The Peerless Tangmen of Online Games

Chapter 329 Isn't the glazed heart mirror number one?

Chapter 329 Isn't the glazed heart mirror number one?

Tang Tang suddenly fell into deep pain, only at this time, she would be extremely annoyed why she is a dual-cultivator of intelligence and weapons!

The first time Tang Tang survived the catastrophe, Tang Tang chose the source of soul power. The 5% power of the soul skill and the 20% crit damage of the soul skill brought Tang Tang a very substantial improvement. It is the characteristic of tool soul masters. Although it is not as colorful and changeable as the spells used by wise soul masters, it is more ruthless in duel.

Right now, if Tang Tang chooses the magic soul, he can increase his mana value. At the same time, after surviving the calamity of the soul king, there will be a soul value and a magic soul value. In this respect, the starting point of the soul is also higher.

However, after hesitating for a moment, Tang Tang still chose Shenhun!
The so-called Bo is not as good as being good. This is the truth that Dugu Bo told Tang Tang when he was getting started. Dugu Bo himself is also a dual-cultivator of wits and weapons, but the alcoholic mentor is better at spells!

This is why Tang Tang chose Shensoul. In this way, the source of soul power added 10 points of soul power to Tang Tang when he crossed the catastrophe for the first time. Tang is compared with ordinary soul masters.However, with the extra 30 points of soul power, Tang Tang no longer has to save his life by saving his soul power. If he chooses Fa Po, it is obvious that 40 more points of mana are only enough for Tang Tang. It's just setting off the blazing fire of the sky one more time, it really doesn't have much effect!

Therefore, Tang Tang decided to specialize in weapon soul masters, supplemented by magic arts, and still chose divine souls. Because of this, there is no suspense about the three random attributes in the third soul domain prompt, which is naturally the third item. The power of soul skills is increased by 5%.

And after the three basic catastrophe rewards, as the first player to survive the second catastrophe, there will be additional rewards, which are also essential, but looking down, Tang Tang doesn't understand .

Soul Realm Reminder: Congratulations to player "Tang Tang" for becoming the second player to survive the Calamity of the Soul King, and will receive a second additional reward. Please choose one of the additional rewards:
1. Spell damage is permanently increased by 10%!

2. The life value of the character is permanently increased by 10%!

Soul Realm Reminder: Congratulations to player "Tang Tang" for becoming the second player to survive the Tribulation of the Soul King, and will receive three additional rewards, please choose one of the additional rewards:
1. Glazed heart mirror (Ancient spirit treasure, with this treasure, it can protect the heart when the life value returns to zero, and maintain the life value at 3%. This item is the natal Horcrux, which cannot be traded or refined. , can be upgraded!)

2. Unlimited upgrade of the existing natal Horcrux by one level, the maximum upgrade level: nine levels!

Faced with two soul domain prompts, Tang Tang didn't even have time to look at the rewards carefully.Because, she turned out to be the second player to survive the tribulation of the soul king, not the first, and Tang Tang remembered very clearly that no one had successfully survived the tribulation before him. Tang Tang felt that it was impossible to miss or forget such an important announcement.

Okay, let's take a step back, this happened when she didn't pay attention to it, and she just didn't look at the information panel of the Soul Realm, but how could other players not discuss such a big event as overcoming the Tribulation of the Soul King?Even if Tang Tang is overseas, he still reads Xiaolou Weekly every now and then.

However, after thinking about it carefully, Tang Tang felt relieved. His shark tooth veil had the attribute of hiding his name, which also included the announcement of the soul domain. Equipped, naturally changed the shark tooth veil, so went directly to the public.

However, since I have similar equipment, others may also have it. It is not too unusual to hide the soul domain announcement, but what follows is of course some small depression. The first is God, and the second It can only be a human being. Everyone can always remember the first, but not necessarily the second. Although the other party did not make an announcement on the Soul Realm, and he seems to be the number one, Tang Tang knows in his heart that she It is No. 2 of the tragedy.

"It's really an era when there are so many masters! Even if you are reborn, there is no advantage at all!"

With a sigh, Tang Tang was helpless, No. 2 is No. 2, anyway, this matter is a foregone conclusion, can I still discuss it with Soul Domain, No. 2 is not satisfied, let me become No. 3 Can it be done?

So, after sighing, Tang Tang checked the extra rewards, and then had the urge to vomit blood.

Damn, spell damage and health?
I just felt that the main attack tool, the soul master, is supplemented by spells, so you give me a permanent increase in spell damage?Isn't this a scam!

As for the life value, it can't be said that it is bad, but it is dispensable. Every player can't say that he doesn't need it, but it can't be said that it is too important.Sometimes, even 10 more health points can save a life.Sometimes, an extra 1000 health is just one more damage.Therefore, this attribute cannot be said to be bad, nor can it be said to be good.

In the end, Tang Tang took a gold coin and tossed it, and finally turned it upside down, choosing to permanently increase his health by 10%. In this way, even if he switched back to the full attack and full speed equipment that Tang Tang used in his normal state, his health would still increase by about 600 points , allowing Tang Tang's health to break through 7000 points.

