The Peerless Tangmen of Online Games

Chapter 313 Douluo Abyss Konoha Fantasy City

Chapter 313 Douluo Abyss Konoha Fantasy City
"That's not easy, send someone who can catch up with her."

Huo Ying said: "Then we have to talk about Tang Tang's sword and hands are fast. I haven't heard that this man's equipment is very good, but the Horcruxes he uses are all top-notch. There are at least three or three Horcruxes in stock. Above, and all of them are above level six, most of them are flying swords, with high damage and fast speed. At the same time, as I said just now, she may have very high initial attributes, which makes the level of sword control much higher than others. The speed of the attack is naturally faster, which makes her sword very fast, which should not be underestimated. Secondly, her technique is very good. If she can skillfully use two Horcruxes to fly together, she can be regarded as a small master, but Tang Tang's attack is double. Horcruxes, someone has seen her use three horcruxes to fly together more than once, and there are even rumors that she can use four horcruxes at the same time. , but it’s hard to say who will kill who.”

"What you mean is that if you can beat her, you may not be able to catch up with her. If you can catch up with her, you may not be able to beat her. I don't want you to grow others' ambitions and destroy your own prestige like you."

Huo Ying spread his hands and said: "What I said is the truth, if you don't believe me, you can try it yourself."

"How about assassination? Find a few with high damage!"

Huo Ying said: "It's feasible, but it only succeeded two or three times. With the speed of a little girl, after being on guard, it is almost impossible to succeed in a sneak attack."

"So you mean that so many of us can't do anything about her? It's ridiculous!"

Huo Ying said: "Don't blame me for being outspoken. It's not that there are people who can fight better than her, and it's not that there are people who can run better than her. Since they can fight better than her and run better than him, we can find some. The problem is whether It's so easy to find, even if we find it, it may not be something we can order, for example, that guy Petra seems to be able to do it, but can you order Petra?"

Bloody Limbo frowned, knocked on the table and said: "Pietra has nothing to do with this matter, and I don't want to hear that guy's name, we are talking about Tang Tang now, we must come up with a plan for this matter, Misty City and After the resident of Wangyuetai was destroyed by the merit monument, all the gang members under the name of the resident were kicked out of the gang by Soul Realm. Xin Wusuan and Yin Wuhen tried their best to save it, but the members of the two resident are about 26000 , Excluding those who are absent, let’s not talk about it for the time being, there are about 20000 people left, but less than 15000 people have returned to the gang. Obviously, the destruction of the merit monument has dealt a great blow to everyone, and even created distrust of the gang Feeling. Moreover, the gang members in the other two stations also began to discuss privately, and even the headquarters station received dozens of requests to withdraw from the gang. Therefore, the first thing is not to let Tang Tang continue to make trouble, even if we take precautions, let She is nothing more than continuing to destroy the merit monument, as long as he makes trouble in the station, it will also have a chain effect, and the second is to fight back, so as to stabilize people's hearts."

Huo Ying said: "It's very simple, since we can't catch her, let the little girl send her to the door by herself."

"Are you acting stupid? You said let her come, and she will come?"

Bloody Lin Bo said: "If you have a way, just say it."

Huo Ying smiled and said: "I have nothing to do, but Tang Tang himself said that he would come, don't forget, the little girl left a few words on the moon-watching platform, according to those words, I remember that we were chasing and killing A disciple of the Valkyrie Temple?"

As soon as Huoying finished speaking, the face of the bloody Jack in the corner changed. He was responsible for chasing and killing Qingping Applexiang.

Bloody Limbo waved his hands and said, "I know about this, but firstly, I didn't know that the disciple of the Martial God Palace had something to do with Tang Tang at the time, and secondly, there is no problem with the handling of this matter, which has nothing to do with whether the other party knows Tang Tang. It doesn't matter."

Scarlet Jack immediately glanced at Scarlet Limbo gratefully. The matter of the clear apple scent was indeed not a big deal in the eyes of the Scarlet Mercenary Corps, but the chain reaction was a little more serious. If Scarlet Jack was really to be held accountable, he really shirked it. not drop.

Huoying said: "I don't mean to blame anyone, but it can be seen that Tang Tang's purpose is revenge. We killed her sister, and she destroyed our Scarlet Mercenary Group's garrison. However, our Scarlet Mercenary Group Hundreds of thousands of gang members stand and let her kill, she will have to kill for a few days and nights, so what should I do? Destroying the monument of merit is the best way, so her purpose is also very simple, that is, to get us bloody mercenaries The regiment was forced to disband!"

"Then send someone to guard the merit monument!" Fire Eagle said, and someone responded immediately: "We should immediately send reinforcements to Tengzhou and Zhongqu Mountain, and call experts to guard the merit monuments in these two places."

