The Peerless Tangmen of Online Games

Chapter 389: Holy Artifact? 1 black pot!

Chapter 389: Holy Artifact?A black pot!
After Tang Tang left Longcheng, he was not in a hurry to enter Xueyin Village, but thought about it for a while.

First of all, the three announcements are all worthy of recognition. The opening of the three forbidden areas is a good sign. Only the constant emergence of new things can guarantee players' pursuit of higher levels.With the base of the three forbidden areas, and the announcement in a disguised form that ten players have survived the second catastrophe, there is no doubt that this will prompt more players to work hard to level up. As for those so-called masters, I am afraid they will all start Consider trying a second catastrophe.

As for the search for the holy artifact Fuxiqin and the Holy Demon Conference, there is actually nothing to say. Activities like this to mobilize the enthusiasm of players are often held in the Soul Realm.

For the Holy Demon Conference, Tang Tang showed considerable enthusiasm, but for the search for Fuxi Qin, Tang Tang was a little bit less interested. No matter how arrogant she was, she dared not say that she was invincible.Therefore, she didn't think that Fuxiqin would definitely fall into her hands in the end.What's more, since it is a search, violence is definitely not the only way to solve the problem, and luck is also very important. In this regard, although Tang Tang firmly believes that his character is very good, he also does not feel that his character has reached the level of invincibility Degree.

However, Soul Domain is bad!
The reward for finding Fuxiqin is aimed at a certain player or a certain gang, which makes most players choose to ignore it.Therefore, Soul Domain adopted a bundling policy, first announcing the contents of the three forbidden areas.Then, players who are interested in the missions of the three forbidden areas will naturally ask and inquire everywhere, and since they have inquired about the three forbidden areas, it does not prevent them from inquiring about Fuxiqin incidentally, followed by the Holy Demon Conference, which will definitely attract many players , but did not announce the time, but said that it will start after the search for Fuxiqin is over. In this way, if the search for Fuxiqin is not over, then does it mean that the Holy Demon Conference does not have to start?For this reason, I am afraid that many people will work hard!

The little girl was really thinking about it, she meant to look for it, the best thing to find, and it’s okay if you can’t find it!
Step into the teleportation array again!

When they arrived at Xueyin Village, Li Yanxiao and Kunlun were already there early.

"How is it?" Tang Tang greeted and said, "What are your plans?"

The little scholar said: "We decided to go back to Kunlun."

Tang Tang nodded. At this time, he must have called his friends to look for it together. However, Duanmuyu didn't say a word. It is absolutely impossible for the sect to have Fuxiqin.Otherwise, this activity is too simple, and more importantly, there are so many sects, no matter which sect you put in, other sects will be jealous, Soul Domain will not do such a partial thing, the thinking of the three young scholars is wrong .

However, Tang Tang didn't say this, and he didn't dare to say it. What if Hun Yu's head twitched and he really threw Fuxiqin into Kunlun Mountain!
Li Yan said with a smile: "I plan to stay in the Frozen Forest, I have no interest in that activity, I plan to continue to search for the five poisons, and by the way raise the Soul Gu, the body of the cold silk spider queen can only be unharmed in the Frozen Forest Save it, and at the same time, the effect of refining soul Gu will be better."

Tang Tang said: "Why don't I accompany you? Anyway, I'm looking for holy artifacts everywhere, maybe it's in the Frozen Forest."

Li Yan smiled and refused: "No, I've thought about it, it's not a problem to hold you back, if I really find the leader of the five poisonous monsters and I can't deal with them, then I'll just send you a thousand miles of sound transmission."

Tang Tang didn't force it either, and the five of them went back to their respective homes, looking for their own mothers.

After the imperial weapon left the frozen forest, Tang Tang also thought about where to find the holy artifact, and finally decided to try her luck at Karamir. If she remembered correctly, the Qin Yao who guarded the mountain in the Kunlun Shrine in her previous life might not know where to go. There is something to be gained.

As a result, Tang Tang ran excitedly to the Kunlun Shrine, and found that there were crowds of people everywhere he entered. No need to look, Tang Tang already knew the answer.

At this time, someone suddenly grabbed Tang Tang and said, "Little sister, do you want to find a holy artifact?"

"Huh? Hallows?"

Tang Tang was taken aback, and looked back at the man, he was short, with a common face, nothing special, just a bit of a mischievous eyebrow, he kept smiling and rubbing his hands, his virtue made the little girl feel a little familiar, After thinking about it carefully, hey, isn't this just like those old bustards in the Red Chamber in the previous life movies!
Tang Tang finally held back his laughter, and said to the man, "What's your name?"

The man said: "Zhao Nimei!"

Tang Tang raised his eyebrows and said, "Looking for your sister? Do you want to die?"

Zhao Nimei hurriedly apologized, picked a branch and drew it on the ground: "No, no, that's my name!"

"This name..." Tang Tang twitched the corner of his mouth and said, "I really don't like it!"

Zhao Nimei laughed dryly, and said again: "How about little sister, are you interested in knowing the whereabouts of the holy artifact?"

Tang Tang said: "If you want to know the whereabouts of the holy artifact, what else do you want me to do, you won't take it yourself!"

