The Peerless Tangmen of Online Games

Chapter 239 Wujin Fish Scale Hammer Evil Dragon Cave

Chapter 239 Wujin Fish Scale Hammer Evil Dragon Cave
The fish scales attached to the blood essence were too small and dense to be shot down by the flying sword, and there were so many of them, covering an area of ​​about ten meters, that there was no chance for Tang Tang to escape.

Therefore, the only thing Tang Tang could do was to open the cork of the wine barrel and pour it into his mouth, mix it with the muddy river water and pour it into his mouth, and then...

Puff puff……

Damage -157!Damage -202!Damage -183! ...

The countless fish scales hit Tang Tang at this time, and every time they hit one, a hole would be split in the little girl's body, and a bloody arrow would spray out and mix into the river.In just a moment, Tang Tang turned into a blood man, and the carp spirit was out of blindness at this moment. Seeing that his dying blow worked, he naturally became even crazier, and opened his huge mouth towards Tang Tang. He rushed over bravely.

at the same time!

Tang Tang raised his hand and drew his sword!

It seemed like a bland sword with a very faint white sword light, but the blood-like river water was actually broken by the sword light, forming a vacuum, shaking the water to the sides!

Death Calls!The meaning of death!
Death Mystery + Death Call + Crit Damage -6770!

Black blood sprayed in the air, the carp spirit opened its mouth wide, and raised its body high, Tang Tang's sword was clearly aimed at the carp spirit's body, but left a huge scar on the carp spirit's belly Cut open the carp essence, struggled violently for a few times, and finally stopped moving, and the huge body floated towards the river.

Tang Tang patted his head straight from the side.

The death call is powerful, but it is too annoying to have to experience the death mystery of drunken dreamer every time. The most important thing is that if you are really drunken, dreamy will have a headache, and you will get a real hangover Fortunately, the drunken state didn't last long, Tang Tang recovered quickly, and went downstream to the place where the carp spirit was killed, and soon caught the things dropped by the carp spirit return.

The carp spirit is also considered generous, dropping five pieces of equipment and a magic core, but after all, the carp spirit is only a boss monster around level 40, and all the equipment dropped is level [-] quality, which is considered ordinary now, although It's not worthless, but it can't be sold at a high price, and the attributes of the five pieces of equipment are all average, only a fourth-level black hammer Horcrux is slightly better.

Wujin Fishscale Hammer (Level 488 Rare Quality Raider): Soul Ring: 4889 Years, Years: 29 Years, Strength Qualification: 34%, Agility Qualification: 24%, Intelligence Qualification: 30%, (Equipment Level Requirements: Level 25, Strength Requirements : 100. The whole body is blood-golden, the whole body is like cold ice, coagulated by carp essence and blood.) Auxiliary 【Hydrocoagulation (when fencing a sword in water, every 5 points of HP consumed increases the damage by 10%. Every time 200 points are consumed Soul power or 8 mana points, increase [-]% damage)]

Fish Scale Splash (consume 30% of your own life, and release sword energy condensed by blood essence to a radius of 30 meters, causing damage twice as much as the consumed life)
Although this Wujin fish-scale hammer is a fourth-level Horcrux, its attributes are very good, especially when used in water, it is by no means inferior to a fifth-level Horcrux, and even slightly better.It's a pity that this black-gold fish-scale hammer is actually a strange weapon, and it can be used in a smaller range. It is not as easy to sell as the flying sword and other Horcruxes. Generally, only the monsters in the half-beast forest are willing to use it, so it is a bit troublesome to use.

In addition, the magic core of the carp essence is a small top-grade magic core!

Carp Essence Magic Core: The magic core refined by carp in 800 years, can refine medicine, can be inlaid, inlaid equipment: underwater speed +80, mana value +200, inlaid Horcrux: imperial sword speed +80, damage increased by 5 %, Inlaid Auxiliary Horcrux: Auxiliary Horcrux attributes increased by 5%!

Carp Essence's magic core attribute is good. More importantly, it can be inlaid by a master craftsman, and can also be used for alchemy, and the inlay is not limited to a certain place, but can be used on the whole body equipment, which is very good. You can use it yourself, and you can get a good price if you sell it, which makes Tang Tang very satisfied.

Putting the things back into the backpack, Tang Tang was about to use the turtle's breath to avoid the water and return to the river to avenge the old man. I don't know if there will be any rewards. The old man asked about the boats. The three generations of the old man have been fishermen, so he should be very clear about this matter. If it is really not possible, then Tang Tang can only go to the Sea God Pavilion to have a look.

While thinking, Tang Tang was swimming towards the river, but at this moment...

The river is surging!

Tang Tang was stunned for a moment, the river was not violent, but it was very fast, with the waves of the river, there were dozens of waves, and it flowed past Tang Tang quickly, and then...

school of fish!

Lots of fish!
Tang Tang was taken aback. You must know that there were many monsters mixed in those fish schools, and they looked very menacing. Tang Tang protected his chest and put on a fighting posture with the Thunder and Lightning Dragon Yuan sideways. Those ordinary river fish just swam past him one after another, and those monsters in the river ignored him and swam behind Tang Tang along with the school of fish.

