The Peerless Tangmen of Online Games

Chapter 336 Three Great Forbidden Lands God Emperor Jiang

Chapter 336
After listening to Petra's words, Tang Tang immediately rolled his eyes, wishing he could beat Petra violently. Every time he meets this unconscionable elder brother, nothing good happens. Dare to ask for money from himself, it seems that Xiao Sanchi, who is always holding the calendar, is really right, today is really taboo to travel!
"Big brother, little sister, I'm poor too." After a moment of silence, Tang Tang unscrewed the barrel of wine in front of Petra, poured some wine into his hand, wiped his eyes twice, and then looked eager Crying without tears, he said: "It is natural for a younger sister to help the eldest brother, but you don't know, the younger sister has just passed the tribulation, and all the equipment in her body has been chopped into ashes, that poor, poor They are all like refugees, if they don’t have enough to eat, they are about to sell themselves, they really have no money!”

Petra said: "Sister, you can be a little bit more interesting."

Tang Tang gritted his teeth and took out 50 gold coins and stuffed them into Petra's hands, "Then let's be more interesting!"

Petra weighed the purse in his hand and said, "Only 50 gold coins? How is that enough..."

"Brother!" Tang Tang hurriedly interrupted Petra and said, "This is my little girl's last meal money. You must save some money. I have urgent matters. Let's go first, go first!"

After Tang Tang finished speaking, he hurried forward, waved his hands at the bewildered crowd, and trotted along the mountain path to the depths.

"Sister!" At this time, Petra's voice also faintly came from behind Tang Tang: "The forked road ahead, don't go to the left..."

"Know it!"

Tang Tang agreed from a distance, and then led the people to disappear into the mountain trail. Her only thought now was to get as far away from Petra's shameless elder brother as possible.

"Hey, this little girl is really the same, she still has such a quick temper!" Petra sighed and said, "I didn't even finish my sentence. The last half sentence is: the right side is more dangerous!"


Hell, teleportation circle!
"Petra, you bastard, I'm going to kill you, kill you..." Tang Tang stomped his feet fiercely and shouted: "Next time I see my sister-in-law, I will definitely tell her that you go fool around in the land of flowers and willows!" ..."

With a look of anger on his face, Tang Tang vented his anger fiercely, and only then did he feel much more relieved.

Just thinking back, Tang Tang was still extremely depressed. He was so well-behaved and obedient. He obediently obeyed Petra's instructions and walked along the stone path to the right of the fork. However, before walking ten meters away, he saw A shape that looks like a yellow bag, the light that emits is as red as fire, with six legs and four wings, a chaotic and faceless strange thing, the sparrow on the fingertips is scanned with a transformation mirror, and it turns out to be level 100 The ancient god Di Jiang, the ancient god Di Jiang, slapped them down with a casual wave of his gleaming wings. Everyone didn't even have a chance to hum, so they came to the underworld to report, and Tang Tang was the best performer, because , the little girl hummed twice before she died.

"Don't even expect me to give you 50 gold coins next time!"

Tang Tang gritted his teeth and swore.

However, this trip is not completely fruitless!

Before he was killed in battle, Tang Tang saw a huge stone building not far behind Shenshen Dijiang. Written in three big characters!

Reincarnation Pavilion!
So far, there are several topics in Soul Domain that are eternal!
Ten Holy Soldiers, Ten Heaven and Earth Spirit Treasures, and Three Forbidden Lands!

Among them, the Ten Great Saint Weapons and the Ten Heaven and Earth Spirit Treasures are recognized by the Soul Domain. Although it is not stated that the two are the ten most powerful Horcruxes and the ten most powerful pieces of support, it is also clearly stated that the Ten Great Saint Weapons and the Ten Greatest Heaven and Earth Spirit Treasures are unique and will never be repeated, and are above the ninth-level legendary quality. If this is the case, what is the difference between admitting "the strongest"?At least, it must be the strongest at the moment!

Therefore, everyone is always discussing which Horcruxes are the top ten holy weapons and which assistants are the top ten heaven and earth spirit treasures. Guessing the shape and attributes is always so enjoyable. Before belonging, this topic is indelible.

As for the three forbidden areas, there is no public statement. Besides, there are many unexplored areas in the soul domain. However, everyone knows that the full-level cap of the soul domain should be the titled Douluo, so there are Douluo-level leaders. The strange place is naturally the top area.

Thus, the Golden Desert, the Pavilion of Reincarnation and the Temple of Death came into everyone's sight.

There is very little information about the Golden Desert, only a very small number of players have entered by mistake, and it is not clear, but everyone knows that the Golden Desert is in the desert, and many players have entered by mistake, but how to enter remains the same. No one knows, the only clear information is that in the depths of the desert, and someone has seen a level 98 leader monster in the Temple of Death, and successfully recorded it with memory crystals!

As for the Reincarnation Pavilion, this place is very strange, it can be said that it is the most forbidden place by mistake, but everyone has a different opinion, some say it is a deep mountain, some say that there are many ancient beasts, some say that the Reincarnation Pavilion is the same as the Hanging Mountain Floating in the sky, anyway, there is no accurate statement.

