The Peerless Tangmen of Online Games

Chapter 388 Dragon City Honorary Resident

Chapter 388 Dragon City Honorary Resident
Cold spider silk (rare grade material): Very rare spider silk, full of cold air, looks fragile, but stronger than fine gold.

Cold spider venom sac (rare material): It contains strong cold poison, which can be integrated into all poisons.

Thousand-year cold silk spider queen magic core: The magic core left by the different cold silk spider queen after death, contains extremely strong cold air, can be sacrificed, forged, inlaid, inlaid Horcrux: Add 150 points of fixed cold attribute damage, 50% chance to cause the enemy to fall into the state of cold poison, the speed is reduced by 15%, 35 points of damage per second, lasting 18 seconds, equipped with armor: increase 300 points of water attribute immunity, increase the movement speed in water by 10%, increase the water attribute by 20 points, Inlaid Auxiliary Horcruxes (only for Water Attribute Auxiliary Horcruxes): The effect of Horcruxes is increased by 10%!

Air Fighting Cold Sky (bow and crossbow) (Level 777 elite quality) soul ring: 7777 years, age: 67 years, strength aptitude: 62%, agility aptitude: 59%, intelligence aptitude: 70%, (an ice bow carved from thousand years of ice , Ten thousand years, strong and abnormal, equipment requirements: level 98) attack speed: +1, attribute: root bone: lucky +10, critical strike rate increased by 15%, vulnerability attack increased by 15%, defense ignoring chance increased by 120%, Special attribute: cold heart (controlling arrows with qi, without arrow branches, can directly condense air into arrows, condense water vapor in the air into ice arrows, damage is 210-15, much higher than ordinary arrow damage) cold current (shooting After the target, 15% chance to cause frostbite state, 15% chance to cause freezing state, [-]% chance to cause poisoning state)
Frozen Arrow (deals 350% damage to a single target, 50% chance to cause frostbite to the enemy, 50% chance to cause the enemy to freeze, mana consumption: 550, cooling time: 600 seconds!)

Xuefengyuan (auxiliary horcrux) (level 10 normal quality): the essence of ice condensed in extreme cold, effect: in combat state, recover 3 points of life per second, every level of horcrux increases life recovery by [-] point.

Cold Silk Armor (Armor) (Level 70 Normal Quality): Armor woven from tough cold spider silk, equipment requirements: Level 1110, Defense: +5, Attributes: Strength +300, HP +5, Comprehension +10, special attributes: cold air condensation (any enemy target within five meters of the cold silk robe, the attack speed will be reduced by 50%) cold air body protection (when the health value is lower than 3%, the cold air will be released to offset the enemy's damage, use restrictions : 12 times, cooling time: [-] hours)
Ring of Congealing Cold (auxiliary horcrux, male only) (level 30 rare quality): an auxiliary horcrux made of unique cold flowers in the Frozen Forest, effect: make enemy targets within ten miles into a hallucination, be frozen Bird Siege attack, if you can't escape the illusion, you will suffer [-] points of damage per second, and you will not be able to recover your health. Until the enemy dies, the illusion will automatically become invalid. Remarks: You cannot be attacked in the illusion!
There are a lot of things that exploded from the Queen of the Cold Silk Spider. Counting the piles of coins made of mixed copper coins and gold coins, it is a complete explosion. Although the quality is not high, the quantity is absolutely nothing. People are satisfied!

Then there was the activity of dividing the dirty parts. Tang Tang was more polite. It was the first time to cooperate with the three of Kunlun. She didn't want to make trouble because of the equipment, so she indicated that they could choose first. , In fact, Tang Tang also knew very well that although the three of Kunlun were not very capable, thanks to their entanglement of the virtual mark, and then entanglement of the cold silk spider queen, in terms of contribution, they were still very large. If sister Li Yan laughed, they might not be able to please them today!

However, although the little girl was polite, the three of Kunlun were even more polite. They felt that they had done nothing. After symbolically picking out a snow wind source, they insisted on refusing to take it again. Tang Tang tried to persuade him to no avail , simply gave them the five-color Horcrux dropped by Fumo Qiankun, and the two pieces of Valkyrie equipment dropped by Moses, because these three things are useless to Tang Tang and Li Yanxiao, and the three of them are also useless. If you don't refuse it very much, just take it down.

As for Tang Tang and Li Yanxiao, that belongs to his sisters. Those materials were collected by Li Yanxiao, a poison master, and the remaining three pieces of equipment belonged to Tang Tang. Gongnu hardly said anything, since it was a bow, it would definitely have a clear apple fragrance, and considering that little girl worked hard for Tang Tang's world-famous wine, this little sweetness was taken for granted.As for the ring of freezing cold, Tang Tang is not very interested. This auxiliary Horcrux is not suitable for her, but it looks very good. Tang Tang can consider giving it to Tang Yuhao, or Tang Taro. He borrowed 5000 from Tang Taro. Although the Kunlun Spirit Treasure Conference earned it later, Tang Tang had to have cash by his side, so he still owed the gold coin for the time being, so the meaning of sending a gift was justified.

With such a distribution, everyone had no objections, and naturally everyone was happy. After all the distribution, Tang Tang proposed to go back to Xueyin Village. With those soul domain announcements, everyone didn't even think about leveling up!

