Chapter 346

"Oh, so you are the boss of Longteng Kyushu?"

Tang Tang raised his head and looked at the man in white again.

"Hehe, Yimengrusheng, I drove Longteng Kyushu!" Yimengrusheng cupped his fists at Tang Tang and said, "I don't know, are you interested in giving it another try?"

Tang Tang said: "Is it good to win? I'm not interested in things that are not good."

Yimengrusheng thought for a while and said: "If you lose, my promise is still valid. If you come to my place to eat, you will be free of charge. If you win, then the few friends who came with you today, They will also enjoy the same treatment, and in the future, eating and drinking in Longteng Kyushu will be free of charge."

"Okay, generous enough." Tang Tang compared his thumbs and said, "How do you want to compare?"

Yimeng Rusheng said: "If you compare your strength, then it's obvious that I'm too bullying. As for gambling your life, it hurts too much. Since you are famous for being fast, I have also seen the speed of the sword and the speed of the hand, no If it is faster than the legs, what is the speed?"

Tang Tang spread his hands indifferently and said, "Yes."

Yimeng Rusheng said: "But I have to add some rules, the number one master of the Tang Sect is here, so it should be more exciting, right?"

Tang Tang still said indifferently: "You have the final say."

Yimeng Rusheng said: "Then I will announce the rules, the destination is the Artisan Refiner Guild in the south of the city, we will send someone to stand there holding the wine glass first, as long as we go there to get the wine glass and run back here first, it will be considered as the winner." .However, in order to highlight the skill, not the pure speed of the imperial equipment. Therefore, the height of the imperial equipment should not be higher than the nearby houses. , I will prepare a jar of Kaifeng wine, fill it with about five-sixths of the wine, and keep it in your hand all the time. If the wine is reduced to three-sixths, that is, reduced to half, then it is considered a loss. By the way , in order to reduce the drink of the other party, you can use any means. Of course, since it is just a competition, killing people is definitely not possible. How about taking off your equipment and leaving only the Horcrux?"

Tang Tang said: "I'm fine, so who are you going to compare me to?"

"Comparing speed, of course I can't do without me!" There was laughter in the window of the restaurant, and a man wearing a novice white linen suit like Feng Yunzi volleyed from the window to Tang Tang, clasped his fists and said with a smile: "Yu Yuetian, little girl, let me compete with you in this match!"

Yuyuetian was originally dressed in white linen, so there was nothing to take off naturally. After Tang Tang pulled it off, he was exactly the same as Yuyuetian. At this time, Yimengrusheng sent a waiter to hold a Two wine jars came out.

The wine jar is not big, just the size of two slaps combined. However, don't think that it is a dream for two people. Even if Tang Tang is not good at strength, but two or three hundred catties are lifted by Tang Tang. Still a breeze in the hand.Therefore, a huge wine jar will of course be heavier, but it will also be more stable, but a small wine jar will naturally be more prone to accidents.

"Since I released the props and specified the destination..." Yimeng Rusheng said lying on the window sill, "Then your friend is responsible for taking the wine glass and waiting at the Artisan Guild to show fairness, what do you think? "

Tang Tang nodded to indicate yes, then motioned for Tang Tang to go over, and finally held her back and said, "Eldest sister, you should stand higher, you'd better stand on the roof, and wrap yourself in colorful cloth strips like a peacock." Yes, the more conspicuous the better."

Tang Mei immediately rolled her eyes, but she also understood why Tang Tang made such a weird request, because this little girl is a road idiot, without a clear goal, I am afraid there is no need to compare, Tang Tang will have to walk around the city for at least two hours To find the Artifact Refiner's Guild, Tang Mei still nodded in agreement, anyway, she was fighting for everyone.

A moment later, Tang Tang received Tang Mei's voice transmission, and immediately nodded to Yimeng Rusheng, who smiled and let go of the flagon in his hand.

The jug fell from the second floor, fell to the ground, and shattered with a clatter.

At that moment, Yu Yuetian rushed out like a cheetah. I have to say that this guy's imperial weapon is really fast, and more importantly, it is flexible. There are many vendors in the alley, but they are all captured by Yu Yue. The sky swayed left and right to avoid it.You know, this is not an easy task.

And what is Tang Tang doing?
Lightly, Tang Tang didn't actually do anything. When Yu Yuetian passed through the alley, Tang Tang suddenly jumped up lightly.

Snow without a trace!

The body method Treading Xue Wuhen was indeed extremely beautiful when it was used, and the snow was lingering. Even Tang Tang felt that this move should be reserved for exclusive use. She became worried about Tang Tang.Because Tang Tang flew too high, and if he continued to float upwards, he would undoubtedly exceed the roof. Naturally, he was considered a loser, but at this time...

