The Peerless Tangmen of Online Games

Chapter 233 Glazed Bone Dragon Demon Emperor Ancient Banyan

Chapter 233 Glazed Bone Dragon Demon Emperor Ancient Banyan
The four elders rushed towards the ancient demon king almost at the same time, and the phantoms of the four divine beasts beside them suddenly condensed and turned into four light blades of four colors, and they greeted the ancient demon king!

But the ancient demon king sneered, swiped his sword down, and the huge sword fell down fiercely, hitting the light blades of the four elders!


The four elders spat out blood, and the four light blades hit the huge magic sword before they were smashed to pieces. The four elders also fell from the sky and struggled a few times, but they couldn't stand up.

Originally, the ancient demon king was the soul beast of the five elders of the Tang Sect. After getting along for a long time, the ancient demon king knew all the things of the elders' meeting. Practice, the cultivation base will naturally increase, not to mention that there are only four tower guards left among the ten elders of the Tang Sect, and they were invaded by evil spirits in the Demon Suppressing Tower. One hit, that's already trying my best!
However, the four elders were defeated, but Tang Tang and the others looked at each other in blank dismay. Could it be that juniors like them should fight?Of course, it is not impossible to let them go, but there is always some hope. This ancient demon king can obviously wipe them out with a flick of his fingers. With such a huge disparity in strength, how should they fight against each other?
All the disciples of the Tang Sect were anxious, but the ancient demon king raised the magic sword in his hand again.

Magic Sword Phantom Light, the black light re-condensed into a huge imaginary sword, suspended high on the top of the Demon Suppressing Tower, exuding a soul-stirring black light, it will cut down on the Demon Suppressing Tower at any time!
Tang Taluo let out a long sigh, and then flew towards the ancient demon king with the technique of the wind wall.

As soon as Tang Taro left, he naturally expressed his attitude. The remaining few people looked at each other in blank dismay. It was obvious that no one was willing to go to death, but if they didn't go, it showed that they were greedy for life and afraid of death, and it would be quite embarrassing. Son, the last three of them also let out a long and depressed sigh. For them, face is really important, after all, they are the leaders of the Tang Sect.

Walking with the imperial weapon, Tang Tang and the other three also chased after him.

Immediately after...

More and more Tangmen disciples are flying up, no matter what they miss in their hearts, there is only one goal at the moment!
That is the ancient demon king!
Just, at this very moment...

heavy pressure!
That day, there seemed to be a pair of invisible big hands suddenly pinching everyone in the sky, and the pressure made people feel the urge to gasp!
Tang Tang suddenly discovered that his sword control technique had failed. The sword light did not dissipate, but it was suspended in the air, unable to move at all. Fear?Fear?neither!It's just that the unprecedented pressure was on her body, making her unable to make any movements. The sound of her heart beating in her chest was clear in her ears. When she looked around, she was not the only one who was so vulnerable, and everyone else was also immobilized. It looks like it can't move.

hum, hum...

At this time, two crisp sword cries suddenly sounded, and it was the Demon Suppressing Sword and the Demon Sword in the hands of the ancient demon king who were shaking violently at the same time, making bursts of sword cries, straight into the sky!
At this moment, a huge glazed bone dragon suddenly appeared in the sky. The glazed glass was like fire and red like blood. In the blink of an eye, it had already arrived in front of the Demon Town Tower. Only then did everyone see that there was a tall man standing on top of the glazed bone dragon. Red-haired golden armor, wearing a black cloak and dancing with the wind!

Tang Taluo and Tang Xin's expressions changed slightly and they said, "Damn it, Demon Emperor, it's Gu Rong, the glazed bone dragon!"

The two of them are the first senior and the first senior sister of the Tang Sect. They naturally know some secrets of the Tang Sect. The Tang Sect and Gu Rong really have a difficult entanglement. The Tang Sect must have absolutely no favors.

Tang Tang looked at Gu Rong with great interest. She had not only heard of Gu Rong from Petra. In her previous life, Gu Rong was known as the strongest in the demon world. King Ming has been reincarnated, and only the Demon Venerable Gu Rong is left in this world, a super powerful Douluo whose martial spirit is a glazed bone dragon!

