The Peerless Tangmen of Online Games

Chapter 324 Burning Attribute Dark Gold Rain

Chapter 324 Burning Attribute Dark Gold Rain
In a short while, Tang Tang found sixteen Horcruxes. The worst grades were around level five, while the best ones were legendary grade six. It can be seen that this group of bloody mercenaries are really serious. He is quite rich, and the Horcruxes he uses are no worse than Tang Tang's.

Secondly, there are about twenty pieces of equipment, and the worst one is not lower than level five, and the best is a glazed jade garment, which is actually a level seven quality garment. The only thing Tang Tang can't figure out is that there is no support Horcruxes, those people are the elites of the Scarlet Mercenary Corps, so they don't even have an auxiliary Horcrux on them, and the others are some potions and materials.

Anyway, they are all miscellaneous things, among which only potions are available to Tang Tang now. You know, in Konoha Fantasy City, after being hunted down by fire eagles, there are still some high-level potions such as blessing potions and mana oils. , the life potion was almost exhausted, and it was undoubtedly a bit difficult to survive the catastrophe, and these potions were undoubtedly a timely gift to Tang Tang!

At this time, the second wave of calamity fire also dropped the fourth Sun God Flame, but its power was a little bit stronger, and Tang Tang's health recovery speed had almost reached the limit, which made Tang Tang sigh, worthy of being the first The power of the Heavenly Tribulation of the Second Heaven is completely incomparable to that of the Soul King's Tribulation of the First Heaven. Even if it is the flame that he is best at, he can't resist it.

Even so, it was natural to do something.

Among the picked up equipment, Tang Tang quickly picked out some high-blooded and high-defense equipment, and replaced the equipment on his body. You must know that Tang Tang has always taken the extreme route. The main attack damage.However, whether or not you can survive the Tribulation of the Soul King does not depend on how good you are at fighting, but on how much you can resist and how high your defense value is!

Tang Tang changed into a piece of equipment with higher HP buffs, and used Dragon Soul Essence to break through to level 61, but his vitality just broke through 8000 points, which ironically reached 8001 points, and his defense did not improve much. It was Tang Tang who picked all the equipment with gold resistance blessings, so as to cope with the borrowed dark gold aura.

After doing all this, Tang Tang didn't hesitate any longer, poured a few bottles of life potion, and shot out with one palm, which also rolled up a monstrous incandescent flame, but it was also a blazing sky fire, ready to stop the fire with fire, but At this time...

Reminder: Congratulations to player "Tang Tang", after continuous practice, your sky fire blazing flame has been improved!
Reminder: Congratulations to the player "Tang Tang" for comprehending the mysteries of the blazing flames of heaven and fire through the robbery of fire, and learning to burn attributes!
Reminder: Congratulations to the player "Tang Tang" who has passed the fire-fighting temper, and the level of Tianhuo Zhiyan has been greatly improved!
Skyfire Flame (Kalpa) (Level 50): A scorching divine flame like the sun, the damage is determined by the heart of the source of law and the attribute value, with a 80% chance of adding 50% damage, a 1.5% chance of burning, and a 0.5% chance of melting the target. The release time is 8 seconds, and the burn time (1.5% chance to destroy the enemy's Raiders, Horcruxes or equipment) cooldown time is 200 seconds. The release requires mana: 0 points, the maximum improvement: level 500000, and the proficiency is [-]/[-]!

Tang Tang had been looking forward to the upgrade of Tianhuo Zhiyan for a long time, but he did not expect to advance at this time, and the calamity fire brought him such benefits. The original maximum increase of Tianhuo Zhiyan was only eight levels. In other words, It is still one level away from the ninth-level cap, but now that the maximum improvement of today's Huo Zhiyan has become level nine, it can be regarded as the right name of Tianhuo!

As for the burning, there are only two words to describe it - domineering!
With an 8% chance of destroying the opponent's weapons, equipment, and Horcruxes, Tang Tang even suspected that someone would fight against him in the future, and if he burned them directly, the opponent would have to retreat in despair.You know, although the 8% chance is not high, it's not too low. It can be made up by quantity. Nowadays, a piece of five-level equipment with ordinary attributes costs hundreds of gold coins. If you turn around and fight Tang Tang, But without hundreds of gold coins, even if you win, it will be boring, or the loss outweighs the gain!
If this was normal, Tang Tang would have to celebrate, but right now she has no free time, after glancing at the attribute, she immediately raised her palm and slapped it in the air!

"The sky is blazing!"

The incandescent flame spewed out, and the seventh-level blazing flame of the sky fire was faintly transparent, but it was not yet entangled with black threads. Facing the calamity fire, it was slightly disadvantaged, but it resisted abruptly.

Tang Tang breathed a sigh of relief. Being able to resist the calamity fire with all his strength meant that he could survive the calamity fire of the second heaven with only a small amount of mana potion.

Six paths, seven paths, eight paths...

Sure enough, the calamity fire did not cause Tang Tang any trouble. After the nine calamity fires in the second heaven, Tang Tang kept his health at about 50%, but his mana was barely able to keep up. When the last calamity fire was over, Tang Tang immediately sat cross-legged in meditation, and at the same time threw the mana potion into his mouth, quickly recovering mana.

