The Peerless Tangmen of Online Games

Chapter 323 The Tribulation of the Soul King Dragon Soul Essence

Chapter 323 The Tribulation of the Soul King Dragon Soul Essence
Also at this time...


There were bursts of thunder in the sky, everyone's hearts tightened, they were all ready to go, no one dared to take anything lightly, but they took out all the means to suppress the bottom of the box, otherwise, there must be no bones left end.

Naturally, Tang Tang was no exception. She would think of such a bad move as Heavenly Tribulation. She killed a lot of people during her overseas trip, and her prestige value rose rapidly, reaching the level of crossing the catastrophe. Be careful, secondly, when you crossed the first catastrophe, you were implicated by the tyrant of Thunder God. After an experience, you naturally thought of using the trick of crossing the catastrophe to lure other people.

However, what she originally meant was to find the monument of meritorious deeds in Konoha Fantasy City. If she couldn't get out after destroying the monument, she would use Heaven's Tribulation to drag thousands of blood-colored mercenaries to help them bury it. Bo absolutely can't explain to the gang that the Scarlet Mercenary Corps, as the number one player force, may collapse overnight. It's a pity that there were some deviations in the process, but it can beat all the masters of the Scarlet Mercenary Corps back to their original forms. It's also a good thing.

However, although Tang Tang was determined to die, if he could not die, he would die. The stone was pinched in the palm of my hand!
At this time, the tribulation thunder in the thunder cloud crashed down.

A total of 47 tribulation thunders are facing the 47 people under the thunder cloud, no more, no less!

"Ah, don't, don't!"

"Damn Heavenly Tribulation!"

"Tang Tang, you must die!"


The tribulation thunder crashed, and the blue lightning pierced the sky. Amidst the roar, some people wailed, begged, and cursed. Facing the huge price of the catastrophe, even if these people could be masters, Looks so weak!
Tang Tang was better than them, but not much better. As soon as the tribulation thunder fell, she felt as if her whole body was going to explode. Even though Soul Domain would adjust her senses to the most suitable level, Tang Tang still felt extremely Painful, the life value was falling like a water pump pumping water, but Tang Tang was relieved, as long as he was not killed by Jie Lei, he still had a chance!

The stone in Tang Tang's hand suddenly emitted a multicolored light!

Dragon Soul Essence (rare): The extremely rare Dragon Soul Essence, which can only be seen occasionally overseas, can increase the level of cultivation and increase experience after use: 15000000!

This is what Tang Tang obtained from Wenru overseas, and the experience stored in it is enough for Tang Tang to advance several levels, and every time he upgrades, it is like resurrection, everything about the character will return to the original state, no matter the accumulated effects , or life and mana, and this is what Tang Tang relies on. As long as he is not killed by one blow, Tang Tang can use the experience of Dragon Soul Essence to upgrade and resist the sky thunder. He didn't have the confidence to survive in one hit, but the Dark Gold Thunder Fire Tribulation made Tang Tang's confidence suddenly increase!
I can definitely resist it!
One, two, three...

That day's calamity is divided into nine heavens, and each heaven has nine rounds of attacks. Right now, it's just the first heaven, which is simple. It's just nine thunderbolts, but the power has been increased countless times, until the ninth thunderstorm When it landed on Tang Tang's body, the Dragon Soul Essence in Tang Tang's hands was instantly annihilated, turning into countless fly ash, floating in the air. Tang Tang's level was also raised to level 61 by the experience in the Dragon Soul Essence. The tribulation and thunder of the first layer of heaven is considered to be over after the nine passes, and it is more or less a chance for everyone to rest!


Tang Tang took a deep breath, then looked around, his eyes were terrified, after the nine thunderstorms, there were still 12 people from the Scarlet Mercenary Group who survived, you know, if it wasn't for Tang Tang's hand with almost The cheating Dragon Soul Essence can allow Tang Tang to instantly regain full health through continuous upgrades. Even if Tang Tang empties out his backpack, it is impossible to resist the Nine Tribulation Thunders.

However, thinking about it carefully, Tang Tang was relieved again. These days, he is not the only one who is lucky. Who can guarantee that the 12 people who survived don't have something against the sky?For example, there is a kind of talisman circulating in the market recently, the name is called a stand-in doll, its function is to avoid death once, and each use consumes 30% of the experience of the current level. Although this thing is cherished, it can be made after all. It is not uncommon for the Corps to hoard a lot of property. Of course, it is not ruled out that they have the resurrection stone or other high-end goods in their hands!
However, there were 47 tribulation thunders that fell, excluding Tang Tang right now, but there were only 12 people left. It was really a miserable ending!
The rest of the people looked at Tang Tang with the desire to eat his flesh and gnaw his bones. This time, the hatred has really grown. How can the hatred in their hearts be resolved with a single sentence of endless death? .

"Little girl, you are ruthless enough!" Bloody Muka looked at Tang Tang and gritted his teeth, "I always thought that only those who are ruthless to me can be called ruthless. You are ruthless!"