"Tsk tsk, if you really do that, it's in the hands of the little girl." Huo Ying shook his head and said: "Tang Tang's purpose is to hope that we will send experts to guard the monuments of meritorious deeds at Tengzhou and Zhongqushan. You can think Let me explain why she didn't reveal her identity when she attacked the Misty City garrison, and after taking down the Misty City with thunder, she immediately used the teleportation talisman to rush to the moon-watching platform. Because she was in a hurry, the Misty City was newly built, and after the attack, we first I would think that the nearby gang forces would intervene again, but it would not be too long to find her. Therefore, she had to rush to the moon-watching platform immediately to achieve the effect of a sneak attack and destroy the merits of the moon-watching platform. , she doesn't need to hide anything. In a few hours, even if we haven't found her, we will take precautions against two consecutive garrisons. Now, let’s just expose our identity and leave those ten big characters, deliberately guiding us, making us feel that she will continue to attack our garrison, and will attack Tengzhou and Zhongqushan garrisons.”

Bloody Lin Bo frowned and said, "Isn't the little girl going to do this?"

"Of course she is going to do this, but her goal is not Tengzhou and Zhongqu Mountain, but..." Huoying suddenly laughed, pointed to his feet and said: "This is the goal of the little girl, Douluo Abyss , Konoha Fantasy City!"



When everyone in the Scarlet Mercenary Corps was having a headache for Tang Tang, the little girl was walking leisurely on the mountain path with a hand-woven garland. sneezing.

"It's the sixth one." Tang Tang rubbed his nose and said, "Sneezing once means being loved by others, and sneezing twice means being scolded by others. I've already sneezed six times because that handsome guy thinks I'm going crazy Is it, or is someone cursing me?"

Tang Tang pursed his lips and muttered, then kicked a small stone flying with a "bang", covered his eyes with his hand, and looked up...

It was an incomparably huge green tree, hundreds of feet high, enough for 200 people to embrace, with lush branches and leaves, and there were countless exquisite buildings among the treetops. This is Konoha Fantasy City!

Konoha Fantasy City is a tree and a city.

In the past, several seeds of the sacred tree of the holy world fell into the soul realm of the beginning of chaos along with the fruit of the sacred tree, and one of the seeds of the sacred tree fell into the hands of Qi Mei by chance and coincidence.

Douluo Abyss is where the Douluo Palace is located. Rumor has it that Douluo Abyss is located in the gap between the underworld and the human world, separated by the Nether Mountain. After getting the residence application, Bloody Lin Bo planted the seeds of the sacred tree in the south of the Nether Mountain. , watered with the water of the Netherworld of the Nether Mountain, and after the seeds of the sacred tree grow, it will be the Konoha Fantasy City. The base camp of the Scarlet Mercenary Corps, the location of the general garrison!
Looking at the towering Konoha Illusory City, Tang Tang couldn't help feeling that the Scarlet Mercenary Group was really lucky. The leaders of all the gangs were worried about not having a good place to stay, so they could only find the territory of those big monsters. As a resident, the Scarlet Mercenary Group used Konoha Fantasy City to build a resident.

You must know that although Konoha Fantasy City cannot grow into a sacred tree because the human world is no better than the holy world, it is also the illusion of the seeds of the sacred tree in the holy world, which is much stronger than the Fuyuan Cave in the human world. Not to mention having an innate wooden defensive formation, after becoming the gang resident of the Scarlet Mercenary Group, it also has a quite heaven-defying attribute, that is, all gang members' luck increases by 10 points, and a good attribute, the income from killing monsters Experience increased by 15%, which is one of the reasons why the Scarlet Mercenary Group can attract so many helpers.


With emotion, a shout suddenly sounded in Tang Tang's ear, bringing her back to her senses. At this moment, she realized that she had unknowingly walked to the entrance of Konoha Fantasy City, and two NPC guards held up spears and shot her. stopped.

"Aren't they allowed in?"

Tang Tang wondered for a while, all the player forces' resident are open to all players, you know, the resident is very profitable, otherwise who would bother to manage the player force?And a player's power is nothing more than two places to make money. The first is the resident mission. Every player who completes a resident mission will get a certain amount of gold coin rewards. Among these rewards, the player's power can take away 10% to 30%. The number is determined by the leader.Normally, the power of most players is controlled at about 15%. The second is taxation. In the resident, you can establish the alchemist guild, the weapon guild, the restaurant, the auction house, etc., and all the big cities of the soul domain have it. All of them can be built, and the sales of medicines in the medicine store, the repair of the Horcruxes in the Artifact Masters Guild, and the intermediary fees after the auction house is sold are all taxes, which are directly owned by the player forces. After deducting the cost and the benefits provided to the helpers , the rest of the money fell back into the hands of the high-level management of the player force, which is why those bigwigs took great pains to manage the player force.

These days, it's always too early to be profitable!
And Konoha Fantasy City is a very large gathering place. First of all, the Douluo Palace is not far from here. Almost all the disciples of Douluo Palace regard Konoha Fantasy City as a place to stay. Secondly, players who are leveling near Nether Mountain, Scarlet Mercenaries The gang members, players who want to go to the Netherworld and the Ghost Realm through the Nether Mountain, almost all regard Konoha Fantasy City as their foothold. If Konoha Fantasy City refuses players to enter, it will definitely be a huge loss for the Scarlet Mercenary Corps , the lost gold coins may be in the tens of thousands.

(End of this chapter)

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