Chapter 316

When Tang Yukuang performed Wind Dance Kyushu, there were wailing sounds all around. If you look carefully, you will find that there are countless gaps in the trunk of Konoha Fantasy City. In the gap, many players are ambushing!
Tang Tang understood it after thinking about it for a while. Of course, Huo Ying also knew the only flaw in the Green Wood Formation, so how could he not make arrangements?
"Leave them alone!" After figuring it out, Tang Tang said to Tang Yuhao, "Full power, let's rush out!"

Tang Tang would not be so naive as to think that she is the legendary Thousand People Slasher, but she has the greatest reliance on speed. As Huoying guessed, the imperial weapon technique is used almost all the time, and there is no way to deliberately practice it. .Therefore, people with high comprehension skills will be particularly high in the art of imperial weaponry, and the speed of imperial horcruxes is of course much faster.

And the little girl is on this list. At the same time, Tang Tang also has the breath of the phoenix, and the flying Horcrux he uses is also extraordinary. After a series of superimpositions, Tang Tang pushed the sword with all his strength, and the movement speed could reach 99 points, almost instantly. One hundred meters, the Konoha Fantasy City is more than a hundred feet high, and it is only about 500 meters high. If Tang Tang can let Tang Tang use his full strength to control the sword, it will only take 2 or 3 minutes. Even if Tang Yuhao is beside him now, according to Tang Tang As we all know, this guy's speed is also terrifying, not much slower than himself.

However, Tang Tang's wishful thinking was in vain!
As soon as Tang Yuhao's Earth Calling Moon fell, he killed more than a dozen people in an instant, and at the same time forced out many hidden people. In this way, the gang members of the Scarlet Mercenary Group stopped hiding and simply rushed out.However, they did not attack Tang Tang, but quickly shuttled between those gaps, with thumb-thick iron chains hanging behind them, and in a short while, those iron chains interweaved with each other to form a layer-by-layer chain network , densely covered with tree trunks.

Tang Tang rushed down less than ten meters, and bumped into an iron chain that had just been pulled out, and was stopped abruptly.

"This..." Tang Tang smiled wryly, "It seems that Bloody Limbaugh has studied me thoroughly!"

Such an arrangement was obviously made for Tang Tang. Fire Eagle had obviously arranged manpower in each gap early on, with one man holding an iron chain in each gap. The iron chain in his hand was pulled up, and more than hundreds of people were used to pull up the chain inside the trunk in an instant. Tang Tang used all his strength to control the Horcrux, and he would hit the chain. If he avoided it, he would naturally be unable to maintain full speed. speed of the device.

Moreover, that fire eagle was really a wicked ghost, there were barbs hanging from the iron chain, and Tang Tang lost 200 health points after hitting it once.

However, the more wicked ones are yet to come!
"Fishnet Array!"

I don't know who shouted, and suddenly a dozen vague black shadows appeared above Tang Tang's head. Looking carefully, it turned out that a pile of fishing nets fell towards the two of them. Naturally, Tang Tang immediately drew his sword, However, when the sword light Tang Tang urged struck the fishnet, sparks sparked and failed to cut the fishnet to pieces.

Tang Tang and Tang Yuhao looked at each other, and quickly jumped to the sides. When the fishing nets fell and hung on the iron chains, Tang Tang realized that those fishing nets were actually made of wire wrapped with beef tendon. No wonder he was not afraid of swords!
At this time, there was another shout from above their heads, and the second batch of fishing nets were also thrown down. After the first round of fishing net throwing, this batch of fishing nets was obviously thrown more beautifully, more scattered, and more difficult. Dodging, at the same time, dozens of people came out from under their feet, grabbed the iron chain, and released flying swords towards Tang Yuhao and Tang Tang from the bottom up!

Tang Tang couldn't help sighing, that Fire Eagle is really powerful.

