The Peerless Tangmen of Online Games

Chapter 309 Hatred Attracts the Poison Pool on the 3rd Floor

Chapter 309 Hatred Attracts the Poison Pool on the Third Floor
"Bah! Damn wooden man!"

Tang Tang fell to the ground with teeth and claws, spit out a mouthful of dust, looked around, and then slapped his forehead very depressed.

Because the wooden man knocked Tang Tang back to the entrance, Tang Tang couldn't help but sigh, it was a bump anyway, if he just bumped himself to the other end of the corridor, it would be over, everyone would save time and effort!
However, after the emotion was over, Tang Tang got up from the ground quite honestly and touched his little head.

Generally speaking, this corridor reminds Tang Tang of the Wooden Man Alley in Shaolin Temple, and it is an enhanced version. After all, the one in Shaolin Temple is just a wooden man who can fight well, but the current batch of wooden figures can play with hidden weapons and spray guns. It's hot, and considering that no matter what kind of attack it is, the damage is 1200 points, Tang Tang thinks that this injury is a fixed damage, that is to say, the flame spray is probably 1200 points of damage, which has nothing to do with his resistance. Come on, just relying on my life value of just over 5 and running to [-], I can only resist less than [-] hits with full blood.

While Tang Tang drank the life potion as sugar water, he suddenly slapped forward to the void.

"The sky is blazing!"

The incandescent flame swept forward, and as a result, the flames rushed, and those wooden people were not injured at all, and Tang Tang was half-dead in anger, and there were still logs that were not afraid of fire.

"It seems that we can only fight!"

Seeing that the wooden figures could not be burned, Tang Tang sighed, and stepped into the corridor again after replenishing his health.

In the first half of the corridor, those wooden men will not attack. It can be seen that the guy who set up this corridor is definitely a guy with a bad stomach. Those wooden men are not fast, but they are large in number. If you can't hold back or can't fight, you can escape from the corridor, but if you go to the center and attack suddenly, then you will be in a dilemma.


When he reached a place half a meter away from the center, Tang Tang stood still, breathed a sigh of relief, and then took a big step forward!
Click, click...

The secret doors all around suddenly opened. Since Tang Tang had suffered a lot, he naturally wouldn't sit still and wait for death again. He raised his leg and kicked a wooden man on the left, pushing the wooden man back to the secret door. At the same time, letting go was another thunder Breaking the sky, split the wooden man on the right through the secret door, and then ran forward, with a tiger leap, with his hands on the ground, he rolled along the ground, and jumped down from the wooden man standing in front of him. past.

However, the crisis has not yet been resolved, the wooden man does not move his body, but the square face with Chinese characters rotates his head 360 degrees, he opens his mouth to the rear, and a steel needle flies straight to Tang Tang's back.

Da da da……

Tang Tang was almost rolling and crawling on the floor, the row of steel needles on the back of his little butt pierced into the ground, seeing that there was no way to avoid it, Tang Tang stretched out his legs fiercely, and a sweeping leg pulled down a person. There was a wooden man, so he shrank and hid behind the wooden man, and the steel needle pierced the wooden man's body immediately.

However, two fists the size of sandbags also landed in the air towards Tang Tang who was still lying on the ground.


Tang Tang folded his arms and hugged one of them. The remaining fist was really helpless. After a muffled sound, another fist hit his small face heavily.

"Damn it, do you have professional ethics? Do you know the rule of not slapping your face in a fight? How can you be willing to fight with such a pretty little face like mine!"

Tang Tang yelled loudly, but the wooden man didn't understand what Tang Tang was shouting. After punching his fist, he raised his arm. The strong wind was howling and was about to blow down on Tang Tang's head again. Tang Tang suddenly said badly, His little baby face must be disfigured by another fist, he twisted his waist, raised his legs in an almost upside-down position, made a cross lock, and clamped the arm of the wooden man with his legs, but at this moment, The wooden man not far behind immediately sprayed steel nails again.

Tang Tang quickly shrank back, and using both hands and feet, he pulled the two wooden men onto his body, blocked the steel needle, and then gritted his teeth, realizing that he had to roll for a long time before moving out more than three meters. If the risk is not enough, he pushed the two wooden figures away, pulled out the white shark's fangs, and escaped into the air, before the wooden figures on the ceiling appeared...

Hatred: Attract nearby spirits to your side, attack indiscriminately, consume: 50% HP, 10 soul power points!
This move is the soul skill of White Shark Langya. Under normal circumstances, this move is used to commit suicide when you are bored with life. Under certain circumstances, it has the effect of sacrificing the ego and fulfilling the ego, but most The end result was that he was cut to pieces with random knives, but now Tang Tang can only rely on this trick to get out of trouble!
The white shark's fangs shone blood-red, and the surrounding wooden men immediately rushed towards Tang Tang like sharks smelling blood, pushing each other into a ball, and Tang Tang immediately urged his sword into light, Killed out towards the corridor.

Five meters!

