The Peerless Tangmen of Online Games

Chapter 305 Mysterious Ancient Map Misty City Resident

Chapter 305 Mysterious Ancient Map Misty City Resident

Just when the atmosphere seemed extremely oppressive, a voice came from outside...

"Damn it, the apple hangs up again, and it's all back to level 33. Those bastards from the Scarlet Mercenary Group are really nothing!"

Li Yan laughed and cursed, and then, the screen of the private room was pushed away, Li Yan smiled and got in, then her expression froze, and she smiled awkwardly and said to Tang Tang: "Is the little girl here too? Overseas." came back?"

Tang Tang frowned, knocked on the table with his little finger, and said in a deep voice, "Everyone, don't think I'm deaf, tell me, what's going on."

Li Yanxiao stood there awkwardly as if she had done something wrong, helpless, Tang Mei sighed, and waved to Li Yanxiao to let her sit down, saying: "Little girl already knows, it's meaningless to keep it a secret, just say it."

Li Yan sat down with a smile and said, "It's nothing, it's just that Apple has some conflicts with the Scarlet Mercenary Group."

When Tang Tang heard about the Scarlet Mercenary Group, his first thought was that something was wrong with him, but when he thought about it carefully, he felt unreliable. The sisters are not in the same sect, and basically they all play in their own way. Calling people, the Scarlet Mercenary Corps probably doesn't know much about the relationship between Qingqing Applexiang and itself, and if you want to do it, you don't have to wait now.

Sure enough, when Li Yan laughed and told the story, it had nothing to do with Tang Tang, not even a grudge.

It all started with the success of the Qingping Apple Fragrance Crossing Tribulation, and the search for the inherited martial soul all over the world. I didn’t find this inherited martial soul, let’s not mention what kind of one I found. Anyway, it’s rare for a green apple to do things other than seduce handsome guys. After being so serious, I traveled all over the famous mountains and rivers in China, and even found a cave for her left by casual cultivators. I got a lot of benefits, and at the same time I got an ancient map, and the problem was caused by this ancient map. .

What is the use of the ancient map, what is the painting, Qingqing Apple Xiang does not know, but this ancient map is what the Scarlet Mercenary Group needs, through Li Yanxiao's inquiry, this ancient map is very useful to the Scarlet Mercenary Group Importantly, the Scarlet Mercenary Group is doing a series of gang missions. It has been doing it since the gang was established. It has a total of ninety-nine and 81 rings, and finally achieved the No.80 ring, and the goal is this ancient map!
To say that the Scarlet Mercenary Group is not stingy, they can buy it with gold coins, or exchange things, but there are two problems with this ancient picture.

The first question is the inheritance of the casual cultivators. It is said that if you find the caves left by the ancient casual cultivators, you can inherit the inheritance without any accidents, but the green apple does not inherit the inheritance. According to speculation, the problem is mostly on this ancient map.

The second problem is that the ancient map cannot be traded, and there is a 50% chance of dropping it after the player dies.

Originally, it’s okay if you can’t trade. The Scarlet Mercenary Group just pays a little more money to buy Qingqing Applexiang’s life and let her hang up a few times, but the problem is in the eyes of the Scarlet Mercenary Group. Qingqing Apple Xiang is just an ordinary player. Hearing that he can't trade, he didn't think about it deeply. Besides, they are all playing magic, so it's fine if he can't trade. He sent a few gang members to kill this A few times, Nizi just blow things out, she didn't think about this kind of stealthy trading method of killing people for life at all.

As a result, after Qingqing Apple Xiang was hanged up twice by a dozen members of the bloody mercenary group, she sent a voice transmission to Tang Mei for help. Going to help in a mighty way, the people of the Scarlet Mercenary Group guessed something was wrong, so they naturally asked for help from the gang, and the two sides immediately fought evenly, but after receiving the news, Xiao Qiao immediately brought a bunch of nurses to help out , The Scarlet Mercenary Group suddenly couldn't stand it anymore, what should they do if they can't stand it?Naturally, I will call someone again...

In this way, the scale is getting bigger and bigger, especially the bloody mercenary group is playing magic, and many righteous people also come to join in the fun, and then it directly evolved into a large-scale PK with tens of thousands of people, fighting for a day and a night, I don't know how many people died, and it didn't stop until everyone was tired.

But the problem is that the Scarlet Mercenary Group didn't get the ancient map, so they can't just let things go like this. Moreover, the commotion was so fierce that the matter naturally spread. It is said that Xiaolou also published Xiaolou Weekly, and this matter became a reality. It’s a matter of everyone’s after-dinner conversation. In this way, it’s not only a matter of things, but also a matter of face. Even if the Scarlet Mercenary Group is not short of money, they will definitely not dare to spend money to find Qingqing Apple Xiang to buy ancient pictures You know, once this money is spent, it is equivalent to the bloody mercenary group's confession. For a gang, that is a blatant slap in the face.

Secondly, it’s okay to slap in the face, the key is to make the gang members feel untrustworthy to the gang, just like the ancient dynasty before the epoch, it seems that they have to cede land and pay compensation after winning a battle. It’s purely for nothing. Therefore, Scarlet Limbaugh couldn't compromise on the gang's management and development.

