The Peerless Tangmen of Online Games

Chapter 315 One vs. One People Meets Tang Yuhao Again

Chapter 315 One vs. One People Meets Tang Yuhao Again

As soon as the words fell, Tang Tang suddenly drew his sword, and the Chilian Jiaosnake Staff was like ferocious snake teeth, bringing a faint arc of light in the air towards the Fire Eagle, but the Fire Eagle was not surprised, and what surprised Tang Tang was The jade bone fan that he had been holding in his hand was actually his weapon. With a wave of his hand, he opened the fan and greeted the blue sword light, but...

Chi Lian Jiao Snake Stick—1899!

Huo Ying looked at his waist in astonishment, the sword light was clearly coming towards his neck, and he did steadily block the sword light with the jade bone fan, why?Why is there a sword in my waist!
After a moment's sluggishness, Huo Ying also quickly came back to his senses, and smiled at Tang Tang, saying: "Tang Tang has three speeds, the sword is fast, the hand is fast, and the hand is fast. This sword is fast, and it really lives up to its reputation. I have seen it!"

Tang Tang hooked the corner of his mouth and didn't agree with Huo Ying's words. He suddenly drew his sword and left. Turning over, he fell out of the Dengyun Terrace. Light, at the same time, quickly covered the breath of the phoenix chick on the sword light, and then fell rapidly downward!
"I'll fly to the sky, let the world be free!" In midair, Tang Tang laughed loudly and said, "If you want to kill me, it depends on whether you have the ability!"

Tang Tang laughed, and when Tang Tang finished speaking, he had already fallen a hundred meters away.

Huo Ying's eyes froze, and he ran to Dengyun Terrace to take a look, and waved his hands decisively: "Thousands of miles, send the sound transmission to Bloody Jack, open the defense circle of the fantasy city, and chase Tang Tang with all your strength, kill Wushe!"

"Roar, roar, kill..."

The people in the sky received the order, burst into shouts, and urged Jianguang to dive down like rain.

On the other side, Tang Tang rushed down more than 100 meters, and his speed also slowed down suddenly.

It's not that Tang Tang doesn't want to be fast, but that she can't get up fast!
The exposed green wood branches and leaves of the fantasy city suddenly came alive, and rushed towards Tang Tang like a snake in mid-air. Tang Tang quickly stretched out his hand and summoned the Huo Yu Fei Yan sword, tailing it with a hot flame Go around and knock those branches away.However, as soon as the branches receded, those leaves immediately rolled up without wind and rushed towards Tang Tang. Every leaf was as sharp as a knife, and would cut a hole in Tang Tang's body. It was just a negligence, nothing more than a blink of an eye After a while, Tang Tang lost half of his health. Naturally, Tang Tang was taken aback. While quickly calling out the three-hearted glazed cup of the body-protecting horcrux, he stretched out his hand to emptiness...

"Golden feathers spread their wings!"

The Golden Feather Shining Wings is a skill attached to the jade pendant Golden Wings and Sword Feathers. It was dropped by Tang Tang when he killed the six-winged Golden Light Roar in the Sea God Pavilion.

Because Tang Tang has been stringing the alien fire feather sent by the alien beast Yingyu as a necklace, it overlaps with the attributes of the jade pendant. Later, Tang Tang left the Haishen Pavilion and went overseas, and he didn't have time to change the alien fire feather into a necklace. For the necklace, the Golden Winged Sword Feather can only be wronged to pile ashes in the backpack for the time being. Now that Tang Tang is going to challenge Bloody Lin Bo, he naturally wants to use everything he can use. Physical damage increased by 30%, soul skill damage increased by 7%, crit rate increased by 5%, critical strike rate increased by 3%, and defense ignoring rate increased by 1% did bring great help to Tang Tang.

However, Golden Feather Bright Wings can only conjure [-] golden wings. Although the number is not low, compared with the overwhelming leaves that swept over, it is really nothing.

Tang Tang gritted his teeth and poured several bottles of life potion into his mouth. At the same time, the three Horcruxes came out, releasing the White Shark Wolf Fang, Thunder Lightning Longyuan and Huoyu Feiyan Sword, and the three sword lights intertwined and entangled , in conjunction with Jin Yu's spreading wings, he abruptly pulled out a large net with his sword light, and blocked all those tumbling leaves like rain.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, the branch that was shaken by Tang Tang came back, and suddenly pulled towards Tang Tang's back like a whip.

"Sun Moon Universe Wheel, go!"

Tang Tang was also alert, urging Phoenix Chick's Breath to avoid those branches, but he had no Horcrux to use, so he had to release the Sun Moon Cosmic Wheel. Although this thing is an auxiliary Horcrux, it still has normal damage , It can barely be used as a Horcrux, and it is thanks to Tang Tang who still holds the Sun Moon Cosmic Wheel in his hand that he can stop those branches.

"Three main Horcruxes and one auxiliary Horcrux!" Huo Ying's voice suddenly sounded: "Tang Tang's hands are fast, I have also seen it!"

Tang Tang looked up, but it was the fire eagle that had already chased down. Behind him, there were pieces of sword light, fireworks, and thunder clouds bursting, but it was the bloody mercenary gang who followed the fire eagle and released their souls. Flying swords and wild knives, or spells all over the sky, attacked Tang Tang, Tang Tang couldn't help but lamented that one wave was not calm, and another wave rose again.

However, in the face of the dense attack, Tang Tang also aroused the aggressiveness in his heart, his eyes sank, and suddenly withdrew the breath of the phoenix chick, and landed firmly on a tree branch.

