The Peerless Tangmen of Online Games

Chapter 326 The Soul Beast Advanced

Chapter 326 The Soul Beast Advanced
"It seems to be destined!" Tang Tang touched Baxia's head, took out the soul beast bag and said, "Little Huihui, go back."

But Ba Xia refused, he arched his head and pushed the soul beast bag away.

Tang Tang was puzzled, and then said solemnly: "Xiao Huihui is obedient, or you will die!"

Baxia stubbornly pushed the soul beast bag away again.

"You're really going to die!" Tang Tang yelled hastily, then gritted his teeth and said, "Xiao Huihui, since you are my soul beast, you have to obey me. If I let you in, you have to let me in." Go in, it doesn't matter what you say!"

Tang Tang urged the soul beast bag, emitting a circle of purple light, but he wanted to force Baxia back into the bag.Unexpectedly, Na Ba Xia was not so tough, he arched his head, and this time, he knocked Tang Tang to the ground, and then his huge forefoot stepped on the soul beast bag, Tang Tang was stunned for a moment , reached out to pull the soul beast bag, but couldn't pull it out no matter what!
At this time, the catastrophe of the eighth heaven came as scheduled!
The disappearance of the dark moon, the sword energy of gold, the breath of fire, the power of wind and thunder!
The tribulation thunders of the four attributes gathered into a ball, entangled with each other in four colors, and crashed downwards, hitting Ba Xia's back with one blow!


Under that blow, Ba Xia's figure like a hill actually sank downwards, his legs went limp, and he was knocked down to the ground by the power of thunder!
"Little Huihui, you're crazy!" Tang Tang jumped up from the ground, shook Baxia's head in his arms and said, "You're really going to die like this, so go back quickly. If you fail to cross the tribulation, your level can be improved." , Horcruxes can be found, everything can come again, you go back to me quickly, don't be self-willed, okay!"

Ba Xia shook his huge head, although he was knocked to the ground by a single blow, he still pressed down on the soul beast bag to prevent Tang Tang from taking it away.


The tribulation thunder fell again, hitting the carapace!

Baxia's incomparably strong carapace cracked a huge gap, and blood gushed like a spring. Tang Tang saw Baxia's attributes, and his health was only one-sixth.

"Stinky little Huihui, you are disobedient, aren't you!" Tang Tang yelled at the bully, then drew out his sword and said angrily, "I'll block it myself, anyway, if you die, it's all over, so you don't have to die." Already!"

As soon as the words fell, Tang Tang rushed towards the sky like crazy, as long as he died, Ba Xia would have to go back to the soul beast bag, and naturally he would be able to protect Ba Xia's life.

But also at this time...

With a roar like a cow mooing, and a sound like a giant bell, Tang Tang was also shocked in the air, almost fell off the Horcrux, finally stabilized his figure, and looked down, the whole body of the bully was actually Surrounded by a layer of white Qiongguang, his body suddenly became a few circles smaller, but he was a little taller. There was a "clicking" sound on his back, and a huge inscribed stone tablet gradually fell from the ground. Appeared in the void!

Tang Tang's eyes widened immediately, and the boss opened his mouth, his eyes showed horror!
Those who are inferior are powerful and beautiful, and they are like this on the stele!
Soul Realm Reminder: Your soul beast sensed the power of heaven and earth during the catastrophe, carried a monument of merit and virtue on its back, and advanced to a ten thousand year soul beast——嵑屃!
Bi Xi, one of the nine sons of the dragon, is shaped like a turtle, good at carrying heavy loads, carrying a huge stele on his body, and has unparalleled brute strength!

Although Tang Tang believed that Baxia could become a rich man one day, this kind of thing is not absolute, it may or may not happen, Tang Tang's bet was just a hope, but he did not expect to bet on himself. And it's at this time, but if you think about it carefully, it seems that misfortune and good fortune depend on each other. If there is no catastrophe, Baxia might not be able to become a real Bixi with a stele of merit!

At this moment, the huge stele on Bixi's back had grown to more than 50 meters, with strange inscriptions engraved on it, facing the thunder and thunder billowing in the sky, he did not dodge or dodge. Suddenly, the stele There was a golden light on the stone tablet, and countless inscriptions flew out from the stone tablet, flying in the sky, forming a big circle!
Boom, boom!
The ground around Bixi trembled violently, and then, a huge crack opened, and a dozen pointed stone pillars suddenly sprang out of the crack, soaring into the sky, passing by Tang Tang's side, and flying straight into the sky The robbery cloud in the middle, ten meters, one hundred meters, one thousand meters, and then...

A loud bang!
Before the robbery thunder in the robbery cloud was shot down, it was stabbed by the stone cone, and there was a loud explosion sound in the cloud, the sky was filled with black smoke, and the stone cones shattered by the robbery thunder turned into countless The tiny rubble fell downwards. Tang Tang raised his arms and used his sleeves to block the limestone from falling. After a while, he looked up and saw that the Jieyun in the sky was torn apart and turned into several pieces. rippling.

"This..." Tang Tang was dumbfounded for a moment, and it took him a long time to move his throat joints and said: "Even if it is a dragon son, it is not a dragon. This strength is too terrifying. Even the robbery cloud can be smashed, so it will be considered a success in crossing the robbery right now." gone?"

