The Peerless Tangmen of Online Games

Chapter 311 Breaking the Station Fire Storm Again

Chapter 311 Breaking the Station Fire Storm Again

There was a sudden crisp sound behind the sword puppet, and a hole opened, and a disciple of the puppet sect staggered out. Tang Tang guessed it right. The sword puppet was an armored puppet. Hate is hiding inside the puppet, no wonder no one can be found, and no matter how I attack the sword puppet, it will not hurt.

It's just that Yin Wuhen still fell for the little girl this time. If he didn't get out of the sword puppet by himself, Tang Tang couldn't kill him with one blow, and it would be a bit troublesome to deal with the sword puppet. However, since Yin Wuhen Out……

"24 Bridges on a Moonlit Night!"

With a flick of Tang Tang's wrist, there were 24 sword lights. Although Yin Wuhen couldn't keep up with the speed of that sword light, he was very smart. The puppet was protecting his chest, but it actually blocked Tang Tang's twenty-four bright moonlit nights. However, the 24 sword lights flashed, and Yin Wuhen pulled the sword puppet away, but immediately looked stunned. It was gone, and then...

"Welcome to the underworld for sightseeing!"

Tang Tang's joking voice suddenly rang in Yin Wuhen's ears, and Yin Wuhen suddenly turned around in shock, but just in time to meet the sword light urged by the pulse of death!

A sword seals the throat!
Death pulse + fire rain non-smoke sword + crit damage - 3993!

There was a wound on Yin Wuhen's head, and his body fell limply, and together with the sword puppet, he turned into a white light and went to the underworld for reincarnation.

Announcement: Scarlet Mercenary Corps Station (Wangyuetai) was forced to disband because it was attacked by thieves!

The Huo Yu Fei Yan sword flitted across the air, bringing out a bright red tail of fire, and the merit tablet was blown into countless pieces by the sword. As for the resident application, it was naturally shattered into ashes. I can't stick it back even with paste.

Tang Tang took a sword flower, held the sword in his hand, and left Yuehua Building!
When I came out, the moon-watching platform was completely in chaos. Thinking about it, the explosion of the fire and thunder was enough to make the gangs in the station into chaos. The invisible enemy is always more terrifying. After finally calming down, suddenly Hearing the announcement of the dissolution of the resident in Soul Realm, how can they still calm down, it is naturally a mess.

"The power of the first player is nothing more than that!"

Tang Tang stood in front of the Yuehua Building, and did not leave in a hurry. Misty City relied on infiltrating to destroy the monument of merit. Although the moon-watching platform was a bit more troublesome, it only destroyed the monument of merit. Although the goal was achieved, but, not enough!

Tang Tang grabbed the Ghost Blood Banner from his backpack and inserted it into the ground beside him with a bang.

A moment later, Tang Tang's eyes flashed with sword brilliance.

The person in the lead was stunned when he saw Tang Tang. He didn't expect that someone would stay honestly at the scene after committing the crime. Could it be that he would turn himself in?After being stunned for a while, he immediately revealed a ferocious look and said, "Who are you, little girl? Who sent you here!"

Tang Tang grinned harmlessly and said, "Tang Tang!"

These days, those who come out to hang out must first report their sect and then their name, or they should first report their own faction and then their name. To put it bluntly, there are different places in the Soul Domain. Who knows who you say your name!

However, when Tang Tang said that, everyone in the sky gasped.

Leaving aside the fact that Tang Tang's No. 1 name is still a bit bluffing, he was wanted by Samurai Soul Valley a while ago, which also made Tang Tang famous. You know, he is a character that even NPCs would hunt down and kill. It is indeed a bit of a bullshit, and it is said that the Wangyue Tower is not far from the Tang Sect, and it is located in the territory of the Tang Sect. They are a group of magicians who are mixed here. The masters of other sects may not know, but the famous Tang Sect Can masters always know each other?

"Is it the Kuangzhan Pavilion, or the Tufeng Camp!" After a while, the leader said with a dark face: "It seems that we should not violate the river water?"

Tang Tang shook his head and said: "If you don't want to die, you don't know why, so go to the underworld, or wait for you to go to the underworld and ask Scarlet Muka, he understands how he behaves better than you!"

"Little girl, you are courting death!"

The other party only thought that Tang Tang was teasing them, and was furious in his heart. After cursing, he wanted to urge the sword to shine, but he didn't expect that before they could do anything, Tang Tang slapped the ghost's blood streamer fiercely after speaking. Suddenly black air swirled around the banner, cold smoke billowed, and hundreds of ghost tentacles suddenly stretched out from the banner.

As a result, the group of bloody mercenary gangs were immediately pissed off, cursing that Tang Tang is not a thing, he doesn't play like this, they are here to ask the teacher for their crimes, and they haven't done anything yet, you are a criminal How dare you do it first?

Of course, while scolding the little girl for being shameless in his heart, the sword light at his side surrounded him, blocking the tentacles condensed by the black energy from the nether world, but just in time...

"24 Bridges on a Moonlit Night!"

The sword light appeared slightly, it was as cold as night, and the blood danced in the air.

The leading disciple of the Douluo Temple only felt a blur in front of his eyes, and the sword light in his hand was still entwined with ghostly black threads, but when he looked down, there were already more than a dozen blood holes on his body, and his life value was emptied in an instant, facing downwards. Looking from a distance, Tang Tang was still standing there with his arms folded, beside him was a blood banner that was much taller than her, and the banner was flying, as if he had never left half a step.

