The Peerless Tangmen of Online Games

Chapter 308 The Wooden Puppet in Yuehua Building

Chapter 308 The Wooden Puppet in Yuehua Building
Tang Tang was dumbfounded as soon as he stepped into Yuehua Building.

The building was pitch-black, but when Tang Tang raised his eyes, he saw dozens of people standing in front of him. She was startled and immediately drew his sword in his hand.

As a result, the dozens of people in front of him were also drawing their swords in unison, and their movements were not the slightest difference. Tang Tang was confused for a while, and he slightly understood. The ten mirror-like prism crystals, through the slope of the prisms, as well as the position and angle of the placement, took Tang Tang out, and refracted each other to other prisms.

Tang Tang immediately breathed a sigh of relief. Isn't this thing just like the distorting mirror in the playground in the main city? It can only scare people and has no practical effect, but at this moment...

Suddenly, a cold light flashed behind Tang Tang's back, and the biting wind blew a few strands of Tang Tang's hair, shaking him to the core, and almost instinctively raised the white shark's fangs in his hand.

There was a muffled sound as the weapons collided.

Afterwards, Tang Tang saw a black shadow running towards him, but disappeared.

Tang Tang hurriedly stepped forward to touch the prism, and was stunned for a moment. The prism was intact, and there was no gap in it, but there was only the prism behind him just now, and it couldn't be that he suddenly died in the mirror of the prism. Ran out and chopped a sword?
"Could it be an escape technique?"

Tang Tang scratched his head and scratched his head, but he had never heard of mirror escape in this escape technique. However, the Yu family overseas seems to have Xue Dun, but it is also a derivative of water escape and ice escape. Could it be that this is earth escape? branch of ?

Tang Tang felt confused, but he didn't dare to underestimate the Yuehua Tower. He carefully walked in with his sword in hand, looked left and right, looked at himself in the mirror as carefully as if he was watching a thief, and at this moment...

The sword light suddenly appeared!

This time, Tang Tang was prepared, and immediately raised his sword to slam it. When he held the opponent's blade at the same time, he immediately crossed the sword's edge, wiped out a burst of sword sparks, and sent the sword body forward, and then used the hilt to touch the sword. Where the swords intersected, they pinched the opponent's sword, desperately preventing the opponent from withdrawing the sword.

In this way, Tang Tang could see clearly that the sword did not emerge from the mirror of the prism, but pierced from the dark place beside the prism. However, there was darkness all around, and only a part of the sword body was floating in the air. In the air, there are no people, and it doesn't look like Yujianshu. It's somewhat weird, like ghosts haunting.

To be honest, Tang Tang was also scared when he first saw it. However, ghosts usually scare themselves, not to mention that Tang Tang is now a disciple of the Tang Sect, so he should be good at catching ghosts and subduing demons.Without hesitation at the moment, he touched the backpack with his left hand and pulled out the Chilian Flood Snake Staff, and stabbed straight forward.

Strange to say, this thrust didn't touch anything, it seemed like it was pierced in the air, not to mention, half of the body of the Chilian Flood Snake Staff was also missing, as if it disappeared out of thin air, not ordinary It was so weird that Tang Tang couldn't figure it out, so he didn't use the Horcrux at all, and just raised his foot and kicked forward with the sole of his shoe on.

There was a muffled sound, like kicking something like a wooden board, and the half of the sword cut on the white shark's fangs also disappeared.

Tang Tang boldly stepped forward and took two steps to touch it, and immediately noticed the trick. It was dark in front of him, but it was not because the room was dark, but because there was a pile of black cloth strips in front of him!
There was a glimmer of understanding in Tang Tang's heart, and he immediately stretched out his hand to call, a ball of red flames gushed out from his palm, he snatched a handful out of the fire, and grabbed the Huo Yu Fei Yan Sword, and with the help of the Huo Yu Fei Yan Sword, Tang Tang could finally see the flames clearly. The prisms around them were countless strips of black cloth, directly connected to the roof, and the floor below was nailed with hooks. The upper and lower ends were fixed to make the black cloth strips taut. At the same time, there is no light in the house, so it is naturally extremely difficult to find, and the second half of the sword blade is behind the black cloth, and the background is pitch black, so it looks as if half of the sword blade is floating there.

Tang Tang's doubts disappeared, and Tang Tang didn't care about it. Pulling aside the black cloth strip, he saw a rough humanoid puppet behind the black cloth, with a sword in his hand. It should be using the prism to attract attention, and then use The black cloth was used to cover it up, and it was just a sneak attack. As for why Tang Tang could only see a flash of black shadows, but the lower bodies of those puppets were not feet, but pulleys. There are two tracks for the puppet to slide around, of course it is silent and the speed is like flying.

Tang Tang shook his head and laughed, and crushed the puppet with one foot. Some things are really bluffing when the truth is not discovered, but after knowing the truth, it is just like that. More importantly, Tang Tang found a shortcut. As long as you walk along the track and reach the head, you will walk out of this prism.

"It seems that I am quite smart."

Tang Tang patted his small chest shamelessly, then walked in the dark with his sword in hand, the puppet still attacked, but after understanding the strangeness, the dull puppet really didn't pose any threat, Tang Tang didn't even need a weapon , One by one, the pulleys kicked by those puppets were detached from the track, and they turned into a pile of broken wood.

