Chapter 306
Even so, Xin Wusuan adjusted the prices of all items below the purchase price. It was purely a loss to make money, but the effect was indeed good. However, those who are leveling nearby have not gone to Misty City to resupply recently. When we arrived at the Scarlet Mercenary Corps' base, there were 3 to 22000 people who came in and out every day, and the number of players joining the Scarlet Mercenary Corps also rose sharply. According to the current speed, at most half a month, the members of the Fog City will definitely be recruited The upper limit is [-] people.

At that time, the mission of this foggy city was discovered by himself, the Ice Wolf King was brought to kill by himself, the resident was also brought to build by himself, and the recruits were all recruited by himself. The Misty City resident was handed over to Xin Wusuan for management, so no one could fault it.

Thinking of this, I can't help but feel happy, looking forward to my own bright future, walking around the resident in the Misty City like a dog with splayed legs. In the future, such a large area will be under his control what.

"Big brother, can I ask you something?"

Just as he was thinking about it, someone patted his shoulder suddenly and shouted to stop him. Looking back, she was a pretty little girl, and she looked like a little lolita. She smiled at herself with her small mouth pursed. It made people feel good, so Xin Wusuan said politely: "Little sister, if there is anything you can help, just tell me."

Tang Tang smiled and said, "Big Brother, I just came to the Misty City, so I don't know where to buy medicine?"

Xin Wusuan pointed to the east side with a smile and said: "Little sister, it's at the door, it's convenient for everyone to buy and sell."

Tang Tang said: "What about the master craftsman? Horcruxes are used too much and need to be repaired."

Without thinking, he said: "That one is in the valley, on the side of the mountain, so it won't disturb everyone."

Tang Tang continued: "Where is the stele of merit that marks the gang?"

Xin Wusuan said: "Look at the merit building behind me? The Gang Merit Monument is on the second floor..." Xin Wusuan suddenly came to his senses at this point, stopped talking abruptly, looked at Tang Tang strangely and said : "Little sister, are you going to join a gang, or are you looking for something, asking what the merit monument is for? That has nothing to do with you?"

"Oh, big brother, I'm just curious, so I asked casually." Tang Tang smiled and nodded thoughtlessly, then walked to the attic and said, "Thank you, big brother!"

"Wait, you can't go!" Xin Wusuan felt that something was wrong, and shouted to catch up: "Stop, little sister, tell me clearly..."

After a pause, he looked down in disbelief, and there were twenty more blood holes on his chest for no reason, and blood was gushing out there.

24 bridge moon night + ignore defense -6622!

The bright red blood-colored character Hurt floated up from Xin Wusuan's body, and Xin Wusuan didn't even understand how he was hit by the sword. As soon as his body softened, he fell to the ground and was revived as a white light.

Tang Tang flicked the blood on the white shark's fangs casually, and strode towards the merit building.

The Gongde Building is a luxuriously decorated red-roofed pavilion with two floors. The ground floor is a hall, which is used to announce team formation and transaction news. It is said that such an important thing as the Gongde Monument would not be placed here.However, the resident of Misty City is new after all, and the first ones to be built are all practical buildings, so the Gongde Building is a building that only gang members of the Scarlet Mercenary Group can use, and it is also a gathering place for gang members, so it is naturally relatively safe.

Therefore, when Tang Tang walked to the door, the two armored guards held their iron guns in front of Tang Tang, and sternly warned Tang Tang that before the merit building was upgraded to a merit building, it would only attack the bloody mercenary group. Help the members to open up, let Tang Tang leave quickly, and then...

The sword is raging!


Unpredictably, he obviously didn't expect that someone would come to the station to make trouble. The two armored guards were only level 20, and they were recruited from Soul Realm to show off. Tang Tang didn't even have soul skills, and he swung his sword twice Two corpses were left between the necks of an armored guard.

However, this naturally alarmed the people in the merit building, and immediately someone stepped forward and scolded: "Who are you..."

The man was halfway through speaking, when he saw Tang Tang holding a sword flower and suddenly raised his hand, he quickly released the flying sword to protect his chest, but just as the flying sword was lying on his chest, the man felt a chill in his chest , Looking down, there was a blood hole in the chest, but it was stabbed at some unknown time, and as soon as his body became cold, he went to the hell for sightseeing.

Tang Tang glanced at the people in the Gongde Building, grinned and said, "Everyone, I'm sorry, I'm here to kill people!"

The merit building exploded immediately. Fortunately, the merit building has not been upgraded so far, and the only ones who can stand here are the members of the bloody mercenary group. A few bold and careful people immediately surrounded Tang Tang Get up, and Tang Tang didn't talk nonsense, and directly opened the three-heart glazed cup. This is Tang Tang's only body-protecting Horcrux, but it is rarely used. It's easy to use, but for now, its effect is extremely good.

The three-hearted glazed cup instantly turned into a pillar of fire, and the dozens of sword lights flying towards Tang Tang were blocked by the three pillars of fire, and the remaining ones that passed through the pillar of fire...

