The Peerless Tangmen of Online Games

Chapter 321 The Spear of Tang Yuhao, the Descendant of the Demon God

Chapter 321 The Spear of Tang Yuhao, the Descendant of the Demon God

"Broken the virtual finger!"

In the sky, a middle-aged man in a white shirt pointed with one hand and lightly drank in front of his mouth. The sword energy released by Tang Yuhao was instantly shattered, and the sweeping wind and thunder disappeared in an instant.

"Hey, the sword formation is also a formation, as long as it is a formation, I can break it!" The man in the white shirt said with a smile: "But don't worry, although our Scarlet Mercenary Group is a member of the demon way, we will never bully the innocent. Disgraceful reputation, but that little girl from the Tang Sect is going to be in trouble!"

What that person said was right. The dozens of people who are here are obviously not mediocre. Presumably, all the people who can do it in the Scarlet Mercenary Group are here, and these people seem to have no interest in Tang Yuhao. In other words, Even if the interest shown, it is only the interest in the duel.

However, the little girl was not so lucky. The wind and thunder sword array was broken, and Tang Tang immediately confronted seven or eight sword lights. It is said that she was chased and killed more times, let alone seven or eight sword lights. Tang Tang has dealt with seventy or eighty sword lights, but although the sword control technique is common, it depends on who uses it!

In Tang Tang's hands, the Imperial Artifact Art is not the Imperial Artifact Art, but the three Horcruxes flying together. However, although those who shot at Tang Tang were just single swords, the sword light was cunning, wandering left and right. , Tang Tang's three horcruxes came to meet him, and when they met each other, they didn't even stop a ray of sword light, which shocked Tang Tang and made Tang Tang understand that these are probably good players and should not be taken lightly. Everyone in the bloody mercenary regiment immediately became serious, urging the sword back to protect the body, intertwined a sword shadow in front of him, the blade danced continuously, and kept colliding with those seven or eight sword lights, although Tang Tang felt a bit strenuous, but he could barely handle it, but at this time...

A gray light suddenly lit up on Tang Tang's back, and it bumped into Tang Tang's back suddenly. Tang Tang suddenly felt a pain in his back. It fell and hit the ground, creating a cloud of dust.

And the moment it landed, Tang Tang didn't dare to stay longer, a lazy donkey rolled, and then rolled to the side, and then, with a loud bang, the huge thing that hit Tang Tang's back also hit the ground, but It is a bluestone town stone, but the town stone is two meters high, three meters wide, square and square, like a rockery placed in the courtyard by a rich family, no wonder it is so powerful, Tang Tang again Looking at the life value, just one blow has already lost one-third of it!

How could Tang Tang dare to stop, so he ran away, and if he was crushed by the rock, he would definitely turn into a meatloaf. However, as soon as Tang Tang turned his head, seven or eight sword lights danced down again, and Tang Tang immediately swung his sword After blocking, the three flying swords were forced to be pulled out by her with seven sword shadows, as if they had any substance, they abruptly blocked the seven sword lights, but...

Damage—771, Damage—802!
Two wind blades flew from far away suddenly, and hit Tang Tang's knees. The little girl's legs gave way, and she was about to fall to the ground, but she still grabbed the hilt of the sword firmly to resist the light of the sword, half bent over However, before Tang Tang could stand up, another thunderbolt fell from the sky, hitting Tang Tang fiercely!



This time, Tang Tang couldn't resist after all, and was knocked to the ground by the blow.

"Hahahahaha, is this the Tang Sect master?"

"The so-called Crossing Tribulation No. 1 is also very ordinary."

"Hey, little girl, get up and play with our buddies!"

The sound of ridicule suddenly sounded from all around. Bloody Lin Bo recalled the Yiqi Sanqing Sword, glanced at the people around him, hesitated to speak, and finally folded his arms around his chest, closed his eyes and meditated.

Bloody Muka sighed and said: "Little girl, don't blame me, you did too much yourself, if I don't do this, it will be difficult to give a satisfactory explanation to the gang, Xiao Liu, restore blood to the little girl !"

As the Bloody Muka fell, a halo fell from the sky, and Tang Tang felt a coolness on his body, and his health gradually recovered.

However, Tang Tang didn't have a good face.

She already understood that the Scarlet Mercenary Group sent all the experts they could to besiege her. Naturally, it was impossible to just kill herself once and drop a level. Compared with the loss of the Scarlet Mercenary Group, it was too childish. Play yourself to death bit by bit. If Tang Tang's guess is correct, it is estimated that among the dozens of people, there should be someone who opened the memory crystal and recorded everything. They may send them to the gang or directly to the Go up to the light and shadow room of the garrison. Only in this way can the anger that Tang Tang brought to the gang after destroying the two gang garrisons of the Scarlet Mercenary Regiment be calmed down.

"What kind of skill is bullying weak women, don't bully others too much!"

At this time, there was a soft drink, and Tang Tang looked back, but Tang Yuhao had an angry expression on his face. Even Tang Tang had never seen that expression before.Although Tang Tang had seen Tang Yuhao's cute expression a lot, it was the first time he saw Tang Yuhao's angry face, and that feeling gave Tang Tang a chill.

