Chapter 396
Tang Tang pursed his lips, and the others didn't talk to each other. Except for Tang Tang and Niu DaDa, the other three had families, businesses and gangs, and they really didn't know how to talk to each other.

After destroying the broken Guqin, a group of people escaped into the woods, those who climbed the tree climbed the tree, and those who entered the irrigation system disappeared without a trace in a moment.

As for whether someone enters the mountain, it is said that the landlord will send someone to watch. The gang under him, if they talk about fighting, they will be beaten up, but when it comes to following and stalking, they are all experts, and they are absolutely empty-handed. Level, if not, where is it said that the landlord got so much news to sell it, you know, it is a no-cost business, and it makes a lot of money.

After a while, news came from the righteous path of the Liuli School that they defeated a group of people. They were a bit unlucky. The group of monsters had a lot of people, there were more than [-] people, and there was a silver wolf and half monster, named Midnight Wolf Howling. , this guy is also the No. [-] figure in the half-beast forest. He is very famous.

In addition, what they found was also a fake piano. It seems that the gang of monsters in the Tianxiahui are very cautious. If you are too cautious and dare not go up the mountain, you will be in big trouble. You must know that Ye Changmeng has some truths. Right now, it is almost rumored that the landlord and the two members of the Tianxiahui know about Fuxiqin. However, there are too many people talking about it, and it has been delayed for a long time. If the news leaks out, the situation will be out of control.

But the problem is also here. Right now, there is really no good way but to wait.

Tang Tang put the funeral coffin among the treetops as a stone bed, and lay there looking up at the sky and looking at the moon.

In fact, this business can't lose money, even if you can't get back the Fuxiqin, it is said that the landlord will make some money at most, and the few of them will be busy for nothing at most, as long as they don't hang up, this business will not be regarded as a loss.Therefore, Tang Tang's mind was not on the holy artifact, but the sooner the sacred artifact had a home, the better. Later, it was time for the Holy Demon Conference, but it was also at this time...

"Huh!" Tang Tang blinked his eyes and shouted at Lin Dong who was nestled under the tree: "Can the moon move?"

Lin Dong was taken aback, then stammered: "It should move, doesn't the moon revolve around the earth? I learned it when I was in elementary school, but I don't remember it clearly. It probably happened like that."

"Bullshit." Tianhu said from the side: "Of course it will move, otherwise there would be day and night."

"Fuck, I told you not to study hard." Bu Ge slapped Tianhu on the back of the head and said, "Is it because of the moon that there are day and night? It's obviously because of the earth's rotation, and the moon has nothing to do with it."

Tang Tang said impatiently: "Never mind why it moves, do you just say that the moon moves?"

Bu Ge said: "It will move, but it cannot be seen by the naked eye. The reason why the naked eye can see the moon moving is because the earth is rotating."

Tang Tang said: "But we have stayed in this poor place for half the night, and the moon hasn't moved!"

Everyone was stunned, and couldn't help but looked up. Sure enough, the moon was hanging high above their heads, but it was the same as when they first came, but that was the problem, it was already midnight, and there was no reason for the moon to still hang there Ah, and they chased those Yaozu players for a while, so wouldn't it make more sense? Could it be that if they moved their nests, the moon would also move their nests?Can't you follow them all the way?Even if it is like that, it must look a little different, how can it be exactly the same, there is no change from the beginning to the end!


The five of them spoke in unison. They were obviously experienced and had seen such situations before. However, if you know it, it will be a little troublesome to break the illusion. First of all, Tang Tang must not be able to count on it. She only knows one way to solve it. That is fist bang, direct violence to break.

"Let me try!" Niu Dada sighed and said, "Amituofu, the real body of Wei Tuo!"

A circle of blue light flashed, but there was no response. Niu Dada had no choice but to grab a elixir and put it in his mouth, then opened and closed his palms again!
"The true body of Wei Tuo!"

A circle of blue light swung away, but there was still no response, so Niu DaDa took another elixir and put it into his mouth, with a snap, his hands clasped together again!
"The true body of Wei Tuo!"

The blue light flashed, the scenery remained the same, and Niu Dada fed medicine into his mouth again.

"Cow da da!"

Lin Dong couldn't help but said, "Bald, can you make it?"

Niu Dada said: "Little girl, can you read it wrongly, it can't be broken even after four times, pity my four Buddha Fate Pills, 30 gold coins are only one, and it can ignore the cooling time once."

Tang Tang spread his hands and said, "Then the moon hasn't moved, and the illusion was deduced by everyone. I didn't say it alone. Besides, didn't you yelled just now?"

Niu DaDa was also helpless, so he had to throw another Buddha Fate Pill, but it still had no effect. The angry Niu DaDa also gritted his teeth and said, "Liu Liu Da Shun'er, come here again. If it doesn't work, I won't waste it if you kill me." The elixir is here, Amitabha, the true body of Wei Tuo!"

This time, the blue light on Niu DaDa's body swayed, but it did not disappear without a trace like before, but slowly condensed into a shadow behind Niu DaDa, turning into a round figure with angry eyes. Open the statue of Veda!


The Wei Tuo Dharma figure hit a stick, and the sound was like thunder falling into the sky. Everyone felt their ears buzzing, and felt dizzy for a while. They finally stabilized their bodies. When they looked up again, the sky seemed to be shattered. Like glass, there are countless cracks, peeling off piece by piece!

