Chapter 358 Bad Luck

That Liu Ruyan was already unspeakable after being demonized, roared again, and a wave of air surged around her, blowing the three of them back and forth, and then, her legs stared, leaving two spider web cracks on the ground, Leaping out of thin air, it was a distance of more than ten feet, and the huge demon claw fell in the air, and it shot directly at Tang Tang.

How could Tang Tang let the other party succeed, he naturally flirted with the Horcrux, and wanted to block the demon claw, but unexpectedly, Liu Ruyan changed his shot to catch, directly grabbed the Horcrux, pinched the sword body, and took advantage of the situation. Throw Tang Tang out.

Yes, it is lost!

Demonizing Liu Ruyan's strength is astonishing, with a casual swing, the little girl was thrown out like a stone.

Although Tang Taro and Tang Yuhao had never seen Liu Ruyan demonized before, at this time, they had somewhat recalled that the current situation seemed to be different from Tang Tang's plan, so they hurried forward Aid Tang Tang.

"Use a gun!" Tang Tang watched Tang Yuhao go towards Liu Ruyan, and hurriedly said: "Don't hold back, this guy is very powerful!"

Tang Tang usually hums and hahas out of shape, but now he suddenly becomes serious, and the effect is really good. Tang Yuhao was stunned for a while, but he really didn't quarrel with Tang Tang, but obediently replaced the flying sword in his hand with The Annihilating Gun!

With the gun in hand, Tang Yuhao's momentum suddenly changed!
Long black hair fluttered in the wind, with a tap of his toes, Tang Yuhao was already in front of Liu Ruyan, and the Spear of Annihilation was thrust forward, plain and simple, but...

This was an extremely astonishing shot. Tang Tang had seen Tang Yuhao use it once before, and it was extremely terrifying both in terms of power and speed.But this time...


The tip of the gun reaches the body, three points into the body!
The Annihilation Spear in Tang Yuhao's hand pierced Liu Ruyan's forearm, but only the tip of the spear did not go in, and it did not go any further, which made Tang Yuhao's face also show a rare look of surprise!

What a strong defense!

At this time, Liu Ruyan tilted her arm and brought out the Annihilating Spear. The demon claw was also raised high, about to shoot down Tang Yuhao, and Tang Taro also arrived at the moment with the prepared spell.

"The wind shatters the sky!"

Tang Taro's magic changed, and a wind blade immediately swung around Liu Ruyan's body. Before Liu Ruyan could react, there was a "pop", the wind blade exploded, and a small circle of air waves swayed Liu Ruyan. Yan was pushed back and Tang Yuhao was rescued at the same time. In terms of experience, Tang Taluo is really quite rich.

And Tang Tang took advantage of the gap to replenish his health, and at the same time put the ninth-level pagoda back into his backpack. After Liu Ruyan became a demon, his level exploded by thirty levels, reaching the horror level of level 92. Naturally, the level [-] pagoda had no effect, but when Tang Tang took the ninth-level pagoda back into his backpack, he also took the Ghost Blood Banner out of his backpack.

The flag pole was pushed down heavily, and there was a muffled sound!
"Liu Ruyan!" Tang Tang urged the ghostly bone flag, and swung a circle of ghostly black threads on the flag, causing the black air to surround the flag, and then lightly danced the flag pole, pointing at Liu Ruyan said: "If you want the Earth Spirit Orb, come get it from my corpse!"

When other people become demons, the more they practice, the smarter they become, and the clearer their spiritual intelligence will be. After Liu Ruyan became a demon, she was a little confused. When Tang Tang provoked her, she punched her chest and rushed towards Tang Tang screaming.

How could Tang Tang be polite, with a flick of his wrist, countless black air flew out from the surface of the ghost blood streamer, and hundreds of ghostly air danced continuously, entangled towards Liu Ruyan!
The demonized Liu Ruyan was indeed tyrannical, and with a wave of her huge demon claw, she could snap off a streak of ghostly energy. Tang Tang was heartbroken, but there was nothing he could do. Tang Tang also took a look at the demonized Liu Ruyan's health, which had reached 38000 points, and his defense was extremely high. After continuous blows, he still had about 35000 health points.

At this time, Tang Yuhao saw Tang Tang entangled Liu Ruyan with a ghostly aura, so naturally he was unwilling to be lonely and raised his gun to meet him.

To be honest, Tang Yuhao's spear dance also has a special charm, especially the one, the point of the spear is connected, the pear blossoms are blooming, it lacks a bit of domineering, it has a bit more sharpness, it lacks a bit of power, and it has a bit more softness, which makes people feel that Tang Yuhao's hands The Annihilating Spear is like a poisonous snake, it will bite people to death with one bite.

It's just that Tang Yuhao's spear dance is really beautiful, with afterimages, and the water can't get in, but it has little effect. The point of the Annihilation Spear hits Liu Ruyan's body, just like stabbing the solid ground. It is to stir up pieces of mud, but the damage to Liu Ruyan is really not high.

Of course, no matter how low it is, the damage is stronger than Tang Tang's Nether Qi. Each Nether Qi can only deal more than a dozen points of damage. The level of horror and the quality of Nether Qi are not very good. These are all related. If Tang Tang can use the monster soul of level 90 to refine Nether Qi, Liu Ruyan may have already gone to the underworld to report it.

