The Peerless Tangmen of Online Games

Chapter 370 The Heart of the Strong Begins

Chapter 370 The Heart of the Strong Begins

However, just as Tang Tang was about to knock on the door, the door creaked. An old man in white robe stepped out of the bamboo house, holding a wooden sword in his hand, and came to the bamboo house.

Tang Tang was about to call out immediately, but when he opened his mouth, Tang Tang froze in place, and then pressed his lips vigorously a few times, but there was no sound at all, and he was actually speechless?

At this time, the old man in white lightly flicked the wooden sword in his hand, and danced lightly in front of the house.

"Could this be the frozen illusion of the old man at the North Pole?"

Tang Tang murmured to himself, could it be that he wanted to watch the old man dance his sword to comprehend the realm?

Tang Tang didn't know whether his guess was right or not, but looking at the sea of ​​pine trees all around, he didn't seem to know where he could go. There were probably only residential houses in front of him for several miles, and he couldn't even utter a word from his throat. The voice, Tang Tang, in the spirit of calming down as soon as he came, sat down cross-legged not far from the old man honestly, and the old man seemed to have never seen Tang Tang, with a flick of his wrist and a light tap of the wooden sword, looking out for himself Sword dance!

That sword is slow!

If it wasn't for the old man not embracing the circle, Tang Tang even suspected that the old man was dancing the Tai Chi sword, but, apart from the Tai Chi sword, it seemed that he had never heard of that kind of sword that was so slow.

Tang Tang couldn't help showing a disdainful expression.

In Tang Tang's view, any ability to defeat the enemy should be fast!
The Taijiquan practiced by Tang Tang pays attention to the use of softness to overcome rigidity. Although there is no emphasis on the momentum of rainstorm and thunder, the palm is like a gust of wind, and the arms are used to draw circles, but it also shows that there is a fast speed in the slow, the greatest distance, and the best for the opponent. Heavy blows, under continuous blows, without giving the opponent any chance to breathe, this is Taijiquan. Throughout the ages, no boxing technique has been soft and unchanging.

Deeply influenced by Taijiquan, Tang Tang's Horcruxes in the Soul Realm are also slow but fast. In Tang Tang's view, the way to increase damage is not better Horcruxes or more powerful Soul Skills, but virtual power. The actual speed is the right one, so that others can't see his shots clearly, so even if the damage of a single sword is lower than the opponent's, he will definitely not be the one who falls first!
Tang Tang was really not interested in the soft and slow sword of the old man in white.

But also at this time...

The old man seemed to have a tacit understanding with Tang Tang. With a flick of his wrist, the wooden sword suddenly brought out an afterimage and turned into a blue light!
What a fast sword!

Tang Tang's eyes lit up immediately, the old man stabbed each sword extremely fast, he could barely see the blade of the sword, he could only see a mutilated and broken sword shadow, and the faint green in mid-air, clearly dancing The same set of swordsmanship.However, the feeling is completely different. If the sword of the old man at the beginning was a stream, flowing slowly but exceptionally smooth, then the sword of the old man now is a waterfall, rushing down, majestic!

"The same swordsmanship." Tang Tang closed his eyes and thought about it for a while, then murmured, "Speed ​​at your will? The foundation of Tai Chi?"

Tang Tang immediately stood up in awe, straightened up, and finally looked seriously.

But the wooden sword in the old man's hand slowed down again, dancing lightly, and became calm and breezy. Every sword move was simple and clear, but Tang Tang felt a little weird looking at it.

Stab, hook, tease, sweep...


Tang Tang pondered for a moment, and finally saw the weirdness. The ordinary sword path usually changes from stabbing, sweeping, cutting, and picking, but the wooden sword in the old man's hand is more complicated. The range of the wrist shaking, and the sword tip The way of slashing is like holding a pen to write on the wall, and when you look carefully, the trajectory of the sword tip is one by one!

Tang Tang closed his eyes and thought.

It is very novel to realize the soul skills from the dharma patterns, but this is only a way to learn soul skills. What Tang Tang needs to comprehend is the realm of the dharma patterns, which is where the realm lies!
Does dharma, dharma pattern have anything to do with realm?

Tang Tang frowned and thought, since Soul Realm said that it is possible to comprehend the realm, then there must be a relationship between the two. Is there something weird about that set of Soul Skills?wrong!It shouldn't be that difficult. I can see the way of the sword because I have learned martial arts. If it is an ordinary player, at best, it can be seen that the soul skill is already very good. So, those magic lines?
Tang Tang wished he could smash his own head, Soul Domain really had a problem for himself, fortunately, he had such a high numerical comprehension, so he should have some advantages, at least give himself some hints!
Opening his eyes, the old man in white was still dancing with his sword, but the wooden sword in the old man's hand changed from slow to fast again, and the indifferent feeling of water became surging like a waterfall. When the sword stabbed out, it was a sharp The strong wind pierced the falling cedar needles into several pieces, and Tang Tang let out a "Huh" immediately!
That soul skill still cast spell lines, but the feeling was completely different. If it was described in a well-regulated manner just now, then it is wild now, every bit of it, extremely insolent!

"Using tools as a supplement, lift weights as if they are light, and take care of your speed!" Tang Tang suddenly said: "Understood, it's not about weapons, it's about people's weapons, yes, it's about people's weapons!"

Tang Tang burst out laughing, and at the same time, the Soul Realm reminder suddenly sounded.

