Chapter 310

The floating board under Tang Tang's feet was as thin as a cicada's wing, and it shattered when he stepped on it. He couldn't use his strength at all. Seeing that he was only three meters away from the edge of the pool, Tang Tang fell into the poisonous pool in one fell swoop.

Gudu, Gudu!
The incident happened suddenly, and Tang Tang didn't have time to use the turtle's breath to avoid the water, so he poured two mouthfuls of poisonous water into his throat with his mouth open, and swam out of the water, only to find that the poisonous water wet clothes were not as heavy as usual. His whole body sank like a piece of iron on his back, and when he sank, Tang Tang realized that every floating board in the poisonous pool was fixed by pillars, only the last one...

"Who is so devoid of public morality! It's so wicked!"

Tang Tang yelled in her heart, she finally knew what was going on, all the floating boards in front were feinted shots, just to make people take it lightly, and the last floating board was a killer move. Seeing the poison of blood sealing the throat, it is enough to make people fall off once!
"Hey, my health hasn't dropped yet?"

Tang Tang thought about it, and almost habitually looked at the life value, but was shocked, his life value was intact?

Although the poisonous water was very heavy, Tang Tang could still float up slowly by using the turtle's breath to avoid the water.After a while, Tang Tang got out of the poisonous pool, coughed and climbed up to the side of the pool, panting heavily, and then kept touching his body. The poisonous water in the poisonous pool was obviously extremely powerful, why did he Will it be okay to fall?It must have been a bit tricky, until Tang Tang found a bead from his body!

Tong Lingzhu (auxiliary horcrux with no grade or quality): Owned by the old man who is psychic and psychic overseas, it is specially used to extinguish Yang fire and poisonous gas.

Tang Tang looked at the perfectly round green orb in his hand, and wondered in his heart, when did he have this thing?Moreover, things without grade quality are either trash or the best. Tang Tang shouldn’t have no impression. It wasn’t until the orb shone green for a while and then dimmed that Tang Tang suddenly realized that he didn’t touch it from Qiantang Jiao. It turns out that this humble thing can detoxify?

The little girl couldn't help but secretly thought that her luck was so good that she couldn't express it in words. It was a good thing to touch a bead casually, and it had an effect at a critical moment. Hell is there.

Properly put away the psychic orb, with the Tianmeng ice silkworm and this psychic orb, that is double insurance. It is hard for Tang Tang to imagine any other poison that can poison himself to death.

Tang Tang sighed as he stepped onto the third floor!
The third floor of Yuehua Building is a pointed attic, not big, about [-] flat, with the monument of merit and virtue in the center, no one around, only a sword puppet two meters away guarding the side of the monument of merit and virtue, holding Holding an epee, almost taller than Tang Tang, it looks heavy, and it can kill a whole bunch of people with a single blow.

However, Tang Tang didn't want to get close to that puppet!
"Thunder Breaks the Sky!"

After pinching his hands, Tang Tang shot out a blue lightning bolt in the air. Knowing that the puppet would definitely move, Tang Tang would not rush up foolishly, and just smash the merit tablet into pieces, but...


At the moment when the thunder and lightning fell, the sword puppet stood up suddenly, held up the huge sword and swiped it, and then blocked the merit stele, blocking Tang Tang's thunder breaking the sky, and then, the giant sword Sweeping the sword forward, pointing at Tang Tang!

"I have been imprisoned for 1 years, and I was expelled from my hometown. Now, you dare to intrude into my territory..." The sword puppet slammed the giant sword on the ground and said: "I really want to kill myself!" !"

Tang Tang petrified in an instant, and opened his mouth so wide that he could stuff it into his fist, thinking that he seemed to have slashed the sword puppet with a thunderbolt just now, and quickly opened the soul domain information panel, and then there was another burst of thunder rolling , that sword puppet's name is...

good boy!
"Damn it, did I time travel?"

Tang Tang scratched his head and felt that the world was really crazy. However, Tang Tang didn't make a move, but the sword puppet called 'Little Guaiguai' couldn't wait any longer, and swung his heavy sword and rushed towards him.

Tang Tang immediately raised his sword to meet him, but as soon as the sword was struck, Tang Tang's wrist shook, and his wrist was almost broken by the sword puppet's sword. As soon as the blade was wiped, the sword body sank, facing the sword puppet's epee to the ground, and kicked it straight, but it didn't send the sword puppet flying, but he backed up a few steps.

"Damn it, what the hell is this made of."

Tang Tang rubbed his feet and complained. Puppets are usually made of wood. Even if there are some rare woods that are extremely strong, even if the puppets are made with high defense, they are rarely so heavy. However, Tang Tang Thoughts turned in his head, such a heavy sword puppet should not be very flexible after all?

Thinking of this verse, Tang Tang immediately urged the sword to shine, and stepped on the flying sword to soar into the air.

Although the attic is not high, it looks like 5 or 6 meters. Although the sword puppet can hit Tang Tang with one lift of the heavy sword, it is enough to make Tang Tang entangle with the sword puppet. In terms of agility, Tang Tang is conceited Absolutely not bad.

