The Peerless Tangmen of Online Games

Chapter 307 Exploring the Chaos of Yuehualou Moonwatching Platform

Chapter 307 Exploring the Chaos of Yuehualou Moonwatching Platform
However, Moonwatching Tower is no different than Misty City. After all, the Misty City garrison has just been built, and the Scarlet Mercenary Group did not send many people there, and they all have their own affairs, mainly in the construction stage. There was no place to place the stele of meritorious deeds, and it was just a show. Even if there was a hidden stone room or something, Tang Tang couldn't get in so easily.

However, the station at Moonwatching Terrace has been built for a long time, if Tang Tang thinks that the same method can work, then she is a super stupid, or she thinks everyone in the Scarlet Mercenary Group is stupid!

Fortunately, Tang Tang was neither an idiot, nor did he regard the Scarlet Mercenary Corps as an idiot. He and she were not in a hurry to find the monument of merit, but sent it to the legendary landlord through thousands of miles of sound transmission!

Because, as long as you have money, there is nothing that the legendary Louzhu can't do.

This is the purpose of the Legend House.

"Little girl, do you know that you are playing with fire?" After a while, it is said that the landlord replied: "Well, why are you messing with the bloody mercenary group? Are you not afraid of being torn to pieces?"

Tang Tang disdainfully said: "Don't say it's Wanduan, Wanwanduan will only drop one level, what am I afraid of, you just tell me whether you know it or not, it's not like I won't give you money."

Legend has it that the landlord also sighed and said: "In the deepest part of the moon-watching platform, there is an attic built next to the mountain. Each floor is full of traps, and the merit monument is in the attic on the third floor. Besides, Wangyuetai is in charge of a puppet player named Yin Wuhen. You have to be very careful. He has a The puppet is very powerful, and he is also guarding the Yuehua Tower."

"Understood!" Tang Tang said: "I have put the gold coins on the trading platform, you can get them yourself."

Legend has it that the landlord thought about it and said, "Little girl, should I hire a few people to help, the price is favorable, and they are all first-class experts."

Tang Tang smiled and said, "No need, it's interesting to play alone."

After finishing the conversation with the legendary landlord, Tang Tang suddenly touched the wall of a house next to him, and there was a puff of gray smoke on the wall, leaving a small burnt black mark, Tang Tang will be heartbroken He smiled, and then walked towards the front, passing by a vendor selling masked candy figures, he happily joined him.

"How do you sell Chang'e's mask and Monkey King's sugar figurine?"

Tang Tang picked up two gadgets with one hand, and put one hand behind his back. No one noticed that there was a small flame in Tang Tang's hand, which quietly penetrated into the ground, leaving a shallow burnt black mark.

Afterwards, Tang Tang picked up the mask and put it on the back of his head. When passing by a fruit stand, Tang Tang dropped a silver coin, grabbed a bunch of bananas and stuffed them into his mouth to eat. Forgot to quietly bury a small fire thunderbolt beside the fruit stand.

Walking, playing and eating all the way, Tang Tang is throwing banana peels, with a Chang'e mask on his head, a candy figure of Monkey King on his waist, and a dog on his shoulder that will chirp when it is turned on. The non-stop machine bird, wandering all the way, like a little girl who is tired of leveling and wandering around, staggered to the deep attic that was almost hidden in the darkness.

"Stop!" Two old NPC guards hired from Soul Realm dutifully stopped in front of Tang Tang and said, "It's a powerful place for gangs, no one is allowed to approach without authorization, please leave immediately."

Tang Tang smiled bitterly and said, "I'm sorry, it's my first time here and I don't know the place yet, please forgive me, please forgive me..."

Tang Tang smiled and stepped back. It was much easier to deal with NPCs. As soon as Tang Tang retreated, the two guards didn't care if Tang Tang had ulterior motives. After watching Tang Tang leave, they retreated to the door and continued to raise their guns The guard, however, did not notice that the two small flames floated down and burrowed into the ground in the blink of an eye.

After burying two fire and thunder explosions, Tang Tang dodged into the alley by the side of the road, took out a bottle of mana potion from his backpack, and slowly recovered the mana value that had bottomed out due to the fire and thunder explosions.

After a while, the spiritual power returned to about 80%. Duanmuyu looked at the pitch-black sky, and felt that the timing was right, so he looked at the ingenious pavilion, sneered, and stretched out his hand to hold it!
Boom, boom, boom...

Those fire and thunder explosions that had been buried by the little girl in advance exploded immediately, and the huge roar was like a series of thunders, one ring after another suddenly sounded, and the entire station at the moon station immediately became full of people and noisy noises One after another.

Afterwards, dozens of people rushed out of the Yuehua Building. First they saw the two deep pits in front of the attic that were exploded by fire and thunder, and then they saw thick black smoke rising from the entire Moon-Watching Station. , everyone was noisy and running around, and the whole resident was in a mess.

