The Peerless Tangmen of Online Games

Chapter 322 The Calamity of the Soul King

Chapter 322 The Calamity of the Soul King

The place where the six spirit stones were located suddenly made a roaring sound. It turned out that a huge tree grew out of the flat ground, and six rectangular wooden tablets suddenly broke through the ground, and each wooden tablet was engraved with strange and incomprehensible symbols. There is a faint green light emitting from the pattern, which seems to be nothing special, but Tang Yuhao, who had always looked mighty and unyielding, suddenly became a soft-footed crab, and propped up the ground with the Annihilation Spear, so he barely knelt down On the ground!
"Hehe, this is the Jumang formation." Yue Wuying smiled and said, "Jumang is the wood god, which represents life. In the Jumang formation, you will fall into a weak state. Originally, this formation is not too difficult. It doesn't take much effort to arrange it, and it can only be regarded as an ordinary small magic circle in Qimen Dunjia, which is just a weak state that causes all attributes to drop by 30%. Unfortunately, the roots of Konoha Fantasy City are even more endless , and here is not far from Konoha Fantasy City, with the power of Konoha Fantasy City, the weak state of Jumang Formation will reach 90% of all attributes, let alone attack now, it is very difficult to pick up a weapon with bare hands , but don't worry, we really don't bully innocent people, we just want to find that little girl."

While Yue Wuying was talking, Tang Yuhao also tried to stand up, but just like what Yue Wuying said, after the total attributes dropped by 90%, it was no longer a waste of wood. Like a vegetative person, he can't exert any strength at all.

Yue Wuying smiled and waved his hands, "You still watch from the sidelines."

But at this moment...

A muffled sound pulled everyone's attention away from Tang Yuhao. At this moment, everyone remembered that Tang Tang was the right guy, but at this moment there was an extra big banner beside Tang Tang, a big banner with black smoke and cold air blowing towards his face. !
No one dared to underestimate this big banner. Presumably, Huoying had already explained all the trump cards in Tang Tang's hand to the audience in detail, but Tang Tang didn't seem to have any intention of doing anything, but looked at Bloody with piercing eyes. Limbaugh.

"If you want to fight, I will fight happily with you!" Tang Tang supported Youhun's blood banner and said, "However, the grievances here only lie with us, so it is enough to have me, yes!"

Bloody Limbo nodded with a smile, and made a gesture of invitation to Tang Tang.

Tang Tang didn't talk nonsense, he shattered a wooden tablet imagined by a spirit stone with a sword, and then helped Tang Yuhao up, urged the sword to fly towards the sky.

"Give me your sword and gun." Tang Tang supported Tang Yuhao by his waist and stretched out his hand, "All of them."

Without any hesitation, Tang Yuhao reached out and handed a sword and an annihilating spear into Tang Tang's hands. She didn't rely on Horcruxes for a living like Tang Tang, and she only had two weapons.

However, Tang Tang laughed and said: "You are really generous, aren't you afraid that I will not pay you back if I swallow something? Hehe, it's better not to trade it with me, just lend it to me."

Tang Yuhao tilted his head and said after a long time, "Don't think I'm a fool!"

Tang Tang was silent. The biggest difference between a loan transaction and a direct transaction is that in a direct transaction, the things belong to Tang Tang, and the loan is naturally as the name suggests. The things are in Tang Tang's hands, but they belong to Tang Yuhao. If Tang Tang dies in an accident, the things will not be dropped, but will be thrown to the bank. After Tang Yuhao pays a certain storage fee, he can get the things back from the bank. Of course, in order to prevent players from exploiting loopholes with this function , each player can only lend up to three items at the same time, and the storage fee is really not low.

Tang Tang does not want to trade at this moment, but to lend, the meaning of which is self-evident.

"Haozi, you have your persistence, and I have my principles!" After a long time, Tang Tang said, "Let me be stubborn this time!"

Tang Yuhao slowly let go of the Flying Sword and the Annihilating Spear in his hands, but this time, he chose the lent item in the Soul Realm prompt.

"Haozi, see you by fate!"

Tang Tang took the things, loosened Tang Yuhao's left hand quietly, and Tang Yuhao's body fell towards the Styx River. With a splash, he fell into the river, and was quickly swallowed by the turbulent Styx River waves in an instant.

But Tang Yuhao lost his weapon, so naturally he couldn't control it, so he could only drift with the tide, and under Tang Tang's gaze, he quickly drifted downstream.

It wasn't until Tang Yuhao's figure disappeared that Tang Tang looked at the weapon in his hand. The flying sword was called Fenglei Sword, and it was a fifth-level legendary Horcrux. As for the Annihilation Spear, Tang Tang was shocked. It is thanks to Tang Yuhao that he was willing to throw it to him at will.

However, after sighing with emotion, Tang Tang did not forget the business, threw the two Horcruxes into Qiankun's pocket, and said to Bloody Lin Bo: "I destroyed your two garrisons, and you want to kill me. Fair. But, do you know why I destroyed your two garrisons, but only destroyed the monument of merit and virtue, and didn't kill any of you?"

"Cut!" Tang Tang's words fell, and someone immediately said with disdain: "Who do you think you are? You really want to kill, but do you have the ability?"

Tang Tang ignored the man, still looked at Bloody Lin Bo and said, "It's not that I can't kill, it's that I can't kill..."

When the words fell, Tang Tang made a sudden move!

