The Peerless Tangmen of Online Games

Chapter 352 Fudotian Level 9 Pagoda

Chapter 352 Fudotian Ninth Level Pagoda
As soon as Tang Yuhao finished speaking, he turned around and slipped in between the two guards. The two guards never thought that Tang Yuhao had such agility, so they couldn't react at all. Standing up, the moment to step into the immovable sky.

With a muffled sound, Tang Yuhao felt as if he had bumped into a wall, and took a few steps back while holding his nose. Tears glistened in the corners of his eyes, and he felt as if tears were about to fall, which seemed to be quite painful.

Tang Taluo hurriedly pulled Tang Yuhao to comfort him, and then reached out to touch the gate, as if he had touched something substantial, no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't get an inch in, like an invisible wall.

Tang Taro said helplessly: "It's a powerful magic circle restraint, fortunately it won't hurt anyone."

The two guards laughed awkwardly: "Master Zhao said he couldn't enter, so he definitely couldn't. The two warriors should stop messing around."

Tang Tang waved his hand at Tang Yuhao and comforted him, "I'll go in first to see if there's anything interesting. If there's anything interesting, I'll come with you again after you survive the Soul King Tribulation."


Tang Yuhao was obviously dissatisfied with the little girl's answer, but there was nothing he could do if he wasn't satisfied. It was a fact that he couldn't get in, and it wasn't that he could forcefully break through a magic circle restriction that could only be entered after going through the Calamity of the Soul King. Yes, and Tang Tang was also very helpless, so he asked Tang Taro to help watch Tang Yuhao, and he entered the immovable sky.

Fudotian is very big, but it is unusually deserted. There are counters, tables and chairs around, but there are no people. In fact, it is right to think about it. How can it be crowded in a place that requires the soul king's calamity to enter?
"Ah, welcome, welcome..." At this time, a voice suddenly sounded from behind the counter: "This warrior, is he going to be auctioned or redeemed, or is there something else he wants?"

Tang Tang searched and looked back, the man was wearing a purple and gold robe with gold silk embroidering, and there was a big "ji" character on the hem of the clothes, which looked quite luxurious, but he always had the feeling of a rich man. In addition, that person looks extremely fierce, and more importantly, that person has an indescribable temperament, which makes people feel that they dare not touch his bad luck.

"That..." Tang Tang scratched his head and said, "I neither auction nor redeem things."

The man was not annoyed, and said with a smile, "This is an auction house. Warriors don't auction or redeem things, but what do they want to do?"

This question made the little girl a little silly, what did she do here?Pietra said to herself what's going on here?Damn it, I can't remember it for a while!

Tang Tang was embarrassed, but the man seemed to see through the little girl's embarrassment, patted his head and said: "Could it be that you are here to appraise treasures?"

Tang Tang nodded immediately, anyway, he didn't care if it was true or not, he agreed first, and the man immediately showed a smug expression when he heard it, and after saying something ostentatiously, he walked back to the counter and put the goods on the container. The door panels were opened one by one, revealing countless things neatly placed there, dazzling and full of jewels.

The man turned his head and smiled at Tang Tang, who was stupefied: "How is it? Do you know the rules?"

Tang Tang shook his head honestly.

The man pointed to the things around him and said: "These things include treasures of heaven and earth, antiques, and fakes. After you pay the money, you can choose one of them at will. As for what you can choose, it depends on you." Your eyesight and luck."

Tang Tang suddenly slapped his head suddenly, and vaguely remembered that what Petra said at the time seemed to be a sales system similar to a lottery. It turned out to be such a meaning. If you make a profit, the antiques should be good, you can probably get a lot of money in exchange, you may make a little, you may lose a little, you may not make a loss, and as for buying a fake, I am a good boy, it is called unlucky reminder.

"In that case, let's try it out." Tang Tang said, "I don't know how much it will cost to choose once?"

The man smiled and stretched out a finger, Tang Tang took out 100 gold coins, but saw the other party shaking his head, Tang Tang was right after thinking about it, 100 gold coins is too cheap to bet on a treasure of heaven and earth, so he took A bag of 1000 gold coins came out, but the man still shook his head.

"This little warrior!" The man bared his white teeth and said, "It's [-] gold coins!"

"Ten thousand... gold coins?" Tang Tang almost popped his eyes out, and blurted out, "Why don't you grab it? What if you buy [-] gold coins and buy a tattered one? You don't earn as much from the treasury as you do." !"

"Hey, you're not the first to say that, and I believe you won't be the last." The man tilted his head and thought for a while and said, "Forget it, I still have a lot of connections with the Tang Sect. For the sake of disciples, I will give you a discount, [-] gold coins, is it cheap enough?"

Tang Tang rolled his eyes, wanting to spit on this girl's face, but [-] gold coins are still cheap enough.However, Tang Tang turned his head around, then pointed at the man with staring eyes and said, "Are you Fudo Ming Wang Zhao Wuji?"

"Huh!" Zao Wou-ki said strangely, "Why does someone in the Tang Sect recognize me? I probably haven't been to the Tang Sect for many years."

