The Peerless Tangmen of Online Games

Chapter 328 My name is Xiao Wulun Chapter Star Crystal Stone

Chapter 328 My name is Xiaowu Reincarnation Star Crystal

Such repetitions day after day, the only thing that supports Tang Tang's faith is the one who looks forward to plum blossoms and quenches his thirst. Even so, Tang Tang dare not let himself feel a little bit tired, and when he really feels that he can't hold on. , then slapped out the blazing flames of the sky with one palm, and took advantage of the moment when the sea of ​​flames filled the air, to stay away from those extraterrestrial demons and let himself breathe.

"Damn it, it's endless!" With his hands lightly covering his chest, Tang Tang panted heavily, and there was no good way to deal with this situation. Looking at the gray demon group, he couldn't help but gritted his teeth and said, "There is no good way !"

That's when...

Tang Tang suddenly found a blue light flashed on his chest, and then disappeared abruptly.

Tang Tang was stunned for a moment, he was in an illusion, everything was illusory.But what is blue mango?Could it be the backpack on the chest?The backpack is still there, but it is also an afterimage of the illusion, so I can still use it if I want to, but what is in my backpack?

Tang Tang stretched his hand in almost instinctively, and immediately touched a wooden box with his fingertips, but the disappearing blue light did not reappear.

Taking the thing out, it was a sword box. Tang Tang froze for a moment, and then remembered that the black gold sword box in his hand was the phoenix Qiuhuang.

To be honest, Tang Tang attaches great importance to this thing. The problem is that after hanging the black gold sword box for some reason in Kowloon Coffin City, Tang Tang temporarily lost interest in this thing, even if he killed Huanxi. Demon, but who can bear it after opening the box once and then hanging up once?
"Do you want to use this thing that kills one thousand enemies and hurts eight hundred?"

Tang Tang's eyes flickered on and off. To be honest, she still doesn't understand the power of the black gold sword box to open it once, but if Tang Tang's guess is correct, the Demon of Joy was really killed by the black gold sword box. Enough to kill all the monsters.But the question is, will the damn black gold sword box be wiped out along with Tang Tang?If you hang up in the magical realm, will you really die?So is it a failure to cross the catastrophe?
This is a dilemma. Maybe it can be done once and for all, or it may become a failure.


After being silent for a while, Tang Tang finally gritted his teeth and kept killing monsters there for seven days. Tang Tang already felt the irritable mood. If it continued, Tang Tang felt that he might not be able to survive it. It was too boring. , will get tired sooner or later, and Feng Qiuhuang, who is sealed with a black gold sword box, is a gamble, betting on whether he will be destroyed, and what Tang Tang relies on for this is that the heart demon illusion is based on Tang Tang. The world created by Tang Tang's heart, perhaps using the black gold sword box here, Tang Tang will not necessarily be wiped out, can't Tang Tang's own heart desire to be killed?so……

Worth a gamble!
Tang Tang gritted his teeth and was about to tear off the seal on the black gold sword case!
A blue light suddenly gushed out from his chest again, dazzling, Tang Tang felt a feeling of intoxication filling his whole body, as if falling from one illusion to another.

Immediately after...

Tang Tang opened his eyes, and the scene in front of him seemed similar, but it was the place he had seen in a dream.

Shrek Academy, there is a dilapidated vertical plaque at the entrance, but it is dilapidated in front of you. Although it cannot be said to be completely ruined, it is also extremely desolate. It is full of potholes, but the red tiles on the eaves are dilapidated. It seems that this place has been deserted for a long time.

However, Tang Tang still lifted his foot and stepped in, as if there was a voice in his head urging, urging himself to go forward.

Walk through the nine-snap corridors, walk through the deep courtyard, walk into the depths of the manor, walk into the path, lift the withered vines on the arch, and enter the garden...

A woman appeared in front of Tang Tang's eyes!
An alluring woman!
Tang Tang felt that the woman in front of him seemed familiar, as if he was reincarnated, in that dreamlike world, he woke up from his deep sleep, the girl in red, with flowing sleeves and long skirt, dancing gracefully.

However, Tang Tang knew that the woman in front of her was definitely not the girl in red. There were similarities in her outline, and she was also so beautiful. It was a face that could impress any man.However, the woman in front of her is obviously a woman, not a girl in red. She looks more mature and worthy of fascination. The purple wide-sleeved glazed skirt set off this mature charm to the extreme!
Looking at each other, Xiao Wu suddenly said: "My name is Xiao Wu, dancing dance. Little girl, why did you come here?"

Tang Tang was taken aback, and then said, "Unfortunately, I don't even know where this is?"

Xiao Wu laughed suddenly, Tang Tang felt a gust of fragrant wind blowing by, and couldn't help but blinked his eyes. When he opened his eyes again, that Xiao Wu had already arrived in front of him, so close that the two of them even I can feel the heat of the other person's breath, and then...

Xiao Wu patted Tang Tang's shoulder lightly, pointed around with a smile and said, "This is the reincarnation space of the reincarnation star spar!"

Tang Tang wondered, "Samsara Star Crystal? Reincarnation Space?"

Xiao Wu smiled and said: "Yes, because, this place used to be called Shrek Academy, and it was a place made with the meaning of reincarnation, do you understand?"