Tang Tang's face was blank, and he didn't know whether he should be happy or sad. Anyway, Tang Tang felt that he was a little stunned now, and felt that he had made a mistake in the soul domain, and his luck was really good, nothing to say!
At this time, with a low growl, he raised his head towards Tang Tang, brought Tang Tang back to his senses, quickly withdrew the flying Horcrux, and fell back to the ground steadily.

As soon as Tang Tang's toes touched the ground, Bi Xi arched that huge head towards Tang Tang, and as soon as his head hit, he turned Tang Tang to the ground, rubbing his head against Tang Tang's chest continuously.

"Ha, itch, itch!" Tang Tang rolled on the ground, hugged Bixi's head, got up after a while, looked at Bixi and laughed and said: "The physique seems to have become smaller, but our family's Xiao Huihui is more majestic than before!"

Bixi let out a low growl, and held his head against Tang Tang's cheek. This is probably one of the biggest changes in Bixi. Before, Baxia made a sound, but he couldn't make a sound. After all, he was less cordial, but now he is is much better.

Tang Tang smiled, patted Bixi on the head, and checked the attributes. Soul beasts can't be resurrected, and taking medicines doesn't restore them like players do. Instead, they can take medicines to heal injuries like NPCs, but the health value But it recovers slowly like an injury, so the life value does not have a specific value, but is displayed as a percentage.

Therefore, Tang Tang also has about the same number of life points as Bixi, but anyway, from a soul beast to a ten-thousand-year soul beast, the life value and defense must have been greatly improved. Tang Tang was naturally very pleased with the terrifying defense and health when he was under the dominance.

Secondly, Bi Xi's body size is two or three circles smaller than before, but because of the stele, the weight has increased, but the speed has not decreased but increased, a little faster than before, and at the same time, there is an additional spell option in the soul beast attribute , which has three spells!

The merits protect the body, move mountains and seas, and trample the earth!
The meritorious body protection is a defensive spell, which can increase qi, blood and defense by 300%. Tang Tang wiped off his sweat, but his health and defense will increase by another 300%. It is estimated that he can go head-to-head with the Demon Zunlou Of course, the premise is that you only play for 15 minutes, because the merits and virtues last for that long.

Moving Mountains and Overturning Seas is an earth escape spell, which can greatly increase the speed of Bixi, and can make Bixi's speed twice as fast as Tang Tang's Yujian within half an hour. Of course, it only takes half an hour, and the cooling The time is as high as 12 hours.

The ground trampling is a real domineering attack, a spell with dual attributes of earth and fire, which can split mountains and crack the ground, and seduce the earth veins and sky fire. The trick that broke Jieyun just now is the ground trampling.Of course, this trick is very powerful, but its use is also limited, and the cooldown time is one hour!
Tang Tang couldn't help feeling emotional, if the former Xiao Huihui was a fortress, then Bixi was a mobile turret with still shortcomings, but no matter what, there are some means of attack!
Tang Tang was very pleased with this!

But at this moment...


There was a sudden roar in the sky, and Tang Tang looked up, his expression was stunned, the fragmented Jieyun slowly re-condensed, and slowly returned to its original shape!
Has the catastrophe not passed yet?
Yes, if the tribulation is successful, there will be reminders and announcements in the soul domain, but there is nothing now, naturally it has not been successful yet!

Bi Xi raised his head and roared at Jie Yun.

Tang Tang was also staring blankly at the transformation of Jieyun. After a while, the re-condensed Jieyun began to slowly transform into shape, and a huge claw suddenly stretched out from Jieyun, covered with scales, nails Bright red, bit by bit to push away Jieyun, a monster covered in scales, with horns on its head and wings on its back came out of Jieyun!
Extraterrestrial Demon!

Tang Tang was stunned, and then remembered that the second celestial abduction was not only robbed by thunder, but also invaded by celestial demons. This level was more difficult than resisting robbed thunder.

Bi Xi continued to yell, rubbed his head against Tang Tang, and then stomped his feet, as if saying that he could help Tang Tang stop him. Tang Tang was so happy that he smiled and patted Bi Xi's head.

"But..." Tang Tang rubbed Bixi's chin and said, "You can't help me this time, I have to come by myself!"

Tang Tang said with a smile, and then climbed onto Bi Xi's back!

As the existence second only to the Demon Lord, the extraterritorial demons are naturally very strong, but the extraterritorial demons attracted by the second catastrophe are not strong, because these are called inner demons, the so-called demons are born from the heart, and the inner demons are difficult to deal with , It’s easy to deal with, the key depends on what one’s inner demon is, but one thing is absolute, the inner demon is one’s own, and only by breaking the inner demon can a soul be born, and you can’t help yourself!

This level, Tang Tang can only do it by himself!
Patting Xiao Huihui on the head to make him sit down, Tang Tang sat cross-legged on Bixie's back, watching the extraterrestrial demon descend in the air, Tang Tang was not in a hurry, took out a medicine bottle from his backpack, From it poured three blue pills into his mouth.

This is the whale incense that Bai Yulong gave Tang Tang. It has the miraculous effect of calming the mind. It is not only used during the catastrophe, but it does have the effect of suppressing the damage of demons such as demons and spirits.

At this time, the Heavenly Demon in the sky also rushed towards Tang Tang, with its sharp claws flying straight into Tang Tang's chest. However, under the blow, Tang Tang did not feel any discomfort, nor did any damage arise, but He felt dizzy again, his eyes were blurred, and his consciousness gradually disappeared.

(End of this chapter)

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