Zao Wou-ki is not bragging, don't look at him in his 20s.However, as far as Tang Tang knows, this guy is a buddy with the previous head of the Tang Sect. His seniority is scary, and he is a master and uncle in front of the four elders. Calling someone Shizu is considered to have a long face.As for appearance, even if this guy didn't pass the tribulation, he would still be a bully character.Moreover, Zao Wou-ki seemed to be a Douluo in his previous life, claiming that people block and kill people, and magic blocks and kills demons.It was a close fight with the Demon Venerable Gu Rong, so it was easy for him to maintain his appearance.

However, no matter how senior you are, you can't open a black shop!

At this moment, Tang Tang was taken aback by a clear and crisp cry. The chirping sound was so familiar, but when he turned his head, the fleshy figure of Tianmeng Bingcan appeared by the door, and then walked around twice It stopped on Tang Tang's shoulder.

"Oh?" Zhao Wou-ki suddenly laughed and said, "So you are the Tang Sect disciple who saved it as Meng Bing said."

Tang Tang scratched his head and said, "Meng Bing? Who is it?"

Zhao Wuji pointed at the Tianmeng Iceworm, and Tang Tang said in embarrassment, "I call it Xiaobai."

Zhao Wou-ki was taken aback for a moment, and then he covered his belly and laughed out loud without the demeanor of a master. The Tianmeng Iceworm suddenly yelled, as if protesting dissatisfiedly, but still couldn't stop Zhao Wou-ki, and then the small eyeballs suddenly froze. Turning around, he suddenly flew to the container, grabbed a small black tower, and threw three pairs of wings into Tang Tang's hands.

"Hey, hey..." Zhao Wuji shouted suddenly: "It can't be like this, it doesn't count!"

Seeing Zhao Wou-ki's nervous look, Tang Tang knew that the thing in his hand might be a good thing, so he couldn't help but look at it.

To be honest, the small black tower was so dark that it was really ugly. If Tang Tang was asked to pick it from the container, he would definitely not pick it.However, this little black tower is quite complete. How can I put it, it feels a bit like it is made of plasticine. When you stretch out your hand, it will dent and deform with the place where your fingers pinched, and then it will return to its original shape as soon as you let go. !
As for the attributes, I don't know yet, you have to buy it to see it.

Tang Tang gritted his teeth and said, "I decided to take this thing. Boss, you are a master of Taoism, and you have a connection with our Tang Sect. It would be embarrassing to bully a junior."

Zhao Wou-ki wanted to stop him at first, but Tang Tang squeezed him out, and he was embarrassed to say so, so he could only smile dryly: "Actually, I have better ones here."

Tang Tang also grinned and said, "I think, out of respect for you, I can just take one that is not very good."

"Okay, since you insist..." Zao Wou-ki gritted his teeth and said, "For the sake of being a disciple of the Tang Sect, I'll sell you 8000 gold coins!"

Tang Tang immediately beamed, and cheerfully fumbled around in his backpack, then he was dumbfounded!

Where did I get 8000 gold coins!
"You don't have enough gold coins, do you?"

When any businessman said this, his expression would definitely not be too beautiful, but Zhao Wuji's eyes were piercing, as if he wanted the little girl to say that he had no money.

In fact, Tang Tang really has no money. Tang Tang has no interest in trading equipment Horcruxes for gold coins full-time. Her attitude towards gold coins is always enough. Equipment, which mainly depends on Tang Tang's strength, for her, many things can be solved with fists, not with gold coins.Therefore, there are only about 6000 gold coins in Tang Tang's pocket, although it is not a small amount, but there is still a small gap between the price in Zao Wou-ki's mouth.

"Do you always hope that I can't afford this money?" Tang Tang looked up at Zhao Wuji, who immediately looked hopeful, but Tang Tang said with a smirk: "I can't afford so much money." , but I can borrow it!"

Zao Wou-ki's expression froze immediately, while Tang Tang sent the voice to Bi Yuqin from thousands of miles away. A moment later, a pigeon flew through the yard and flew into the house. Standing on Tang Tang's shoulder, a small cloth bag was thrown out. 2500 gold coins.

Tang Tang had to sigh with emotion. Tang Taro was really tall, rich and handsome, so he borrowed 2000 gold coins, but he added 500 more as soon as he made a move. It's shameful to pay money, and it doesn't matter if you lose Tang Tang himself. The key is to lose the people of the Tang Sect in Shu. When you look back, they point and say: Look, that's Tang Tang, the number one master of the Tang Sect. The little girl who can't even take out a single gold coin!
Tang Tang felt that this matter should be known to the elders of the criminal law, and he would be wanted by the teacher if he was not sure.

Thinking wildly, Tang Tang gave the gold coin to Zhao Wuji, who looked like a dead parent, and wiped it on the inconspicuous little black tower, and the attributes of the little black tower were displayed .

Ninth-level Buddha (auxiliary Horcrux) (no grade, no grade): A sacred artifact left over from ancient times, it has the power to shock the heavens. Effect: When the level of one's own side is higher than that of the enemy, it can make the enemy bear the power of the ninth-level Buddha. Strength, the difference is one level, the strength of the first-level Buddha is carried, the speed of the opponent is slowed down by 15%, the difference is three levels, the speed is slowed down by 30%, the difference is five levels, the speed is slowed down by 50%, There is a difference of nine levels, and with the power of a nine-level pagoda, the enemy's speed will be slowed down by 90% (if your own level is higher than the enemy's level nine or higher, it will be equivalent to the effect of level nine). Effective range: 100 meters. Remarks: cannot be traded, cannot be rented!
(End of this chapter)

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