The Peerless Tangmen of Online Games

Chapter 317 Have We Played Binding?

Chapter 317 Have We Played Binding?
As soon as Tang Yuhao finished speaking, he turned his head stubbornly and ignored Tang Tang. With a wave of the sword light in his hand, he went to the other side, entangled with several members of the Scarlet Mercenary Corps who attacked.

Tang Tang was stunned!
Yes, what are you afraid of?What do you have to be afraid of?When have you ever been afraid?
The big deal is death, after finding out the reality of Konoha Fantasy City, it is worth dying once, and when I come back from the underworld, these guys from the Scarlet Mercenary Group may have a hard time!

"Kill one is enough, kill two to earn one!"

After Tang Tang was stunned, he realized that he was too serious, his level of cultivation was high, and his equipment was ready, so he was somewhat afraid of death. Not to mention the distress of losing a level of cultivation, Tang Tang's whole body is also full of good things , It is quite depressing that one thing broke out.

However, Tang Tang never considered these things before!
He licked the corner of his mouth, revealing a hint of ferocity. It is not his temper to look forward and backward. He always does things as he wants, without any worries. It is not too much to say that he is lawless, afraid?These two words should never appear on my body!
After thinking it through, Tang Tang himself felt that the Horcrux in his hand was much lighter. With a flick of his wrist, two sword flowers danced on his chest. After repelling the two sword lights, he leaped lightly and grabbed the chain Jumped to Tang Yuhao's side.

"Go away!" Tang Yuhao watched Tang Tang approach, but still kicked her with dissatisfaction and said, "Little girl is not fun anymore, don't play with you anymore."

Tang Tang rolled his eyes. Sometimes this guy is very naive, but sometimes he is more sober than anyone else. Tang Tang doesn't think that what Tang Yuhao said to him is casual. As for playing, this can actually be ignored. It's hard to guess what Tang Yuhao is thinking in his head. Anyway, Tang Tang thinks that this guy should belong to the slippery mouse, and some words should not be taken too seriously.

"For the sake of helping Miss Ben cheer up, I don't care about you." Tang Tang hummed and muttered in his heart, then swung his sword to cut open the iron net, and said to Tang Yuhao, "Haozi, you can at most be an envoy." How many Horcruxes?"

Tang Yuhao turned his head, as if ignoring you.

Tang Tang had no choice but to say: "Brother Haozi, I repent. I am guilty. Is it okay if I am wrong? As a good girl in the new century of Soul Realm, I should go forward bravely, and if I don't go against the current, I will retreat. I feel deeply guilty, is brother satisfied now?"

"Little girl, you're sensible." Tang Yuhao narrowed his eyes into crescent moons, patted Tang Tang's shoulder happily, then tilted his head and thought for a while: "Usually, one or two souls are used. As for weapons, there should be no problem with three pieces, and four pieces probably won’t be enough, um, even if they can be busy, the speed of action is not enough.”

Tang Tang nodded, as he had guessed, Tang Yuhao's two swords flying together, he had seen it before, and it was quite easy to play, not worse than himself, and the four horcruxes flying together, Tang Tang himself could barely play, The main reason is that the speed of the characters' shots is not high enough. Tang Yuhao's shots are not as good as his own. Naturally, it is impossible to do it. The only problem is whether Tang Yuhao's reflexes can handle the three horcruxes flying together, but it seems that Tang Yuhao is still Very confident.

"In that case." Tang Tang threw the Huo Yu Fei Yan Sword and Thunder Lightning Long Yuan to Fen Dai Hua Xiang and said, "I will lend you my Horcrux, and you will use all your strength to control the sword."

Tang Yuhao asked strangely, "What are you doing, little girl?"

Tang Tang smirked and said, "I'm cheering for you, a good brother shouldn't protect his sister well!"

"Bah!" Tang Yuhao broke Tang Tang in anger and said, "You're a pig! How can I handle it myself?"

Tang Tang bared his teeth and said, "That's right, I'm sister pig, so you're brother pig! Since you're a pig, let's play bondage!"

Tang Yuhao raised his foot to kick Tang Tang again, but Tang Tang stepped aside, whispered something to Tang Yuhao, and finally pointed to his feet. Although Tang Yuhao hesitated, Tang Tang would not be so boring Just to drag himself down, he simply let the three swords protect him by his side, while he stretched out his hand and took out a chain.

"Is it tied up?" Tang Tang looked at the chain around his waist, feeling Tang Yuhao's body temperature by the way, and said, "Your mission is to control the sword, and you can kill anyone who dares to come over. You can also try to see if you can cut it off. Those chains!"

Tang Yuhao blinked his eyes, and neither refused nor agreed. He heard that Tang Tang meant to tie the two of them together and run, but is there any difference between running with his own sword?It should be more troublesome to tie up and run, right?

Tang Tang also saw Tang Yuhao's thoughts. If he didn't show something, this guy would have to erupt the volcano, so he didn't hesitate at the moment, picked up 'Treading Xue Wuhen', and jumped up gently in the air, pointing his toes in the air , the breeze around him was blowing gently, surrounding Tang Tang's stretched sides, lifting Tang Tang floatingly, and the whole person was floating in the air as if he had no weight.