Bloody Mka seemed to be praising Tang Tang, but his expression was as if he wanted to swallow Tang Tang alive, while Tang Tang smiled indifferently, just drank the life potion in his mouth, and worked hard Replying to life value.

Seeing that Tang Tang didn't respond, Scarlet Muka could only look at her with resentment, then took out a blue stone from his backpack and said, "The essence of green wood can send us back to Konoha Fantasy City in an instant, even the heavenly tribulation cannot imprison us." , but only eight people can be taken away!"

After Bloody Mka finished speaking, his eyes swept across the crowd. Bloody Jack was the first to stand up, nodded at Bloody Mka, and then urged his flying sword to pierce through his chest continuously, turning into white light and falling to the ground. A whole lot of stuff.

The others swallowed their saliva. As long as they die in the catastrophe, no matter how they die, it will be considered a failure. Scarlet Jack is also very courageous.

Bloody Muka raised his eyes and scanned the rest of the people, seeing that no one was willing to stand up, he continued to speak: "Whoever is willing to sacrifice for the gang will be rewarded with 5000 gold coins and 500 points of gang contribution, level [-] The previous Horcrux equipment was all provided by the gang, and there was a special team to replenish the level, everyone's time is running out, who is willing to stand up?"

Although it is very depressing to be beaten back to its original form after failing to cross the tribulation, some people are still very moved by Scarlet Muka's promise. What's more, Scarlet Muka didn't stand up for such a condition. dissatisfaction, and will not be put on small shoes in the gang in the future.Therefore, everyone was positive this time, and Scarlet Muka didn't worry, and casually ordered the three people who expressed their opinions first, and after they committed suicide, they bit their fingers and dripped blood on the green wood essence, and the green light It bloomed immediately, enveloping everyone in it.

"Little sister Tang Tang!" When the figure was about to disappear, Bloody Mka didn't forget to glance at Tang Tang and said: "You better hope that you can survive the catastrophe for a while, and I will bring someone to observe of!"

The words fell, and the figures of Scarlet Mukalian and others gradually disappeared into the green light.

Tang Tang frowned. She naturally knew what the Scarlet Muka meant. If it was an imperial weapon, Konoha Fantasy City was only ten minutes away from here. At that time, he promised a lot of money and brought a dozen ordinary gang members back to the place. Here, let those ordinary helpers enter the catastrophe and double the power of the catastrophe. Tang Tang will be called hell if he can successfully overcome the catastrophe.

However, in Tang Tang's view, although the Scarlet Muka has good strength and ability to manage gangs, he is too stable and lacks courage and adventurous spirit. If he wants to kill Tang Tang, why bother? The 12 people who took advantage of the second wave of catastrophe to besiege Tang Tang, Tang Tang is absolutely dead, and there may be three or four of them left, or even if they are all dead, so what?Anyway, so many died!
Of course, it doesn't mean that Scarlet Muka doesn't have his own ideas. He doesn't want to let Tang Tang go, and wants to beat Tang Tang up immediately. If they are all dead, how will the gang be managed then?Could it be that just because dozens of tribulations failed, only [-] or [-]-level "ever" masters managed those gangsters?It would be strange for the gang not to rebel at that time!

Moreover, from the point of view of Scarlet Muka, no one has successfully passed through the second catastrophe. Even if they don't do anything, it is hard to say whether the little girl can successfully overcome the catastrophe. It may take ten minutes to complete the tribulation. When he returns to Konoha Fantasy City, he will rush back with people, and if he pushes people into the catastrophe, the power of the catastrophe will be multiplied by more than ten times. Tang Tang will definitely die. If so, why bother adventure?Naturally, it is more important to retain the elite for the gang first. Without these masters, how can they convince the masses?
Both of them had their own considerations, but no matter what, Bloody Limbo missed the best chance to kill Tang Tang, perhaps his last chance, and Tang Tang survived after all, but...

The catastrophe in the sky fell again that day!
The second set of fires fell, and the flames turned out to be blazing white, with a hint of transparency, and at the edge of the flames, there were traces of black air, as if wrapping the flames.

Tang Tang was immediately delighted, this flame was too familiar to her, it was the sky fire flame, of course, her own sky fire flame was definitely not as pure as the sky fire flame in front of him, there was no feeling of transparency, nor It was wrapped in black silk, but no matter what, the flames of the sky did not threaten Tang Tang, especially the members of the Scarlet Mercenary Group. I dare not say that I can survive it, but it is not a problem to survive a few times.

He poured life potion and mana potion into his mouth, and at the same time prepared a bottle of life blessing potion that instantly restores 30% of his life, and then faced the blazing fire of the day. Thirty seconds per second, of course, is not too low, but it is within the range that can be dealt with. After drinking the life potion, Tang Tang began to rummage in the sea of ​​flames.

What are you looking for?
Naturally, it was a gift from the Scarlet Mercenary Corps!

You know, this is a catastrophe. Is it justified to be wiped out in the catastrophe without leaving any gifts on the ground?
(End of this chapter)

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