The Peerless Tangmen of Online Games

Chapter 335 The Ambiguous Cave Unscrupulous Big Brother

Chapter 335 The Ambiguous Cave Unscrupulous Big Brother
bang, bang, bang...

Two streaks of soul-stirring cold smoke entered the brain, quickly invading the demon pills of the two snow pythons in the form of a soul attack, causing the two snow pythons to appear extremely painful, they gave up struggling and fighting back, and kept hitting them with their bodies He touched the ground to relieve the pain, and the solid ground was even smashed into two deep pits.

"Wind Thunder Sword Formation!"

Facing the two snow pythons whose health was low, Tang Yuhao directly threw a sword array, and gained the experience of the last blow, and incidentally, he also superseded the two snow pythons.

It's just that it's just a physical body. You must know that the two snow pythons are also rare chief monsters, and the soul of the chief monster can be refined into a soul-stirring cold smoke. Of course, Tang Tang would not be polite and danced smoothly Wuyouhun blood banner hooked away the spirits of the two snow pythons. After refining the spirits of these two snow pythons, the number of soul-stirring cold smoke from the ghost blood banners will also reach nine!

On the other side, I am Hei Xia and Xiao San Chi looked at each other, admiring Tang Tang's strength on the one hand, of course, on the other hand they were envious, those two horcruxes were too powerful, they were simply existences that turned the world around.

Xiao Sanchi even touched his chin and sighed: "As expected of a person who has the ability to drag a group of experts from the Scarlet Mercenary Corps to cross the tribulation, you see, we can only hack hard honestly. ……what……"

Before Xiao Sanchi finished speaking, he was kicked to the ground by Que'er on his fingertips.

Tang Tang lightly clapped Tang Yuhao's hands beside him as a little bit of celebration, and then came the corpses of the two snow pythons. Since it was a hunt, of course there should be something to gain, but it was just at this moment ...


With a low muffled sound, both Tang Yuhao and Tang Tang felt their bodies sinking suddenly. Then they looked down and found that the ground was cracked. Tang Tang suddenly realized that it must be the two snow pythons just now. caused by continuous impact on the ground.

"Come on..."

Tang Tang recalled, shouted at Tang Yuhao, and wanted to urge his sword to leave, but it was half a beat too late, the sudden rumble of the ground under his feet intensified, and immediately, Tang Tang felt that his feet were empty, and the ground It has collapsed suddenly!
"Hey, are you okay... ah... ah..."

A group of people were lying near the gap, Xiao Sanchi yelled loudly with his hands folded into a trumpet shape, and the faint echo immediately swayed upwards from the crack, but there was no response. There are not a few unlucky ones.

"It's okay, I won't die for now!"

After a while, Tang Yuhao wailed like a groan, but the bottom of the crack was hollow. Although it was a bit high, there was no sand and stones to bury him, and it was regarded as a small life.However, Tang Yuhao still felt a little heavy on his body, which made Tang Yuhao habitually grab it twice.

Well, soft...

Afterwards, Tang Yuhao raised his head, and saw the little girl Tang Tang pressing on his body, staring at him with piercing eyes. If the light wasn't too dark, Tang Yuhao would have noticed that Tang Tang's little face, which is usually nervous, was also flushed.

Tang Yuhao quickly retracted his hand, laughed and said, "Life is always full of surprises, little girl, don't you think so?"

But Tang Tang didn't like this, stood up, stepped on Tang Tang's foot viciously, and turned his head to the side with a cold snort. Tang Yuhao was extremely wronged, but he squeezed his fists and thought about it for a while. The silk is soft, and Tang Tang feels that even if it is stepped on, it is worth it.

At this moment, Xiao Sanchi's voice came along the crack, reminding the two of their situation.

Tang Yuhao responded casually, and then looked around. This seemed to be an underground passage.However, it was a little deep, at least 15 meters above the ground, and Tang Yuhao didn't think it was dug by hand, but a monster like a gopher made a hole.Just, is there such a huge gopher?
Tang Yuhao thought about it: "Could it be the cave of the snow python?"

Tang Tang thought about it, and felt that Tang Yuhao's statement was still possible. The snow python lived underground for a long time, liked cold, and lived in a humid place. This crack fully met the requirements.Moreover, although it is a little far away from the cave due to the battle, it is only a few hundred meters away. Maybe the snow python likes to live in a spacious place.

"Come down!" After figuring it out, Tang Tang shouted towards the crack: "We may have fallen into the snow python's lair, why don't we go deeper and have a look, there may be something left behind."

Tang Tang's words got everyone's response. It is a very happy thing to go through the monster's cave. Although the snow python has not yet transformed, the place where it lives is definitely not a cave, and the monster is usually poorer, but it is not guaranteed. What a good thing in the old den.Secondly, powerful monsters and treasures of heaven and earth have always been companion creatures, such as Millennium Snow Lotus, Millennium Shouwu, etc., but all precious medicinal materials will be guarded by monsters, the cave of the snow python is naturally worth exploring .

