The Peerless Tangmen of Online Games

Chapter 390 Guqin?In front of the Ten Thousand Buddha Pagoda!

Chapter 390 Guqin?In front of the Ten Thousand Buddha Pagoda!
Tang Tang thought of that Zhao Nimei for no reason. That guy didn't do this, right?

Immediately, Tang Tang shook his head and stopped thinking about it. In the final analysis, although the fat man is pitiful, he just needs to be sympathized with. Otherwise, what else can he do?Moreover, Tang Tang always disapproves and dislikes the liars in the Soul Realm. If he has the ability to cheat, it is considered a skill. The most important thing is that people have entered the Soul Realm and developed so far. It's not as good as the player's imagination, and the cheaters in Soul Domain have never been eliminated. On the other hand, this extremely small range of cheaters is almost a kind of culture.

Tang Tang shook her head and was about to go back to the inn, but at this moment, her voice transmission from thousands of miles suddenly sounded.

"Dear little sister Tangtang, come and help!"

The voice was very soft and pleasant, but the tone made Tang Tang's head go black, why is it this young master again.

"Didn't you always go back to the teacher's gate to pick up the task!" Tang Tang said with a dark face: "You always let me be clean for a few days?"

"You said so." Tang Yuhao smirked and said, "I don't want the holy artifact anymore, do I?"

"Ah, yes, yes!" Tang Tang's face immediately changed. Tang Yuhao was not Zhao Nimei, so he didn't just say what he said casually. Tang Tang hurriedly said with a smile on his face, "Master, I should be the one who made you clean up a little." God, it's a little girl's honor that you are willing to find me."

"You're so sweet." Tang Yuhao chuckled and said, "Come to Kramir to pick him up."

"Cramer?" Tang Tang was stunned, looked around and said, "Are you there?"

Tang Yuhao also paused and said, "Don't say you're there too, do you know the location of the Sanxian Terrace?"

The center of Kalamir is an inner lake, and there is indeed a sanxian terrace in the small building by the lake, but that place is a place where many couples and players hang out, enjoy the scenery, and love each other, while the NPCs inside are not It's rare, even if there are, it's the kind of sour Confucian who wears a scholar's uniform and recites poems there.

Therefore, Tang Tang forgot about that place. Now that I think about it carefully, I really lost my head. Among the piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, the piano is the first of the four elegance, and the six arts of a gentleman, music is ranked second. This piano It's just a thing for romantic and poets to play, and it's not right to go all over the streets and alleys to find those aunts who spend all day calculating how much a Chinese cabbage costs to inquire about the whereabouts of the holy artifacts!

Muttering in his heart that he had made a mistake, Tang Tang ran to the front of the three-stringed stage. Not only Tang Yuhao was there, but Tang Taro was also there. Tang Tang was about to say hello, but Tang Taro quietly put his index finger on the tip of his mouth. Silence, and after a closer look, they found that there was a woman in green sitting in front of the two of them, holding a guqin in her arms, and gently plucking the strings.

The sound of the piano circulates, but the meaning of the song is sad.

Tang Tang whispered to Tang Yuhao, "Is it the piano in her hand?"

Tang Yuhao nodded and said, "That's right, that qin is so simple and simple, it must be the sacred instrument Fuxiqin!"

Tang Tang immediately snorted and said, "Ancient is a sacred weapon? You go to the soul domain grocery store to buy a guqin. It's simple. Besides, how do you know it's a sacred weapon? What if it's an ornament, what if it's... …hiss……"

Tang Tang took a breath and looked down. Tang Yuhao was holding a rose in his hand, and he was tearing it into pieces happily!Its meaning is self-evident, this is to destroy flowers with harsh hands.

Tang Tang said with a mournful face: "You are right, such a quaint guqin must be a sacred weapon!"

Tang Yuhao nodded, apparently quite satisfied with the change in the little girl's attitude.

After a while, the girl playing the piano finally finished the song, stood up and saluted the three of them.

The woman said: "Little girl Qin Ji, it is inevitable to have many delusional thoughts in this world. I have a wish that I have not fulfilled. I wonder if the three warriors can help me?"

Tang Taro said: "Please tell me!"

Qin Ji said: "We have to start from the beginning. I have loved music since I was a child, but I have admired the world's high-level heroes. Afterwards, I went out to fight and use my cultivation to punish rape and eliminate evil. It was very happy."

Tang Yuhao said happily: "Ah, amazing! You are actually a heroine who helps the weak and the strong!"

Qin Ji said bitterly: "What kind of heroine is just a nonsense when I was young... Later, I met the only son of the local Qin family because of his rhythm. Although he doesn't know how to practice and is very weak, he is the best person I have ever met. It didn’t take long for him to marry me into the door. We studied the music scores together, and he taught me to read and write... That was really the happiest time in my life... Unfortunately... no matter what I do, I can’t be educated Everyone is a lady, let the parents-in-law and mother-in-law be happy..."

Tang Tang interjected, "Don't worry, the relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law is a big problem even before the era."

Tang Yuhao and Tang Taluo immediately glared at Tang Tang, the little girl could only laugh a few times, and honestly stopped talking!
Qin Ji said: "Gradually, even with my husband-in-law's company, life became more and more difficult... At that time, I had the idea of ​​going out again... until one day, I made my mother-in-law unhappy again... That time Even Xianggong scolded me a few words, I left a book and ran away in a rage..."