Of course, the premise is that Tang Tang can defeat level 90 monsters without being shot to death!
Fortunately, Tang Tang consciously focused on entanglement, and Tang Yuhao was the main attacker. The gun shadows continued, and they firmly suppressed Liu Ruyan!

This is indeed a way!

As long as Liu Ruyan is not allowed to attack at will, the terrifying damage after demonization will be useless, but Tang Tang and Tang Yuhao still think too simple!

Liu Ruyan let out a sudden roar, and the iron claws swept across, cutting off a piece of ghostly black silk, and then met Tang Yuhao's Annihilation Spear. This time, the tip of the Annihilation Spear finally pierced into Liu Ruyan's body. In Yan's body, it was just that, at the position of the palm, after piercing three inches, Liu Ruyan's huge monster claws closed and grabbed Tang Yuhao's spear head.

"not good!"

Tang Tang blurted out immediately, he had experienced Liu Ruyan's strength before, and that was the huge force to throw himself more than ten meters while grabbing the Horcrux, and Tang Yuhao was the same as Tang Tang, both of them were considered skilled, so Tang Yuhao's Naturally, his strength might not be higher than Tang Tang's.

Sure enough, Tang Yuhao grabbed the barrel of the gun and wanted to get back the Annihilation Gun, but it was of no avail. Liu Ruyan flicked Tang Yuhao out.Immediately afterwards, Liu Ruyan punched the ground heavily, a crack appeared on the ground, and a thorn suddenly drilled out from the ground, facing directly below Tang Yuhao.

Seeing that Tang Yuhao was about to be pierced by the ground thorn, a wind blade suddenly passed by and chopped the ground thorn into pieces, but it was Bi Yuqin who made a sudden move and saved Fendai Huaxiang once.

"Be careful, everyone, don't be careless!"

Don't need Tang Taluo to say this, neither Tang Tang nor Tang Yuhao dare to take it lightly. No matter what, they are both level 92 boss monsters. It also seems to have mastered the spell. In this way, it is natural to attack from a distance and defend from a distance, making it even more difficult to deal with.

Just thinking about how to deal with it, Liu Ruyan didn't give everyone time to breathe, looked back at Tang Tang, let out a low growl, and stabbed at Tang Tang again, Tang Tang hurried back with his weapon.However, Liu Ruyan seemed to have identified Tang Tang, or rather identified the earth spirit bead, and with a thought, the earth thorns rushed out of the ground continuously chasing Tang Tang.

"I'll go!" Tang Tang said, "Did I rob you, or smashed your house? Why are you chasing me so shamelessly?"

While cursing, Tang Tang slapped the blazing skyfire with his palm back, smashing the ground thorns, and at the same time quickly danced the ghost blood streamer, and thousands of ghostly aura gathered from both sides, forming a black mass, like a fan Liu Ruyan was blocked out like a wall.It's just that it seems difficult to stop Luo Rulie by relying on the Nether Qi. Liu Ruyan raised his claws and smashed it on the Qi wall formed by the Nether Qi. come over.

However, the moment Liu Ruyan passed through the dark air, a silver light mixed with a thunder arc picked Liu Ruyan's chin, and with a little cleverness, Liu Ruyan was picked up into the air.

"The Gun of Annihilation!"

As soon as the blow was successful, Tang Yuhao let out a soft drink, and the Thunderbolt Sharp Edge in his hand rolled up a gun flower, and went towards Liu Ruyan!
One shot, ten shots, a hundred shots!
In a short moment, with the shaking of Tang Yuhao's wrist, the spear shadow on the tip of the gun turned into two, two turned into four, four turned into eight, eight turned into sixteen. Ruyan stabbed a total of one hundred and eight spears. From a distance, Tang Yuhao stabbed a shadow of the spear into the air, and Liu Ruyan's body kept jumping on the shadow of the spear, never falling to the ground , until the last shot...


Tang Yuhao hit Liu Ruyan's body with the butt of the Annihilation Spear, held the gun horizontally, changed the thrust to a sweep, swung the Annihilation Spear round in front of him, and swept Liu Ruyan away. At this time, Tang Taro suddenly made a handprint and pointed at Liu Ruyan!
"Bad luck!"

The trick of bad luck is the Yin system. After Tang Taro learned the will-o'-the-wisp spell, he deeply felt that it was very powerful after practicing the ordinary spells to the limit, but the method was indeed single, so he spent a lot of money. Qiancai started to attack Yin spells as a secondary attack, and getting rid of bad luck was the most rogue trick among the spells Tang Taro had learned.

Ban, seal, fix, faint, mess!
The success rate of bad luck is [-]%, but after the hit, it is unknown which state will appear, and it is hard to say which state is the most powerful. It can only be said that it depends on the situation and the target. However, this Once, Tang Taro's luck was obviously not very good, because the bad luck fell on Liu Ruyan's body, but he appeared in the most undesired state!
Chaos is chaos. After the target is confused, it will continue to reduce its health by a small amount. At the same time, it will fall into a rage, the defense will be reduced to a certain extent, and the damage will be increased to a certain extent. Moreover, it will attack all the attackable targets around it regardless of whether it is enemy or friend!
Unfortunately, Liu Ruyan is alone now, and the state of chaos will not have any real effect on Liu Ruyan except for reducing some life points.On the contrary, in the chaotic state, Liu Ruyan became even more irritable and began to attack the three of them crazily!

(End of this chapter)

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