It is indeed a fantasy!
The illusion is not so much a scene in front of you, but rather a loss of mind, seeing something that does not exist or has been tampered with!

When Wei Tuo's real body opened his mouth, he used the word-breaking mantra to shock everyone, and naturally brought everyone back to their senses, and looked at the sky again, a new moon was half-covered by dark clouds, it was not as bright as before.


Without saying a word, Tang Tang grabbed the burial coffin and rushed out first.

Looking back now, they should have gotten into the illusion after fighting with those monster players, because Tang Tang also found something unusual, that is, the wind, before touching the group of monster players, they could occasionally feel the wind around them. The wind passed by, and there was no feeling at all after that.

"I think it should be the two-tailed white fox!" Tang Tang pouted and muttered, "The red fox is good at flattery, and the white fox is good at illusion!"

However, regardless of whether Tang Tang's guess is correct or not, at least one thing is certain, that is, the opponent must have already climbed the mountain, otherwise there is no need for illusion to deal with them. The hand is ready to be seductive with a fake piano, but it can't be seduced?That's naturally the best, take the qin and go up the mountain, lure out, of course kill if you can, if you can't kill, use the second hand to prepare, use illusion to drag the opponent, and then go up the mountain with Fuxiqin.

At this time, the five of them jumped up, but they were about to reach the top of the Glazed Tile Sect, which made the five of them very anxious. They should have seen the Dust Heart of the Glazed Tile Sect within a thousand meters at the most. Not coming back.

"Look!" Lin Dong shouted at this moment, pointing to the side of the mountain road and said: "They are there!"

When the others looked back, they suddenly realized that although they used illusions to hold them back, the other party did not follow the way of ascension to heaven, but came from the righteous way of the Liuli sect. They were a little slower than them and happened to be intercepted by them.

As for whether it can be stopped, it is up to the underlings to see the truth!

No pleasantries, no hello!
The moment the two sides saw each other, both sides had already drawn their swords at the same time, it was just a battle, why so much nonsense!

Tang Tang quietly threw the ninth-level pagoda out, but the effect was not very good. There were seven people on the other side, but only three fell into a slowdown, indicating that the rest were at the same level as Tang Tang or overwhelmed her.

"Damn it!"

Tang Tang could only slander secretly. Although his level is not low, he is not very conspicuous among the top experts, so that the nine-level pagoda cannot exert overwhelming power. However, if he can slow down two Two is better than nothing. After comforting himself like this, Tang Tang also quickly raised the burial coffin and rushed forward.

The funeral coffin fell, but was blocked by the opponent's blow, and there was a muffled sound.

"Tang Tang from the Tang Sect? Even the Tang Sect wants to intervene?" The monster player who was fighting against Tang Tang was a white wolf monster, and his expression lagged behind, then he laughed strangely and said: " That’s right, I’ve wanted to fight with the number one master of the Tang Sect for a long time, remember me, I’m Qi Yun of the White Moon Wolf Demon, little girl, I will bite you to death!”


Tang Tang was also too lazy to talk too much with the other party, and he directly lifted the coffin, and it was a sweep to force Qi Yun back.

What this guy said sounds good, but if he really has such confidence, he won't show his true skills just after the fight and use the half-demon state!

"Baldhead, give me an assistant." Tang Tang slapped Niu, then drew Thunder Dragon Yuan from his backpack and stabbed forward: "Feng Yu Fei Sword!"

When the sword comes out, the phoenix dances!
At the same time, Tang Tang's feet were snowing every step of the way.

The Fengyufei sword was used at the same time as Taxue Wuhen, it was indeed very beautiful, more like a woman's use, and Tang Tang also intended to do so, originally, if the Fengyufei sword was not used in rainy days, its effect would not be very good Sample.However, the little girl found that after using Taxue Wuhen with the thirteen-style Fengyufei sword, there is an indescribable agility and mystery, which is very suitable for swimming and fighting. Tang Tang didn't even need to use soul skills at all, and being stabbed a few times by Feng Yufei's sword could almost end his life.

It's a pity that Qi Yun's skill is really not bad!

While the fire phoenix was dancing, the flying snow was even more fascinated by Qi Yun's eyes, and was hit by Tang Tang on the shoulder. However, when the second phoenix spread its wings, Qi Yun dodged it with a slippery step. On one side, no matter how the phoenix flies and dances, at most it can only make Qi Yun feel embarrassed, but it still can't hit it.

"Tsk tsk!" Qi Yun said with a strange smile: "This is the soul skill of the Tang Sect? I don't think it's much better than those fancy fists and embroidered legs!"

Tang Tang glanced at Qi Yun, but he didn't speak. Instead, he used the Feng Yu Fei sword to continuously attack Qi Yun wholeheartedly. Change……

"24 Bridges on a Moonlit Night!"

The Thunderbolt Longyuan Sword swung open like a fan, and the 24 afterimages almost disappeared in a flash. Qi Yun never expected that the originally floating sword path would suddenly become faster than Thunderbolt. The front is already densely packed with blood holes.


Tang Tang snorted coldly and glanced at Qi Yun. The latter still wanted to speak, but his body had gradually faded, turning into white light and flying to the underworld.

(End of this chapter)

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