However, what Tang Tang didn't expect was that just as he stepped on the flying sword and floated up, there was a "click" sound from the back of the sword puppet, and a pair of wings made of wooden leaves suddenly rose from behind, flapping back and forth, It even flew up, and that tall body rushed towards Tang Tang like a moving fortress!

"24 Bridges on a Moonlit Night!"

How could Tang Tang have thought that such a heavy puppet could still fly, so he flicked his wrist quickly, and 24 sword lights went towards the sword puppet. Who would have thought that the extremely powerful 24 bridge Mingyue Ye could only hit the sword puppet? The 24 strokes of printing could not hinder the speed of the sword puppet at all, so that Tang Tang was hit right on the head.


Even with the sword in hand, Tang Tang was smashed down from mid-air by the sword puppet. The bones of his whole body seemed to be scattered. Cut, Tang Tang hurriedly rolled halfway like a lazy donkey, clamped his legs, and clamped the sword puppet's knees, trying to deal with the wooden man and knocked the sword puppet to the ground.

However, although Tang Tang's legs locked the sword puppet's knees, his strength was not at the same level at all. The sword puppet raised his foot and swung it, and the little girl was thrown backwards, hitting the wall with a bang noodle.

"Damn it, how do you fight this?"

Tang Tang slandered and cursed a few words, and there was a trace of bewilderment on his face. This sword puppet is too difficult to deal with... Wait... This thing is a sword puppet?
"Wangyuetai is in charge of a puppet player named Yin Wuhen. You have to be very careful. He has a sword puppet in his hand, which is very powerful. He is also guarding Yuehua Tower."

Tang Tang suddenly remembered the warning from the legendary landlord that the puppet player named Yin Wuhen used sword puppets, and it was true that he used fire and thunder to explode in the resident to lure out the people from Yuehua Building.However, if Yin Wuhen is cautious, it is not possible that he has sent other people out and left behind the merit monument. However, if this is the case, why only see the sword puppet but not the person?

Tang Tang couldn't help but glanced around. The disciples of the puppet sect are good at mechanism skills, quite powerful, but their flaws are relatively obvious. Although the puppets they made are strong, their own strength is too weak. As long as they can catch thieves and kings, kill them The deity, the puppet will follow the master.It's just that the attic is just such a small place, and you can see it when you look up. It's empty and there's no place to hide. Even if Yin Wuhen wanted to prevent Tang Tang from avoiding the puppet and killed him directly, he could hide in the Where are you going?
"Is there any secret door?"

Tang Tang couldn't help muttering, the possibility of the secret door is not small, but if you want to command the sword puppet to fight, you must always keep an eye on the battle situation in the attic. Observing from behind the secret door, Tang Tang circled around. The walls of the attic were tightly stitched together. Although there were gaps in the floor, they were only joints, and it didn't look like there was any secret door.

At this time, the sword puppet slashed down again, Tang Tang leaped to the side, quickly dodged the giant sword, and at the same time turned his eyes to look at the stele of the Immortal Mansion.

"Since we won't be able to kill this guy for a while, we have to find another way!"

Tang Tang stared at his legs, and then quickly moved towards the monument of merit. The white shark fangs in his hand turned into silver sword light, and quickly stabbed towards the residence application form embedded in the monument.

The sword puppet immediately spread its wooden wings and chased forward, at full speed, but it was a bit faster than before. It was obviously in a hurry. You know, whoever wins the battle between the two is not a matter of life and death. to decide, but...

Monument of Merit!
The sword puppet's speed was really not slow, it caught up with Tang Tang quickly, held up the huge sword, and wanted to strike Tang Tang's back with a sword, and stop the little girl, but at this moment...

Twist your waist, turn around, fire rain is not smoke sword!
Tang Tang made a sudden sliding step, and his body lowered down, but the giant sword brushed against Tang Tang's scalp. At the same time, Tang Tang spread his palm, and a ball of flame burst out in the palm, and the flame burst into flames. , the sword shadow suddenly appeared, urging those flames to entangle each other, condensing into a sword shape, and stabbing towards the waist of the sword puppet fiercely!

Sword of Fire and Rain—1952!

The Huoyu Feiyan sword pierced the sword puppet's waist, and the sword puppet's head immediately suffered damage. It was also the first time this sword puppet suffered damage under Tang Tang's attack, or in other words, it should It's Yin Wuhen's injury!

Tang Tang froze, and a fire thunder appeared in his hand, and said with a joking smile: "The puppet is very flexible, but it is heavier than ordinary puppets, and there are no hidden doors around, and I have never heard of any puppet that is still alive." If it can speak by itself, then the answer is ready to come out, should this puppet be hollow?"

Speaking of this, Tang Tang gently pulled the Huo Yufeiyan sword, and easily pulled out a hole in the waist of the sword puppet. After a careful look, it was the Huoyu Feiyan sword that was not biased. Leaning on the gap between the waist joints of the sword puppet, the sword puppet's whole body is solid, and only the joints are covered with soft iron and connected, and only this position cannot withstand the attack of the flying sword.

"I can only gamble!" Tang Tang raised Huo Lei and said with a smirk, "I'll put this bomb in and see if you can survive!"

While talking, Tang Tang moved Huo Lei closer.

(End of this chapter)

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