The Peerless Tangmen of Online Games

Chapter 318 Escape from Konoha Fantasy City Divination Technique

Chapter 318 Escape from Konoha Fantasy City Divination Technique
After the fire eagles gave their respective orders, those members of the bloody mercenary group had fun playing by themselves, whatever they wanted, those who lost Horcruxes, those who used spells, these were the most common, besides , there are all kinds of weird ones, and there is even a guy whose auxiliary Horcrux is a strange set of mahjong tiles. No matter how Tang Tang avoids it, he will take damage. One is 1000 points of damage, and the other is 2000 points. harm.It's a pity that that guy took out a pancake, and the damage was directly counted on his head, and it was seven pancakes, which directly killed himself.

In this way, the first to run into trouble was the helpers of the Scarlet Mercenary Group, and the number of people who were accidentally killed by their own people rose sharply. Secondly, it also brought Tang Tang and Tang Yuhao quite a lot of trouble. This kind of suicide-like Bombing attacks are still very threatening.

"Damn it, we have to be tough too!"

Seeing the entrance of Konoha Fantasy City approaching, Tang Tang gritted his teeth fiercely and said.

As soon as he finished speaking, Tang Tang glanced at Tang Yuhao, who nodded, and Tang Tang continued to fall. At the same time, his palms spread out, and a ray of brilliance bloomed. In the light, the sun, moon, and universe wheels suddenly appeared, spinning rapidly in Tang Tang's hands Go!

"The wheel of the sun, the moon and the universe, the glory of the sun!"

The sun, moon, and universe wheels flew into the air, emitting an incandescent light.

Tang Tang also breathed a sigh of relief immediately. The conditions for using the Sun Moon Cosmos Wheel are still a bit harsh. After Shen Shi and before Mao Shi, there is no sun in the sky, so it is impossible to use Rizhiyao.

Similarly, after Shenshi and before Maoshi, there is a moon in the sky, and the light of the moon can be used, and there are stars in the sky, and the light of the stars can be used. Although Tang Tang is sure that the time is correct, at the same time, when he entered the Konoha Fantasy City, the red sun was indeed hanging high.However, Tang Tang is not sure if he can use it without sunlight in the Konoha Fantasy City, but it seems that the system is not so strict. As long as the time is correct and the weather is correct, it can be used even indoors. in use.

But the Sun Moon Cosmic Wheel was very popular with Tang Tang, and those bloody mercenary groups were in bad luck. Sun Zhiyao's blind state only cares about the distance and doesn't care about people. The space in Konoha Fantasy City is so large, empty , Originally above 100 meters, there are gaps like honeycombs for hiding, but below 100 meters, that is the inside of the bare tree trunk, there is nothing but a circle of wooden steps carved out of the tree trunk, the incandescent As soon as the light dispersed, everyone covered their eyes and wailed. 40 seconds of blindness was not an ordinary pain.

at the same time……

"The fire meteor is extinguished!"

"Wind Thunder Sword Formation!"

"Summon Dragon Soul!"

Tang Yuhao released the three flying swords of the Horcruxes into the air at the same time. After using 60 points of soul power, the Huoyu Feiyan sword turned into a huge fire meteor and swayed around, creating a rippling flame in the heart of the green wood tree. Rain, but, the fire rain is not over yet.Tang Yuhao condensed his fingers into a point of sword, with Tang Yuhao as the center of the circle, thousands of swords suddenly swung away, mixed with hurricanes and violent thunder, and swept towards the surroundings, forming a circular array of swords, no more, no less, just to seal the entire green tree Inside the tree trunk, after directly blocking the up and down escape route, he raised that arm high, and electric current gushed out from the palm of his hand, and after condensing into a huge thunder ball, Tang Yuhao gently crushed it, and ten thunderbolts flew in all directions. Out, turned into a berserk dragon shadow, roaring and roaring, rushed into the surrounding crowd, tearing those who dared to show their strength to pieces!

Tang Tang watched enviously from the sidelines, two sixth-level flying sword soul skills, and a sword array, the power is not ordinary, but the amount of soul power consumed is also frightening, A full 60 points of soul power were sacrificed at once, and no one else would be able to succeed. Only Tang Yuhao, an evildoer with innate full soul power, can play well. If Tang Tang is allowed to use it, it will definitely be a thunderstorm without rain!

However, thanks to Tang Yuhao's strength, the dozens of people who took the lead in the formation were strangled on the spot, and turned into dozens of white lights, which exaggerated the magnificence of the sword formation, and made everyone in the other bloody mercenary group look away. He was timid and didn't dare to rush in at will, so he bought time for Tang Tang. He stepped on the inner wall of the tree trunk, pulled Tang Yuhao, and then floated down, falling to the bottom of Konoha Fantasy City!

"Death pulse!"

When it landed on the ground, the two NPC guards at the entrance immediately greeted them, waving the long spear in their hands and falling towards them. However, since Tang Tang knew that there were guards at the entrance, how could he not be on guard, and the moment he landed, he was already in a hallucination. The phantom suddenly disappeared in place.

The spears in the hands of the two guards were inexplicably chopped into two pieces. Immediately afterwards, the blood line between the necks of the two guards slowly emerged together with Tang Tang's figure. The only difference was that Tang Tang was standing, while the two guards were standing. It fell to the ground with a thud.

