The Peerless Tangmen of Online Games

Chapter 345 5 Horcrux Qi Yu Shocked 4 Seats

Chapter 345 Five Horcruxes Qi Yu Shocked Four Seats
The eldest sister Tang Mei was angrily going to pat the little Qiao who deserved to be beaten, and the sisters also laughed and laughed. At this moment, there was a sudden noise on the first floor of the restaurant, which attracted their attention. In the past, looking through the screen, it was a group of people chirping together, not knowing what was going on.

Little Qiao asked curiously, "Sister, what's going on?"

"It's nothing unusual." Tang Mei kowtowed melon seeds, she was obviously a regular visitor here, and explained to everyone: "This is the rule set by the boss of Longteng Kyushu. Horcruxes, body skills, strength, and life are four things, and you can win among them. One thing, all consumption in Longteng Kyushu in the future will be free."

Qingqing Apple Xiang confirmed: "Horcrux, movement, strength, life?"

Tang Mei nodded and said: "Life is a gamble. There are four guards in Longteng Kyushu. In a life-and-death battle, you can win one of them at will; strength is easy to understand. Simply put, it means being stronger than anyone else. Of course, there are also coincidences here." The difference between force and brute force does not mean that you can win with great strength; agility refers to speed, that is, you can swipe around at a designated position to see who is faster. Similarly, the speed of imperial weapons can be fast or slow. In order to highlight skills, it is impossible to run in a straight line , and the Horcrux refers to the hand, I don’t need to say this, speed and skill are equally important, for those rookies, the speed of the hand is considered extraordinary, but if the reaction ability cannot keep up, the faster the hand is, the more difficult it is to control.”

Li Yan smiled and said: "You are quite clear, it seems that there was a comparison, lost?"

Tang Mei said: "I bet my life, but unfortunately I lost. By the way, this is also a rule, anyone can only try once."

Tang Tang also became interested. Why hadn't he heard of such a fun thing in his previous life? He suddenly said excitedly, "Let's go, let's join in the fun!"

Tang Tang headed out of the private room, walked to the crowd, and saw that there were two long tables in the center, each with a row of wine bottles. Although the person on the left was not clearly dressed, his right hand Lifting the sword, the light of the sword is slightly purple and black. It is either a disciple of the Douluo Palace or a monster of the half-beast forest. Only these two sects, the light of the sword is mostly purple and black, and the one in front of the table on the left People are even more interesting, with an ancient sword with a black scabbard in his hand, but he is wearing a white linen clothes that newcomers wear.

Tang Mei curled her lips and said, "The one with the crow's sheath sword is called Fengyun Zi. He uses the sword very fast and is in charge of the Horcrux competition. The one behind him is Yuyuetian. He will come forward to bet on my life. I fought him two hundred times." In one round, half a move was lost."

"That's a loss."

Tang Tang raised the bar very shamelessly, which immediately made Tang Mei blush.

At this time, the suspected Douluo Palace disciple in the crowd also made a sudden move, and the sword flashed like thunder, stabbing at the wine bottle in front of him fiercely.

Pop, pop, pop, pop...

Four crisp sounds, the wine bottle was stabbed four times by the sword, but unfortunately, the fifth wine bottle was also stabbed by the man, but he tilted his head slightly, brushed the bottle mouth, and dangled on the table After two laps, it didn't break or fall down after all.

"it is good!"

The surrounding crowd suddenly let out applause, and applauded the disciple of Douluo Palace, but at this moment...


Feng Yunzi, who was dressed in white linen, also made a sudden move at this moment, a silver light was wiped from the crow's sheath sword, and then immediately returned to the sheath. Immediately afterwards, everyone gasped, Feng Yunzi The six wine bottles in front of them unexpectedly shattered together with a "pop".

"I..." The Douluo Palace disciple blushed and finally bowed his head and said, "I lost!"

The onlookers felt regretful, four and a half wine bottles is still a good result, but it's a pity that Fengyunzi is even better.

On the contrary, Tang Tang said with a puzzled expression, "This is very simple, I don't think there is anything difficult."

Tang Tang didn't deliberately raise his voice, so naturally he didn't lower his voice, which made the others hear clearly. They couldn't help but look at the little girl strangely. Feng Yunzi also raised his head to look at Tang Tang, and then pointed at Tang Tang. Tang, pointing to the table opposite, made a gesture of please, indicating that the little girl can have a try!
Tang Tang was not too polite, she really didn't think there was any difficulty, and she went to the table and set up the wine bottle.

one, two, three...

Under the stunned gazes of everyone, Tang Tang directly placed 24 wine bottles on the table, and even Fengyun Zi's expression turned serious. Even if the shooting speed could keep up, the human reaction ability could not do it!

Also at this time...

24 bridge moon night!
As soon as Tang Tang made a move, there were 24 sword lights. Immediately afterwards, the wine bottle shattered continuously, leaving only six wine bottles. Because Tang Tang didn't bend it very much, he barely stood on the table. , this result is obviously much better than the two just now.

However, the surrounding crowd did not applaud. On the contrary, they did not know who was taking the lead, and burst out laughing suddenly. Even Tang Mei slapped her forehead directly, with an extremely embarrassing expression.

Feng Yunzi said: "You can't use soul skills, otherwise there will be no skill. It's better to directly compare whose hand speed value is higher, and the grade of soul skills is enough. It's just like Tangmen's Wanjian Jue. , there are more than 100 phantom swords, let alone more than [-] phantom swords."