The so-called principle of one chopstick and one chopstick is not absolutely correct. Reasonable use is the kingly way. Taking the Scarlet Mercenary Group as an example, since the Sea God Pavilion event ended, it has expanded rapidly. The Misty City and Mochiyuetai have a total of five resident gangs, about hundreds of thousands of gang members, among which the resident gang members of Konoha Fantasy City are at least 25000. Even if it is impossible to be there at the same time, the average number of people in the city can reach [-] Above, excluding those who join the gang for the sake of the gang's welfare, and are unwilling to participate in gang activities and obey the gang organization, Bloody Limbaugh can also pull out a team of [-] people in one go!
Each of the 1 members of the gang would be enough to drown Tang Tang by spitting. However, if Huo Ying really pulled out a team of 1 people, Tang Tang would definitely be able to come and go freely. To catch up with Tang Tang, dispatching a whole 1 people is not an easy task at all. Often an order has to be passed on layer by layer. Naturally, it is not said that it is necessary to siege cities and plunder land. But if [-] people are used to arrest one person, I am afraid As soon as Huoying passed on the order and Tang Tang's location layer by layer, Tang Tang had already disappeared before he organized the manpower.

Therefore, Firehawk's intention is very simple.

I will bully you by relying on the number of people and the few people, but we don't swarm up, we go up one by one, after the iron chain intercepts, Tang Tang's most relied on speed is equivalent to being worn out by half, only one point at a time Point down to kill out.However, no matter how good Tang Tang's skill was, how many batches could he kill?a batch?Two batches?Ten batches?Even if Tang Tang could kill, would the supplies and medicine in her backpack be enough for her to kill all the way?I'm afraid even filling the backpack is not enough!
What's more, Huoying also prepared a large fishnet formation for Tang Tang. The fishnet didn't care about his own people underneath. Anyway, it didn't matter to the gang members of the Scarlet Mercenary Group. They crawled out slowly, or waited for someone to rescue them afterwards. That's fine, but being caught by Tang Yuhao or Tang Tang, even just once, could deal a fatal blow to both of them.

Tang Tang sighed, and swept away a barbed wire fishing net with a sword. At the same time, with a flick of his wrist, the lightning dragon on the other hand exploded a blue arc, and there was a crackling sound...

"24 Bridges on a Moonlit Night!"

When the sword came out, 24 bolts of lightning flashed past, and the two members of the bloody mercenary group who secretly climbed up from below were dragged by the iron chain, and the sword light pierced through their chests, leaving a bowl-sized wound with scorched black edges. Apparently he was burned by the electric current of Thunder and Lightning Longyuan. When his body tilted, he fell from the iron chain and turned into a white awn in midair.

However, there was not much joy in Tang Tang's eyes. These opponents are really weak, and they can't even resist her own sword. She has killed more than a dozen people in a row, but even if the opponent's strength is not good, every time they kill her, they are all Doing everything with all his might, sacrificing his life for an injury, even if he dies, he will draw a sword across Tang Tang's body. Moreover, the fishnets all over the sky are really annoying.


In his thoughts, a piece of iron net fell, Tang Tang had no choice but to swing the thunder to break the sky, but at the moment of flying the iron net, six or seven sword lights suddenly went from under him, Tang Tang hurriedly sent The horcrux came out, and the three horcruxes danced together, but a sword light got in. At this moment, Tang Yuhao turned around and killed him. With a pick of the sword light, Tang Tang helped Tang Tang knock out the sword light, and also shot his own sword light away. The back is exposed...


The flying sword pierced through Tang Yuhao's shoulder, and Tang Tang immediately counterattacked, throwing a blaze of heavenly fire and knocking the member of the bloody mercenary group off the chain, quickly took a bottle of blessing potion, and poured it into Tang Yuhao's mouth .

Looking at the dwindling supply of medicines, Tang Tang couldn't help but smiled wryly at Tang Yuhao: "Little mouse, it seems that this time is really going to be over, you really shouldn't show up, just accompany me to the underworld for nothing."

"Why do you say that? Could it be that, little girl, you have lost confidence in yourself? You have never been afraid before, why are you afraid now?" Tang Yuhao swung his sword to block the iron net, turned his head, tilted his head, and his eyes were piercing Looking at Tang Tang, the two were silent for a while, Tang Yuhao suddenly showed a displeased expression, and flattened his mouth: "Little girl, you are no longer funny now!"

 I went out of town today. After a day of driving, I feel like throwing up. The update seems to be pulled down. I will update it today, and I will send it at least four times tomorrow. I hope you understand!

(End of this chapter)

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