"Haoko, let's go!"

Tang Tang put the breath of the young phoenix on the Chilian Jiaosnake staff, pulled Tang Yuhao and rushed out.

Because of Konoha Huancheng, the Douluo Abyss, which was supposed to be barren, has some vitality, and it feels like birds are singing and flowers are fragrant.However, it is only less than ten miles away. As long as you are ten miles away from Konoha Fantasy City, you will be in a barren land. The land is bright red, the sky is gray, and the bright moon will always be covered by dark clouds. There are dead bones everywhere. There are corpses everywhere!
This is Douluo Abyss

Tang Tang has seen it many times before, but he didn't want to see it again when he left. You must know that due to the influence of Konoha Fantasy City, there are grass and trees within ten miles around Aoki. Tang Tang has already prepared a teleportation talisman. Once she hides in this place, after 10 minutes the attack state is released, she can use the teleportation talisman to leave this damn place.

Even so, the two fled desperately for five or six minutes, and then found a place with dense bushes to hide, sat there side by side, looked at each other, and suddenly laughed.

"Little girl, it's really interesting to follow you." Tang Yuhao said with a smile, "I just encountered such an exciting thing when I came back."

Tang Tang rolled his eyes, and said in his heart that you are free to go to the Douluo Hall to assassinate the owner of the family, and it will be more exciting.However, it was inevitable that Tang Yuhao kicked himself unsympathetically. Tang Tang didn't dare to say this, but asked vulgarly, "Where have you been?"

When Tang Tang asked this question, he was quite resentful. You said that Tang Yuhao disappeared after the bloody hand out of nowhere, and he didn't care about it, which seemed very disloyal. Is Tang Tang that kind of disloyal person?As a result, Tang Tang tried thousands of miles of sound transmission when he had nothing to do, or he used Feige to transmit books, but he was rejected by the soul domain every time, which was also very depressing. Who would have thought that Tang Yuhao would appear so inexplicably when he least expected it Now, Tang Tang couldn't help but think that when the two first met, this guy appeared so inexplicably, and couldn't help but smile knowingly.

On the other hand, Tang Yuhao touched his chin, thought for a while and said, "It's hard to say, it's a teacher's task, it's very complicated and troublesome."

Tang Tang just said it casually, and when he heard that it was troublesome, he immediately said heartlessly: "Don't talk about trouble."

Tang Yuhao immediately rolled his eyes, raised his hand and gave Tang Tang a slap, very dissatisfied with the little girl's indifferent attitude.

Tang Tang was extremely aggrieved, it wasn't that you said it was troublesome, I just said it casually and I was unhappy.

However, Tang Tang didn't delve into it. Originally, the two of them were not completely out of trouble, and it was not appropriate to talk about some long-winded things now.Therefore, Tang Tang looked at the time honestly after being hit, and there were still more than two minutes before the attack state passed. As long as he survived these two minutes, no matter whether he used the teleportation talisman to leave or just used the coordinates, They will not be restricted by the soul domain.

But, just at this time...

A sword light suddenly came through the air and hung above Tang Tang's head. Tang Tang felt strange when the sword light suddenly fell rapidly. Tang Tang hurriedly rolled to the side like a lazy donkey, and at the same time drew out the white shark wolf tooth Fell, and knocked that sword light away.

Strange to say, the sword light was hit by Tang Tang with the white shark fangs, and then flew back into the air wobbly. After two circles, it no longer fell towards Tang Tang, but towards the far side. run away.

Tang Tang blinked his eyes twice, and looked a little dazed, what's going on?

And just when Tang Tang was wondering, another sword light appeared on the side that day, and it was obviously not the same flying sword as the previous one. Moreover, this time the target was changed to Tang Yuhao, who was used by Tang Yuhao with the tip of the sword. As soon as he picked it, he flicked the tail of the sword, flew back into the air unsteadily, and flew away towards the distance.

Tang Tang was even more confused, but Tang Yuhao patted his forehead and said, "We were followed by the other party using divination!"

Tang Tang froze, "What do you mean?"

Tang Yuhao explained: "Divination is not a soul skill, nor is it a magic trick. It has no offensive power, but it has some special effects. The most common ones are certain conditions, such as name, physical contact, or pk status. To find out the location of the opponent, there are also some divination techniques to check the attributes, not the name and level that are displayed on the soul domain information as soon as you enter the pk state, but you can see the opponent's character attributes, soul skills, spells, Even the specific attributes of Horcrux equipment. Of course, the technique of divination is equivalent to invading the privacy of the opposing player in a certain sense. Therefore, the conditions for using the technique of divination are usually very strict. The most common thing is that there are daily use restrictions, or Every time you use it, you will lose a certain amount of experience and cultivation base, and there is also a success rate. It does not mean that you can get results if you want to divination. The most important thing is that it is very difficult to improve the level of divination. The same level of divination The experience required to upgrade the level is several times or even ten times more than that of soul skills or spells of the same level, and the divination technique is not defenseless. If the opponent also knows the divination technique, it may be seen through. Some magic circles that can guard against divination, auxiliary Horcruxes, etc., make most people not pay attention to divination, and naturally fewer people have deliberately practiced divination."

(End of this chapter)

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