Three meters!

one meter!
The reason why Tang Tang couldn't use Yujian to rush out was that the wooden people covered the entire corridor, and he couldn't increase his speed at all. However, after using the attraction of hatred to attract the wooden people, those wooden people got into a ball, instead emptying the corridor. When he came out, Tang Tang could use all his strength to activate Jian Guang, but the results were nothing more than two, either Tang Tang was smashed into a pulp with his fist, or he was killed out of the corridor!
Puff puff……


A pile of steel needles arrived first, hitting Tang Tang's back, staggering Tang Tang, falling off the flying sword, rolling twice on the ground, falling out of the corridor, and bumping into the The stairs at the end.

Tang Tang breathed a sigh of relief, and patted his own small chest. This was more tiring than fighting. Tang Tang would rather fight ten of them than suffer this crime. It was too torturous.

After lying on the ground for a while, Tang Tang finally got over his breath, moved his hands and feet, got up from the ground, and walked towards the second floor.

poof, poof!
As soon as he took two steps, a spear suddenly stabbed out from the stairs. However, Tang Tang saw nothing of this kind of fancy mechanism. He got used to it, so he turned sideways and raised his sword to cut it off. The stairs did not cause Tang Tang any trouble, so Tang Tang poured life potion into his mouth, recovered his health and mana, and stepped onto the second floor.

The second floor is a large empty hall, but Tang Tang was stunned for a moment, because the hall was a large pool filled with a faint green liquid, and diagonally opposite was the stairs leading to the third floor. After crossing the pool, you can enter the third floor, and the monument of merit is there.

But, is that pool so easy to swim in?

Tang Tang touched a piece of junk equipment and threw it into the pool, the green water immediately burst into countless green bubbles, and within half a minute, the piece of equipment disappeared without a trace.

"Xiaobai, you are there, I miss you so much!"

Tang Tang cried out in his heart with tears streaming down his face. Obviously, the checkpoints on this level are poisonous. If there is Tianmeng Iceworm, Tang Tang can jump in and swim a butterfly stroke, leaning back for a while, breaststroke for a while, and Knowing how to plan, find a piece of wood, play surfing, and swim to the opposite side leisurely, but right now, I have to rush to jump in that pool, and I definitely don't even take any bones and dregs with me.

Tang Tang sighed. Since he couldn't walk in the water, he could only walk in the air. As a result...

Tip: The scene "Royal Weapon Flight" cannot be used!
"damn it!"

Seeing the silent white shark wolf tooth in his hand, Tang Tang couldn't help yelling, this is completely cheating in the soul domain, why is the imperial weapon not allowed to fly in this room?However, Tang Tang just scolded, no one can offend the master of the soul domain, if it says that it can't use flying horcruxes, then no one can do it.

It's just that you can't walk in the water, and you can't walk in the air, what should you do?
Tang Tang struggled with his little head, but at this moment, he suddenly saw some reflections on the red pond, and immediately took a closer look, only to find that there were many floating boards floating on the pond, but the floating boards It's green, and it's hard to see if you don't pay attention.

"Could it be stepping on a floating board to cross the pool? It's too simple!"

Right now, Tang Tang felt a bit like "once bitten by a snake, ten years afraid of well ropes".

I touched a medicine bottle and threw the floating board, it was all right, I threw it again, it still didn’t work, I threw it again, it was still all right...

Tang Tang lost more than a dozen medicine bottles in a row, and the hit rate was not low, but every floating board was fine. Tang Tang was really puzzled. Could it be that the scarlet mercenary group's cash flow is tight, and the mechanism has not yet been established? OK?

Using the skill of 'Treading Xue Wuhen', Tang Tang lightly jumped into the air, and his whole body floated down on the floating board, nothing happened, Tang Tang even stepped on it a few times, It was only then that I discovered that the floating board was not a floating board, but was actually nailed to the bottom of the water with pillars and supported on the venom. Therefore, it was not that nothing happened, it should be very safe.

With doubts, Tang Tang flung his body and flew to the next floating board. He was still stable and there was nothing tricky. Tang Tang stopped staying, his body floated up, and continued to move towards the next floating board...

After walking more than a dozen floating boards like this, Tang Tang's doubts gradually disappeared, mechanism?trap?Tang Tang thinks there must be. The biggest possibility is that some of these floating boards are fixed, and some are real floating boards, and they will fall when stepped on. As for why he didn't step on it, it can be classified as good luck. Or maybe it's because he's so cute that even the gods in the Soul Domain couldn't bear to disfigure himself, so what he stepped on happened to be to fix the floating board.

Anyway, the stairway is getting closer and closer to me, hope is in front of me, whoever is suspicious and makes himself uncomfortable, naturally leave this ghost place first.

Moreover, to be honest, if Tang Tang hadn't acquired the "Treading Xue Wuhen" movement technique on Yinyue Island, and just relied on two legs to jump between the floating boards, those floating boards would not be able to move at all. With hands and feet, Tang Tang might jump directly into the poisonous water. You must know that those floating boards can barely stand on people.

Thinking like this, Tang Tang jumped onto the last floating board, but at this moment...

(End of this chapter)

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