"Look around." A leader stood out among the dozens of people, his brows were deeply furrowed, and the word "Chuan" was twisted on his forehead, and he directed the crowd: "Gather people, block the entrance, and give me all the people first." Calm down, and then all of you let me look around to find out what's going on, someone came to watch the platform to make trouble, or some wild leader monster came to the station, do you understand?"

The man seemed to be very authoritative. After he finished speaking, the gang disciples of the Scarlet Mercenary Group all responded: "I understand!" He ran around and took orders to suppress the chaos.

When the group of people left, Tang Tang swaggered out from the back of the alley and headed towards the Yuehua Building. When he approached ten meters away, the two NPC guards guarding the door immediately devoted themselves to their duties. They greeted Tang Tang, but this time, before the two guards stopped Tang Tang...

"24 Bridges on a Moonlit Night!"

With a flick of Tang Tang's wrist, a silver sword light flashed in the air, and 24 sword lights burst out from the edge of the sword and aimed directly at the two guards. When they met each other, the armor of the two guards was pierced. Rows of fist-sized holes, brightly dyed clothes, gurgling blood.

However, these two guards were obviously much better than the cheap ones used in Misty City. After being hit by 24 bridges, they didn't die. Instead, they rushed towards Tang Tang with the iron guns in their hands.

Tang Tang flipped through the information panel of the Soul Realm, but the two guards were both level 90. However, neither of them was a boss monster, and their level alone was limited. It was just that they had more health points and were more resistant to beatings. Not being noticed by Tang Tang, he retreated and dodged the two iron spears, then raised his hand and slapped the air.

"The sky is blazing!"

The flames in Tang Tang's palm danced, and with the movement of Tang Tang's wrist, the blazing white flames exploded into a sea of ​​flames, rolled up and swallowed the two guards in an instant.However, the two guards were not afraid of the fire like zombies, they rushed to the little girl without thinking about their own safety, and stabbed Tang Tang straight in the face with their guns.

Tang Tang has nothing to do with this obviously one-sided NPC. He is not afraid of pain or death. He doesn't even have thoughts. It's more blood and more resistance to beating can kill time, as long as it can be delayed for a while, then the masters of Yuehua Building can rush out.

However, at this moment, the masters in the Yuehua Pavilion were all sent away by the chaos created by the little girl with the fire and thunder, and they were not afraid of attracting people. With the blessing of ', the whole person flew lightly into the air, and the silver light of the white shark's fangs in his hand suddenly appeared, and his body transformed into a flying sword, phantom light, and swooped down.

Death Pulse!

Death Pulse + White Shark Fangs + Critical Strike—6555!

Tang Tang's sword move was fierce, directly in an upside-down onion posture, a sword pierced through the guard's head, dealt a critical blow, and knocked the guard down with a sword, but at this moment, Another guard immediately stabbed with a gun.


The white shark's fangs were still stuck in the corpse, Tang Tang could only reluctantly turn his body, the iron spear grazed his ribs, making a cut, the damage was not low, and it was not in vain That level of 90.

However, when the iron spear brushed against Tang Tang's body, Tang Tang also grabbed the iron spear with one hand, drew his sword and walked away, somersaulted in the air, and fell down as lightly as a swallow. Falling, but with a little tiptoe, he stood firmly on the barrel of the iron gun.

The guard was naturally furious, and he was about to throw Tang Tang out with both hands on the gun, but at this moment, Tang Tang himself withdrew his "Treading Xue Wuhen" blessing state, and the body as light as a swallow Feeling that nature disappeared without a trace immediately, he pressed down with his own weight, bent and released his feet, and the iron gun was trampled on the ground by Tang Tang with a "bang".

The guard seemed to be stubborn too, he wouldn't attack without the iron gun, and he didn't fight back at Tang Tang who was close at hand, but drew back the iron gun desperately, Tang Tang hooked the corner of his mouth, and shot out a shot When it comes to spells, an electric current gushes out from the palm of its hand!
Thunder breaks the sky!

Thunderbolt Sky—2899!

The sky thunder fell and hit the guard's head, splitting him into a scorched corpse.

After killing the two guards who guarded the gate, Tang Tang went straight into Yuehua Building without delay!
The so-called Yuehua Building is actually an office building. To be honest, this kind of attic is not very useful, like the Kunlun mirror that Tang Tang picked up from the tomb of King Guge, and the Sea God Pavilion event, the soul domain rewards These gang exclusives, these buildings built in the resident, can actually bring benefits to the gang, and there will be attribute bonuses, such as the monument of strength, which increases the damage of all gangs by 5%, and the immeasurable ancient clock It is a 10% drop experience reduction after death, which is a dream building for any gang, but what about Yuehua Building?There is no attribute bonus. To put it bluntly, it is a treasure house, that is, multi-point traps, with higher security.

Tang Tang didn't care much about this, isn't it just a mechanism? Wasn't it rare that he encountered King Guge's tomb in the Kunlun Shrine back then?

(End of this chapter)

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