Tang Tang actually didn't see much, but fortunately, she wrote down the coordinates of the Snow Python Cave. In this way, wouldn't Tang Tang be able to go to the Reincarnation Pavilion through the Snow Python Cave if he wanted to?Moreover, Tang Tang seems to vaguely remember the legend that the landlord was willing to spend 3000 gold coins to ask him to inquire about the entrance of the Samsara Pavilion!

"Glittering gold coins!"

Tang Tang chuckled, no one hates making money.

At this moment, I am the Hei Xia walking towards Tang Tang, waking Tang Tang up from the world of 3000 gold coins.

Immediately afterwards, it was nothing more than greeting each other. I am a black hero and the three of them liked it very much. People are floating in the rivers and lakes. How can they not get stabbed or hang up? Ask Tang Tang if he will come back Piaomiao Peak, after getting a negative answer, the four of them added each other as friends, and said with a smile that they could cooperate again when they had time, and the three of them went to the village under Piaomiao Peak through the teleportation array.

"Let's go too." Tang Tang sent the three of them away, waved at Tang Yuhao and Jin Lingdong, and said, "Continue to find the next material for Dujie Pill."

The medicinal materials needed for the refining of the Transcending Tribulation Pill have already been obtained from Tang Mei from Shorty Poor Pang, and two copies of the essence of earth in it have also been collected from Snow Mang, but this is just the beginning. The materials needed for Transcending Tribulation Pill It can be said to be quite complicated, since Tang Tang wants to keep his promise to help Jin Lingdong get the Dujie Pill, it is naturally a long way to go.

"I'm not going now!" Tang Yuhao wanted to continue to follow Tang Tang, and she and Jin Lingdong seemed to be having a good chat, but he checked the time and said, "I'm going to the inn to rest, and I'll see you later."

After Tang Yuhao finished speaking, he simply left. Tang Tang looked at the time and couldn't help wondering for a while, it wasn't even noon, so what could he do in the inn at this time?Can't it be rest?Don't be funny, Tang Tang and Tang Yuhao once stayed in Mingyue Ancient Spring for several days. This guy spends 16 hours a day. It definitely doesn't look like he is going to an inn. Besides, people who usually need to work at a fixed time are also unlikely. In the Soul Realm, there is a lot of noise, and time is also an insurmountable hurdle on the road to master.

Fortunately, Tang Tang didn't explore Tang Yuhao's private life, so he didn't worry about it for a while, so he dragged Jin Lingdong into the teleportation array, and the handsome guy ran away. Fortunately, there was a beautiful woman to accompany him!

And their next goal is Jizhou. On the banks of the beautiful Daming Lake in Jizhou, there is the next medicinal material they need - Lingye lotus!
However, after leaving the underworld, Tang Tang first received the sound transmission from the legendary landlord.

This guy is also a little fox, so he didn't say anything to Tang Tang, just left a word: Come to Tengzhou quickly, little girl, don't regret it if you don't come!

Tang Tang was so depressed, she didn't want to go, but with the second half of the sentence from the legendary landlord, Tang Tang felt like a mouse scratching her heart, and at the same time, Tang Tang couldn't help but think of the sentence: Curiosity killed the cat!

At the same time, Tang Tang felt that he always seemed to be no match for the Legendary Landlord and Tang Yuhao, they were really two annoying guys!
After discussing with Jin Lingdong, Jin Lingdong was very considerate and said that it didn't matter, so the two diverted to Tengzhou, and Tang Tang shouted, there are still considerate people in this world!

When we arrived at a restaurant in Tengzhou, it was still the box from last time. Tang Tang opened the door and entered, and then he was a little taken aback. There was not only the legendary owner in the box, but also an unexpected guest, Tang Xin!
Legend has it that the poster said with a smile: "Look, the free thugs have come."

Tang Xin smiled, also looking very satisfied, only Tang Tang couldn't figure it out.

Legend has it that the landlord explained: "Tang Xin needed to find a capable person to help with a little help, so he found me, and I thought of you."

"No!" After Tang Tang understood it, he immediately refused without shame: "I'm very busy and I don't have time!"

Tang Xin spread his hands and made a helpless gesture, but it is said that the landlord was signaling him to be calm, and then leaned into Tang Tang's ear and whispered: "Little girl, you don't want to use your soul to raise the ghost blood banner to nine class?"

"I think..." Tang Tang instinctively agreed, and then blurted out in shock: "You know the ghost blood banner!"

Tang Tang knew very well that it was not difficult to know the existence of the Youhun Blood Banner, but knowing that the Youhun Blood Banner needs the soul to upgrade its level would be too surprising.This point, even Jin Lingdong, who went overseas with Tang Tang, didn't know. Tang Tang never told anyone about the attributes of the Ghost Blood Banner, let alone showed anyone the attributes of the Ghost Blood Banner!
It is said that the landlord gave Tang Xin an innocent look and said, "Do you want me to say it here?"

Tang Xin was very understanding, stood up with a smile and said, "It's a bit hot here, I'll go downstairs and sit for a while."

After saying that, Tang Xin walked out of the private room and gave time to the legendary host and Tang Tang.

(End of this chapter)

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