Chapter 312
The other people looked at Tang Tang with weird eyes, but they didn't know how she died. This little girl must be scary.

Tang Tang strode forward, glanced at the moonlit night at the 24th bridge, saw that the cooling time had passed, and then scattered 24 sword lights, hitting one person, turning him into white light on the spot.

At this point, the group of bloody mercenary gang members felt a little bit withdrawn, and the sharp-eyed ones even found that in just a few minutes, more than a dozen people had died on their side, but Tang Tang didn't even move his footsteps. But, from the beginning to the end, I never left that big banner!
This gap is really disheartening, a few people secretly stopped and Jian Guang fell to the end, but at this time...

"Thunder Breaks the Sky!"

Thunderbolt + Ignore Defense—3989
With a wave of Tang Tang's hand, a thunderbolt fell from the sky, striking the man's head impartially, causing him to stagger.

"Don't run away." Tang Tang hooked the corners of his mouth, and suddenly said ferociously: "I'm here to collect debts, and I will ask Bloody Limbo and Bloody Muka to collect the money, but the interest must be collected today. , so, don’t even think about running away!”

Tang Tang's words failed to deter everyone. On the contrary, after the other party looked at each other for a while, they suddenly showed fierce faces, and were completely aroused. The girl said to kill, they just wiped their necks and waited to kill!

"Let's kill together, don't worry about the black energy, you'll be fine if you kill this little girl!"

I don't know who yelled, but I can be regarded as a sensible person. Although there are many ghost tentacles and they are tightly entangled, their damage is not high, and they can resist seven or eight attacks without replenishing their health. Before that, as long as Tang Tang could be wiped out, the black threads of darkness around him would naturally disappear. Moreover, as long as half of the nearly twenty sword lights fell, Tang Tang would have to go to the underworld to repent even if his body was made of iron.

As a result, everyone's eyes lit up immediately, only Tang Tang was still looking at the people in the sky, neither happy nor sad, suddenly he spread his palm, and a silver light appeared in his hand, in the silver light, there was still a lack of consideration in the rotation before appearing in the palm of your hand.

"You are in a hurry to die, so I will send you a ride." Tang Tang sent the two wheels into the air: "Sun Moon Universe Wheel, the weak star!"

Star of Weakness: Gather the brilliance of stars and weaken all targets within half a mile for 40 seconds!
The weak state of the star is a 50% decrease in all attributes, which is obviously more domineering than the deceleration of the moon and the blindness attribute of the sun, but the conditions of use are also more stringent, requiring night, and the stars are like the sea.

Therefore, it is very unfortunate for the members of the Scarlet Mercenary Group, because tonight is a very beautiful night, with the stars and the moon hanging high!

The starlight exudes a faint white light, soft and peaceful, but when it shines on the body, the body immediately softens!
The ghostly black threads around him instantly became even more terrifying than the death reminder in Lord Yan's hand. Not to mention the 50% reduction in defense, the health value was also suddenly reduced by half. Even the two ghostly tentacles couldn't be easily resisted. Before the few people could react, they were instantly turned into white light by the black air all over the sky, and the dozen or so sword lights stabbing at Tang Tang barely stopped in front of Tang Tang, and suddenly shattered with a snap. Follow their masters to the underworld.

"Ghost Soul Blood Banner, take it!"

Tang Tang glanced at the white lights of death, pulled up the ghost blood streamer and waved it away, taking away the ghostly black threads all over the sky. Ten characters!
Those who bully my sisters, I will destroy them all!
"That little girl is a naked provocation, you can't let her go like this!"

"I don't think this is an easy matter. Why would a little girl dare to do this alone? There must be someone behind her."

"Hmph, instead of admiring others and saying how powerful they are, why don't you review yourself? There are 2 people in the entire station, and only one-third are there, so only one-third of the people in the station have not gone out to practice. Level, that is more than a thousand people, to be fooled by a little girl, and to have the merit monument destroyed, that is pure incompetence."

"What did you say?" Yin Wuhen immediately slapped the table and said, "Little hands are cold, don't think I don't know, you have long wanted to enter the moon watch platform, if you have an idea, just say it, there is no need to argue there .”

"Sure, then let's talk straight." The little hand picked his nose with his little finger with a cold smile on his face, and smiled at Yin Wuhen: "You are a worthless piece of trash!"



Bloody Limbo looked at the messy group of people in front of him, he didn't speak, he hooked the corners of his mouth, he smiled and said nothing, but he was playing with a basalt town stone in his hand, but halfway through the game, the town stone He suddenly let go of his hand and fell on the table. The table on the square long platform suddenly "clicked", and a corner was crushed by the small stone, and then there was a loud noise. The stone fell to the ground, and it was deep Trapped in the slate.

Everyone in the room stopped talking immediately, staring at the bloody Lin Bo in a daze, and some even glanced at the Xuanwu Zhenshi with lingering fear, because the Zhenshi's name is Xuanwu Yin, and it can be big or small, and the small one can only be Rice grains can be as big as a mountain, the lightest as a feather, and the heaviest as Mount Tai. It is an eighth-level auxiliary Horcrux. If Bloody Limbo threw the basalt seal at them just now, he would definitely die.