"Ah!" Tang Yuhao said with excitement immediately on his face, "Little girl is so amazing, this is quite fun!"

Flying in the air and floating in the air are two completely different feelings, the former is faster, but it is only speed, and using "Taxue Wuhen" to float around in the air, the speed is definitely not as good as Yushi Horcrux .However, his agility was completely incomparable. Tang Tang was like a cunning sparrow, constantly shuttling between the iron chains. Every jump was a distance of several feet, and he quickly headed towards the bottom of Konoha Fantasy City.

Such a change naturally made the members of the Scarlet Mercenary Group startled. After a while, they came back to their senses and felt a little depressed. Originally, everyone dragged the iron chains to move and attack, but now Tang Tang didn't stay between the iron chains at all. Then how to attack?Moreover, Tang Tang's falling speed was so fast that it was no slower than the falling speed of the wire fishing net, so it seemed that the fishing net array was not easy to use.

Those members of the bloody mercenary group gritted their teeth, had no choice but to grit their teeth, and gave up pulling on the iron chain to climb, but turned their swords into light, Yu Jian chased after the two of them.

Tang Yuhao's expression froze, knowing that it was time for him to make a move, he immediately commanded the three swords to dance together, and rushed towards the gang of the Scarlet Mercenary Group.

Since it is the first time to use three Horcruxes, Tang Yuhao's Three Swords Flying Together is obviously not as flexible as Tang Tang's, but it has an extra domineering aura unique to men. The two of them, but at this moment, Tang Tang fell steadily onto an iron chain nearby.

"Fly!" Tang Yuhao patted Tang Tang's buttocks in dissatisfaction and said, "This is more fun than Yujian, little girl, hurry up and fly!"

"Fly a fart!" Tang Tang took out a bottle of mana potion and said into his mouth: "There is no more mana, this trick is a magic trick, and it consumes a lot of mana."

"It's okay, it's okay, I'll trade you!" Tang Yuhao also took out a few bottles of mana blessing potions, stuffed them into Tang Tang's backpack indiscriminately, and urged: "Hurry up, little girl, they are coming up again."

Tang Tang smiled wryly, this dead rat was probably a skinny guy, and he expected people to work without rest, so he had to drink another bottle of Mana Blessing Potion, which can restore 20% of mana at a time, just in case. , continue to fall downward.

At this time, Huo Ying finally received the news from the green tree trunk, and couldn't help frowning. He asked himself that he had gotten to know Tang Tang quite seriously, but he still didn't expect that the little girl would have another trick. Treading Xue Wuhen is obviously not an imperial weapon technique or flying technique, and the speed bonus is not obvious, but it is extremely flexible. Rather than being used for rushing, 'Taxue Wuhen' is more like a walking body used in fighting. It's just that, in this way, the iron chain interception and fishnet formation that Fire Eagle painstakingly created will have little effect.

Firehawk thought for a while, then decisively waved his hand and said: "Let them continue to intercept, and they can use their own methods. There is no need to follow orders. In addition, I will go to the deputy head of the Scarlet Mercenary Group. If they run away, then Just let them run, don't worry about it, of course, if someone is not convinced, just keep chasing if you want to."

The people around Huoying immediately felt ashamed, and said in embarrassment, "Is this okay?"

Huo Ying suddenly laughed, patted the man's shoulder and said: "You don't understand, it's not that simple to manage a player's power well, the player's sense of belonging is very important, but how to win their sense of belonging? Benefits It's very important, the benefits are good, so you can naturally keep them, but you can only keep people, not your heart. To make them really want something, you must give them glory and pride, and let them talk about being a blood servant. The members of the corps have a sense of pride. The matter of Misty City and Wangyuetai is not so much a loss of profit, but a heavier blow to everyone's heart. How do you say that? Oh, if people lose their minds, it will be difficult to lead the team. Therefore, it is a good thing to be able to take down that girl Tang Tang, but it doesn't matter if you can't. Thousands of people have been mobilized. Such a complete arrangement allows Tang Tang to escape. It just so happens that the little girl is very powerful, and she should be able to calm the hearts of others through the mouths of these thousands of people."

After Huo Ying finished speaking, he glanced at the person beside him, only to find that the latter half understood, and was still at a loss.

"So what if Tang Tang dies once? It's just a one-level drop, so don't just think about Tang Tang, but think about the root of this matter." Fire Eagle patted the man's shoulder again and said: "Wait for you When you understand, you won't be just a captain, and as for the little girl, it's not that simple for her to get out of the way."

While Huo Ying was enjoying himself, Tang Tang and Tang Yuhao had already seen the entrance of Konoha Fantasy City.

However, even though they saw it, they still looked a hundred meters away, and unlike Huo Ying's leisurely attitude, Tang Yuhao and Tang Tang were under tremendous pressure.

(End of this chapter)

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