The Peerless Tangmen of Online Games

Chapter 382 Star Soul Formation Ancient Inheritance

Chapter 382 Star Soul Formation Ancient Inheritance
The soul formation turned out to be a set of soul formations!
This is something that all weapon soul masters are constantly pursuing. It is equivalent to the sword array of a swordsman. Tang Tang has only seen it twice so far. The first time was the jade-faced Asura of the Asura Hall. The sword formation, and it is a multi-person sword formation, is of course very powerful. Although it is a low-level sword formation, it can open mountains and crack rocks. It is too troublesome to use. The second time is of course Tang Yuhao. There is no change on the weapon, it belongs to the fake sword formation, and it is not Tang Yuhao's own strength.

Tang Tang was very excited, but still relatively reserved, and asked cautiously: "What level of sword formation is Star Soul Destroyer?"

The iron tower man said: "There is no rank and no grade. The so-called weapon is of course very important whether it is forged or not, but what is more important is the driver. Let me just say that my ancestor was a casual cultivator. Traveled all over the world, walked through the wilderness, went to Mobei, and traveled overseas. He even fought with Jiuding Sanren, the number one casual cultivator in the world at that time, but he only lost half a move. He relied on the star horcrux and the star soul Shattered. However, after my ancestors became immortals, they were given to my parents, but my fathers' talents were limited, and Star Soul Shattered could only display less than [-]% of its power, and it has since declined."

Tang Tang asked curiously: "Then what about you? With your abilities, you should be regarded as extremely talented, right?"

"I can't say I am talented, but my talent is indeed much stronger than that of my parents..." The iron tower man suddenly fell silent when he said this, and then smiled wryly: "The problem is that after the star Horcrux was passed to me, even Not even a single star horcrux can be refined!"

Tang Tang was surprised and said, "You don't want me to refine the star horcrux for you, do you?"

The iron tower man rolled his eyes and said, "If I can't forge a magic soldier, can you do it?"

Tang Tang smiled immediately. Although the other party's words were full of sarcasm, Tang Tang felt that this tone was normal. Although she had learned a forging technique of "random splitting wind hammer method", she had never practiced it properly. Plan, she is still not very interested in the technique of refining weapons, so it's fine to play it occasionally.

"Then..." Tang Tang said, "What do you need me to do?"

The iron tower man said: "The five horcruxes that the star soul is shattered are not so easy to sacrifice, they need to be based on ordinary attributes!"

"Huh?" Tang Tang foolishly agreed, still a little confused: "What else?"

The iron tower man said: "You still don't understand, the attribute I'm talking about is pure attribute power, let me tell you this, everyone has the yin and yang attribute bred by the spiritual power of heaven and earth, just take the two of you as an example, you two What is its main attribute?"

Tang Tang said honestly, "Fire follows wood."

Li Yan smiled and said, "Earth, fire, and water."

The iron tower man said: "Do you understand now? Heaven and earth treasures, soul beasts and strange beasts, all those that can be used as refining materials, like monks, have yin and yang attributes, and forging star horcruxes requires the power of pure attributes , there can be no impurities!"

When the iron tower man said this, Tang Tang immediately understood. Simply put, it is necessary to have a single attribute material, which is indeed extremely difficult to find.You must know that there is only one innate attribute with full value, which is called innate full soul power among monks. The unique earth attribute like Wan Shanhong is a body with innate full soul power. Communicating with the spirits of the earth, using landslides and ground cracks and other formulas, you don't even need to make fingerprints at all!

It's just that it's rare to see a boss monster born with only one attribute. It's lucky to meet one once in a while, and it may not be able to explode the materials that can be refined, let alone gather all the common attributes , it's no wonder that with the strength of that iron tower man, they can't even get together.

At the same time, Tang Tang also figured out that the other party was not looking at him, but Huoyufeiyanjian and Leidian Longyuan!
Tang Tang expressed that he was very conflicted!I ran all the way to the Frozen Forest. On the one hand, I naturally wanted to help Li Yanxiao, and on the other hand, I hoped to improve my Horcrux, but my reason told Tang Tang that the man in front of me was very strong. It seems that I should consider letting go of Huo Yu Fei Yan Sword and Thunder Lightning Long Yuan, even though these two Horcruxes followed him to fight in the north and south, and they were quite emotional.

"Okay!" Tang Tang gritted his teeth and said, "Senior, if I really want it, I can keep the two Horcruxes, but you are also a senior, so you can't let me go home empty-handed, right?"

The iron tower man was stunned and said: "What do I want your Horcrux for?"

Now Tang Tang was stunned, and said strangely: "You don't want a Horcrux, what else can I do for you?"

The iron tower man grinned, showing a mouthful of white eyes and said: "Little girl, you may not understand that I have entered the final realm, and I just need to make a final step to survive the final third catastrophe. There is no time left. However, Star Soul Destruction is something passed down from my family, and I don’t want it to just disappear in this world, do you understand what I mean?”

