The Peerless Tangmen of Online Games

Chapter 232 Demonic Qi Big Hand Divine Beast Formation

Chapter 232 Demonic Qi Big Hand Divine Beast Formation
The imperial weapon galloped, and Tang Tang went straight to the Zhenyao Tower.

Tang Fengzi turned to Tang Xin and said, "How about it, do you want to take a gamble?"

Tang Xin thought for a while and said, "300 gold coins, I bet the little girl can last for 3 minutes!"

Tang Fengzi said: "The deal is 300 gold coins, but I don't believe that little girl can hold on for that long, I'll bet for 2 minutes."

Tang Taro on the side thought for a while, then suddenly said: "I'll play with you once, and it's also 300 gold coins. I bet the little girl can last for more than 10 minutes, or she might be able to enter the Demon Town Tower."

Tang Fengzi was surprised and said: "No way, senior Tang Taluo is very optimistic about that little girl!"

Tang Taro smiled and said nothing, and didn't say much.

At this time, Tang Tang sent the Horcrux to come to the Demon Suppressing Tower. It is a strange thing to say. The Demon Suppressing Tower has nine floors, but the bottom floor is the strongest and the top floor is the weakest. It's just an ordinary decoration, with an extremely powerful magic circle. Even a monster as powerful as the ancient demon king can't break through from the bottom layer. It can only open a gap from the weakest part of the top layer, and then go down layer by layer. Go deep, so the Demon Town Tower is not climbing from the bottom to the top, but from the top to the bottom!

Of course, Tang Tang didn't feel that he was stronger than the ancient demon king, he could break through the defensive magic circle and force his way in, so he flew straight to the top of the tower honestly, found a dilapidated window, and prepared to break through the window and enter the demon town. In the tower, but at this time...

The broken window opened suddenly, and a surge of evil spirit suddenly rushed out, turning into a big hand and grabbing at Tang Tang.

Tang Tang was shocked, and quickly backed away. He summoned the Fire Rain and Non-Smoke Sword and chopped it down at the big hand formed by the demonic aura. The big hand immediately turned into a purple-black demonic aura. Instead of retreating, he continued to move forward. Tang Tang floated over and turned into a big hand again. Tang Tang looked again, and the big hand immediately turned into a black smoke, but turned into a big hand after a while.

"damn it."

Tang Tang even slashed several times but didn't see any effect, so he cursed inwardly.

The demon hand condensed with demonic energy completely ignored the attack, the flying sword turned into smoke when it fell, but immediately condensed into smoke into a hand, if it was an ordinary weapon soul master, he would naturally be helpless at this moment.However, Tang Tang is no ordinary soul master.

"The sky is blazing!"

Tang Tang raised his hand and slapped it out with a palm. The blazing flames rolled back and immediately swallowed the monster aura. Sure enough, the monster aura immediately rushed and rolled, and was annihilated by the ashes roasted by the flames of the sky. Tang Tang So she was determined, but just when the little girl was relieved...

That day, the fire suddenly seemed to be poured with oil, and the flame suddenly exploded, and suddenly turned purple-black. Before Tang Tang could react, it rolled up from the soles of her feet and slapped Tang Tang's chest directly.

Damage -302!

Tang Tang has never been afraid of damage from the fire lineage. Even in the fire, the little girl can handle it with ease, not to mention the demon fire in front of her. It's just that her own sky fire was invaded by the demon energy and turned into a ghost. Tang Tang was also very angry about the demon fire. He raised his hand to call out the thunder and lightning dragon, and slashed forward with his sword, but he forgot that the flame was also invisible. The flame condensed again and rolled towards Tang Tang.

Tang Tang had no choice but to back away, opening a little distance, and then suddenly raised his hand.

"Thunder Breaks the Sky!"