"Stop talking? Why don't you talk anymore?" Bloody Lin Bo glanced at everyone, and instead of picking up the Xuanwu seal, he knocked on the table with his knuckles and said, "I really didn't want to call you all back, It's just one person, and it's too much to make a fuss, and it's too self-deprecating, and it's embarrassing to ask all the famous and respectable experts of the Scarlet Mercenary Group to rush back to discuss. But now, I really feel that my decision You are extremely correct, look at your current appearance, what kind of virtues do you have? Are you living a very comfortable life recently? So comfortable that you don’t even use your brains when you talk and do things?”

Bloody Lin Bo said, the already quiet room became even more silent, Bloody Lin Bo could only shake his head, lowered his head to pick up the Xuanwu seal and put it back into his Qiankun pocket, then jumped up and slapped the table.

"Speak!" Bloody Limbo said loudly, "I didn't ask you to come and pretend to be dumb. You yelled so vigorously just now, but now that I've asked you to speak, you can't even let out a fart?"

After Bloody Limbo finished speaking, there was still a bit of silence at the bottom, until Bloody Limbo showed an impatient expression, and finally someone said timidly: "I think it's better to ask the old magic stick to help calculate the position, and call good hands to surround her and forget it. If it’s not enough, it’s twice, and if it’s not enough, it’s five times. Whether to kill her back to below the tenth level, or to kill her and replay the life profession, it depends on her attitude.”

"Kill her?" Bloody Lin Bo laughed and said, "Who do you want to kill? Tang Tang?"

"Isn't it her?"

The man asked back puzzledly, and the others nodded in agreement, and the tense atmosphere in the room finally eased up a bit.

"What do you all mean?" Bloody Lin Bo stretched out his hand to signal everyone to be quiet, and after getting an affirmative answer, he shook his head, suddenly pointed to the person beside him and said, "Fire Eagle, come and talk."

"I said? If you want me to say it, it's a fool's dream. Don't you even understand the most basic way to know yourself and the enemy?"

The player named Fire Eagle, wearing a robe of flames, with a sword around his waist, no one knows where he is from, and no one has seen him do it. He is also very mysterious in the Scarlet Mercenary Group. Everyone only knows this person He won the trust of Scarlet Limbaugh.Of course, because of this, his popularity is not very good. As soon as this remark came out, it offended everyone even more. Immediately, someone jumped up to refute, but Bloody Limbo stared back first.

"Keep talking!" Bloody Lin Bo glanced at everyone and said, "If you have something to say, wait for Fire Eagle to finish!"

Huo Ying said: "Tang Tang, a disciple of the Tang Sect, this little girl's reputation is not very prominent, mainly because she was the first to successfully cross the tribulation, the Kunlun Shrine won the Kunlun Mirror, and the Night Dive into Soul Valley was hunted down. This incident made her famous, but it only gave everyone an impression of her. However, the little girl has a high reputation in Tangmen. It is said that she has a gap with Tang Yukuang, but she has a good relationship with Tang Xin. At the same time, she has a deep friendship with Tang Taro, which makes her have a good relationship with Tufengying. At the same time, because she is the No. One of the top five masters of the Tang Sect was named, which made her very popular in the Tang Sect. Although she is a player with no gang and no faction, if she makes a fuss, many Tang Sect disciples will obey orders. Secondly, after hearing that she She has a very close relationship with the first pharmacist of the Kunlun School, so there should be many people from the Kunlun School who will help her."

"So what?" As soon as Huo Ying finished speaking, someone immediately dissatisfied: "There are so many people in the Tang Sect, but everyone knows that the Tang Sect can play nest fights now, and they have been suppressed and beaten by our Douluo Palace all the time. On the background of the sect. Huh, I think the monster clan in the half-beast forest is more threatening than the Tang sect. As for the Kunlun sect, the most chaotic in the whole soul domain is Kunlun. A sect has more than [-] gangs, the first pharmacist That poor, dumpy fellow is no good at all."

"You're right." Fire Eagle laughed and said, "The Tang Sect is not united. It is true that the Kuangzhan Pavilion and the Tufeng Camp may not help Tang Tang, but judging from everyone's performance a few minutes ago, it seems that they did not. How much more united than the Tang Sect."

When Huo Ying said this, many people blushed in embarrassment and wanted to refute, but thinking about the chaotic scene just now, they couldn't say anything.

Bloody Limbo didn't care much, he waved his hand and said, "Let's talk about business."

Huo Ying nodded and said: "I don't mean anything else, I just want to tell you that Tang Tang's resume is quite rich, and it is well known in the Tang Sect. For such a character, I want to know the basics. You don't need to spend a lot of thought, but you are lazy to spend even this little thought. Because, as long as you have inquired about this person, you should know that there are rumors in the Tang Sect that Tang Tang's little girl has three speeds, the sword is fast, the hand is fast, and we Let me talk about running fast first. As the name suggests, this little girl is very fast. According to my understanding, she either has a powerful Yukong Horcrux, or her character attributes have very high support, which makes her The level of imperial swordsmanship is much higher than that of ordinary people, if you send dozens of masters to surround her, the little girl just pats her butt and leaves, you have nothing to do with her."

 The first update today, the third update tomorrow, it's a bit of a calf...

(End of this chapter)

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