The Peerless Tangmen of Online Games

Chapter 381 Star Horcrux Star Soul Destruction

Chapter 381 Star Horcrux Star Soul Destruction
Poof, poof...

There was a continuous muffled sound, like the sound of knives cutting cloth. More than a dozen Horcruxes passed through the evil cultivator's body at the same time, piercing the man like a hedgehog. With a plop, he fell to the ground, leaving bright red blood underneath. The poisonous snakes around are greedily sucking.

The remaining seven evil cultivators looked at each other in blank dismay, and then frantically fled backwards, leaving Moses behind.

At this time, one of the evil cultivators who was in a panic snorted, bumped into something suddenly, looked up, and at some point in front of him, there was a man with an iron tower nearly two meters tall, who looked taller than Moses. Somewhat burly, with a dark complexion, but naked in the cold weather, with stubble like steel thorns, and eyes as big as copper bells, he gave the evil cultivator a fierce look, and grabbed his head casually, like Lifting him up without anything in his hand.

"Damn!" The iron tower man spat on the ground and said, "The evil brat dares to come here to cause trouble, get out of here!"

The iron tower man threw the evil cultivator forward violently, and it fell in the direction of Moses, and Moses was still struggling with the little girl, watching the figure flying towards him, and grabbed it with one hand The chains of the burial coffin, but he put his hand on the figure.

Moxi's actions like this are not out of confidence. He is born with supernatural power, and he has learned the rare beast art in the southern wilderness. After practicing it, his strength is infinite, and he possesses the power of three dragons and three elephants.However, as soon as his palm was placed on the man's back, Batu regretted it. The force transmitted could not be described as huge at all. He only heard a "click", and Moses found that his arm actually responded. And broke, and then the figure fell on his body, and the two rolled and flew backward for more than [-] meters before barely stopping.

After a while, Moses stood up staggeringly, looked at the evil cultivator on the ground, who was bleeding from all seven orifices, and was thrown to death directly, and then looked at the man on the iron tower, and Moses' expression could not hide his fear.

"Little brat, get out of here!"

The man in the iron tower seemed to be talking nonsense, but he just looked at Moses with cold eyes. Moses was shocked, ignoring the other evil cultivators who were looking at each other, he jumped onto the roof, turned around and ran away.

Now that the leader ran away, those minions would naturally not fight to the death and ran out of the village one after another.

"I'll go, boss monster!"

Tang Tang was dissatisfied, those evil cultivators didn't care, Moses was a boss monster, and he was not a low-level boss monster. If he killed him, he had a great chance of dropping a sixth-level Horcrux equipment, which made Tang Tang want to go. Chasing, but just two steps away, he was pulled back by the little scholar.

"That's the blacksmith from Xueyin Village!"

The little scholar looked at the man like an iron tower and said!

"Blacksmith? The master craftsman?"

After Tang Tang had seen countless magical places in Xueyin Village, he was somewhat numb now.However, he still showed a bit of surprise more or less, such ability is not just a magic weapon master, right?At least he should have the strength to survive the Calamity of the Soul King!
"But...!" Tang Tang looked at the back of the blacksmith going away and rubbed his hands: "I still have to go after that bastard Moses first. A broken arm is considered a serious injury. I should have a chance to kill him. But a golden coin."

The little scholar stopped Tang Tang and said, "Of course, beheading the leader is very important, but it's very rare to see the blacksmiths in Xueyin Village. The blacksmith shop is only open for one or two days a week. It's rare to come across it. It's better not to miss it."

Tang Tang was stunned, but he didn't expect this rule to exist. After a little hesitation, he was ready to let Moses go. That guy didn't look like he had anything good, and he was still unarmed. At the same time, Moses' level was probably down to level six. The Horcrux equipment, although it is not low.However, I am afraid that it is not enough to satisfy Tang Tang. If it is not the sixth-level equipment that is very handy, it can only be sold in Tang Tang's hands.

As a result, Tang Tang still felt that his Horcrux, the Flying Sword, was more important, so he reluctantly gave up chasing Moses and went after the Iron Tower man.

"Hey, why are you guys following me?"

When they reached the end of the village, there was a blacksmith's shop, and the iron tower man also noticed Tang Tang and Li Yanxiao, turned around and asked a question that made Tang Tang extremely depressed.

"Of course I'm looking for you to blacksmith." Tang Tang pointed to the signboard of the blacksmith shop and said, "Does your shop still sell dresses?"

The man in the iron tower was obviously not interested in the little girl's humor, so he glanced at Tang Tang for a few times, then waved and said, "Come in with me."

Enter the blacksmith's shop, which is a very simple shop. Most of the household iron tools such as scissors, hoes, and snow shovels are hung on the wall, and there are almost no Horcruxes such as swords.Of course, these are not needed in such a remote mountain village.

"What do you want me to help you fight?" The iron tower man took out a wine gourd from under the iron stove, drank the wine and said, "Knife? Sword? Or strange soldiers? I am also very good at those."

"No, I want you to help me process it." Tang Tang took out the magic core of the white shark wolf tooth and the red-eyed golden eagle and said, "I want to raise this Horcrux to level seven, how much do you think you have?" Success rate?"

The iron tower man glanced at the white shark's fangs, and said slightly sarcastically, "Not even a [-]% success rate!"


