to come out, but after thinking about it, the fire cloud was really huge that day, even if they came out, they might not be in the same position, and they might not be able to come out, Lin Dong and the others didn't know whether they could resist or not It's not very safe to stay here, it's better to evacuate to other places first, and gather together after everyone escapes.

(End of this chapter)

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