What a fast sword!

Only this thought flashed across the man's mind, and he lowered his head downwards. Naturally, Tang Tang was not polite. The ghostly tentacles immediately penetrated his body, hooking someone's soul out, and included it in the blood streamer of the ghostly soul. He looked around jokingly.

"The first one!" Tang Tang said with a smile, "Who will die next?"

"Damn little girl, don't be rampant!"

Tang Tang's words naturally aroused everyone's enthusiasm. Two of them looked at each other, then suddenly removed the sword light, and sank down, avoiding the ghost tentacles by falling. At the same time, one of them flicked his wrist. Seven or eight streaks of golden light came towards Tang Tang, Tang Tang raised his hand, and fifty or sixty ghostly black threads flew out of the ghostly blood streamer, condensing into black air and surrounding Tang Tang into a wall, enveloping those ghosts. The golden light was all knocked down, Tang Tang looked down, but there were a few swallow golden darts, unexpectedly he was a master of hidden weapons, but at this moment...


While Tang Tang was dealing with the Swallow Golden Dart, the other person circled behind Tang Tang and switched hands, a large bright red flame came towards Tang Tang's back.

Tang Tang knew that this fire storm move was a sixth-level fire spell. Although it was not a rare spell, only a few sects who were good at fire spells could learn it through missions.Moreover, this move is said to have the strongest damage of a sixth-level spell. Among the spells of the same attribute, the power of the same level is not stronger than the flame storm. , the damage and power are not as good as Flame Wind.

, but, the disadvantage of this move is also obvious, not to mention the need to cast spells with both hands, it takes a full 8 seconds to release the spell, killing monsters is good, but it is not practical for fighting, but these two cooperate well. There is also a tacit understanding, and he actually earned the 8-second release time with a few Swallow Golden Darts.

It's a pity that the two met a super master of playing with fire today!

"Hellfire! Explode!"

Tang Tang pinched the void, and the large sea of ​​red flames burst into pieces. It was not too big, and it was enough for Tang Tang to pass through the sea of ​​flames. Afterwards, Tang Tang let go of his clenched fists and followed the trend. Slap forward a volley.

"It's not rude to come and go, and let you taste my flame!"

A large piece of white flame gushed out from Tang Tang's palm, forming a continuous piece, turning into a white fire dragon, passing through the gap that Tang Tang shattered with hellfire, and rushing straight at the opponent. The man saw Tang Tang draw out his sword The Douluo Hall disciple who killed them in a second, naturally only regarded Tang Tang as a powerful weapon soul master, who would have thought that Tang Tang was a player who played with fire like him, and when he was about to run away, his body was completely engulfed by the flames of the sky. Even the bones of those devoured were turned into ashes.

After killing that person, Tang Tang was not happy or angry, just tilted his head slightly, and a sword light brushed past his cheek, but it was the one who threw the golden dart seeing his companion being killed, and raised his sword angrily. He stabbed towards Tang Tang, but Tang Tang turned his head to the side as if he had eyes behind his back and dodged it. By the way, he reached out his hand and flicked the blade of the sword with a slight mockery, causing Feijian to make a sword cry.

"How can such a slow sword kill me?"

Tang Tang smiled lightly and muttered something, the man suddenly got angry, grabbed the hilt of his sword and swept towards Tang Tang, but when he was about to hit, the white shark's fangs disappeared and floated beside Tang Tang. sideways, stopped Jian Guang, and at the same time Tang Tang pressed his palm on the opponent's chest.


White flames sprang up from Tang Tang's palm, and with one blow, the man was blown upside down, and fell into the alley beside him.

"Is there any other way? Let go! I'll follow!"

Tang Tang raised his head and said to the rest of the people in the sky, and then he suddenly laughed again, as if the Demon of Joy had said this to himself not long ago!

Sure enough, everyone has a vanity heart. However, thinking of the end of Huanximo's boasting and being struck by lightning, Tang Tang felt that he should keep a low profile. split.So, that being said, Tang Tang didn't wait for the other party to do anything, he stretched out his hand to pat the ghost blood streamer, and let out more than 300 ghost black threads!
"Shameless little girl, don't be ashamed!"

Seeing the black energy of the ghost blood streamer surging like a tide, everyone immediately cursed in unison, yelling for others to attack themselves, but they were so happy to fight, we want to do it, the goddamn deal with those black energy Too late, how to do it?

However, scolding is not slow, the hands are not slow, the sword light is flying, each slashing several Nether Black Silk, this is also the shortcoming of the Nether Black Silk, each one is not strong, the power is determined entirely by the number, but, Tang Tang Tang didn't expect to use those ghostly black threads to hurt people. Hundreds of them were indeed a little less, not enough to consume at all. Therefore, when the other party was dealing with the tentacles condensed by the ghostly black threads, Tang Tang secretly captured the seven souls. The cold smoke was shot out, mixed with the black air condensed from those ghostly black threads, and suddenly penetrated into the opponent's body.


The screams sounded immediately, and the seven people who were quietly hit by the dementing cold smoke screamed, their souls were severely injured, and even lost their connection with Feijian for a short time, the sword light shattered, and their bodies fell from the air.

(End of this chapter)

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