The blue lightning suddenly broke through the sky, the thunder and lightning fell, and hit the demon flame. With a loud bang, the demon flame was completely shattered, leaving only a few flames floating on the top of the tower, but it did not appear again. Condensation, Tang Tang was about to breathe a sigh of relief, but suddenly there was a "Zi La" in his ear.

A purple-black electric current that was only the length of a finger suddenly bounced from the ground. Tang Tang hurriedly swung his swords across his chest. After making a circle, he landed towards Tang Tang again.

Tang Tang hurriedly flew both swords together, knocking the electric current away continuously, and at the same time felt extremely depressed. What the hell is this thing? Whatever he uses to attack the opponent, the opponent will turn into something. How to fight?
On the other end, Tang Fengzi sadly took out a money bag and handed it to Tang Taro, "This little girl is really a monster. It's been 10 minutes and she can hold on, but I only lasted 1 minute!"

Tang Xin shook his head, handed Tang Taro a money bag as well and said, "No matter what else it is, it's just about skill, this little girl is really scary, even if she can't win, she is unlikely to lose easily."

Tang Fengzi rubbed his chin and said: "Also, did you find out that this little girl can use Horcruxes, and that soul skill that can make her invisible is really powerful, but this little girl seems to be able to use spells, and the white flame should be Tianhuo, right? ? Then is she an instrumental soul master or a wise soul master?"

Tang Fengzi's question did arouse the curiosity of the three of them, but Tang Taro shook his head and said, "Everyone has their own destiny, and it's meaningless for us to guess other people's destiny."

When Tang Taluo spoke, Tang Xin and Tang Fengzi were too embarrassed to guess again, and Tang Tang also slipped back at this time.

She was not repulsed by the evil spirit, but felt that it would be fruitless if she continued to fight. He couldn't think of any way to deal with the evil spirit. It was just entangled with each other, which was meaningless. It was just a waste of energy, so he had no choice but to run back .

"This Demon Suppressing Tower really deserves to be the forbidden area of ​​our Tang Sect." Tang Tang returned to the three of them, cheekily raised the Demon Suppressing Tower a little to cover up his failure, and then said to Tang Xin and Tang Taluo: "Didn't you two go in last time? How did you go in that time?"

Tang Xin shook his head and said: "That time, Uncle Tang Taiwu gave us body protection scrolls, which can resist evil spirits after wearing them, and after entering the Demon Suppressing Tower, there are demon-transforming waters everywhere, so there is no need to worry about demons Make trouble, but how to get into the Demon Suppressing Tower is extremely difficult, not to say how powerful the monster is, but you have seen it before, you are not afraid of swords, water and fire, how do you fight?"

Tang Tang also nodded empathetically. The demonic aura was impervious to water and fire. It was really a big trouble. At the same time, it also made Tang Tang understand why so many people were waiting outside the Demon Town Tower to watch the fun. It was because they entered Do not go to the Town Demon Tower.

Also at this time...

On the top of the Demon Town Tower, suddenly four streaks of four-color Qiongguang surged up into the sky!

Accompanied by the four streaks of four-color jade lights, the four elders suddenly flew out from the Demon Suppressing Pagoda.

After getting out of the pagoda, the four great elders floated in the Qiongguang, and quickly pinched the formula with both hands. With the help of the four four-color Qiongguang, they quickly formed handprints and moved forward, and the four Qiongguang gathered together. , turning into four-color streamers and falling towards the top of the Demon Suppressing Tower, covering the entire Demon Suppressing Tower.

"The power of the green dragon is towering, the power of the white tiger roars the mountains and rivers, the power of the red bird screams for nine days, and the power of the Xuanwu protects the spirit armor..."

The four elders chanted softly, and the four rays of light of four colors suddenly exploded, turning into four kinds of divine beasts, green dragon, white tiger, vermilion bird, and basalt, to protect the demon town tower, flowing in splendor and dazzling!
The Shu Mountain disciples under the Demon Town Pagoda couldn't help yelling "good". The tyrannical strength displayed by the four elders is exactly what they yearn for. When will they have such powerful supernatural powers?