"Come, come!" Tang Tang summoned the Nether Blood Banner from Qiankun pocket and shouted coquettishly: "Let me see who can kill me!"

The blood flag dances!
The ghostly blood streamer was immediately surrounded by black air, billowing cold smoke, exuding a violent evil spirit, which made everyone in the sky stagnate. Such an evil Horcrux is rarely seen even in the Demonic Dao.

Taking advantage of this gap, Tang Tang grabbed the flag pole with both hands fiercely, and vigorously danced the huge ghost blood flag.

The banner moved with the wind, and under Tang Tang's full force, all the black threads of the nether world surged out from the banner, turned into tentacles and rushed towards the crowd. It would be unlucky for the soul master to produce a new spell. Just after releasing the Horcrux, he never thought that Tang Tang would be able to fight back under such oppression. He immediately ran away, and those who withdrew their swords were thrown into a panic. Unbearable!

And after Tang Tang released all the Youming black threads, he didn't sit still, he threw the Youhun blood streamer on the ground, stuffed a bottle of blessing potion into his mouth, and struck out a palm in the air!
"The sky is blazing!"

The incandescent flames rolled like waves, rolling towards the overwhelming leaves, the defense circle of the Konoha Fantasy City is also very powerful, the leaves did not lose the wind in the face of the sky fire flames, and they collided with the sky fire flames steadily. At the same time, just, such a collision also liberated Tang Tang's flying sword. Without saying a word, Tang Tang immediately drew the sword and raised it high.

"Caohai Buddha!"

"Summon Dragon Soul!"

At the end of the spell, green grass danced in the wind on the sacred tree of green wood. However, the power of Caohai Futu was greater, but the release speed was really slow. Therefore, before that, Tang Tang I also prepared a generous gift for the other party!
At this moment, Thunder Ryuuan was lifted high by Tang Tang, turned into thousands of small electric currents, condensed in Tang Tang's palm, turned into a huge thunder ball, and then swung it fiercely!

The thunder ball instantly turned into ten purple thunders, rolled and condensed in the air, and turned into ten roaring dragon shadows, rushing into the formation in an instant!

at the same time!


Pieces of Caohai sword energy were condensed, and the fine golden sword energy flew in all directions, raging in the crowd. For such a range-based spell, the more people gather, the more people will die naturally. It doesn't take a moment , that is, nearly a hundred white lights shot up into the sky and were thrown into the underworld.

"Hahahahaha..." Tang Tang laughed provocatively and said, "The Scarlet Mercenary Group is nothing more than that!"

Huoying shook his head in disappointment. These thousands of people were all ordinary gangsters, and he didn't expect these people to be able to take down Tang Tang. It's not the current situation where Tang Tang is oppressing and beating him.

"Get ready!" Fire Eagle raised his right hand and said, "Instill mana!"

Firehawk's order was passed down layer by layer, and those who escaped from the thundercloud immediately landed on the green tree of the sacred tree, inserted their horcruxes in the tree, or pressed their hands on the tree...

Sand, sand, sand!
The branches of the Konoha Fantasy City suddenly became green, and Tang Tang's heart skipped a beat, as a bad premonition struck him.

Sure enough, in the green light, the green leaves that were originally dancing and rolled up were locked in a stalemate with Tang Tang's Sun God Flame, and it was hard to tell the winner, but at this moment, the leaves rolled upside down, and they were actually overwhelming. , Like a tsunami, it crashed towards Tang Tang's place.


Tang Tang suddenly murmured that something was wrong, he continued to perform actions, and his mana was in a state of sluggishness, and he could not release the blazing flames of the sky again. There was still some psychic psychic in the sword heart, but the coverage of the sword art was not large, so how could it be blocked? Live in the sea of ​​leaves like locusts crossing the stream.

"I often walk by the river, so I don't want my shoes to get wet. This time, I lost Jingzhou's carelessness!"

Tang Tang was also very helpless, he really looked down on the thousands of people in front of him, she would definitely be unable to beat them, but if she wanted to run, these people would definitely not be able to catch up to her.It's just that I missed the opportunity right now, and it's not so easy to run away because I'm entangled in those leaves. It seems that I really have to explain here today, but...

Just at this time!
"Wind Thunder Sword Formation!"

With a shout, a familiar figure suddenly landed in front of Tang Tang!

The wind suddenly rolled up!

Countless cyan sword qi appeared all around, dancing in a staggered manner. Each sword light could bring up a piece of wind scythe or lightning. In the blink of an eye, a circular area was directly surrounded. Flash, it was actually a sword formation!
And in the center of the sword array was a boy, wearing a golden robe, setting off his mighty figure. When he turned his face, the first thing people saw was a pair of bright eyes, which were full of playful eyes, with A trace of agility, a trace of playfulness, followed by that handsome messy face!

Tang Tang looked at that face, and for some reason, she pounced on it with a grateful expression.

"My little mouse!" Tang Tang said with tears and snot in his nose: "Your appearance is too timely!"

"You little girl!" Tang Yuhao squeezed Tang Tang's chest very ungentlemanly and said, "I don't want such a big daughter."

"I'll just say it casually." Tang Tang is also a character who changes his face faster than turning over. He wiped his face, but there was no expression of gratitude, stood up and dusted the five small handprints on his chest that Tang Yuhao had touched, and said: " If my father is really like you, he would be happy to die, but it seems that you should be mine."

"Little girl, take advantage of me." Tang Yuhao stretched out his little black claws and said, "Be careful, I will pinch you."

Tang Tang hurriedly dodged and said, "Why are you here?"

(End of this chapter)

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