The Peerless Tangmen of Online Games

Chapter 327 The Heavenly Demon Incarnates to Kill for the Holy Way

Chapter 327 The Heavenly Demon Incarnates to Kill for the Holy Way

Only a moment later, Tang Tang felt his mind clear for a while, and when he opened his eyes again, the surrounding scenery had completely changed.

Red, the world of blood!
Tang Tang looked at everything in front of him, and couldn't help being stunned. What he saw was a blood-colored world, the sky was dark and dull, and a blood moon hung high. Under the blood moon was a wilderness, overgrown with weeds, and white bones. Aiai, a blood-colored stream flowed past Tang Tang, and countless remnants of soldiers broke through along the stream.

"Remnant soldiers, skeletons, corpses..." Tang Tang scratched his head in wonder, "Is my inner demon the desire to kill? No, I don't cultivate the way of magic. How could it be the desire to kill? I always thought it should be greed." Think about it!"

It's not surprising that Tang Tang was puzzled, but when he thought about it carefully, he felt that his inner demons were murderous thoughts, and Dugu Bo's unscrupulous mentor didn't know what the hell was going on. No matter what they did in this school, their reputation would increase , It’s okay to kill a lot of people, it’s up, it’s okay to kill demons and demons, it’s up, it’s boring and sleepy, it’s up, it’s thirsty, find a glass of wine, it’s still up, but why is it up?According to the alcoholic mentor, it is the original heart and practice, so it will naturally increase!
As a result, Tang Tang never did prestige value quests, nor did he dare to do prestige value quests, because he was afraid that Heavenly Tribulation would patronize him unexpectedly. Isn't it nonsense that it's not the devil's way of killing people for nothing to gain reputation, so it makes sense for the heart demon to kill.

However, although there was blood in front of her eyes and bones everywhere, Tang Tang felt a little chilly under the wind, but Tang Tang had always been courageous, if it was just like this, he couldn't frighten her, and this demon was nothing more than that.

But also at this time...

Suddenly a bell rang loudly in the distance, and a piece of golden light burst out. The golden light was continuous, peaceful and gentle, in stark contrast to the bloody earth full of bones. Tang Tang's heart trembled, feeling a little bad.

A moment later, a phantom appeared in the Buddha's light, Juntian Guangle, which entered Tang Tang's ears, but Tang Tang's consciousness began to blur again, and the golden phantom suddenly pointed at Tang Tang, slowly Mouth...

"Everything in the world has cause and effect! The emergence and development of anything has a cause and result. The cause of one thing must be the result of the development of another thing; the result of the development of one thing must also be another The reason why things happen. The cycle of cause and effect is never ending.”

When the golden shadow fell, a layer of golden light fell on Tang Tang's body!
"You are guilty!" The golden phantom pointed at Duanmu Yu and said, "Cultivate the Eucharist, ascend to the holy world, but do not practice good deeds, and kill countless people. Are you going to fall into the path of the devil, the path of Asura, the path of evil ghosts..."

The words of that golden phantom were like a torrent of bells, reverberating in the surroundings one after another, continuously floating in the air.

Tang Tang's eyes became confused, he knelt down on the ground with his head in his hands, the words of the golden phantom kept ringing in his ears, only one thought remained, did he do something wrong?The way of heaven should cultivate good deeds, and should not create random killings. Is it not the way of heaven that I am cultivating, but the way of demons?No, no, not the magic way...

Tang Tang's mind is blurry now. If he can see his character attributes, he will find that he has fallen into a state of chaos, and his life value is constantly decreasing, falling piece by piece. In a moment, it is already more than half , but just in the middle of the moment...

Tang Tang suddenly felt a coolness on the tip of his tongue!
Whale incense, melted!
That cool feeling went straight to his forehead, making Tang Tang regain his composure. Looking around, it was still a wilderness. There were no corpses, bones, or remnants of soldiers. As for the golden phantom, it is the incarnation of a pitch-black demon, pointing at himself, talking about cause and effect with eloquence...

"Shut up!" Tang Tang jumped up from the ground immediately, pointed at the incarnation of the demon with golden skin and yelled, and then said loudly: "I don't want the holy way to be misty, but I just want to walk across the five lakes, four seas, nine states and ten places, drink The most beautiful wine, eat the most beautiful delicacies, see the most beautiful scenery, smell the most beautiful flowers, make the best friends; Those who humiliate me, kill them, think about the beginning of chaos, the three thousand ways, what I cultivate is the free way, as long as it is my wish, I can do anything, but you, what are you, dare to fight against me If you are restless in front of you, get out of here!"

As soon as the words fell, Tang Tang punched out, and the flames of the sky shot up through the sky and swept across the gray sky!
That demon incarnated in an instant...

Fly Ash Annihilation!