The ghost blood streamer suddenly lit up with a dark purple-black light. After continuous use, the number of ghost black threads on the streamer has decreased a lot, but there are still more than 100 streaks. When attacking at this moment, the flying black air still has a dense feeling. It was also surrounded by the black air...

"24 Bridges on a Moonlit Night!"

Sword brilliance flashes!

Tang Tang suddenly drew his sword, and Scarlet Lin Bo deliberately obstructed it, but this time it was Tang Tang who had no intention of doing it. Even if Blood-colored Lin Bo deliberately obstructed it, it was not as good as Tang Tang's attack, so he could only watch Tang Tang helplessly. Hitting all 24 sword lights on the person who had taunted Tang Tang before, the person only felt a chill in his chest, but he didn't even have a chance to look down at the wound, and turned into a white light and left.

After killing the man, Tang Tang withdrew the flying sword, fell back to the ground, shook the Nether blood banner, and recalled all the Nether black threads to the banner, even the white shark's fangs were directly inserted into his feet in the field.

"Kill it, or kill it!" Tang Tang pointed at the crowd: "Don't say I didn't persuade you, run now, otherwise, don't rely on me to kill you all!"

"You brazen little girl, what nonsense!"

As soon as Tang Tang said that, someone was dissatisfied. With a pinch of the sword formula, he came towards Tang Tang. Tang Tang didn't dodge, and directly threw the recovery potion into his mouth. The moment Tang Tang curled his lips...


The sound of thunder suddenly sounded in the sky, and then, the sky was suddenly covered with dark clouds, and a black thundercloud floated towards them.

Everyone in the Scarlet Mercenary Corps immediately looked at each other in blank dismay, many of them realized something, and their faces were terrified.


Scarlet Muka pointed at Tang Tang tremblingly and said, "You, you, you stinky girl?"

"Hahahahaha...ha...cough...coughcough..." Tang Tang held his stomach and laughed loudly, and even rolled on the ground in a very invisible way, pounding the ground and laughing, but in the end it was Unable to catch up with the laugh, his face turned red, and he smiled at Bloody Lin Bo and the others: "Do you understand now? It's not that I don't want to kill people, but that I don't dare to kill too many people, because I just want to kill people." Too many people will cross the tribulation, hahahahaha..."

Tang Tang was still laughing unscrupulously there, and the laughter fell into everyone's ears, but it made people shudder.

"This girl is a lunatic, this smelly girl is definitely an out-and-out lunatic!"

At this moment, everyone couldn't help thinking like this, and at this moment, the thundercloud that was still floating in the sky had already approached Zhongren's eyes, and it was so dark that there was a feeling that the sky was about to collapse like feeling.

Bloody Muka said with a gloomy face: "You crazy girl, do you know what will happen if you can't beat the catastrophe!"

"Of course I know!" Tang Tang said with a chuckle: "Isn't it just a third of the level? At least three pieces of Horcrux equipment on my body have exploded. Don't worry, I know the consequences of failing to cross the tribulation. But, then So what? Do you think the big characters I left on the moon-watching platform are just for fun? It doesn’t matter if I die, I’m satisfied if I can drag you to die with me!”

This time, no one dared to ridicule Duanmu Yu, but could feel a sense of fear looking at the thunder cloud!
They naturally want to escape, but if Tang Tang told them to escape just now, there is still great hope. Now, there is no difference between running and not running, even with Tang Tang's imperial weapon speed. Get out of the range of Heavenly Tribulation before Jieyun arrives!
Because, the thundercloud had already pressed down on everyone's heads, and it was rumbling!
Soul Realm Tip: Due to borrowing external force to help resist the catastrophe, the power of the catastrophe increases

Soul Realm Tip: Due to borrowing external force to help resist the catastrophe, the power of the catastrophe increases

Soul Realm Tip: Due to borrowing external force to help resist the catastrophe, the power of the catastrophe increases


Continuous soul domain prompts sounded, such a scene, Tang Tangdu had experienced the first catastrophe, she naturally knew that every time the soul domain prompt sounded, the power of the catastrophe would be doubled, the so-called help Resisting the catastrophe by external force is absolutely not allowed, and there are dozens of people here. It is undoubtedly a dream to resist the catastrophe!

The dark clouds rolled, revealing a sea of ​​fire, but the sea of ​​fire was covered with thick purple thunder, and under the purple thunder, there was another layer of golden spears surrounding it, giving it a sharp feeling like a blade.

"Dark Gold Thunder Fire Tribulation!"

Tang Tang twitched his lips. Could it be that the first person to survive the second catastrophe will be given preferential treatment?This Dark Gold Thunder Fire Tribulation is really suitable for Tang Tang. Tang Tang has never been afraid of flames, even if it is a robbery fire. Wind and thunder belong to wood, and Tang Tang also has some wood attributes. It is not too low, and he can make do with it. , As for the dark gold aura, this is a bit troublesome. Tang Tang's attributes are not high, but she is a dual-cultivator of intelligence and weapons, and neither of them has ever slackened. Soul skills, it is not completely helpless to deal with the dark gold energy.

Moreover, the robbery cloud of the second Heavenly Tribulation was randomly selected from three attributes to six attributes. Now a cloud with four attributes is randomly selected, and there are two attributes facing Tang Tang. That luck really can't just be used for good. Describe it!
(End of this chapter)

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