What if there is no compromise?Hit it!

Bloody Muka gave the simplest solution, which is to continue killing. Of course, it is useless to fight in groups. It is really meaningless to fight hundreds of thousands. Therefore, Bloody Limbo is following the path of elite soldiers and sent Thirty or so elites hunted down Qingqing Applexiang, and in this way, there was no way to get Qingqing Applexiang out. Of course, Qingqing Applexiang could also call friends, but the problem was the bloody mercenary group The only thing a person needs to do is to find a divination expert to calculate the location of the green apple, and then suddenly appear and kill her. Most of the time, they still do what they should do, but what about Qingping Applexiang?Can't someone find someone to follow her 24 hours a day and wait for the Scarlet Mercenaries to come out?

This is not the most troublesome thing, the more troublesome thing is that Qingqing Applexiang's luck is too good, or should I say her luck is too bad, in just one week, Qingqing Applexiang was killed from level 56 to 33 level, I hung up for more than 20 times, but I just didn't drop that ancient picture!

Li Yan finished the matter with a smile, and sighed: "That Apple guy is also unlucky enough. If you die once, 50% of the records of that shit will fall out, so it's not that much of a problem. The current situation It's because she doesn't dare to leave the sect's residence easily."

Tang Tang pouted and sneered, got up and walked out of the private room, the moment he walked past the screen...


The screen carved with dragons and phoenixes suddenly shattered into more than a dozen pieces, and Tang Tang had an extra Fire Rain and Non-Smoke Sword in his hand, and disappeared at the stairs in the blink of an eye.

"That's why I don't want to tell her!" Tang Mei slapped her forehead and said, "This little girl has always been so violent! Now I'm in big trouble!"

...Desolate land, foggy city!
Misty City is located in the southeast of the Desolate Land. Unlike the dead silence of the Desolate Land, the Misty City is a beautiful and quiet town.

It was a coincidence that there was a poisoning case in Misty City a while ago, and the people in the entire Misty City were poisoned with cold poison. People in the entire Misty City were panicked, so it was naturally considered a task.It's just that players from the Douluo Temple, a pure magic school, generally disdain such serious missions. Demons have negative reputation points, so what's the point of giving positive reputation points?But that day, a few members of the Scarlet Mercenary Corps didn't know if their heads were caught in the door, and they just took over the task of investigating the poisoner.

Then, the members of the Scarlet Mercenary Corps discovered that the people in the Misty City were poisoned because a wounded Ice Wolf King was washing the wounds in the Misty City, and the Shu River in the Misty City happened to be the source of water for the Misty City. Those gangsters from the Bloody Mercenary Corps summoned more than a thousand people to kill the ice wolf queen, and then took over the Misty City. Even Bloody Limbo was surprised when he heard the news, and immediately went to The auction house spent gold coins to buy a resident application and sent it to Misty City.

So far, Misty City has become the sixth gang garrison of the Scarlet Mercenary Group, and the person in charge of managing Misty City is—has no calculations.

Xin Wusuan is a little famous in the bloody mercenary group, but his status is not very high. He studied under the hidden sect puppet door, and he is a good hand in the puppet art of imperial envoy. He is a good fighter in the door, and at the same time, he is not bad luck. By chance, he worshiped Sanxiu as his teacher and learned a very good swordsmanship. Moreover, Lin Weiyang is a lone swordsman, so he is not bad. Did not let Xin Wusuan betray his sect.

Therefore, Xin Wusuan has good swordsmanship and puppet skills at the same time, which is quite powerful. However, the bloody mercenary group only accepted the disciples of Douluo Hall at the beginning, and later got the application for the resident, found the resident and established a gang. It was only then that people in the demonic way who cultivated demons began to be widely recruited, and Xin Wusuan was also the bloody mercenary group that joined at that time.

To put it bluntly, he has the ability to be careless, but it is not too long to join the Scarlet Mercenary Corps, which is the so-called strength but not financial resources. Those with real power in the Scarlet Mercenary Corps are quite optimistic about him, but because To be promoted as soon as he can fight will inevitably chill the hearts of some old people in the Scarlet Mercenary Corps. Therefore, he can only endure it first and slowly mix his resources with his resources. However, it is an opportunity for him right now!
Misty City was discovered by Xin Wusuan's younger brother, and he brought down a lot of people to kill the Ice Wolf King. He is the number one hero. After accepting it, Scarlet Limbaugh didn't allocate many people to him, only the more than 1000 people he brought under his control.

However, to establish a new resident, it is natural to recruit a large number of people. In just 5 or 6 days, Misty City has already recruited nearly 5000 magic players. , auction house and other buildings have also been built, but the price is different from buying and selling items in the soul city. Buying and selling items in the player's residence, the price of the basic items is adjusted by the player, and there are taxes, such as in the soul city Buy a bottle of small life potion for 10 silver coins, and players can only sell 8 of them at the station, and 3% will go to their own pockets.Of course, the price cannot be lowered infinitely, everything has a purchase price, Soul Domain will not allow players to lower the price infinitely, otherwise who will go to the big city of Soul Domain to buy things?
(End of this chapter)

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