The Peerless Tangmen of Online Games

Chapter 359 Landslide and Earth Crack Sacred Beast Strikes

Chapter 359 Landslide and Earth Crack Sacred Beast Strikes

One punch broke a big tree hugged by three people. Liu Ruyan hugged the tree pole and swung it horizontally. After being dodged by Tang Tang, Liu Ruyan became more irritable and directly pointed the trunk towards Tang Taro. Lost it.

Tang Taro rode into the wind, and then made an apologetic expression towards Tang Yuhao and Tang Tang. As long as the five states of bad luck were not chaotic, the other four could have a certain influence on Liu Ruyan. They attacked continuously, but they never expected that there was a one-fifth chance of hitting them, which is really unlucky, and I can't blame Tang Taro.

At this time, the state of confusion and consecutive misses had already caused Liu Ruyan to fall completely into agitation, attacking all around indiscriminately and frantically, no one dared to get within three meters, Tang Yuhao unwillingly took the Annihilation Spear and tried two times. The first time, Liu Ruyan took the tree pole and smashed the gun barrel away for the first time, and the second time, Liu Ruyan grabbed the tip of the gun and threw Tang Yuhao out, Tang Yuhao had no choice but to give up.

And after Liu Ruyan lost his target, he smashed into the air, roared a few times, suddenly smashed his palms to the ground, and with a bang, the ground around Luo Rulie suddenly sank several inches!

"Oops!" Tang Taro said anxiously: "Hurry up and disperse, it's an earth-type spell that landslides and ground cracks!"

Naturally, there is no need to question Tang Taro's experience. Naturally, he will not mistake spells, and Tang Tang has actually seen this move before. Sha Tuyong, that power is indeed domineering, stabs surge in half a mile inland, has been killed, never let go, when Tang Taro shouted, Tang Tang didn't dare to delay, pulled Tang Yuhao past him, and quickly backed away!

Numerous cracks appeared on the ground, with Liu Ruyan as the center, the surrounding ground suddenly cracked into countless huge broken rocks, surging towards the surroundings like a wave. Fortunately, with Tang Taro's reminder, three People are easy to avoid after the imperial weapon is vacated early.However, the cracked ground was only the first wave of attacks, and immediately after that, countless ground thorns suddenly surged up in the cracked gap, reaching a height of tens of meters, straight into the air!
Tang Taro was not afraid, drank the mana potion in his mouth, and resisted the ground thorn with the wall of the wind, Tang Tang had no problem. The disadvantage of the earth magic is that it is slow, relying on his own imperial weapon. The thorns couldn't hurt him, but Tang Yuhao suffered a lot. He abandoned his sword and held the gun, and his speed dropped drastically. Auxiliary Horcruxes are not very useful in places like Mingyue Ancient Spring full of trees.

Tang Yuhao simply jumped towards the thorns, switching from defense to attack, dexterously jumping back and forth on those thorns, the Annihilating Spear thrust forward again and again, smashing the thorns in front of him brutally, and then towards Liu Ruyan pounce.

On the other end, Tang Taro saw that the duration of the chaotic state was about the same, and shouted at Tang Tang: "Little girl, keep up with Yuhao's cover, the opponent has 5 seconds to get out of the chaotic state!"

Tang Tang nodded, and simply withdrew the flying horcrux, stepping on the ground and jumping forward continuously.

Her skill was already much stronger than Tang Yuhao's, not to mention, Tang Tang also had the ability to step on the snow without a trace, one after another, flying flowers under her feet, a little toe, that is a distance of three to five feet.In a short while, Tang Tang had chased after Tang Yuhao, but Tang Tang didn't make a move, but quietly landed behind Tang Yuhao.

At this time, Tang Taro also continuously released the wind blade to attract Liu Ruyan, and retreated while fighting. After retreating more than ten meters in a row, Liu Ruyan finally woke up from the chaotic state. Ruyan was a little sluggish, and taking advantage of this moment, Tang Yuhao's Annihilating Spear suddenly arrived, piercing into Liu Ruyan's back, penetrating three points into the flesh, Liu Ruyan was in pain, and with a low growl, turned around One slap, but Tang Yuhao learned to be smart, and he didn't confront Liu Ruyan head-on. After withdrawing his gun, he flamboyantly hid aside!
"Opportunity! Now is the time!"

Tang Tang followed Tang Yuhao all the time, Tang Yuhao hid to the side, Tang Tang's figure appeared immediately, of course, there was also the ghost blood banner in Tang Tang's hand and the three demented spirits that suddenly swooped out from the banner. Cold smoke!


Three streaks of soul-stirring cold smoke were shot out by Tang Tang, pierced through Liu Ruyan's forehead, and went straight into Liu Ruyan's mind, and her soul was invaded, Liu Ruyan was in great pain, holding her head in her hands and screaming , staggered under his feet and fell to the ground, constantly hitting his head on the ground, and his life value was also eaten away by the soul-destroying cold smoke, which continued to decrease.

Tang Yuhao and Tang Taluo both looked at each other. Although the little girl had seen the sight of the soul-destroying cold smoke invading the soul, Tang Tang still felt quite shocked every time she saw the other party's death, almost self-abuse. The elder also said that a horcrux is not good or bad, the key is to see the user, but he still can't help but sigh, this thing is indeed the number one evil horcrux in the devil's way!
"Forget it, I'll take it as a good deed and send you to reincarnation."

