The Peerless Tangmen of Online Games

Chapter 238: The Cunning Carp Spirit's Death Strike

Chapter 238

Old man, you better get up. " Tang Tang smiled wryly, then raised his hand to support the old man and said: "That carp spirit, I will help you get rid of this demon, but I need someone to guide me to find that carp spirit. "

As soon as Tang Tang said this, those fishermen were naturally overjoyed, but they also showed embarrassment. Obviously, if they went with Tang Tang, it would be fine if Tang Tang could defeat the carp spirit. There are no bones left, these fishermen are ordinary people, so they are naturally worried.

Tang Tang shook his head and didn't say much, he couldn't threaten others, but at this moment, the old man stood up suddenly.

"The old man's two sons were buried in the carp spirit's belly. It's just that there is a disabled child to take care of at home, so I can't let go of this old life. If the young man can really avenge me, what if he walks away?"

The old man seemed to be more than seventy years old, and he was also a very old man. Immediately, some villagers couldn't bear to persuade Tang Tang.

"Let's go then."

After making up his mind, Tang Tang stopped talking nonsense, turned around and went to the dock. The old man was also stubborn, no matter how others tried to persuade him, he followed Tang Tang.

Out of the river, Tang Tang understood what it means to be old and strong. Even though the old man felt trembling when he walked on land, he was swift in his hands and feet when he got on the boat. , the old man even cast a net at random, that is, he caught a net of Qiantang River carp, but Tang Tang was very surprised that after the old man caught the carp, he even took out a wine bag and poured it into the mouths of those carps. Pour away.

He couldn't help but said: "Old man, what are you doing? Drinking for the fish?"

The old man smiled and said: "That carp spirit is very cunning and doesn't appear easily, but he is greedy and likes to eat fish in the river, so he spends a lot of time in the river, and he is fond of wine, so he often attacks the wine boats. It all went into his stomach, so by pouring the wine into the belly of the river carp, the carp essence can be lured out."

Tang Tang's eyes lit up, and he immediately took out a barrel of Baimai Spring and said, "Old man, use my wine."

Tang Tang patted open the wooden seal, the aroma of the wine wafted in the air immediately, mixed with the muddy smell of the river, but it had a different smell, fresh and mellow, alluring!

"Good wine." The old man couldn't help but shouted: "It's just the fragrance of this wine, it is a famous wine in the world."

Tang Tang smiled and made a gesture of invitation: "Old man, you can drink by yourself."

The old man was not polite, and immediately scooped up some from the clay bowl and poured it into his mouth, a blush immediately appeared on his face, with a hint of drunkenness.

"It really is a good wine."

Also at this time...

The smooth surface of the river suddenly swelled without warning, and there was no wind and waves, and a rippling river tide suddenly rolled out far away.

"Not good." The old man put down his wine bowl and shouted: "It's the carp spirit who came. I think it happened to be swimming nearby, but it was attracted by the smell of wine. The carp spirit likes to jump from the bottom of the boat the most. Capsize the ship, warrior, be careful!"

"Be careful? Be careful of what? Don't worry, that carp spirit has no chance!" Tang Tang picked up the clay bowl with a smile, scooped a bowl of wine in the wine jar, raised his head and drank it down, and then put the clay bowl there The old man said in his hand: "The old man can drink alone here. When there is no more wine, it will be the time when the carp spirit will die."

As the words fell, Tang Tang suddenly turned backwards and fell into the river with a splash.

The river was tumbling, and Tang Tang disappeared immediately.

The old man was naturally in a hurry, but at this moment, Tang Tang suddenly jumped up from the river again, his body wrapped in white light, like a white sword, in the blink of an eye, he jumped back and forth several times, covering a distance of tens of feet. Before the old man recovered from his surprise, Tang Tang had already arrived at the carp spirit.

The body of the carp spirit is huge, about ten meters long, and it swims in the middle of the river, its dorsal fin is exposed above the surface of the river, it is black and dense, and it brings up the tide like waves, which is quite majestic.

Tang Tang pulled the corner of his mouth. Since he exposed his dorsal fin above the river, he couldn't blame himself for being rude. When he turned his palm over, a ball of fist-sized flames appeared in his hand.

"Fire and thunder detonate!"

With a soft drink, Tang Tang landed the fire thunder on the carp spirit's dorsal fin.

Whether it's the flames of the sky or the detonation of the fire and thunder, the power will be greatly reduced in the water, and the fire and thunder cannot be used in the water. However, since the carp spirit bares its dorsal fin on the river, it will naturally have no effect!

Fire Thunder Detonation -1899!

The fire and thunder landed on the back of the carp spirit, and immediately exploded. A huge fire ball ignited on the river surface, and layers of air waves surged, but it turned the carp spirit over and splashed on the river surface. Then he quickly ran to the bottom of the river.

How could Tang Tang let the carp spirit swim away, and immediately fell, urging the turtle to breathe to avoid the water, condensing the light into a turtle shadow, and following the carp spirit, it fell towards the river.

However, after falling into the river, the carp spirit who was about to escape suddenly turned around and rushed towards Tang Tang.

Tang Tang laughed lightly, no wonder everyone said that this carp spirit was cunning, and it turned out to be a trick to lure the enemy, luring himself into the river to beat him.


so what?

Tang Tang made a casual move, the Fire Rain and Non-Smoke Sword was originally a fire-attributed Horcrux, but it was useless in water, but the Thunder and Lightning Ryuyon was not afraid of sailors, and its power was even improved, falling into Tang Tang's In his hand, a net-shaped current was stirred up, and it rushed towards the carp spirit.