Then there was the second extra reward, which was nothing to pick about. The Phoenix's Breath was Tang Tang's natal Horcrux, and it would only be level six if it was upgraded by one level. , Therefore, it is natural to choose the glazed heart mirror. Although the attributes of this thing are simple, the effect is very obvious, that is, to avoid death once. It takes effect, resists the final fatal blow, and keeps the life value at 3%. At the same time, it is also considered a natal Horcrux and does not occupy the space of the auxiliary Horcrux. Of course, this auxiliary Horcrux cannot be said to be very good, but In many specific cases, the effect is indeed very large!
And after choosing the two additional rewards, Tang Tang officially became a person of the Second Tribulation. Although he lost the first place, he is still worthy of pride. The level became 5 after getting the 66th level rewarded by the catastrophe, which is the most gratifying.You know, in terms of leveling, Tang Tang has never been diligent, and his level has never been high. Moreover, surviving the calamity of the soul king and cultivating the soul or magic soul is one of the two conditions for using the fire-robbing dragon scale sword , Next, as long as he reaches level 85, Tang Tang will be able to pick up the eighth-level legendary quality Dragon Scale Sword.

Tang Tang couldn't help but fantasize, and at this moment...

"Tang Tang, Tang Tang, is that you? Look this way, we are here!"

On the banks of the Styx River in the distance, there was a sudden shout!

Tang Tang raised his head to look for the sound, and there were a few figures standing by the riverside of Ming River. They were Tang Mei, Jin Lingdong and Xiao Qiao. Besides, there were more than a dozen other players whom Tang Tang didn't know. But looking at their attire, one can tell that one group is the skinheads of the Buddha Hall of the Loose Cultivation Alliance, and the other half should be the magicians of Kunlun.

"Here we come, here we come..." Since he was an acquaintance, Tang Tang naturally had no reason to pretend not to see, patted Bi Xi on the head and swam over, "Why are you all running here?"

"Little girl, of course I'm looking for you!" Jin Lingdong agreed, then said "Yeah", touched Bixi's head and said, "Is this Xiao Huihui? Why is it so much thinner than before? Little girl, It is wrong for you to abuse animals, how could you let it starve like this, wow, you even let it carry a huge stone tablet, you are too bad, Xiao Huihui is good, I invite you to eat delicious food. "

Tang Tang wiped his sweat inexplicably. Can I blame me for losing weight? I didn’t lose its rations, but I kept feeding it with delicious food and drink. Besides, it’s called Bixi if you don’t carry it. It doesn't even count!
However, Tang Tang didn't intend to get entangled in this matter. To get entangled in this kind of thing with a woman whose love is overflowing, there is absolutely no good end.So, after jumping off Bi Xi's back, Tang Tang directly set his eyes on Tang Mei.

Tang Mei spread her hands and said, "Right now, all aspects are firing on the bloody mercenary group. We are here to support you. However, just as we came here, we saw the Soul Realm announcement. You little girl is capable, so let's go over here." Have you passed the tribulation of the soul king?"

Speaking of this, many people glanced at Tang Tang, the first player to survive the soul king's calamity, this name is really not small, especially when it reminds everyone of the first catastrophe, it seems It was also this little girl who took the lead first, and she was also the first player to survive the first catastrophe. In this way, the combination of the two firsts really made Tang Tang full of mystery, admiration and envy, Of course jealousy is also indispensable.

However, Tang Tang didn't think too much about crossing the catastrophe, but asked Tang Tang puzzledly: "War against the Scarlet Mercenary Group?"

Tang Mei shrugged her shoulders and made an innocent expression: "Don't look at me like that, actually I don't know very well, by the way, do you know the legendary owner of Legend Xiaolou?"

Tang Tang nodded. She still has some friendship with the legendary landlord, and has never broken contact. On the one hand, the legendary landlord is a pure businessman, and he is willing to establish a good relationship with any expert. . On the other hand, Tang Tang also thinks it is a good thing to maintain a friendly relationship with the legendary poster. The legendary landlord has a sense of power. He knows a lot of things that others don't know, and he can do a lot of things that others can't. It is definitely not a loss to make a good relationship with such a person.

Tang Tang continued to explain: "Actually, I don't know the specifics. You know, I know the owner of the legend, and I barely have a business relationship with him. The poor and fat medicines are obtained through the legend. The building is for sale. About six hours ago, it was said that the owner contacted me through voice transmission and asked me if I would like to help you. If so, he would gather people to attack the Misty City and expel those who are still stranded in the Misty City because the resident was destroyed. I was a member of the Scarlet Mercenary Group, and then I did so, and then I heard that Tang Sect’s Kuangzhan Pavilion and Tufeng Battalion had laid down the observation platform, and the Scarlet Mercenary Group’s station in Zhongqu Mountain was also shot by more than a dozen Of course, Tengzhou was not spared from the siege of small player forces. However, the bloody mercenary group somehow got the support of the city lord of Tengzhou and repelled the gangs that invaded the garrison. Finally, Konoha Fantasy City was also attacked half an hour ago. The siege of the major gangs. At present, the situation is in danger. I also received a voice transmission from the legendary landlord at that time, asking me to lead someone to search in the Douluo Abyss. You may need help, but now it seems that you little girl Obviously don't need help, let me work for nothing."

(End of this chapter)

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