"what happened……"

Tang Tang muttered to himself, then slapped his head and scolded himself for being an idiot, his tortoise's breath to avoid water must have a special effect, as long as it is not a boss monster, ordinary monsters will not directly attack him.However, after thinking about it carefully, Tang Tang felt something was wrong. Now is not the time for fish to migrate into the sea. How could there be such a school of fish?Besides, the Qiantang entered the East China Sea, so it should be going east, the direction of the fish school was not correct, but they looked very anxious, as if they were running for their lives.

Tang Tang suddenly had a flash of inspiration. Could it be that he was avoiding something?
It can frighten fish schools. It seems to be an unusual leader monster in the water, and its level is probably not low. If not, then river fish, carp, and crucian carp are all loved by carp spirits, but they have never seen such monsters when they appeared. Such a scene, if there is a boss monster in the distance, it must be much stronger than the carp spirit.

Tang Tang's ability to kill the carp essence does not mean that she has the ability to run freely in the Qiantang River. Just looking at the fish school, the curiosity in Tang Tang's heart was aroused, and she struggled for a long time. Also sighed.

"Curiosity killed the cat, it seems that sooner or later I will be played to death by myself!"

After sighing, Tang Tang swam in the opposite direction of the school of fish.

The river is dark, not as good as the sea. Tang Tang swam along with the fish for a while, but found nothing unusual, so he felt that he might have swam too shallow, so he swam obliquely along the center of the river, and the surroundings naturally changed. The sky is getting darker, and the soul domain is constantly reminding that the range of vision is decreasing, and Tang Tang does not dare to be too unscrupulous. You must know that the Qiantang River is occupied by the Qiantang Dragon King, and that is a real dragon, definitely not a dragon. Entering the waters where the Dragon King wandered, Tang Tang didn't even have time to cry.

Just when Tang Tang was thinking so wildly, a huge black shadow suddenly appeared in the middle of the river, twisting his body and heading towards the bottom of the river.

"Qiantang Jiao!"

It was a coincidence that the black shadow happened to be in Tang Tang's oblique direction, so Tang Tang could see clearly that the black shadow was a water snake more than [-] meters long, and the snake's waist was about to It was more than twice as thick as Tang Tang's waist.

It's just that Tang Tang is also strange. Didn't the Tianxia League members of the Wushen Temple go to the mouth of the sea to kill the evil jiao, and although the evil jiao is a level 65 leader monster, Tang Tang has seen those people in the Wushen Temple by the river. In terms of this amount, there is no reason why the evil dragon cannot be killed.

Tang Tang thought about it lazily, so he simply asked Lin Dong through voice transmission to understand.

"Little girl, are you talking about Qiantangjiao? Don't mention that evil animal!" Lin Dong only thought that Tang Tang was motivated by curiosity, and immediately complained angrily: "That evil animal is really underwhelming. That evil animal was killed, but that dead snake was ruthless enough, it showed its original shape, shattered the inner alchemy, and fled to the bottom of the river with a bloody path. We wanted to chase it, but those sea merchants said that we It's the escort, so we won't be allowed to chase after him, so let's just take the opportunity to enter the sea. If our leader is afraid of chasing the evil dragon, the escort mission will be cancelled. That evil dragon has been let go, we have entered the East China Sea now, you don't know, everyone is complaining..."

Lin Dong was still chattering there, but Tang Tang was not interested in listening. What is God's favor?This is God's favor!What does God help me?This is called God help me!

Naturally, Tang Tang is no match for the Evil Jiao, but the Evil Jiao must be able to exert all his strength to succeed. Besides, the biggest reliance of the monster race is the demon core and demonization. Now, the Evil Jiao has exploded the demon core, and even the half-monster It can't be done, it can be said that he has been seriously injured.

Although Tang Tang was not sure whether the seriously injured Evil Jiao could challenge him, but he ignored such a wonderful opportunity, so he was not the unscrupulous Tang Tang.

After using a few bottles of recovery potions to restore his health and mana, Tang Tang urged the turtle to swim to the bottom of the river.

The river is naturally much shallower than the sea. With the temptation of the Qiantang River, Tang Tang naturally became unscrupulous. He was no longer as careful as before, but went downstream at full speed, about a stick of incense. After a while, the surrounding area became darker and darker, and he could only see a distance of four or five meters. His feet even stepped on the soft sand, but he had already reached the bottom of the river.

However, the Qiantang River is gone.

Tang Tang looked left and right, his speed should not be much slower than that of the evil dragon, and the evil dragon cannot transform into a human form, so it is not easy to hide such a large body, but where is it now?
Confused in his heart, Tang Tang walked forward stepping on the mud and sand at the bottom of the river. There were no fish and shrimps around. It may be that they have arrived at the old nest of the evil dragon, so those fish and shrimps in the river dare not approach here.

Sure enough, Tang Tang soon saw a cave at the bottom of the river. It was five meters wide and the arms were smooth. It was very likely that the evil dragon had been in and out of friction for many years. The cave was very likely to belong to the evil dragon. Den.

(End of this chapter)

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