Tang Tang was taken aback for a moment. You must know that the success rate of the red-eyed golden eagle's magic core inlay is 50%. Even an ordinary craftsman shouldn't be lower than this success rate, right?What's more, the opponent is a magic soldier!

The iron tower man seemed to see what the little girl was thinking, so he picked up the white shark's fangs with the tongs in disdain and said: "The success rate is based on a reasonable combination. Tell me, what is the refining material of this Horcrux?" ?”

Tang Tang asked without hesitation: "Shark teeth and bones?"

The Iron Tower man sarcastically said: "You put a magic core full of golden power into a horcrux made of shark bones, then let me ask you, are shark bones made of iron? Can it work?" The fusion of gold energy? The density of shark bones is several times higher than that of ordinary iron, which allows the power of gold to flow more smoothly, but the result is not to increase the power of the Horcrux, but to destroy the white shark wolf from the inside tooth!"

Tang Tang doesn't quite understand, but I understand the general meaning. It should be the material of the Horcrux. If the material is not complementary, then even if the magic core of the red-eyed golden eagle has a 50% success rate, the consequences will probably be 50% % chance of failure.

To put it in a simpler way, Tang Tang pointing at the White Shark Spike to level up to level seven is useless.

"Then what about these two items?" Tang Tang took out the Fire Rain and Non-Yan Sword and said to Leiden Longyeon without giving up: "Thunder and Lightning Ryuyon is of legendary quality, is there any chance to upgrade to level seven? As for the Fire and Rain Non-Yan Sword, we And the Dragon Soul Stone!"

"Gold and fire don't blend together, that's impossible." The iron tower man directly threw the Huo Yu Fei Yan sword back, then carefully looked at Lei Dian Long Yuan, then shook his head and said: "The people who sacrificed this Horcrux are very good. The blade is not sharp, but there are countless small currents wrapped around the blade. These currents will rotate along the blade quickly, like sawtooth, making the blade sharper, and integrating this magic core into the blade It's okay. However, there is no doubt that some of them are overkill, and their sharpness mainly comes from the friction of the current, not the blade. Secondly, this Horcrux is mixed with a lot of magnetic magic iron, so that it has a kind of adsorption effect on the current. The power of gold, I am afraid that it will wear out the magnetic attraction, and the damage will undoubtedly become higher, but it may be much weaker in other aspects, and the gain outweighs the loss!"

Every magic weapon master has its own characteristics. The biggest feature of the items they forge is that they will be sacrificed according to their own specialties, so some special attributes may be added, and some special attributes may be reduced. Listen to that iron tower The tone of the man seemed that he could do it too, but the possibility of failure would be higher.

As a result, Tang Tang naturally became very decadent, and said helplessly, "Does that mean my Horcrux is useless?"

The iron tower man said very bluntly: "Horcruxes are good, but they are not suitable. If you have blacksmithing materials, I can help you build one."

Tang Tang rolled his eyes, took out a sixth-grade tire and said, "Is this done? Is there any material missing, I can go find it!"

The iron tower man glanced at it, still shook his head and said: "It's a good thing made of ice source cold iron, but unfortunately, neither is suitable!"

Tang Tang was damaged by continuous blows, and she was a little numb, but it was not a small benefit. At least let her understand that the data is not absolute, and what is more important is whether the texture of the material is suitable. Taking the simplest common attributes, the same If it is a dual attribute, then the compatibility of the co-occurrence attribute will be even higher, even if the success rate of the material itself is low, it will increase a lot.

"I understand!" Although very helpless, Tang Tang nodded and agreed: "If I get the gold Horcrux, I will come to you again, sorry for the trouble."

After Tang Tang finished speaking, he smiled at Li Yan and spread his hands, and the two were about to leave. When they were about to leave the door, the iron tower man suddenly shouted: "Wait a minute, little girl! Are you interested in helping me?" Do yourself a favor by doing yourself a favor!"

Tang Tang paused, and his eyes lit up: Mission, this is mission!

However, Tang Tang was not overwhelmed by the sudden joy. Even the iron tower man needs help from someone with such strength, so can he finish it by himself?Therefore, Tang Tang still said cautiously: "I don't know what you want me to do for you?"

The iron tower man hesitated for a moment, took out a sheepskin roll from under the iron stove and threw it to Tang Tang.

Tang Tang opened it up and saw that there were five Horcruxes painted on the front of the sheepskin scroll. They were in different shapes, and the shape was really beautiful, but there was nothing special about it.After all, this is just a hand-painted forging diagram, while the reverse side of the sheepskin scroll is somewhat interesting. There are still five Horcruxes, but they form a strange pattern. Tang Tang looked familiar, and it took a while to realize that the pattern is very similar. a five-pointed star.But what does this mean?

"What a strange thing, what is this?"

Tang Tang was quite honest, since he didn't understand, he could only break the casserole and ask the end!

The iron tower man said: "On the front is a group of Horcruxes, called Star Horcruxes, which are complementary Horcruxes composed of the power of attributes, and on the back is a set of Soul Arrays composed of star Horcruxes, called The star soul is shattered!"

Tang Tang's eyes suddenly brightened like fireflies in the dark night!
(End of this chapter)

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