Tang Tang drew out the Huo Yu Fei Yan sword. Although it continued to reduce the blood, with Liu Ruyan's ability, he might be able to last for a while, but with Liu Ruyan's current virtue, he might have no resistance. Tang Tang made a very straightforward move The sword cut towards Liu Ruyan's Tianling Gai, who would have thought that...

When the sword light cut down, Liu Ruyan suddenly let out a violent roar, and then, with a clang, the Huoyufeiyan sword that was chopped down was actually caught in Liu Ruyan's hand, unable to move even a bit!
Tang Tang was stunned. It was nothing unusual for this Horcrux to be captured. Liu Ruyan's whole body was as hard as iron, so it was not surprising that he could grab a sword with his bare hands. The important thing was that the soul-stirring smoke was actually dissolved?
Tang Tang was still surprised, but Liu Ruyan had already punched Tang Tang's chest, spewing out a mouthful of blood, and Tang Tang was beaten upside down, and with a bang, two ground thorns were broken. , and then fell to the ground, the life value that had just returned to full was punched by Liu Ruyan and turned into a near-death state. At the same time, it also woke Tang Tang up. .

In fact, the soul-destroying cold smoke is not unsolvable. For people below the second calamity of the soul king, it is a reminder from the king of hell, because the soul is not condensed, and the soul of the law is not condensed. There is no way to resist the soul attack.

However, after going through the second catastrophe, the soul attack is no longer invisible and intangible. Both the soul and the magic soul have a certain resistance to the soul attack, but Tang Tang never thought that Liu Ruyan was only at level 62. After being demonized, not only is the body tyrannized to a certain level, but even the spirit and spirit are also tempered, reaching the level of surviving the second catastrophe. After the soul or magic soul, the soul attack will be completely ineffective. If not, wouldn't the own ghost blood banner be useless?

However, this time it was my own miscalculation!

Tang Tang murmured something in his heart, and then stood up with the support of the ground thorn beside him.

At this time, Liu Ruyan also came towards Tang Tang with big strides, as if he had identified the Earth Spirit Bead, and he vowed not to give up.

"Stop him!"

While pinching his handprints and releasing the wind blade, Tang Taro yelled at Tang Yuhao, but he knew very well, are there any medicines that restore 100% health in an instant?have!But the little girl definitely won't have it, if Liu Ruyan gets close at this moment, Tang Tang will definitely end up being wiped out!

It's just that the wind blade seems hard to hurt Liu Ruyan, or in other words, it is difficult to deal a heavy blow to Liu Ruyan, especially that Liu Ruyan only has Tang Tang as his target right now, and he doesn't care about the wind blade at all. Ask, even though the wind blade hit him, he still strode towards Tang Tang in stride.

Tang Yuhao also took advantage of the gap to raise his spear forward, and the tip of the Annihilating Spear hit Liu Ruyan's chest continuously, but it had no effect. Although the damage was not weak, it could not stop Liu Ruyan from moving forward, making Liu Ruyan After not being too bothered, Liu Ruyan simply twisted off a ground thorn, swung it hard at Tang Yuhao, hit the barrel of the Annihilation Spear, and sent Tang Yuhao flying.

Tang Tang naturally saw everything clearly, but he never made a move. Instead, he sat cross-legged on the ground, poured medicine into his mouth, and ran?Surrounded by thorns, it's not easy to run, fight?At least he had to restore his blood to full capacity, otherwise he wouldn't be able to resist even one move, so what's the point of fighting!
It's a pity that Liu Ruyan didn't give Tang Tang a chance to restore his life to full!

"It was you who forced me to do this trick!" Tang Tang stood up and said angrily, "You really pissed me off, let me tell you, when I get angry, even I feel scared!"

Tang Yuhao and Tang Taluo stared straight at Tang Tang. To be honest, the little girl was quite capable of surprising people, so both of them were very curious about Tang Tang's other tricks. Unfortunately, after hearing Tang Tang's In the second half of the sentence, the two boys lost confidence in Tang Tang at the same time. The little girl's tone seemed too nonsense!

Naturally, Liu Ruyan couldn't be bluffed by the little girl with a few words, but strode towards Tang Tang in a muffled voice.

Tang Tang gritted his teeth and said, "Since that's the case, you wanted to die by yourself, but you can't rely on me, Xiao Huihui, crush him to death!"

As soon as the words fell, Tang Tang suddenly took off a cloth pocket from his body.

The cloth pocket is full of colorful lights, but it is sewn with a piece of colorful feathers, and the mouth of the bag is decorated with peacock feathers, and the gaps between the colorful feathers are decorated with pearls, agate, and emerald particles. It is really very beautiful, and it is also a bit luxurious. The eyes of Tang Taro and Tang Yuhao are shining with gold, obviously they are very interested in the cloth bag in Tang Tang's hand.

However, they didn't know the pain in Tang Tang's heart, because this cloth bag was a soul beast bag!
Ever since Baxia became Bixi, he was not very happy to stay in the soul beast bag. Tang Tang knew that the big guy was not unwilling to be there, but that the soul beast bag was too tattered and uncomfortable to stay in. Tang Tang had to I spent a lot of money to buy another soul beast bag, which is the one in my hand. Not to mention the beauty, there is also a Taoyuan land in the soul beast bag, with beautiful mountains and clear waters, suitable for all soul beasts to live in, but the price is too expensive for Tang Tang. A little worried, a full 1400 gold coins, it is said that the landlord helped to discount it.

(End of this chapter)

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