"Ghost Blood Banner!"

Tang Tang snorted softly, grabbed the banner in his hand, and swung the pole fiercely, and hundreds of ghost tentacles rushed out from the banner, turning into black air and knocking down all the sword lights. With one touch, the Sun Moon Universe Wheel is taken out!
"The wheel of the sun, the moon and the universe, the seal of the moonlight!"

The sun-moon universe circled around Tang Tang's head, emitting a soft light yellow light from the moonlight coming in from the window, and it gave a soft feeling to the body, which made people feel very comfortable.However, under the moonlight, the entire people in the Gongde Building turned into snails, and their movements faltered like slowing down the camera. Tang Tang didn't even attack, and swept away the two people blocking the way with one sword. , and walked towards the stairs.

At this time, more than a dozen people were coming down the stairs. They obviously heard the movement on the first floor, but when they looked down, they found a large group of people playing the slow motion replay, and they were immediately dumbfounded.

"what happened."

"Let me tell you!" The man had just finished asking, when Tang Tang walked up the stairs and said, "That's what happened!"

Sword brilliance flashes, death pulses!
Death Pulse - 6154!

Tang Tang's figure disappeared in a flash, and he directly used 30 points of soul power to superimpose two death secrets on the death pulse, and stabbed the man's throat with a sword. The sword pierced into white light.

"It's trouble." The rest of the people immediately understood, and shouted: "Brothers, copy guys!"

The wooden stairs of the Gongde Building are only half a meter wide, enough for two people standing side by side. The dozen or so people rushed forward and immediately blocked the corridor to death. The two unlucky people standing at the front Pushed from behind, he fell down the stairs like a gourd, bumping towards Tang Tang with a grunt.

Tang Tang didn't move, watching the two people rolling towards him along the stairs, he stared at his feet, and then used the kung fu of flying flowers all over the sky and falling to the ground silently, his body fluttered upwards, like feathers Dangling in mid-air, one side of his body abruptly floated up from the gap between the stairs, and then he grabbed the handrail of the second floor and jumped into the second floor.

The upper part of the second floor has obviously not been thought of for what to do with it. It is empty and there is nothing to see. There is only a stone tablet with colorful lights in the center. A letter of appointment from a gang is inlaid in the center of the stone tablet. .

This thing is the merit monument, as long as this thing is destroyed, the only different station in the foggy city will be declared disbanded by the soul domain immediately!
"Stop the little girl! Don't let her succeed!"

The dozen or so members of the Scarlet Mercenary Group on the stairs panicked immediately, and squeezed up the stairs with hands and feet, but when they were about to squeeze up to the second floor, Tang Tang suddenly slapped lightly!
The sky is blazing!


The stairs were engulfed by the blazing flames of the sky, and immediately burst into flames. With a muffled sound, the gang disciples of the dozen or so bloody mercenary regiments collapsed towards the first floor. With a wave of both hands, White Shark Spike's fangs immediately turned his body into a trance, and stabbed down towards the merit stone.

Announcement from Soul Realm: The bloody mercenary group station (Fog City) was forced to disband due to the attack of thieves!

... The bewildered starlight, the silent night scene!

Between the ups and downs of the mountains, a black shadow jumped and shuttled in the mountains at an extremely fast speed. Suddenly, the black shadow stopped suddenly, stood on a big tree, looked at the bright lights down the mountain, and hooked the corners of its mouth. , but who else could it be if it wasn't the little girl Tang Tang?

And the place where Tang Tang is now is called!

Moonwatching Platform is located near Mingyue City, south of Tangjiabao, but not far from Tangmen. However, this is neither the residence of the Kuangzhan Pavilion, nor the residence of the Tufeng Battalion. What's more ironic is that the people who occupy the moon-watching platform and use this place as their residence are actually members of the Scarlet Mercenary Corps!

The Scarlet Mercenary Group used the disciples of the Douluo Palace as gang members at the beginning, and then officially established a sect after receiving the Order of Immortal Mansion, and then expanded the scope of recruitment. It is no longer limited to the disciples of the Douluo Palace, but it is also a pure demon gang. If you want to join the Scarlet Mercenary Group, you must be a magic player with a negative merit value.But the funny thing is that Tang Sect also has players who follow the path of demons, named Tang Sect Xiaomo, but no matter what, Tang Sect is always the right way, and the ratio of the right way is seven or eight times that of cultivating demons. Under Zhengdao's nose, a gang of demons emerged.

This matter sounds ironic, but it is also reasonable. The location of Wangyuetai is really wonderful. It is a great convenience for Tangmen disciples. Whether it is Kuangzhan Pavilion or Tufengying, taking Wangyuetai will definitely facilitate the recruitment of Tangmen. Disciple, it is definitely a blow to the other party. In some words, it is a battleground for military strategists. In the end, neither side can win it. They simply let the bloody mercenary group win it. Anyway, the other party can't get it.

And the moon-watching platform is Tang Tang's current goal!

(End of this chapter)

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