Tang Tang suddenly said: "Huoyu Feiyan Sword and Thunder Dragon Yuan are pure single-attribute Horcruxes, so you think there may be hope of getting Star Soul Destroyer into my hands, as long as I can make it together With all the materials left for the three Horcruxes, you will destroy the Star Soul for me?"

The iron tower man said: "Almost, when you reach the holy world or die, I hope you will destroy the star soul and hand it over to others. This is a kind of inheritance, although you should not be attached to the world of mortals after you become a saint. However, some things are You can't give up, and what you need to find is not three horcruxes, but two. I have been searching for more than ten years in the frozen forest, and finally found a flying sword material for a water horcrux. Your body Not bad, it can be used for sacrificial refining. Therefore, you need to find a Horcrux that belongs to gold and a pair of earth. Remember, the power of pure ordinary attributes should not be light, dark, nothing, etc. And you can’t If there are any impurities, if you do it, then I will give you the forging method of this star horcrux, and teach you the destruction of the star soul, what do you think?"

how is it?

Do you even need to ask!
Tang Tang felt that he would be an idiot if he didn't agree. This task was purely a gift, so what if he couldn't find it?It's just that she can't get the star horcrux, and she doesn't need to pay anything. Of course, she should accept such a task without hesitation!
Soul Realm Tip: Congratulations to the player "Tang Tang" for accepting the mission Ancient Inheritance-Star Soul Destroyed!

Soul Realm Reminder: The time limit for this inheritance task is: 3 months!

"Remember!" the Iron Tower man pointed to Tang Tang and said, "little girl, if you succeed, but don't pass on the destruction of the star soul. Then, whether it is the ends of the earth, the two worlds of the holy and the devil, or the prison of ghosts, I swear Kill you, no, I will take your soul and make your life worse than death."

Tang Tang shrugged his shoulders, with a look of indifference, because he had to give the sheepskin to others after he survived the catastrophe. This is not a trivial matter, and his sisters take turns to learn!

It's just that the three-month time limit is a bit annoying. Is this thing so easy to find?In just three months, Tang Tang felt that he might not even be able to find a hair, but the difficulty of this task probably lies in the time limit!

"Let's go!" Seeing Tang Tang agreeing, the iron tower man waved his hand impatiently and said, "Little girl, leave the embryo, you go!"

Tang Tang didn't say much, turned around and left the blacksmith's shop with Li Yanxiao!

Although he didn't get what he wanted, but got something better, Tang Tang was quite satisfied.

"The next step is my business." Li Yan smiled and said, "These five poisons are really hard to find."

Tang Tang was in a happy mood right now, so he patted Li Yanxiao's shoulder with great loyalty and said, "I'll accompany you to find it until you find it!"

Li Yan nodded with a smile, and the two ran to the pharmacy in the village talking and laughing, bought some medicines to keep out the cold, and prepared to continue up the mountain. In the pharmacy, they also met a young scholar and an uneducated person who had just bid farewell.

The two were replenishing their medicines and were about to continue leveling. They naturally invited Tang Tang along the way. Tang Tang and Li Yan thought about it with a smile. The two of them were not familiar with the Frozen Forest, so running around was not a good idea. , they agreed to be together, of course, the main purpose of the two of them is not leveling, but looking for poisonous insects.

After meeting with the food preparer at the entrance of the village, the five of them left Xueyin Village and headed towards the top of an iceberg in the frozen forest.

"Finding boss monsters in the frozen forest is actually very troublesome." While walking, the little scholar introduced the situation of the frozen forest to the two: "The distribution of boss monsters here is very chaotic. It may be possible to bump into it, it can only depend on one's luck, and there is another kind that hides in the depths of snow-capped mountains or ice forests. In the next sheltered place, the boss monsters that don’t need to run around are usually very powerful, and no player dares to provoke them.”

Li Yan said with a smile: "But there will always be some boss monsters showing up, are there any poisonous things?"

The little scholar thought for a while, then shook his head and said, "I'm really not sure about this. You know, the strength of the three of us is that most of the time we see boss monsters and walk around them. However, the most powerful monster boss of this kind should be An ice chinchilla, someone accidentally stepped on its lair, but the ice chinchilla came out and slaughtered all the players in the entire frozen forest, and then went back to sleep. Don't let us take you to find that ice chinch, its lair, the three of us know about it."

Tang Tang rolled his eyes directly, the leader monster at level 97, can I go find him?

The three talked and laughed, and walked all the way to the peak.

Originally, after walking through the mountainside, there is an advanced monster area. It mainly refreshes the 80-level Ice Queen, and the 82-level elite monster Han Bingkui. Moreover, if you mix and match elite monsters, you don't dare to come here without some strength. Even if you have the strength to kill monsters, there are not many who can kill monsters efficiently, and naturally there are few people.

(End of this chapter)

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