After walking for two or three minutes, Tang Tang felt his eyes suddenly light up, and his piercing eyes hurt slightly. When he opened it again, he saw a straight corridor in front of him. It was very long, about 3 meters long, and quite wide, at least two meters There is more than enough, and at the end of the corridor is a staircase, which can lead to the second floor of Yuehua Building, but the premise is to walk through the corridor in front of you.

With the lessons learned from the past, Tang Tang had no choice but to be more cautious. First, he released the flying sword and flew around the corridor, but nothing happened. Then Tang Tang found two medicine bottles and rolled them on the floor until they reached the end. No trigger mechanism or anything.

"Isn't it poisonous?"

Tang Tang thought about it carefully, but it was a pity that Tianmeng Bingcan was not by his side. Although that little guy was very attached to Tang Tang, he was not Tang Tang's soul beast. Where to play, after getting bored, he would come back to look for Tang Tang, and when Tang Tang and Jin Ling went to Kunlun, they were probably attracted by the poisonous exotic flowers in the Kunlun Mountains, and the Tianmeng Iceworm disappeared without a trace , has not returned yet.

Fortunately, Tang Tang had already prepared for it. The bloody mercenary group is such a big gang, there will always be a few people playing poison. Tang Tang was afraid, so he bought a few bottles of good quality bezoar detoxification pills at the pawn shop. This thing has a miraculous effect in detoxifying, and it can relieve the poison to the greatest extent even if it cannot be removed. After throwing one in his mouth, Tang Tang stepped into the corridor carefully.

Tap, tap, tap, tap, tap...

The surroundings were empty and silent, Tang Tang stepped on the wooden boards of the corridor, and the sudden sound of footsteps echoed around the surroundings, up and down, with a clear rhythm, which made people feel like a long flow.

It's just that the mechanism that Tang Tang was worried about didn't show up, which made Tang Tang puzzled. Could it be that this corridor is meant to scare people?Scared people dare not leave?
Tang Tang felt somewhat bewildered, and walked all the way to the middle of the corridor, when suddenly...

Click, click...

The wall panels on both sides of the corridor turned out to be moving wooden doors one by one, which suddenly moved away to the sides, revealing wooden figures one by one!
This wooden man is much more exquisite than those puppets outside. The whole body is square, not to mention the square head and square brain. The body and limbs are also rectangular, but the joints are made of soft leather, which can be bent and bent. Doing all kinds of actions is not as rigid as those puppets outside. What's more fun is that each wooden figure has drawn expressions, some with frowning eyebrows, some with angry eyes, some with playful smiles, and some with sadness, Tang Tang I even saw a wooden man with a perverted expression, which was really fun.

However, fun is fun, but Tang Tang's subordinates did not dare to be negligent at all, because the moment the wooden door was moved to reveal those wooden figures, the two wooden figures beside Tang Tang raised their fists at the same time, and punched Tang Tang. head, and punched Tang Tang's waist.

However, the speed was not very fast, and Tang Tang reacted quickly, and immediately raised his leg to sweep across, but this wooden man explained more than those puppets outside, and he was so unafraid that Tang Tang felt like he had kicked a huge boulder. At the same time, the fist continued to hit Tang Tang with unabated power.

"Death pulse!"

Although the corridor was not narrow, it was crowded with two more wooden figures. Tang Tang didn't succeed in a single attack, and there was no way to avoid it, so he played a rogue, using the death pulse to accelerate and fly towards the ceiling. go, who would have thought...


There was actually a hidden door in the ceiling, and it moved away with a muffled sound, revealing a wooden man hanging from the ceiling with an iron lock, lifting his fist the size of a sandbag and uppercuting Tang Tang's right cheek.


Tang Tang only felt that her little face was hot, and she was hit back on the floor by a fist, and before she could rub her face, two wooden figures immediately surrounded her and knocked her down with their fists raised.

Tang Tang hurriedly turned over with a carp, and almost rolled and crawled through the ribs of the two wooden men. Unexpectedly, the moment Tang Tang escaped, the wooden man suddenly opened his mouth and sprayed A pile of steel needles!
Puff puff……


Tang Tang raised his sword to block it, but it was a sword film, and it felt like water wouldn't get in, but the steel needle was only a few turns thicker than a hair, no matter how powerful Tang Tang was, he couldn't block it all, and a few sticks still leaked out. On the body, and before Tang Tang pulled out the needle, the wooden man on the ceiling that punched Tang Tang down also opened his mouth, and suddenly spewed out a ball of flame.

"Hellfire! Explode!"

Flames are so kind in Tang Tang's eyes. With her fire resistance, seeing the flames is like a fire in winter, she raises her hand and holds the fire, and easily explodes the fireball. Breaking into a piece of sparks, it can't hurt yourself at all, but just as the fireball exploded, a black shadow immediately appeared, rushing to Tang Tang like a tiger leaving the gate!

Tang Tang only felt a tightness in his chest, as if he had been hit by a giant hammer. His body was like a kite with a broken string. corridor.

(End of this chapter)

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