Tang Tang's body sank suddenly, and he landed on the window in front of Yimeng Rusheng. Under Yimeng Rusheng's surprised gaze, Tang Tang suddenly grabbed the wine pot on the table and took a sip for himself.

"Good wine, as expected of the big boss."

Tang Tang praised, and then under Yimengrusheng's surprised gaze, he urged his sword into light, and went through the window on the other side of the second floor in an instant.

Yimengrusheng is still in a daze, but smart people have already discovered Tangtang's intentions. Such a competition is not only about speed, skill, but also familiarity with the city of Dragon City. At this point, Tangtang is in an absolute position. In addition, Tang Tang's own sense of direction is not so good, but although he is not allowed to fly over the roof in a straight line, he didn't say he couldn't go through the house?
The little girl took a trick, but it was impossible to refute!

After passing through two or three buildings in this way, Tang Tang caught up with Yu Yuetian, which surprised Yu Yuetian. He knew that his speed was not slow, but not necessarily faster than Tang Tang, but , He has rich experience, he stayed in Dragon City, and someone has challenged him more than once, he has absolute experience, and he knows where each street leads to, how much distance each corner can save, he chooses The fastest, shortest, and most reasonable distance, and because of this, even if someone's imperial weapon is much faster than him, in Dragon City, he is always the fastest one.

However, Yu Yuetian soon discovered Tang Tang's secret, the outrageous and unreasonable way of imperial weapons, he kept shuttling through various buildings, no matter whether the building was a private house or not, it would cause trouble.

But, no matter what, Yu Yuetian is very unwilling now, the little girl is actually faster than him, and in terms of speed, Yu Yuetian is not the little girl's opponent, seeing Tang Tang rushing past, Yu Yuetian knew that he would definitely chase He couldn't catch up with Tang Tang. Since he couldn't catch up, there was nothing he could do about Tang Tang. However, Yu Yuetian quickly adjusted his mentality. In the second half of the journey, he still had a chance.

Because, the Artifact Refiner's Guild is always at the end of the street, there is only one street in the middle, there are no buildings to shuttle through, and there will be a place where the two will decide the winner.

Tang Tang took the lead in jumping across the street south of the city. While on the street, Tang Tang saw her eldest sister Tang Mei, holding a huge flag in her hand, standing on the roof and waving it continuously, writing a few large characters in black ink—— —Welcome Tang Tang triumphantly!
Tang Tang wiped off her cold sweat, it was really embarrassing for the eldest sister, but such a big banner is indeed very clear, even if Tang Tang is a fool, she doesn't have to worry about taking the wrong way, and just as she was speeding up, Yu Yuetian rushed out of the corner of the street , the difference between the two is about three statures.

This distance seems to be not that big, Yuyuetian is still quite capable, but even if there is a gap of 0.1 seconds, one will be the winner and the other will be the loser!
Also at this time...

Tang Tang took the first step to get the wine glass, but the moment his fingertips touched the wine glass!

Tang Tang only felt a black shadow suddenly pass by in front of him, and then, with a shock in his palm, the wine glass was thrown out of his hand, and when he looked back, the black shadow turned out to be a locust stone with a hidden weapon, which hit From the bottom of the wine glass, the wine glass was thrown high, drew an arc, and landed firmly in Tang Tang's palm.

This hidden weapon kung fu is indeed too handsome, especially what Yuyuetian used is not a magic weapon, but just an ordinary hidden weapon, the locust stone.

The little girl was also slightly shocked, and when she recovered, she remembered that Yuyuetian had snatched her wine glass, and the distance that Yuyuetian was originally behind has now become an advantage, and it has become that she is behind him. distance.

"I've seen shameless people, but I've never seen such shameless people!"

Humming, Tang Tang lifted the horcrux, took the remaining wine glass from Tang Tang's hand, and immediately chased after it.However, even if it is a shuttle building, Yu Yuetian's speed is really not slow. Even if the distance is shortened bit by bit, Yu Yuetian will definitely be able to rush back to the restaurant before catching up.

Tang Tang gritted his teeth, and clapped out a piece of blazing flames with both hands!
Regarding the control of the blazing flames of the sky, Tang Tang already had some sense of perfection. Although it was overwhelming, he controlled it very well. He didn't go to people at all, but built a circle of fire around Yuyuetian. .

Yu Yuetian suddenly became stupid, flew over?The fire wall seems not low, if it flies over, it will exceed the height of the room, and it will be judged to lose because of this, but after thinking about it, Yu Yuetian cursed himself for being stupid, if he just hit it, it would be over, he would die If not, then the little girl violated the rules and was sentenced to lose!
It's just that Yu Yuetian just figured it out, and was about to run towards the blazing sky fire, but immediately felt a chill around him, but it was Tang Tang who withdrew the flaming sky fire. skimming.

(End of this chapter)

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