After a while, others fell down one after another.

I am a Heixia, and I am worthy of being a master who has been in the leveling area all year round. I am extraordinarily well-prepared. I even took out a few torches and a torch from my backpack. I lit the torch with a few strokes and illuminated the surrounding area. brightly lit.

When the street was lit by fire, Tang Tang kicked over the corpses of the two snow pythons first, and dug out all the trophies. The cycle continues to redistribute, like Tang Tang got two things, one is a snakeskin glove of sixth-level legendary quality, and the other is the essence of the earth. After getting the latter, Tang Tang threw it away For Jin Lingdong, the materials for refining the Transcending Tribulation Pill were enough.

After dividing the things, Tang Tang and Xiao Sanchi led the two main forces, and walked deep along the cracked place. The sound of water ticking all around seemed to confirm that this was the snow python's cave, but, There is nothing but the sound of the water, and even the light and the sound of the water gradually disappear as it goes deeper into the mountainside.

It wasn't until half an hour later that everyone felt something was wrong. Their footsteps were not slow, at least a few thousand meters in half an hour. You know, a distance of several thousand meters in the mountains is really nothing, that's because Mountains have different heights, and the mountain roads are winding, and there are many wrong roads to walk, but if you walk in a straight line, the distance of several thousand meters is enough to get through the belly of a mountain. The lair is so huge.

"Look quickly." Que'er pointed at the front suddenly and shouted, "There's a light!"

There is light, which naturally means that we are about to leave the mountainside!
After advancing five to sixty meters, everyone saw the exit. It was really a hole on the mountainside. After getting out, there was a dense forest, and unknown mountain birds were singing in the forest.

I am Hei Xia wryly smiled and said: "We didn't really just cross a mountain along the side of the mountain? This should still be the top of Tianshan Mountain? What a waste of time!"

The others also laughed wryly, they didn't expect that the nest of the earth flood dragon was just a cave across the mountainside, and they didn't find any treasures left by the snow pythons, let alone those treasures of heaven and earth that would take thousands of years to form. It was nothing but joy.

Only Tang Tang couldn't help but think about it, as if he felt that the scenery in front of him was somewhat familiar.

"Forget it!" Tang Tang waved his hand and said, "They're here anyway, why don't you go and have a look?"

Also, no one objected to such a proposal. After finally passing through, they naturally had to wander around, and for the three laughing three idiots, they had been hanging out in Tianshan Mountain for a long time, so maybe they could open up a good new leveling area?It's worth it just to spend some time exploring, and after they walked along the mountain road for a while, it became even more fortunate that they were willing to spend some time wandering around, because they discovered in the mountains a trail.

It was a trail paved with gravel, it was by no means natural!
What does that mean?
You know, the legend of Piao Miao in Tianshan is also very famous, but it has not been able to become one of the basic sects in the soul domain, but the world-famous Piao Miao Xianzong has still been handed down, and Tianshan is also one of the major sects. It is very famous and has a lot of players.However, no matter whether it is Piaomiao Peak or Tianchi Lake, they are all in front of Tianshan Mountain, and there are countless mountains separated from Xuemeng Cave, so it is impossible for them to go to Tianshan Mountain.

That is to say, this artificially paved mountain path in front of you is likely to lead to another hidden sect from Tianshan?Or are there any caves left by casual cultivators located here?
No matter which one it is, it seems to have the value of exploration. The former can be sold as good information to those players who want to join the hidden sect, and the latter will naturally make more money. Most of the casual repair caves have treasures left behind, and there is still a chance Those who can inherit the inheritance of casual cultivators, even just a cave, can also be sold to those player forces who have not yet settled down.

However, walking along the mountain path, Tang Tang immediately regretted it again, because she saw a person on the mountain path, a person she didn't really want to see!
Even, Tang Tang turned around and ran away at the first moment, but at this moment...

"My good sister!" Petra's speed was no less than Tang Tang's, and he rushed to Tang Tang's front in the blink of an eye, grabbed Tang Tang's arm, and then chatted endlessly: "Long time no see , how are you doing? Hey, your elder brother’s life is terrible. You don’t know. Recently, the tuition fees of the main city college have risen again, and the food in the cafeteria has become more expensive, and the money has not been spent. It's even more difficult, I can't live through this day, I'm the one who works day and night..."

"Stop, stop!" Tang Tang wiped off his sweat and said, "Brother, just say what you want."

"Little girl, we are destined to meet each other!" Pietra said cheekily, "My good sister, borrow a few thousand gold coins to spend, and it would be even better if you can not return them."

(End of this chapter)

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