"Oh, it turns out that's the case, that's why I can't drink so many." Tang Tang rearranged six wine bottles and said, "It doesn't count just now, can I also try six?"

The crowd around suddenly burst into ridicule. From their point of view, the little girl came to challenge without even understanding the rules. However, Feng Yunzi is more magnanimous. After all, it is indeed out of style to argue with a little girl who doesn't even know the rules.

At this time, Tang Tang had already placed five wine bottles, and the moment he finished placing the sixth one!

With a sudden crisp sound, Tang Tang drew his sword abruptly, and Feng Yunzi's eyes twitched, none of the six wine bottles shattered.However, the positions of the bottle mouths were completely cut off. Obviously, in this way, it is definitely more powerful than Feng Yunzi smashing six wine bottles at a time. Breaking the wine bottles only needs speed, but cutting the bottle mouth, but It is more than twice as difficult to have a high speed of release while having a high speed of release, and to master the proper benefits of strength.

The people around were shocked to speak out, Feng Yunzi was silent for a moment, and said: "This shouldn't be your limit, right?"

"I don't know." Tang Tang waved his hand in confusion and said, "It's the first time I play, it's quite interesting, I have to try it to know the limit."

Feng Yunzi nodded, placed eleven wine bottles on the table in front of her and said: "My limit is nine wine bottles, and it happens that I haven't made any progress for a long time, this time I will challenge my limit, you can do whatever you want. "

Tang Tang said: "Can I use the imperial weapon technique to use a few more Horcruxes at a time?"

Fengyun Zi said: "Yes, it is also a personal skill to use several Horcruxes at the same time, and there is no limit."

Holding the Huo Yu Fei Yan Sword in his hand, Tang Tang took the Thunder Lightning Long Yuan and the White Shark Spike out of his backpack, hooked his hands at Tang Mei and said, "Sister, I don't have enough Horcruxes, lend me one!"

Tang Mei casually threw the Earth Fire Xuanbing Sword to Tang Tang!

"Not enough!" Tang Tang took the Earth Fire Xuanbing Sword and said, "Sister, I want five Horcruxes, give me another one."

Fengyun Zi's expression froze immediately, all five Horcruxes flying together?That's not something ordinary people can handle!

At this time, Tang Mei found the fifth-level Horcrux from her backpack and gave it to Duanmuyu. After getting the Horcrux, Tang Tang set up fifteen wine bottles on the table, and every three wine bottles formed a group. A flying sword hangs from the top of the bottle in the center.

After setting it up, Tang Tang made a gesture of invitation to Feng Yunzi.

Fengyun Zi is not polite, she suddenly drew her sword!
Because of the increase in the number of bottles, the distance to draw the sword has also become longer, and Tang Tang finally saw Fengyunzi's sword out clearly!
Very fast sword, very beautiful fencing.

The biggest feature of Fengyunzi's sword is the arc. The interval between each sword is very small, and the arc is very small. It hits the next wine bottle with the shortest distance, so that the sword becomes faster, and it goes all the way to the ninth bottle. Fengyunzi did a very good job on the four wine bottles, until the tenth time, the tip of the sword still deviated a bit, failed to break the wine bottle, but scratched the body of the bottle, the bottle shook on the table for a while, but still responded fall down.

"Dumping can only be counted as half." Feng Yunzi spread her hands at Tang Tang and said, "It's your turn."

Tang Tang nodded, took a deep breath, opened his mouth, and spit out the foul breath for a moment!

The sword light flickered!

The five horcruxes moved together, and immediately after, the people around held their breath, listening to the continuous crackling sound in their ears, and after a while, there was silence!
"Thirteen, the little girl smashed thirteen wine bottles!"

After a long silence, I don't know who took the lead to shout out. There were only two bottles left on Tang Tang's table, just as the person shouted, thirteen wine bottles were smashed, even No. 14. There was also a crack in the bottle, but it was not broken or knocked down. Feng Yunzi's face turned ashen immediately. Although he had not lost before, it was the first time he was defeated by such a big gap.

Tang Tang was still a little dissatisfied, danced with the Horcrux and said: "The reaction is still up to par, but the attack speed is a bit slower. It would be great if the attack speed can break through 600 points."

Three minutes ago, if Tang Tang dared to say this, he would definitely be drowned in saliva, but now it is taken for granted by everyone.

clap, clap, clap...

At this time, the second floor of Longteng Kyushu suddenly burst into applause, attracting everyone's attention. There was a black-haired man leaning against the central window, wearing a long white coat. Tang Tang made a gesture, and said with a smile: "Tang Tang of the Tang Sect, Jian Kuai runs fast with his hands, and he has learned a lot today, and he really deserves his reputation."

After the man finished speaking, the surrounding crowd suddenly became noisy. The little girl's name is too big now, and few people would not pay attention to the announcement of passing the soul king's calamity. Naturally, it is impossible to ignore the little girl's name.

Tang Tang didn't take it seriously, and said to Fengyun Zi: "How is it? Since I won, will I be able to eat here for free in the future?"

"Of course..." Feng Yunzi agreed, then pointed at the man on the second floor with some embarrassment and said, "Actually, he is the owner of our restaurant, and he has the final say on everything."

(End of this chapter)

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