As soon as the ancient banyan's glazed bone dragon fell, the sound of the swords all around suddenly became louder, and it was no longer the two ancient swords in the hands of the ancient demon king, but the surrounding weapons buzzed, and the trembling and crisp sound went straight into the air. In the sky, Tang Tang could even feel that the Huoyufeiyan sword in his hand seemed to have aura, exuding a strong sense of fear.

"The Town Demon Tower..."

Gu Rong looked at Zhenyao Tower and murmured softly, a charming and moving figure flashed in his heart, but his face was still expressionless, no one knew what he was thinking.

After a long time, Gu Rong moved his eyes away from the Demon Suppressing Tower, and suddenly landed on the magic sword in the hands of the ancient demon king, his eyes suddenly showed a fiery look, and when he grabbed it casually, the magic sword was completely unaffected by the ancient demon king. The control of the demon king fell into the hands of Gu Rong.

"This sword..." Gu Rong caressed the sword body thoughtfully and said, "I saw this sword again, but where are you?"

Gu Rong let out a long sigh, and suddenly waved his hand backwards, the black devil energy on his body surged, and suddenly spread towards the surroundings.

Gu Rong's wave of his hand seemed unintentional, extremely gentle, but it hurt everyone under the glazed bone dragon, the demon energy soared, and the bone dragon's wings blew a gust of wind around it, what was even more helpless was that they moved No way, he could only let the strong wind and devilish energy blow, and his health dropped suddenly. In a short while, nearly a hundred white lights surged up, but he couldn't resist the attack and was thrown into the underworld.

Tang Tang also smiled wryly. She has always been aggressive, and her health is not much. When she was about to sigh secretly that she was going to explain that she was here, the falling health finally stopped, only about 12% left, which is a little scary The girl was in a cold sweat.

At this time, the demonic energy in the sky also dissipated, and a figure fell out of the demonic energy. Only then did everyone understand why Gu Rong would make a move suddenly. It turned out that the ancient demon king actually left a phantom clone in front of the Demon Suppressing Tower , the deity sneaked around behind Gu Rong and wanted to sneak attack, but he didn't want to be seen through by Gu Rong, and repelled him with a casual move!

The ancient demon king let out a miserable cry, obviously being severely injured by Gu Rong's move, he retreated dozens of steps before angrily shouting at Gu Rong: "Since you are a demon, why do you want to prevent me from destroying the Tang Sect!"

"Hmph, what does Tangmen's destruction or non-destruction have anything to do with me?" Gu Rong glanced at the Demon Suppressing Tower, the tenderness in his eyes was fleeting, and then said coldly: "But if you want to destroy the Demon Suppressing Tower, you can't do it, get out of here." Come on, otherwise don't blame me for taking action!"

The ancient demon king looked unwilling, hesitated for a moment, and finally turned around and left, but at this moment...

A sword glow suddenly flashed!
The ancient demon king was actually a feint, and when he turned back on the Gu Rong, he suddenly turned the Demon Suppressing Sword in his hand into a sword light, and stabbed Gu Rong's back.

"Ants! Are you looking for death?"

The demonic energy that had just receded soared into the sky again, before the ancient demon king's sword light touched Gu Rong's body, it was blocked by the demonic energy, Gu Rong turned around and squeezed the sword with his hands Guang, grabbed the Demon Suppressing Sword, and slapped the Ancient Demon King with the opportunity. The Ancient Demon King was sent flying again, and the condensed demon body was smashed into pieces, turning into a purple-black demon aura. The ancient demon king was sweating coldly, but this time, the ancient demon king didn't dare to have any fantasies, and immediately turned into a black smoke, and fled towards the distance like desperately.

"Hmph, you dare to be called the demon king with such skills." Gu Rong snorted coldly, watching the ancient demon king escape, but he didn't bother to chase after him. He just stroked the demon sword in his hand and sighed sadly: "Since you have no news, I don't know who can stand up to the fight."

After saying that, Gu Rong glanced at Zhenyao Pagoda again, and said with even more disappointment in his eyes: "Without you, what this Demon Lord does is not interesting."

