The Peerless Tangmen of Online Games

Chapter 351 Where to Go Moon River Water City

Chapter 351 Where to Go Moon River Water City
Seeing Tang Tang's confusion, Tang Xin pointed helplessly and said abruptly: "You should be very clear about the dispute between Tang Sect's weapon soul masters and wisdom soul masters. Now we are both getting together to discuss this matter. Son, you can imagine how serious things are. You have to understand that there are many player forces now. However, none of the forces that recruit players from various sects is the leader. Why? Because the development of player forces is still being explored. The only way to increase the power of players is to develop based on the sect. Maybe in the future, it will gradually expand to players from other sects, especially those hidden sects other than the basic sect, but it is only in the future. At present, the power of players The background is the sect, and Tang Yukuang's incident has caused some fights and disputes within the Tang sect."

Tang Tang shook his head and said, "I still don't understand."

Tang Taro explained: "The Tang Sect can be regarded as a decent school, but the precepts are relatively loose, and it is not forbidden to cultivate demons. After all, there are only a small number of players who have become demons in the Tang Sect. What's more important is that there is no one who is slightly stronger than the Tang Sect. , This makes the players of the Tang Sect demons have never been strong. But the appearance of Tang Yukuang caused the rebound of these Tang Sect players. At the same time, Tang Yukuang did a great job when he left, he hacked the Kuangzhan Pavilion Half of the power’s funds, this money has offended a large number of people, made many people very angry, and even affected the Tufeng camp..."

"Because the funds of a player faction belong to everyone, but the management authority is in the hands of a small number of people. After the news of Tang Yukuang's news, it caused panic among ordinary gang members, and then there were many disputes among each other. At the very least, Tang Sect's demonic disciples don't dare to appear in the sect at all, and if they appear, they will die. At the same time, Tang Yukuang is still very strong. He is on the Tang Sect's leaderboard because he survived the soul king's calamity. Because of this, it is now ranked second, only below you, which also makes some people who support Tang Yukuang continue to make trouble."

"En, um." Tang Tang blinked and said, "And then?"

Tang Xindao: "Originally we were reconciling, and even prepared to jointly build the moon-watching platform between the Kuangzhan Pavilion and the Tufeng Camp. Time is the best way to dilute everything. But, I don't know what you think, but you actually have an appointment with that guy Tang Yukuang , now we are quite passive, if you win, then everything is easy to say, it will become very simple to suppress the influence of Tang Yukuang, if you lose, then Tang Yukuang's prestige in Tang Sect will reach an unprecedented height. "

Tang Fengzi said: "Three players who have survived the tribulation of the soul king, two are from the Tang Sect, one is you, and the other is Tang Yukuang. Just for this, Tang Yukuang can get a lot of support. Of course , the only fortunate thing is that you also have many admirers, and your reputation in Tangmen can only be described as famous now."

Tang Tang spread his hands and said: "I've been talking nonsense for a long time, and I'm so confused that I still don't understand why it happened like this, but I understand the result you need, that is, I must win, you are not idle Is there nothing to do, my head is sick? Why not win if I can win?"

Tang Xin said: "It is necessary to win. For this reason, if you have any requirements, we will definitely help with all our strength."

Tang Tang stretched out his hand and said, "Give me a set of level nine legendary quality equipment, and a few level nine heaven and earth spirit treasures or auxiliary Horcruxes. It would be even better if I could have a few magical weapons. Kill Tang Yukang Chai, and make sure that no one will know how he died."

"Little girl, you are talking nonsense!" Tang Xin rolled his eyes and said, "If I want these things, what else do I need from you? I'll do it myself."

Tang Tang disdainfully said: "Is this full support?"

Tang Fengzi said from the side: "Then you should also talk about something practical. To be honest, I want to have a magic weapon. Just by publicizing this, everyone will focus on the magic weapon. Who cares about you two?" duel."

Tang Tang said: "That will allow me to rise to level 85 within a month. As long as I reach level 85, I will have a trump card to make Tang Yukuang come and go."

Tang Taro said: "Little girl, what level are you now?"

Tang Tang looked at it and said, "Level 66 with 89% experience, almost level 67."

Tang Fengzi immediately vomited blood and said, "I said, what do you think? It's almost level 20 in a month? You have to know that a player who keeps fighting monsters for 8 hours a day can only increase to level 3 or 4 in a month. Some leveling lunatics spend more than 18 hours a day, killing monsters for more than 16 hours, and can only increase to level 10 in a month. Moreover, the higher the level is, the higher the experience value is required. Therefore, what I am talking about is only optimistic It's just an estimate."

Tang Xin shook his head and said: "Now in the whole Tang Sect, no, there may not be a few players with a higher level than Tang Taro in the entire Soul Realm, and he is only level 75. His leveling speed is always faster than yours. You know, it is enough for him to reach level 85 within a month, the hope is not very high."

Tang Tang said: "Then you lend me Jiang Nanchun?"

Tang Xin was taken aback, and then said: "Her leveling speed is indeed terrifying, but that girl is very lazy and has little time to fight monsters. She is only level 70 now. However, if she is asked to alternate with Tang Yukuang Time will take you to upgrade..."

Tang Xin pretended to be in deep thought, then shook his head helplessly, apparently hope was also very slim.