However, Tang Yuhao's anger was not enough to suppress everyone. The white-clothed man who broke Tang Yuhao's sword array at the beginning smiled and pointed at Tang Tang: "Aren't we just bullying weak women? I said, don't you just watch it now?" come out?"

Tang Yuhao said with a slightly cold expression, "Don't force me to shoot!"

"Hahahahaha..." As soon as Tang Yuhao said this, more people laughed wantonly. After a long while, someone pointed at Tang Yuhao with a smile on his face and said, "You bastard, let me tell you , men's guns are aimed at women, not at men..."

The words have not yet fallen, the blood has been splashed!

The speaker swallowed the second half of the words abruptly, wiped his own neck in disbelief, stretched it out in front of his eyes, and saw that his hands were covered with blood. Then, his body became cold, and a white light Then he wrapped his body and flew towards the direction of the underworld.


The people laughing all around were silent for an instant as if someone had strangled their necks. They stared blankly at the blood mist still permeating the air. In the center of the blood mist, Tang Yuhao stood proudly, with a A two-foot-long spear with a purple tail and a silver-white body. The spear head is very weird, but two identical flat spear heads are parallel and almost overlapped, with a distance of only half an inch in the middle. It's like a good gun head being split horizontally!

Just at this very moment...

Tang Yuhao turned around, stretched out his hand to touch the barrel of the gun, and slightly parted his lips... "The Gun of Annihilation!"


Tang Yuhao said, when the gun body swayed, there was a piercing sound, and a circle of gray electric current appeared on the gun body, surrounding it, making a piercing sound, as sharp as the howling of an eagle, and then, Tang Yuhao jumped up suddenly, and with a flick of the spear tip, more than a dozen silvery-white lights exploded in the air, like pear blossoms blooming!

The person closest to Tang Yuhao immediately urged his sword to resist, because the dozen or so pear blossoms were naturally coming towards him, but just as the person raised the sword light and handed it to Tang Yuhao, the blade buzzed. The sword light shattered, revealing the flying sword, and then was shocked by the electric current from Tang Yuhao's gun, and bounced off automatically. Before the man could show his astonishment, Tang Yuhao shot through his neck.

The Annihilating Gun!

Since the name of the gun is Annihilation, naturally there is no weapon in the world that can block its sharpness. As long as it touches the electric current, any weapon will be annihilated, and its edge cannot be displayed!

Tang Tang also finally understood why when he was with Tang Yuhao, he only saw the sword array attached to his Horcrux, because he didn't know any soul skills at all, and the sword array was just an attachment to the Horcrux Flying Sword , his weapon is...

gun!Is it a Horcrux?Or Raiders?


At this time, the man whose neck was pierced by Tang Yuhao had turned into a white light and went to visit the underworld, but Tang Yuhao was still standing with his gun behind his back, looking at the rest of the people, and talking lightly, the feeling surprised even Tang Tang After a while, he was completely different from the Tang Yuhao he knew, how could he think...

"Hey, little girl!" Tang Yuhao put away his frosty face suddenly, and said with a playful wink at Tang Tang, "Am I handsome, am I cool? Are you in love with me?"

"Fall in love with your sister!"

Tang Tang really wanted to say something like this, when will this come, and he is still in the mood to play!

It's just that the members of the Scarlet Mercenary Group would not think that Tang Yuhao was just playing, but she actually killed one of their brothers!
Immediately, someone wanted to violently attack Tang Yuhao, but at this moment, the bloody Lin Bo, who had been silent all this time, stopped in front of the crowd, and said to Tang Yuhao, "Are you a descendant of the demon god, the Asura clan?"

Tang Yuhao smiled and said, "Yes, do you want to try my gun?"

Bloody Limbo was a little moved, then shook his head and said: "I believe there will be a chance, Xiaoying, it's yours!"

Yue Wuying was the little shadow in Bloody Lin Bo's mouth, the one who was dressed in white and talked to Tang Yuhao earlier, nodding at Bloody Lin Bo with a playful smile, he had taken the order!

"Hello!" Yue Wuying smiled at Tang Yuhao, "Although I think it's bad to attack people who are not related to me, I still feel sorry for you."

Tang Yuhao didn't say much, he held his gun horizontally, but Yue Wuying smiled, and took out a few stones from his backpack. They were green and faint. Others might not recognize them, but Tang Tang recognized them. They were Lingshi , Tang Xiaoyao once used it to set up a magic circle!

"No, the magic circle?"

When Tang Tang thought of this, his heart skipped a beat. He wanted to remind Tang Yuhao to be careful, but he was a step too late. That Yue Wuying suddenly threw six spirit stones, and they landed around Tang Yuhao!
"Spiritual stones as the base, drawn by blood, life sacrifice, in my name!" Yue Wuying took out a small knife and cut the palms, and then with a "snap", she slammed her palms together and said, "Close!"


(End of this chapter)

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