With a long sigh, Gu Rong shook his head, and suddenly sent down the demonic sword in his hand, the demon-suppressing sword turned into a sword light, and landed on the top of the demon-locking tower, exuding brilliance.

"People from the Tang Sect listen to me." Gu Rong sent back the Demon Suppressing Sword, then glanced at the four elders and said, "It has nothing to do with the Tang Sect being turned into ashes, but if the Demon Suppressing Pagoda is damaged even a little bit, I will I want everyone from the Tang Sect to be buried with me, hum!"

After Gu Rong finished speaking, the devilish energy in his body suddenly rose sharply, and everyone felt suffocated. It felt like Mount Tai was overwhelmed. Fortunately, Gu Rong didn't really think about embarrassing everyone, it was just a small warning to the four elders. Afterwards, he drove the glazed bone dragon and left. As for the magic sword, Gu Rong also took it away, leaving only one sentence: The Tang Sect does not deserve to have this sword!

Announcement: The ancient demon king was repelled by the demon king Gu Rong!

Announcement: The Scarlet Mercenary Corps is bestowed with a "Monument of Great Strength" for its meritorious service in killing monsters!
Announcement: Due to the meritorious service in killing monsters in the Kuangzhan Pavilion, a special "Infinite Ancient Clock" is bestowed!
Announcement: The demon tower in Tangmen Town has been destroyed, and evil spirits are rampant in the world. I hope that those with lofty ideals will subdue the demons and eliminate them!

Announcement: Shenzhou leaderboard function is open!

After Gu Rong left, the Soul Realm was full of announcements, and the activities of the Ancient Demon King had officially ended. It can be said that some were happy and some were sad. It was naturally a joy for the majority of players. After earning enough contributions from the master sect, they can use their reputation It's worth changing the equipment, how can you not like it?

On the other hand, the Scarlet Mercenary Corps and the Kuangzhan Pavilion have their own joys and sorrows. Although the Scarlet Mercenary Corps only won the second place in the competition of players' power, they helped the Douluo Palace to win the first place in the sect. The attribute is said to permanently increase the damage of Douluo Hall disciples by 5%, quite domineering!

And the Kuangzhan Pavilion is also mixed. Although the Tang Sect did not get the first place, the Kuangzhan Pavilion won the first place in the player power. The infinite ancient clock is also an enviable thing. The 10% reduction, based on this alone, is definitely an endless stream of players who are willing to join the Tang Sect.

However, whether it is Tangmen or Douluo Palace, they are just a foil.

At the end of the event, there was only one person that everyone cared about most——the Demon Emperor Gu Rong!

According to the detailed explanation of "Xiaolou Daily", which was founded by Legend Xiaolou, the ancient demon king is just an outdated demon king. Douluo.

A player named 'Wuwei Sky' also eloquently published his speculation in the Xiaolou Daily, the ancient demon king was at most the strength of the peak of the second calamity, but Gu Rong was the real demon emperor, already a cross To enter the ranks of Douluo, one must have survived three catastrophes, and it can be seen from this that level is not the only one, and realm is the foundation of strength.

Simply relying on level and equipment cannot become a super master, but how to improve the realm?Heavenly Tribulation is obviously the most direct way. At the same time, this 'Wuwei Sky' boldly gave an example. Nowadays, many players have besieged and killed level 60 boss monsters, and some of them have achieved success.However, apart from the Floating Dragon Head Jiao, almost no one in the soul domain has ever heard of anyone killing a leader monster above level 70. From this, Wuwei Sky concludes that for leader monsters, level 70 is also a threshold. Most of the boss monsters above level 70 belong to the strength of the second catastrophe, while those below level 70 are the boss monsters of the first catastrophe level.

Therefore, as long as everyone works together to encircle and kill the boss monsters in their early 60s, it is not uncommon to survive a catastrophe nowadays.Although I can’t say all of them, if you pick out ten people at random, there will always be one or two people who survived the catastrophe. However, if you want to kill the boss monster who has survived the second catastrophe, it is absolutely impossible to survive the catastrophe once, let alone There are still some who have not crossed the robbery.

(End of this chapter)

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