Tang Taro said: " might be more comfortable to be a heroine than to be angry at home."

Qin Ji said: "It's not just a heroine? Everyone who learns swords dreams of becoming a saint who goes to heaven and earth, and I am the same. After leaving home, I have visited famous mountains and rivers, asking for saints, maybe people's hearts are so dissatisfied , when I have made great progress, I often miss my husband. His health is not particularly good. I really... I found a lot of reasons for myself, and wanted to go back to Kalamir to see him... But, I When I came back, I found out that he had passed away for several months!"

Tang Taro sighed: "This is good fortune tricking people!"

Qin Ji said: "It's useless to regret now, I don't even know where the Qin family buried Xianggong, I just want to go to the Pagoda of Ten Thousand Buddhas, put incense sticks in front of his tablet, and ask him to forgive me for my ignorance before. However, after learning that Mr. Xiang died, I swore to abandon my sword, and there are monks guarding the tower. If I don’t use martial arts, I can’t enter at all. Enter the tower and pay homage to the deceased husband!"

Soul Realm Tip: Do you want to help Qin Ji break into the Pagoda of Ten Thousand Buddhas to pay homage to her deceased husband!
As soon as the reminder of the soul domain came out, it was equivalent to releasing the mission. Although the sacred artifact and Fuxiqin were never mentioned from the beginning to the end, Tang Tang searched for it for a long time, and this mission was considered the most reliable. Let’s have fun, it’s no longer asking me to go to the vegetable market to help buy a cabbage, besides, Tang Taluo and Tang Yuhao’s very focused looks are obviously moved by this somewhat boring little story, and I can say Can't go?
After choosing to accept, Qin Ji saluted again as an expression of gratitude.

Tang Taluo said: "It's not a good thing to enter the Pagoda of Ten Thousand Buddhas without authorization. Why don't you go at night, as it happens to be dark."

Tang Yuhao immediately clapped his hands and agreed, this guy is just afraid of chaos in the world, and he likes to do this kind of thing like being a thief in the middle of the night.

Tang Tang spread his hands, naturally he had no objection.


The Ten Thousand Buddhas Tower is located in the border of Karamir, very close, and the four of them will arrive within a short time after leaving the imperial weapon.

"This Pagoda of Ten Thousand Buddhas is a bit extraordinary!" Falling in front of the Pagoda of Ten Thousand Buddhas, there was a faint layer of Buddha's light on the top of the four-cornered pagoda, which made Tang Taro couldn't help but praise: "I'm afraid this is not an ordinary Buddhist school. There are monks!"

"Don't care so much about him!" Tang Tang stretched out his hand to push the door of the pagoda carelessly and said, "I worship Samantabhadra Bodhisattva, not a bald head!"

But also at this time...

Golden Light!

Tang Tang instinctively withdrew his right hand that was about to touch the pagoda door, retreated a few steps, and suddenly took out the burial coffin, which fell to his side with a bang!


The sound of the Buddha's horn sounded, and a monk in cassock came out directly through the pagoda gate, and stood in front of the four with his hands folded.

"Several benefactors are visiting late at night, I don't know what to do?"

"Master!" Qin Ji stepped forward and said, "I just want to pay homage to my deceased husband!"

The monk looked at Qin Ji several times, and still sighed: "The Qin family once donated money to build the pagoda, and they have a good relationship with me. I have already informed the old monk that after the girl left, they set up a door for Mr. Qin." The marriage is very happy, the fate between the girl and Mr. Qin has already been exhausted at that time, the old man is so cruel that he can't let the girl into the pagoda, the girl should leave quickly."

"As the saying goes, if you are not bald, you are not poisonous, the more bald you are, the more poisonous..." Before Qin Ji could speak, Tang Tang resisted the burial coffin and said: "An old monk like you is both bald and poisonous. Worship is their business, you set up a memorial tablet here, and you can't let people worship? Do you believe that your aunt demolished your Ten Thousand Buddha Pagoda?"

"Amitabha!" The monk softly chanted the Buddha's name and said, "This benefactor is a disciple of the Tang Sect, and the Tang Sect can be regarded as a well-known and upright sect. I think he would not do such a thing that hurts the peace of heaven!"

"You're right, disciples of the Tang Sect don't know how to do it, but..." Tang Tang suddenly raised the coffin and said, "I will!"

As the words fell, Tang Tang raised his hand and struck. The monk was also alert, and immediately raised his palm to meet him. The golden light in his palm turned into a golden big handprint, and hit the burial coffin hard. After the impact, Tang Tang landed firmly. The monk took three steps back, his throat felt sweet, and he spit out blood.

"Monk, don't blame me for not reminding you..." Tang Tang bared his teeth and said, "It's true that I'm a disciple of the Tang Sect, but I've killed quite a few people, and it's not like I haven't received punishment from the master. If you don't believe me, you can try it. See if I dare to kill you!"

"Amitabha!" The monk hesitated for a moment, and sighed: "Since the four benefactors insisted, the old monk would not be able to stop him. There are my Buddha's holy relics in the pagoda, so they are guarded by the pagoda guards. The tablet of Qin's benefactor is on the top of the pagoda." , the four benefactors can do as they please!"

"Hey!" Tang Tang immediately said happily: "Old monk, you still dare to threaten me? Do you believe that I smashed the broken tower behind you?"

The monk didn't talk too much, just smiled and sat cross-legged in front of the Ten Thousand Buddha Pagoda!

(End of this chapter)

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