Tang Tang said: "Then I have nothing to do, why don't you go find it yourself, are there any rare auxiliary Horcruxes that can be used to determine the world with one blow, anyway, what I have made an appointment with Tang Yukuang is a life-and-death battle, there is nothing limit."

Tang Tu didn't speak for a long time, but at this time he showed his demeanor as a leader, and decided: "Why don't we do it together, let's find things, and we need to practice leveling, just trouble Jiang Nanchun and senior Tang Taluo, leveling up All the expenses will be covered by our Tufeng camp, and we will take every step we take."

Jiang Nanchun was not present, but that girl should be very obedient, there is no problem, Tang Taluo nodded and said: "I will do my best."

Tang Fengzi said: "However, where are you going to practice? Tang Tang's level 65 is not low, but it is also considered a mainstream level. Even if the leveling area for this level is not overcrowded, it is impossible to find a lot of monsters. Otherwise, the gang will get some people to go and book the venue directly?"

Tang Xin shook his head and said, "It's not good to have a bad reputation. It's okay to clear the venue once in a while, but it's still a mainstream leveling area. I don't think it will take three days to cause a backlash. It's not worth the loss. It's better to go to the fourth or fifth floor of Haotian City , Elite monsters have high experience."

Tang Taro shook his head and said, "I can't do it in Haotian City, the terrain there is not suitable for my magic."

He said abruptly: "How about the trouble of finding shrimp soldiers and crab generals in the South China Sea? The underwater is spacious enough, and there is no shortage of places to practice levels. The most important thing is that no one will snatch it."

Tang Taro smiled wryly: "I mainly attack wood and yin spells, you want me to fight in water?"

Suddenly, he laughed dryly, the wood attribute is nothing more than thunder and wind, and thunder is quite powerful in water, but who in Tangmen doesn't know that Tang Taro is good at wind spells?Letting him fight in the water is indeed too difficult for a human being.You know, Tang Taro currently has a nickname in the Tang Sect called Air Fortress, which means to fight in the air, so that Tang Taro's strength can be perfectly displayed.

"It's done!" At this time, Tang Tang interrupted them impatiently: "There are so many things, I know where to practice, you just need to be responsible for delivering the medicine, don't worry about so much!"

Tang Tang's decision to level up was unexpected, because her choice was Mingyue Ancient Spring!
Mingyue Ancient Spring has never been a treasure land for leveling, it is wet and full of poisonous swamps, even if the disciples of Sea God Pavilion can purify toxins, they don't like to go there, so that very few players come and go in Mingyue Ancient Spring.

What's more, the monster level of Mingyue Ancient Spring is from level 45 to level 60, which is divided into four parts: northeast, northwest, southeast, and southwest. Among them, the monsters in the southwest are the most powerful, with monsters above 55.However, compared to Tang Tang's level 65, that place is no longer mainstream, and experience will drop.However, Tang Tang still chose Mingyue Ancient Spring. It doesn't matter if he doesn't have much experience, it can be made up by quantity. You must know that Mingyue Ancient Spring's monsters are densely packed.

Secondly, no one really thinks that Tang Tang can practice level 20 in a month. Increased by rank.And compared to those places with a lot of people, Mingyue Ancient Spring might be a really good choice, because Tang Taluo and Jiang Nanchun are both the type to clear monsters piece by piece.

So, after bidding farewell to everyone, Tang Tang and Tang Taro rushed to Mingyue Ancient Spring. On the way, Tang Tang pondered for a while, and sent a sound transmission to Tang Yuhao. A person can naturally attract more, and at the same time protect Tang Taro.Of course, Tang Taro basically didn't need protection. Tang Tang was mainly worried about Jiang Nanchun. That chick was often in a daze without time or occasion. Secondly, Tang Yuhao had four sword arrays, which could be regarded as an experience harvester.

The three of them agreed to meet in Moon River Water City, then go to Muye Village through the big ferry, and then enter Mingyue Ancient Spring from Mingyue City.

However, when entering Moon River Water City, Tang Tang suddenly had a flash of inspiration. He remembered that he seemed to have met Petra here. He said that after the soul king's calamity, where can he go?

"It seems to be the most luxurious building in Yuehe Water City, looking for Zhao Wuji?" Tang Tang muttered to himself, and then said to Tang Taluo and Tang Yuhao: "Let's not go to Dadukou, there is a place, I have to go first."

Zao Wou-ki's former Fudo Mingwang, Fudotian is also the most luxurious house in the entire Moon River Water City.

Last time, Tang Tang was stopped by two guards at the gate of Fudongtian.This time, Tang Tang was able to enter and exit without hindrance. However, Tang Tang entered the gate smoothly, but Tang Taluo and Tang Yuhao were blocked by two guards.

Tang Tang stepped forward helplessly and said, "They came with me, so they can't go in?"

The two guards shook their heads and said, "This is a rule set by Master Zhao and cannot be violated."

Tang Taro asked strangely: "Why can Tang Tang go in?"

Tang Tang smiled and said: "The condition for entering the Immovable Heaven is to survive the Tribulation of the Soul King."

Tang Taluo suddenly said: "Then you go in by yourself, Yuhao and I will wait for you at the door."

"I don't believe it!" Tang Yuhao said unwillingly: "I also want to go in and see what is inside."

(End of this chapter)

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