Tang Tang exhaled deeply, and then raised his eyes to look into the distance. On the empty wilderness, dense black shadows appeared!

Although one blow shattered the demon's illusion, it doesn't mean that the demon will be defeated so easily. If one wants to get rid of the demon, one has to be firm-willed and keep one's heart under the bewilderment of the demon. Although Duanmuyu almost fell However, with the help of Jing Danxiang, he finally came to Qingming, which means he broke the first test!

However, there are some things that are not enough for the two lips to move. Talking about it is enough. If you can say it, you have to do it. Only in this way can you prove the truth with your heart!
But Tang Tang chose the most difficult path!
Stop killing with killing!

How do you prove your way is right?In fact, there are many ways, but it is too troublesome for Tang Tang. The simplest and also the most troublesome is to kill. Since the thought of killing is wrong, then I will show you how to kill you. Let's take a look and see who is at fault!
In the distance, at the end of the wilderness, countless monsters gather, densely packed with no end in sight!

Tang Tang suddenly raised his head to the sky and let out a roar, then, holding two swords in his hand, he charged towards those monsters!

The sword light fluttered, and the phantoms continued!
Tang Tang's swordsmanship is not very good, but after learning it for a while, it can be regarded as an orderly advance and retreat. Moreover, the sword is the leader of a hundred soldiers, but in Tang Tang's hands, it is more ruthless than a knife. However, as soon as they met each other, they chopped off dozens of monsters, their limbs and arms were broken, and the purple-black blood splashed on Tang Tang's body. It felt warm and disgusting, but it couldn't stop Tang Tang from moving forward.

All Tang Tang can do now is kill, and he must kill. All emotions must be abandoned at this moment, leaving only endless killing thoughts!
In fact, this is also the second most important test of the heart demon.

Those monsters are not strong, or in Tang Tang's eyes, those monsters are nothing more than chickens and dogs, and they can be slaughtered at will!
Therefore, the point is not how to kill, but how much Tang Tang can kill!

Killing is exciting and stimulating, but after a long time, you will be afraid and frightened.

Tang Tang could pretend not to see the sticky blood dripping on his body, but after a long time, could Tang Tang really treat it as if he didn't see it?Tang Tang could pretend not to see those limbs and arms, but after a long time, could Tang Tang really treat them as if he hadn't seen them?

Nausea, fear, boredom, these emotions will come to mind after repeated killings.

Even if Tang Tang can overcome these mental pressures and suppress these senses for life, but what about boredom?

Any creature has a lazy side, doing the same thing repeatedly, after a long time, it will feel tired, tired, and tired of it!
These emotions are the second test of the heart demon for Tang Tang. Tang Tang can't be afraid, and he can't shrink back. If you shrink back and doubt whether what you are doing is correct, then Tang Tang will fail. No one can doubt the way you choose on the journey to the heaven.
Similarly, Tang Tang can't feel bored, she must hold two swords, keep killing, keep killing, if she feels bored, it means that she is tired of the way she is pursuing, you know, time is ruthless, and the pursuit of heaven and earth is wrong. It can be accomplished day and night, if you can't bear the loneliness and don't have firm belief, then everything is illusory!
Yes, this is the second level of the inner demon. The moment Tang Tang shattered the celestial demon, she has already proved that she has her own way and has not been confused by the celestial demon. The next test is not the killing intent, but the persistence of the mind!

This is the simplest, but most troublesome method - to stop killing with killing!

One day, two days, three days...

The world in this wilderness seems to have no time. The sun rises and sets, and every day goes round and round. There are only boundless and endless demons, constantly appearing on the land line. At the moment of killing the demon, when the warm blood spread all over his body, Tang Tang was slightly taken aback.

As for those stumps and broken bones, to be honest, it was a little scary at first, no matter what, they were all passing through the army of the Rebirth Clan. Even if Tang Tang was a little uncomfortable, he still adjusted slowly.

However, after killing too many, Tang Tang became numb. Right now, Tang Tang was completely relying on his faith to support him.

Imagine another day, and it's time to end.

One day later, Tang Tang imagined that after another day, it would be over.

Two days later, Tang Tang comforted himself that after another day, it would be over.

Three days later, Tang Tang continued to reassure her that after another day, it would be over.


Seven days later, Tang Tang was still in this wilderness, the white shark fangs in his hand had completely turned scarlet, while the flames of the Huo Yu Fei Yan sword in the other hand were dimmed, too much blood fell on the sword On his body, the Huoyu Feiyan sword couldn't ignite a flourishing flame, but what about Tang Tang?fatigue?Sore muscles?These are all secondary, but Tang Tang's mental exhaustion has made Tang Tang numb to the point where he can only wield his sword mechanically. Don't say it is an imperial weapon, or use soul skills and spells, the only thing that can be done is swinging the sword and falling.

(End of this chapter)

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