The Peerless Tangmen of Online Games

Chapter 325 The Spirit Beast's Power Against Robbery

Chapter 325 The Spirit Beast's Power Against Robbery

Relying on his strong resistance, Tang Tang insisted on resisting.After a while, I felt pain all over my body as if being pricked by a needle, and the lightning was actually covered with a dark gold energy, not only did it cause lightning damage, but after touching it, my whole body felt as if I had been pricked by a needle.

Tang Tang's health, which had just broken 8000 points, became three digits after a hit. Tang Tang was so frightened that he was in a hurry, and hurriedly poured the recovery potion into his mouth.

It's just that the life value has only returned to half, and there was a roar in the soul king's calamity, but it was the second tribulation thunder from the second heaven!
"No way! This still makes people alive!"

Tang Tang muttered to himself, then took out a Horcrux from the corpses of the Scarlet Mercenaries from his backpack, and flew into the sky!

The horcrux was instantly turned into ashes by the robbery thunder, but the cloud of robbery thunder in the sky that day was also smaller.

Tang Tang gritted his teeth, and immediately flew up another light blade, threw it again, hit the tribulation thunder, and was naturally smashed to pieces, but the tribulation thunder also shrunk rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye, Tang Tang immediately released another Five elite-quality Horcrux staffs, this time, the tribulation thunder died with the staff, completely annihilated in the air.

Even so, Tang Tang has nothing to be happy about, and his mood is still very low. It is the most stupid way to offset the catastrophe with Horcruxes or Raiders. Although the effect is excellent, the loss is huge. Three fifth-level Horcruxes cost at least 2000 yuan. A few gold coins, but it was only worth a thunderbolt, and the worth of tens of millions would not be able to withstand such a toss.Therefore, such means are usually used as a last resort, and right now, it is only the thunder of the fourth heaven, even if Tang Tang can survive safely, there is still a whole fifth heaven behind!
Tang Tang clenched his jade teeth, seemingly unwilling and helpless.

In fact, I don't blame Tang Tang, whoever crosses the catastrophe didn't prepare carefully, find a bunch of medicines, a bunch of cannon fodder Horcruxes, or find some rare things, such as looking for a skilled magician to set up a magic circle, and find something that can reduce the catastrophe. Equipment, spirit treasures to avoid death and resurrection, etc., use many treasures to deal with the catastrophe, but what about Tang Tang?The first time I crossed the catastrophe was to be dragged down by others, but the second time I was to drag others down. Both times I was not prepared at all, and it was indeed a disadvantage.

"Forget it, forget it, you can fight again if the things are gone, if you fail to cross the tribulation, you will lose a lot!"

Tang Tang thought about it, even if he was hiding those Horcruxes.If the Tribulation of the Soul King fails, although it is unlikely that all of them will explode, and they can earn back a little bit, will she be willing to do so?I'm afraid no one will be reconciled!

Tang Tang simply took out all those horcruxes and threw them towards the tribulation thunder, but only blocked five tribulation thunders. Facing the eighth tribulation thunder, Tang Tang had just recovered to full health immediately. He was struck by a thunderbolt again and became in a near-death state. He fell down and sat on the ground, panting heavily, and had to grit his teeth to stand up again. His face was helpless at first, and then a trace of determination appeared on his face!
Those sixteen horcruxes could not survive the catastrophe of the fourth heaven after all. Before the arrival of the ninth tribulation thunder, Tang Tang would absolutely not be able to recover his health. In this way, the last tribulation thunder If he couldn't resist, Tang Tang would be chopped into ashes!
"Hey, it looks like we can only use the last resort!"

Tang Tang sighed and finally made a decision!

The ninth tribulation thunder that day also landed suddenly with a bang, but at this moment, Tang Tang suddenly raised his right hand, and a soft purple light bloomed from Tang Tang's palm, rising to more than [-] meters in an instant. What Tang Tang held in his hand was a soul beast bag!


Ba Xia's huge figure appeared three meters above the ground. Then, with a loud noise, Tang Tang felt the ground shake, and Ba Xia's huge hill-like figure appeared in front of Tang Tang.

at the same time……

The tribulation thunder struck on Baxia's back, like a small bang of electricity, only a cloud of gray smoke was stirred up, Baxia immediately felt a little uncomfortable, twisted his body, and suddenly felt a wave of shaking .

Tang Tang immediately checked Chabaxia's attributes, and then burst into tears. Baxia's health hadn't moved at all. Tang Tang wiped his eyes in disbelief, only to realize that it wasn't that it didn't move at all, it was just like a strand of hair was missing. There is only a trace of it, and it is no different from not moving at all.

"It's great!" Tang Tang embraced Baxia's head with tears in his eyes and said, "I'll hang out with you from now on, you're really amazing."

Although Baxia is also a soul beast, his intelligence seems not as clever as Tianmeng Iceworm. He just shook his head foolishly and rubbed his huge head against Tang Tang's body a few times.

"Be good, be good!" Tang Tang patted Baxia's big head and said with emotion: "It's hard enough for you to follow me. You just followed me, and you went overseas with me to suffer, and finally came back from overseas. It can be regarded as returning to our own territory, but in the end, if we don’t have a good day, we will be struck by lightning, but don’t worry, as long as we survive the calamity, there will be good days waiting for us in the future, we must work hard!”