Zhao Nimei said: "That's a good point, the problem is that we have the ability to take it. Even if we have the ability, we must have the ability to bring the holy artifact to the Liulizong, right? Since I don't have that ability, I should make a little money. All right."

Tang Tang said, "How much do you want?"

Zhao Nimei stretched out a finger and said, "1000 gold coins, in exchange for a ninth-level auxiliary Horcrux, is definitely a good deal."

Tang Tang took a moment, then shook his head and said, "No."

Zhao Nimei said anxiously: "It's not impossible to consider 500 gold coins."

"I can't tell." Tang Tang pushed away Zhao Nimei, who was holding his arm, and said, "You'd better not pester me, or don't blame me for sending you to the underworld for sightseeing."

Zhao Nimei wanted to say more, but was stared at by Tang Tang. After all, she didn't dare to talk nonsense, shook her head, and then joined the crowd again; after a while, his shouting sounded again.

"I'm not Xiaomei, I'm Nimei, I have the whereabouts of the sacred artifact, I want to know... You can't cheat, you will pay ten if you fake it!"

Hearing the shout, Tang Tang licked his lips. This person is quite interesting, but unfortunately, he is a liar. Otherwise, he should not be here, but would recommend himself to those gangs. At that time, he would not earn a fortune. There are only 1000 gold coins, but 10000 gold coins!
Looking at the crowds around, Tang Tang felt that it might be difficult to find clues in the Kunlun Shrine, so he simply left the imperial weapon and returned to Kramir!

Kramir, Tang Tang came here once!
Because the tomb of King Guge was in Kramir, Tang Tang was very impressed with it.

Tang Tang came to Kalamir after leaving the Kunlun Shrine, but he had other expectations. Naturally, this expectation was not the whereabouts of the holy artifacts, but the whereabouts of the three forbidden places. Avoiding the pursuit of Bloody Lin Bo and God of War, he escaped into Mount Zhu, and found that the place was full of ancient and strange beasts. Legend has it that the host speculated that the place might be one of the three forbidden places, the Conferred God Terrace, and the strange place is also here , this place is very far from Tianshan, but Tang Tang entered Fengshentai by mistake from Tianshan, but because of this, Tang Tang can be sure that Tianshan and Qishan are the periphery of Fengshentai, because, on both sides The scenery is similar, and secondly, there are ancient alien beasts sitting in town!
In Tianshan Mountain, there are no villages nearby, only Piaomiao Peak, Tang Tang couldn't enter Piaomiao Peak to inquire about news, so he had to give up!
However, Mount Zhu is not far from the Kunlun Shrine, and naturally it is not too far from Kramir. It is not certain that there will be news about Mount Bin in the border of Kramir. Collect these spider silk cheeks, maybe you can get tasks related to the Conferred God Stage!

As for those news?Naturally, the mouth asked, God gave two lips, not just for eating!

"Auntie, are you lonely? Want me to help you find some handsome guys?"

"Uncle, do you want to go to Cuihong Tower tonight? I can ask Xiao Taohong to accompany me, as long as you can tell me about that mountain..."

"Little brother, lost your way? Come, sister will take you there...!"

"Don't run, don't run, my sister is a good person...!"


Tang Tang ran around Karamir happily, but every npc was pestered by the little girl for a long time. Unfortunately, he received a bunch of messy tasks, such as messengers, shoppers, and a little daughter-in-law My son's husband was visiting a brothel, and the little daughter-in-law anxiously asked Tang Tang to accompany her to catch the adulterer. Anyway, he had everything, but there was no news about Bishan.

Well, I can't seem to say no, but when it comes to Mount Bi, those npcs can only say "It's dangerous there!" "Those who have been there can't come back alive!" Waiting for the remarks, but there is no practical significance at all. Simply put, it is nothing to gain!

Seeing the sky getting dark, Tang Tang sighed, and was about to give up and go back to the inn to rest.

But when he was walking to the entrance of the inn, Tang Tang suddenly saw many people surrounded by the entrance of the inn, which seemed to be very lively. Tang Tang went up to take a look, and there was a fat man sitting on the ground in the middle of the crowd and yelling. Pointing.

"God damn it, your sister, god damn it, liar, big liar!"

The fat man was yelling curses, and he was holding a broken pot in his hand, which looked extremely weird.

Tang Tang couldn't help but tugged at the person next to him and said, "What's going on?"

The man spread his hands and said: "I don't know very well, it seems that Fuxiqin was active, but somehow he was deceived by someone, and then he howled there!"

At this time, the fat man cried out by himself: "What the fuck is Fuxiqin, it cost me 5000 gold coins, a total of 5000 gold coins, all my belongings, but it's a holy weapon!"

The fat man howled dryly, and forgot to shake the broken black pot in his hand!
Tang Tang asked in surprise, "Holy Artifact?"

The fat man frowned and said angrily, "Holy shit, it's a pot!"

When the people around heard it, they immediately recalled it. Tang Tang almost burst out laughing, but he also felt that the fat man was pitiful and dared not make a sound. You know, 5000 gold coins are not a big deal for a little girl. Take out any thing on her body and sell it, which one is not worth the price.However, for ordinary players, 5000 gold coins is definitely a huge sum of money, and it takes a long time to save up for life and death, and the purpose is just to exchange a few pieces of equipment that are not bad.

(End of this chapter)

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