And when Tang Tang fully recovered his health and mana...

The robbery cloud roared, but it was the third heaven's catastrophe!

Tang Tang stood up again, opened his closed eyes, took a short breath, and it was over!

Suddenly, the rain fell!

Drizzling, with a trace of coolness, with a trace of awe!
Tang Tang was stunned, isn't it Dark Gold Thunder Fire Tribulation?How can it rain?There is no water attribute!

Just at this very moment...

A small wound appeared on Tang Tang's arm, blood oozing out, followed by the second, third, fourth...

The rain was like a blade, and every time it touched Tang Tang's body, it left a three-inch wound. Tang Tang suddenly realized that the rain was not ordinary rain, but the dark gold energy!

"Horcrux out!"

Tang Tang immediately summoned three Horcruxes, the sword hilts intersected, drawn in a circle shape, and spun rapidly in Tang Tang's palm, blocking the raindrops from outside. Within the tolerance range, it's just...

In the previous two waves, whether it was thunder or blazing fire, there were nine paths in every level of the sky, but the rain of dark gold now will not stop, every once in a while, the rain will become stronger, It was all the power superimposed together, and when Tang Tang resisted to the sixth round, the rain had turned into a downpour!

Such a force of rain cannot be resisted by flying three swords together. Tang Tang gritted his teeth and took out Tang Yuhao's Wind and Thunder Sword!

"Wind Thunder Sword Formation!"

Tang Tang clenched his hands tightly, and thousands of sword qi swayed from the blade of Fenglei Sword, mixed with the power of wind and thunder, resisting the rain of dark golden swords. At the same time, Tang Tang also used his last red sword The Lianjiao Snake Staff was also sacrificed, but he desperately controlled the four Horcruxes to fly together, interweaving pieces of sword nets in front of him, desperately blocking the rain!
The seventh way, the eighth way...

When the rain in the sky became stronger for the ninth time, it had already turned into a storm and a complete storm, but the wind attribute was condensed in the dark gold aura, but it was not surprising that the wind Even if it is the same branch as Leiben, if there is thunder, naturally there should be wind!

However, as soon as the hurricane blew, Tang Tang couldn't control the Horcrux in his hand faintly, and was swept away by the hurricane. After holding on for half a minute, the Chilian Flood Snake Staff fell to the ground with a clang, and the sword blade fell to the ground. Some rust appeared, but it was corroded by the dark attribute of the dark gold gas.

"Damn it, 5000 gold coins are gone!"

Tang Tang cursed immediately, then called back the remaining three Horcruxes, clasped his hands together, and pushed them out in front of him!

"The sky is blazing!"

Among the attributes, fire overcomes gold, and the blazing fire of heaven naturally has a miraculous effect on the rain of golden swords.However, Tang Tang knew his shortcomings. After reaching level 61, his mana value was only around 2000 points, which was not as good as a student who had just entered the Sea God Pavilion.Therefore, her mana is simply not enough to support the mana consumption needed to use the skyfire blazing all the time, even if she takes mana potions, she can't keep up with the speed of mana consumption, so Tang Tang can only choose to use it at the most critical moment use!
In the sky, the white flames, the golden rain, and the black wind instantly blended into one ball!
Tang Tang ignited the flame regardless of his mana, and by virtue of the force of its attributes, it actually formed a rivalry with the Dark Gold Rain.However, there was nothing he could do about the hurricane that blew up. He could only rely on his defense and health to resist. Every hurricane seemed to be mixed with hundreds of tiny wind blades. The wounds are getting more and more, and the life value is also falling down.

1 minute, 2 minutes, 3 minutes...

"Damn it, there's so much more to download, stop downloading!"

Tang Tang looked at the health value that had dropped below 50%, and complained to himself. In fact, the health value is still second, and the mana value has dropped below 20%. I couldn't hold it anymore.

However, I don't know that Tang Tang's soliloquy played a role. The rain that fell in the sky that day actually began to gradually decrease. When the wind and thunder stopped abruptly, Tang Tang sighed secretly. The Tribulation of the Soul King finally survived.

When the rain stopped completely, Tang Tang quickly poured the recovery potion into his mouth. At the same time, he quickly grabbed the Chilian Flood Snake Staff and looked at it. Then he wanted to cry, but it would have been better if it showed that it could be repaired.It's a pity that the name of the Red Snake Staff is damaged, which means that this good Horcrux is completely finished, even if the master craftsman makes a move, there is no possibility of repairing it!
Put the Chilian Flood Snake Staff back into the backpack. It would be a lie to say that it is not a pity. It is a sixth-level Horcrux, but there is really no time for Tang Tang to think about it. After taking away the Chilian Flood Snake Staff , she quickly began to take potions out of the backpack again, and quickly recovered her health and mana!
The catastrophe of the soul king in the fourth heaven is about to fall!
The Calamity of the Soul King in the fourth heaven is another serious calamity of lightning, but the lightning is golden, so bright that it is a bit dazzling.

(End of this chapter)

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