The carp spirit was hit by the thunder and lightning Longyuan's electric current, and his whole body twitched suddenly, but he didn't dare to hit Tangtang again, but suddenly emitted a black light from his body, which gradually became smaller, and finally turned into a black light. The size of an ordinary human being, with hands and feet, but the head is still that of a fish, with black scales all over its body, wearing a black iron armor, holding a pair of octagonal black scale hammers, but it has just formed a demon core, and it has not yet formed. Can be fully repaired into a human form.

"Who are you!" The carp spirit pointed at Tang Tang with a pair of hammers in his hand, and said in a buzzing voice, "Why did you invade my waters?"

Tang Tang saw that the fish's mouth was opening and spitting, and it was a bit interesting to spit out people's words, but he would not let the carp spirit go, and directly wiped the sword and said: "The person who sent you to the underworld to practice, as for you I have no interest in this broken water."

The carp spirit was furious, and swung a pair of fish-scale hammers towards Tang Tang.

Not to mention, the carp spirit still had a great posture, and he seemed to have practiced the pair of double-hammer dancing fiercely, stepping on the eight-character step, and threw himself in front of Tang Tang, tall Raising the double hammers, they smashed down on Tang Tang's head.

Tang Tang raised his sword horizontally to block the hammers, but he also felt his arms go limp. He secretly said a lot of strength, and then pressed his hand on the sword body, wanting to repeat the old plan, using the electric current of the thunder and lightning dragon to make the carp essence taste Taste the taste of being electrocuted.

Unexpectedly, the fish-scale hammer didn't know what it was made of, and the current couldn't spread through it. On the contrary, the carp spirit took advantage of the momentum and used the trick of fishing for moons in the sea, and another heavy hammer also swept towards Tang Tang.

Tang Tang was also sensitive, and immediately supported the carp spirit's wrist with a hand, and stepped on the black hammer, taking the opportunity to jump up.

"Thunder Breaks the Sky!"


Thunderbolt Sky+Crit Damage -4122!

The sky thunder fell, and struck the carp spirit straight on the top of the head, and immediately chopped the carp spirit into somersaults in the water, staring at the carp spirit, shaking its head non-stop.

Naturally, Tang Tang would not let the opportunity go, he immediately swung his body, held the sword down, and stabbed at the carp spirit.

The carp spirit still wanted to resist, and crossed the double hammers to meet Tang Tang. He wanted to use the weight of the double hammers to knock Tang Tang away. Who would have thought that Tang Tang's whereabouts were just a false move, and the double hammers had just been raised. , Tang Tang turned over in a volley and fell aside.

"Thunder Breaks the Sky!"



There was still a loud noise, and the carp spirit was sent flying by the lightning that was as thick as a bucket. The biggest advantage of Thunder Breaker is that it is instant, and it is really inevitable, and the health of the carp spirit is not high. , but at around 12000 points, after being hit by a fire thunder and two thunderbolts, I also felt a little terrified, and suddenly threw the hammer in my hand at Tang Tang...

Tang Tang immediately raised his long sword, knocked the black hammer into the air, endured the soreness of the tiger's mouth, and Tang Tang was about to continue to kill the carp spirit, but unexpectedly, the carp spirit lost his weapon and immediately turned around Run, thump and swim to the bottom of the river.

Tang Tang had heard Lin Dong say that this dead fish was cunning, and if he couldn't beat it, he would run away immediately. Naturally, he was prepared in his heart, and suddenly released the sun and moon universe wheel and flew towards the carp spirit.

"The wheel of the sun, the moon and the universe! The red sun shines"

With a soft drink, the Sun Moon Cosmic Wheel greedily absorbed the sunlight shining through the river surface, exuding a burst of soft incandescent light, the two wheels rotated, and flew towards the back of the carp spirit.

The carp spirit felt that his speed in the water was not slow, but he didn't expect that the two wheels of the sun-moon universe circled an arc in the water, and the speed was several minutes faster than the carp spirit, and he was behind the carp spirit in an instant.

The carp spirit was naturally shocked, measured his speed, and found that he couldn't run, so he turned around and threw the flying hammer, and threw the remaining fish scale hammer, but at this moment...

The sun, moon, and universe wheels suddenly stopped rotating, and a nearly transparent light shot out, covering the carp spirit's face. The carp spirit immediately covered his face with his hands, and screamed out.

40 seconds of blindness!
The carp spirit went blind for a moment, and jumped up and down in the water frantically. Tang Tang didn't show any politeness to him, and when he raised his hand, another thunderbolt fell.

"Thunder Breaks the Sky!"


The blue electric current crashed on the carp spirit, and this blow exhausted Tang Tang's mana. However, Tang Tang didn't care too much. There is only one left to survive, even if he cuts him with thunder and lightning Longyuan one by one, he can still take the life of that carp spirit.

However, Tang Tang didn't expect that just because he was lingering on his last breath, the carp spirit was also furious, and suddenly had a dying blow!
Five meters, ten meters, twenty meters...

The carp spirit shook its body and returned to its original shape, and continued to swell and grow. It became even bigger than before, reaching a full length of more than [-] meters. With a flash of black fish scales on its body, countless thin threads like hidden weapons flew towards it. Seeing Tang Tang rushing towards him, looking carefully, Tang Tang couldn't help but whisper secretly, that carp spirit was so cruel that he even attached his own blood essence to the fish scales to attack Tang Tang, and more importantly... …

Tang Tang is inevitable!
(End of this chapter)

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