His Majesty Naha didn't know if he understood, but he kept shaking his head.

At this time, the tribulation thunder from the fifth heaven fell.

This time, the attribute of the tribulation thunder turned into the three attributes of dark gold and fire, and the red flames fell, carrying a boundless dark gold aura. They all turned into a rusty copper color. If Tang Tang hadn't looked at Baxia's health and found that Baxia's health hadn't dropped much, he would have been a little terrified by the change.

However, Ba Xia did not disappoint Tang Tang. After the fifth heavenly tribulation passed, Ba Xia actually shook his body, and the copper rust all over his body fell off naturally. Tang Tang was dumbfounded when he saw this defense. It's over!

Tang Tang didn't have much hope that he could survive the soul king's calamity, but now it seems that it is really straight from the bridge to the bow?
In his thoughts, the tribulation thunder from the sixth heaven crashed down!
This sixth heavenly tribulation thunder is the real test of heavenly tribulation, because the sixth heaven tribulation thunder combines four attributes!
Tang Tang couldn't help but looked at Ba Xia worriedly, and the result was mixed. The worry was that Ba Xia also started to lose blood slowly, and the happy thing was that the blood loss was not large, but he could easily resist it. Baxia didn't see any pain.

At the same time, Tang Tang couldn't help worrying about another matter!
The Scarlet Mercenary Group didn't show up!

Tang Tang would not believe that Scarlet Muka's conscience was ready to let her go. She would rather believe that the beggar belonged to a billionaire than that the Scarlet Mercenary Corps would not seek revenge from her.

However, when the fifth heavenly tribulation ended, it had been almost 10 minutes since the Scarlet Mercenary Group left, and now it was almost half an hour, which was enough time for the Scarlet Mercenary Group to fight back and forth, but why? Where are you missing?

"Is there something that delayed the time?"

Tang Tang scratched his head. On the one hand, he absolutely did not believe that the Scarlet Muka would let him go just like that, especially after he used the Heavenly Tribulation to kill some [-] experts of the Scarlet Mercenary Group. The problem is that if Bloody Muka doesn't do anything, the people under Bloody Muka should be able to bear it too, but that's the problem. Tang Tang can't think of a reason why Bloody Muka would let him go. On the other hand, But the Scarlet Mka really didn't appear.

In this way, Tang Tang could only conclude that Bloody Muka was caught by something, but what major event could make Bloody Muka unable to distinguish this little effort?

Tang Tang also couldn't figure it out, and with her personality, she didn't think about it at all. Anyway, it's best if she doesn't come, and she is happy and at ease. Players of Wang Zhijie will benefit a lot, and when the time comes, they will go to trouble with the Scarlet Mercenary Corps and see if Scarlet Muka will cry or not!
Thinking about it this way, Tang Tang put his mind on the Heavenly Tribulation again. At this moment, the Heavenly Tribulation of the sixth level was also resisted by Baxia with the terrifying defense that defied the sky. However, Baxia's HP About a quarter less.

Tang Tang's face was not relaxed, and he secretly calculated whether Baxia could really resist the robbery thunder. To be honest, Tang Tang had seen Baxia's tyrannical defense more than once. Even so, Baxia began to slowly lose Blood, if you fight against the catastrophe by yourself, what chance will you have of success?
"I'm afraid there is no half chance?"

Tang Tang smiled self-deprecatingly, and in her speechless chuckle, the tribulation thunder of the seventh heaven descended.

This time, the power of the Heavenly Tribulation was even stronger than before, the sword energy of gold filled the sky, mixed with the might of wind and thunder!

Ba Xia, who had been silent all this time, actually let out a faint cry, and when his body sank, a spider web crack appeared where his four feet stepped on!

Tang Tang was stunned for a while, and then he held Baxia's head and stroked it: "Little Huihui, don't be brave, if you don't succeed, forget it, isn't it a failure to cross the tribulation, you can recover after two months of practice, don't force yourself Own."

When Tang Tang said these words, if he said that he had no expectations for Baxia to stop the catastrophe, it would be a lie, but it was definitely sincere. If you fail to overcome the catastrophe, you can practice again. If Baxia dies, there will be nothing. Yes, although there are also people who domesticate soul beasts with high defenses to resist the catastrophe.

However, the relationship between Tang Tang and Baxia is still very good. Overseas trips, one person and one beast can be regarded as getting along day and night. Tang Tang is used to the good times lying on Baxia's back and basking in the sun, which is really hard for her to look forward to. Let Ba go down to die, Tang Tang is really reluctant to part with that friendship.

However, Baxia did not express that the Heavenly Tribulation of the Seventh Heaven was the sword energy of thousands of golden swords. The sword energy of gold has a strong corrosive effect, and the pain during the process is not difficult to imagine. Underlord's HP fell below one-third, only one-third...

Tang Tang kept chanting these words, still retaining a trace of hope in his heart, but unfortunately, the catastrophe of the seventh heaven ended, and Baxia's health happened to stay at one-third of the position !
Tang Tang sighed, the last hope...


If he can survive the eighth heaven and still have one-third of his health remaining, Tang Tang must try his best to see if he can barely survive the ninth heaven.However, the seventh Heavenly Tribulation has just passed, even if Baxia's defensive power is strong, he will not be able to withstand the last two Heavenly Tribulations, let alone the strongest two Heavenly Tribulations!
(End of this chapter)

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