Unfortunately, no one saw that the foreheads of the four elders were covered with beads of sweat.

Also at this time...


There was a loud noise, and amidst the shining four-color brilliance, there was a monster aura that soared into the sky, directly breaking through the top of the Demon Suppressing Tower!

roar, roar!
Countless monster howls sounded, and with the monster aura, a gap was forcibly opened in the Demon Suppressing Tower. Hundreds of monsters and ghosts flew out of the gap, screaming in the sky and about to flee towards the surroundings.

"Where are the people from the Tang Sect?" the elder of the Criminal Law Hall roared, "Don't kill the demons quickly!"


As soon as the elder of the Criminal Law Hall said this, the people in front of the Demon Suppressing Tower had no hesitation, they immediately flew up and rushed towards the monsters that escaped from the Demon Suppressing Tower, while the four people on Tang Tang's side looked at each other But they didn't do anything, they were just little monsters, only a few hundred, so they robbed everyone lazily, just staring at the four elders intently. Kill a few little monsters and it's over.

Sure enough, the demon has not been completely eliminated, but the demon energy suddenly expanded several times. The four elders tried their best to suppress it, and gradually returned the demon energy to the Demon Suppressing Tower. The forehead was already sweating like rain. His face was as white as snow.

Immediately after...


With a loud noise, the Qiongguang collapsed, the demonic aura surged, and the four elders vomited blood, and each retreated a distance of more than ten meters!
Jie Jie's strange laughter suddenly sounded, and amidst the monster aura, the ancient demon king suddenly rushed out of the tower, holding two radiant flying swords in his hands, the one on the left was familiar to Tang Tang , it is the Demon Suppressing Sword used to suppress the Demon Emperor, but the flying sword in the right hand is black all over, with strange runes engraved on the body of the sword. Bright red blood even faintly flowed on the surface of the body, making one feel that the sword drank countless blood.

"Hey, hey..." The ancient demon king raised his sword with both hands and pointed at the surroundings: "Tangmen? Tangmen! The righteous way of heaven and earth? Killing demons and eliminating demons? Do you know how long I have been waiting for today? Don't you brag? Righteous way? I want the chaos in this world to start from your Tang Sect! Don’t you guys like to slay demons and eliminate demons? I want all the demons in this world to dance in disorder!"

As soon as the words fell, the ancient demon king suddenly drew his sword!

The black magic sword suddenly burst into light, using the blade as a solid body, a huge imaginary black sword was condensed, continuously rising, three meters, five meters, ten meters...

In the end, the phantom demonic sword unexpectedly swelled to the size of twenty rain meters, like a mountain of sword energy congealed, accompanied by the strange smile of the ancient demon king, it was about to chop down towards the Demon Suppressing Tower.

"Damn, no!"

The four elders were immediately anxious. The meaning of the Demon Suppressing Tower is extraordinary. It is the people of the Tang Sect who are specially used to imprison demons, so it is called the Demon Suppressing Tower. The formation of the tower has also become difficult to suppress the demons.Until one day, a rain of blood fell from the sky, falling into the tower and turning into water that transformed demons, and the lightning mountain thundered, descending the heaven and earth enchantment circle.Overnight, ninety-nine and 81 heaven and earth magic circles appeared in front of the Demon Suppressing Tower. The monsters in the tower could no longer escape, but the holy world was grateful for the merits of the Tang Sect in eliminating demons and defending Taoism, so it bestowed the heaven and earth magic circles to subdue monsters!
The Demon Suppressing Pagoda is the symbol of the people of the Tang Sect to subdue demons!

More importantly, through the efforts of Tangmen students who came to Tangmen hundreds of years ago, there are countless demons imprisoned in the Demon Suppressing Tower. If the Demon Suppressing Tower is destroyed, it will definitely be a disaster!
(End of this chapter)

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