Sure enough, what Tang Tang said was in line with everyone's appetite, and they all agreed and went down the mountain!

After going back to Xueyin Village and parting ways, Tang Tang also immediately boarded the teleportation array and went to Dragon City to see the latest activities in Soul Realm!
This time, Soul Domain finally didn't play sloppy, and gave relatively clear explanations for the three announcements!

The first is the explanation about the three forbidden areas. The player has already discovered which three places are the three forbidden areas, so Soul Domain doesn’t explain much. It just accepts the player’s name for the three forbidden areas and explains them. , why many players enter the three forbidden areas by mistake, but they can't go deep, and why the npc mouth has never related to the three forbidden areas, because the opening condition of the three forbidden areas is that at least 10 players spend the second day Rob!

This is the soul domain that was perfected at the beginning, but there is no input content. When 10 players successfully survive the second catastrophe, the soul domain will be unlocked. Note that it is the unlocking of the three forbidden areas, not, as for players who enter by mistake , the explanation on the official website is a bug that is not considered a bug. After all, the maps of the three forbidden areas are data that have been perfected long ago and actually exist in the map section of the game.

As for the plots and tasks related to the three forbidden areas, they will also appear in Soul Realm, but the specific plots and tasks are naturally left to the players to explore on their own. It would be too boring to find tasks one by one.

Tang Tang was very excited about this. Although he was surprised that ten people had survived the second catastrophe, there was no doubt that the three forbidden areas were only open, and almost no one was qualified to explore them. This word is because players who have survived the second catastrophe are eligible, and Tang Tang happens to be among them.

However, this matter is not urgent. Compared with the three forbidden places, Tang Tang is more concerned about the search for the sacred artifact Fuxiqin that has already started!

The content of the event is very simple. The Fuxiqin, the ancient sacred instrument of the saint Chenxin, and the piano score written by himself are lost. Players are asked to help find it. After finding it, send it to the saint Chenxin of the Liulizong, and you can get the Fuxiqin as a reward!

At the same time, Fuxiqin can have different attribute options according to the player's choice.

As a sect or gang building, Fuxiqin can increase the sect or gang player's 5% HP, 5% mana, 5% monster killing experience, reduce the chance of dropping items after death by 5%, and reduce the experience loss after death by 5%. A building with properties so good that it defies the sky can make all the gangsters kill red eyes and put all the people into it.

As an auxiliary Horcrux, the attributes of Fuxiqin have not been announced, but Soul Domain has announced the grade of Fuxiqin!

Level 1 rare quality, and without any restrictions on use, that is to say, even a novice player at level [-] can use it, without restrictions on crossing the robbery. Famous masters are also envious, but it is a rare auxiliary Horcrux of the ninth level, second only to the top ten magic weapons!
At the same time, Soul Realm also stated that if the player who got the Fuxiqin doesn't like Fuxiqin, Soul Realm will distribute honorary residents of Dragon City as event rewards and recycle Fuxiqin!

In this way, the already high atmosphere will naturally become even hotter!

However, some sane people pointed out that don’t be fooled by the honorary residents of Dragon City. Whether it’s a group of monsters attacking Tangmen, or an ancient demon king attacking Haishen Pavilion, the two large-scale events are for the public players, and the rewards given out It is definitely bigger than the honorary residents of Dragon City, and more than a level nine Horcrux equipment. You must know that there is only one piece of Fuxiqin, and it is destined to be obtained only by a certain player or a certain gang. The rewards from the previous two activities It is given to all participating players. In such a comparison, Soul Domain has actually become stingy.

However, the Fuxiqin event is just an appetizer, and the really exciting event is - Holy Demon Avenue!
The Holy Demon Avenue is a competition event, and everyone participates in it. But in fact, everyone knows that although this kind of competition event will be an upset, it is almost a master in the world, but everyone is still very enthusiastic about it.

The reason is very simple. There are many famous masters in the Soul Realm now, not counting those hidden and unknown masters. You can probably count dozens of them at random with your fingers. These masters have established their foundation with some shocking deeds own fame, but who is more powerful among them?No one knows this!

Just like after Tang Tang defeated Tang Yukuang, some people in Tangmen even crazily shouted that the little girl is No. 1 in Soul Domain, but the result was very ruthless. A small number of people agree, the reason is very simple, every sect, every gang, they have their own masters they trust and respect, if they don’t fight in public, no one dares to say, and they can’t say that their own masters are more powerful, the so-called There is a difference between worship and blind worship!

Therefore, the Holy Demon Avenue is a touchstone!

Of course, there are many unpopularities, luck, and a little bit of luck. The result is not 100% correct, but it is enough to make players who like to watch the excitement excited. Besides, everyone can try to be a spoiler. It's even more lively.

Unfortunately, apart from a general introduction to the Holy Demon Avenue, Soul Domain did not give a complete method and rules for the event, and did not even mention the distribution of prizes. They may be virtual items or real rewards. The answer given is that everything has not been finalized yet, and some details are being gradually improved. The only certainty is that the "Looking for Fuxiqin" activity is just an appetizer, just for everyone's entertainment. After the "Looking for Fuxiqin" activity, there will be a holy Magic Road!

(End of this chapter)

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