Tang Tang frowned, showing a half-understanding expression, that feeling was very strange, even Duanmuyu himself thought so.

Xiao Wu shook her head, then waved her sleeves and said, "Go, before you understand reincarnation, you shouldn't come here, and your strength is not worthy of coming here. This time, I will help you, but there will be no next time." It's..."

With Xiao Wu flicking her sleeves, Tang Tang's body flew out, drifting away, and in the blink of an eye, she flew out of Shrek Academy, out of the corridor, out of the fence, and floated into the air. That Xiao Wu's clear voice echoed softly in Tang Tang's ears, getting farther and farther away, getting softer...

Soul Realm Announcement: Congratulations to the player "Tang Tang" for successfully surviving the Tribulation of the Soul King and seeing through the secrets, hence the name: Saint of Tang Sect!
Announcements in the Soul Realm are accompanied by the sound of gun salutes, and at the same time, the screen will be continuously swiped in text in the text channel, so as to attract everyone's attention, and at the same time highlight the importance of the Soul Realm announcements.

Tang Tang was awakened by the sound of the huge series of gun salutes, and then looked at the Soul Realm announcement with a dazed expression on his face.

Is this a successful tribulation?
A moment later, what Tang Tang greeted was not the joy of successfully crossing the tribulation, but bewilderment and deep doubts.

The name of that dilapidated small manor is Shrek Academy?But what is Shrek Academy?And who is that woman named Xiao Wu?That illusion seems to only appear every time you open the reincarnation star spar, is this the secret hidden in your own reincarnation?

Tang Tang clenched his fist and knocked on his head. The woman named Xiao Wu said that she didn't understand, but what did she wish she knew?

Tang Tang couldn't figure it out, but there was an urge to know the secret urgently. Tang Tang had an inexplicable feeling that as long as she could crack the secret, she might use it to become stronger and stronger. It was also Tang Tang's longing all along!

"However, it's fine if you can't figure it out for a while, and now is not the time to talk about it..." Tang Tang patted Bixi under him and smiled, "Xiao Huihui, are you right?"

Bi Xi held his head high and mooed, which was regarded as a response.

Tang Tang smiled and said: "Let's go then, use the method of moving mountains and overwhelming seas, let's cross the Styx River first."

Bi Xi nodded her head, quickly crawled towards the Styx River, and rode the waves to swim towards the opposite bank.

Tang Tang leaned on Bixi's back, and couldn't help but glance back at Douluo Abyss, although she still couldn't figure out why Bloody Muka didn't bring anyone to trouble her.But, no matter what, she would like to thank the Scarlet Mercenary Corps this time. If it wasn't for them, Tang Tang might not be able to make up her mind to cross the tribulation, let alone succeed. At least for now, Tang Tang has such a gratitude.

Putting aside his doubts and gratitude towards the Scarlet Mercenary Corps, Tang Tang did not forget to quickly start flipping through the information panel of the Soul Realm. As the first player to successfully survive the Tribulation of the Soul King, Tang Tang is now very excited , she believed that Soul Domain should bring her a big gift.

Soul Realm Tip: The player "Tang Tang" successfully crossed the tribulation, and was granted the title: Saint of the Tang Sect, the prestige value increased by 200 points, the teacher's contribution increased by 500 points, and the level was increased by 5 levels!
Soul Realm Tips: The player "Tang Tang" has successfully crossed the tribulation and got a chance to improve his cultivation. Please choose your own soul or magic soul:
1. Magic spirit (permanent increase in spell power by 5%, permanent increase in mana value by 5%, increase in spell range by 10%, mana value +300 points, spell value +1200 points, character attributes +15 points, luck +5 points)
2. Divine Soul (Increase the basic damage by 10%, increase the power of soul skills by 10%, increase the chance of fatal chance by 5%, increase the chance of ignoring defense by 5%, increase the chance of attacking through flaws by 5%, soul power +30, imperial weapon +10 , strength +15 points, luck +5 points, spirit value +800 points)
Soul Realm Tip: The player "Tang Tang" has successfully crossed the tribulation, and three attributes will appear randomly to choose from
1. Strength +20!

2. Lucky +10!

3. Soul skill power increased by 5%!

The first three hints of the soul domain are basic rewards. The only thing worth mentioning is the soul and the magic soul. There is still some difference between the two, but the difference is not big. According to Tang Tang's understanding, the soul comes from himself, which can be understood as having two selves, one is the physical self, and the other is the primordial spirit. To be more straightforward, the soul is actually the advanced form of the soul. The soul is fragile and has no resistance to the attack of the soul, but the soul is different. The soul will be stronger than the ordinary soul. It is much stronger, and at the same time, it can also be used to practice the Taoism that requires the use of the soul to practice, such as the soul coming out of the body or the incarnation outside the body.

The biggest difference between the soul and the soul of the law is that the shape of the soul of the law is a golden light blade, which is also the way of the weapon soul master. The lifelong wish of a soul master is the unity of man and machine.At that time, there is no difference between Horcruxes and humans. Horcruxes are human beings, and humans are Horcruxes. Perhaps, the Divine Soul cannot bring new things, but it can actually increase damage.

This seems to be enough for a soul master. Horcruxes are meant to kill people!

(End of this chapter)

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