Soul Realm Tip: Congratulations to the player "Tang Tang" for comprehending the heart of the strong through the frozen arctic scroll...

Tang Tang listened to the reminder of the soul domain, and his heart was naturally filled with unspeakable joy, but at this moment, the reminder of the soul domain stopped abruptly, suddenly and inexplicably interrupted, and immediately after that, a hurricane suddenly blew up all around, and countless The cedar danced with the wind, as if swept by the strong wind, a white figure suddenly appeared in the cedar, the old man in white looked awe-inspiring, suddenly he raised his sword and stabbed back, the next second, with a swing of the folding fan, a wind blade pierced through the cedar. into the throat of the old man in white robe.


It was a scholar holding a folding fan. Although it was only a faint profile, Tang Tang felt that he had seen it before, especially the fluttering appearance of his clothes, which made Tang Tang feel like he had seen it somewhere!

Immediately after...


Tang Tang suddenly felt a pain in his head, screamed, and his eyes became pitch black. He hugged his head and rolled over on the ground a few times. When Tang Tang opened his eyes again, there were no shadows of wooden swords and cedars around him. He has already escaped from the illusion and returned to the Extinguishing God Stage.

"No, no, no, why not, why not!"

Tang Tang flipped through the Soul Realm information panel, and then suddenly went crazy. He heard the prompt, saying that he had comprehended a deeper level. Yes, it should be the heart of the strong. Tang Tang remembered it very clearly. It’s called this name, and it’s obvious that it’s enlightened, why isn’t it on the information panel?

Reluctantly checked the character attributes, nothing!I checked the soul skills, but there is nothing!Checked the spell again, still nothing!

"No way!" Tang Tang wiped his tears and said, "Don't bring such a tricky person!"

Tang Tang was a little mad, but when he glanced away, he saw that the Arctic scroll was still lying on the ground. Tang Tang was immediately excited. He picked it up and saw that there was no reminder of the soul domain, and it became an ordinary calligraphy and painting.

What does it mean to cry without tears?Tang Tang now has the urge to cry without tears. It's simply inexplicable. He has clearly comprehended the realm. Suddenly, a scholar appears and kills the old man with the sword with a fan. His comprehension realm is gone. What's the matter?

However, that scholar looks familiar!

Tang Tang rubbed his head, thinking so.

It's time for a battle!

The Tang Sect is full of people!
The disciples of this faction gathered wantonly, and at the same time, people from other sects kept entering Tang Mei's territory, just for the battle between Tang Yukuang and Tang Tang!
A battle between two Soul King Tribulation players!
Therefore, their purpose is only one, and that is - Mochizuki Tower!

Moonwatching Tower is a suspended hill among Moonwatching Terrace Mountains. On the hill, there is a mahogany pavilion. Because this floating hill is located directly above Moonwatching Tower, Moonwatching Tower It is very famous, almost every disciple of the Tang Sect knows this place, and it is also a sacred place in the hearts of many couples. They often watch the sunrise together in this solitary upper west building secretly!
At the same time, this is also the place where Tang Yukuang and Tang Tang have an appointment to fight.

At the beginning of the day, Tang Yukuang had already arrived.

Facing the attic of the moon-watching platform with his back facing, holding the sword with one hand, the rising sun made Tang Yukuang's back red, as if wearing a layer of red battle clothes, which attracted the whispers of the female players who came to watch the battle.Not to mention, Tang Yukuang's looks are indeed not bad. Wearing a moon-white robe and a white jade crown, he does have the elegance of a literati.

It's just that there are people who are quietly pointing at Tang Yukuang, and naturally there are people who are curious about when Tang Tang, the other heroine, will appear, but at this moment...

Bang lang, lang lang...

There was a clear and crisp sound in the mountain path, and the whispering around stopped abruptly, and I was attracted by that sound.

Dressed in a Tangmen disciple outfit with a beautiful shawl, compared to Tang Yukuang's tidy look, Tang Tang wore it more casually. His hair was simply tied with a headband and draped behind his back. Step by step He climbed up the steps and came towards the moon-watching platform, but Tang Tang was carrying a huge sarcophagus on his back, half-dragged and half-backed there, the chains of the sarcophagus were hanging down on the ground, knocking on the stone steps, There was a crisp sound, constantly echoing among the mountains.

Tang Sect, Tang Tang!
The eyes of many people who knew Tang Tang froze, especially those who had participated in the Treasure Appreciation Conference. Looking at the soul coffin carried behind Tang Tang, their faces could not help showing a look of astonishment. What was even more shocking was that Tang Tang could actually use the sky burial coffin, and her imperial weapon technique could reach level [-]!

At this time, Tang Tang also finished stepping on the last stone steps, walked to the moon-watching platform, grabbed the chain, and put the devil emperor's soul coffin beside him, there was a loud noise, and the ground appeared A circle of dense spider webs cracked!

Tang Yukuang opened his eyes and said, "Little girl, you are late!"

Tang Tang said disdainfully, "You are the one who came early!"

Tang Yukuang said: "What request do you have for this battle, you can say it now."

Tang Tang laughed and said: "Didn't you say it a long time ago, there is only one way between us, and that is a life-and-death battle. There are no rules, and it is impossible to stop at the end, and there is no need for medicine. The battle is over."

"Very good!" Tang Yukuang took a deep breath and said, "Then, little girl, are you ready?"

"Of course!" Tang Tang looked around and said in the same way: "There are so many people here, if you want to shame yourself in public, then I will help you."

(End of this chapter)

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