Chapter 397

In fact, Qiyun’s death was wronged enough. Half-demon queens will have some unique abilities of the monster clan itself. For example, Qiyun belongs to the Baiyue wolf clan. The monster aura he exhales is stronger than ice and colder, and the attribute of water is zero. For the little girl, she was born to be restrained, but unfortunately, Tang Tang sent him to the underworld without giving him a chance to show it.

After Tang Tang beheaded one person, he immediately rushed to the left. Lin Dong was fighting one against two, and he was in danger of being flanked. You must know that they are all real masters of piano protection now, and they are not as confusing as those just now. The Yaozu players, not to mention one against two, even if they are singled out, they may not be able to win for sure.

However, after Tang Tang joined, Lin Dong's pressure was greatly relieved immediately. Taking advantage of Tang Tang's sword swing, he quickly poured the life potion into his mouth, but it was not enough, so he immediately filled up another bottle of instant life recovery, and then barely escaped. On the verge of death, he counterattacked at the opponent with a hanging breath.

In this way, the situation is suddenly reversed.

Originally, the two demon clans that fought against Lin Dong were both fox demons, who were known for their dexterity, but in the end, someone who was even more dexterous than them came. Isn't this aggrieved? You said that you are a Tangmen player, why are you so light? Ling Luzi still carries such a big sarcophagus, isn't he a bully!

But at this moment...

"Tang Tang!" Niu Dada shouted, "Hurry up!"

Tang Tang drew his sword and swept towards the two arc monsters, then looked back, but it was Bu Ge who was killed by the other party somehow, while the tiger demon holding the piano was running towards the top of the mountain with his legs spread, you know , this place is more than a thousand meters away from the top of the mountain, and the running speed of the half-demon queen is really extraordinary. Even if the tiger demon is not good at speed, it only takes more than a minute to reach the top of the mountain. Qin Ke has a surname.

"You take care of yourself!"

Tang Tang patted Lin Dong with a sad face, and immediately let him go, letting him continue to fight one against two, while he walked close to the ground with his imperial weapon, chasing after the tiger monster aggressively.

On the other side, Tianhu's face turned scorched immediately, and he said anxiously: "Be careful, they have a guy in the ground, it's a pangolin, and Bu Ge was attacked and killed by that guy from the ground."

As soon as Tianhu finished speaking, there was a rumbling sound from the ground. Tang Tang only felt that the soles of his feet were heavy, and the flying horcrux shook violently, almost pulling her off the horcrux. On the hilt of Langya's sword, there was an extra pair of claws, and more than half of its tail protruded from the surface of the soil, swinging towards him.

Tang Tang cursed hard in her heart, "Damn it". She didn't care about the monster player with the pangolin. The problem was that the speed of her imperial weapon suddenly slowed down when she was pulled by that claw. If you can't catch up with the tiger demon, is it possible that you will fall short?
Tang Tang raised his thumb and smashed a bucket at the ground. The ground was smashed into a half-meter-deep pit. However, the pangolin was also very slippery. When Tang Tang attacked, he burrowed into the ground. After Tang Tang finished smashing it, the pangolin slid out again and grabbed Tang Tang's flying Horcrux like a dog's skin plaster.

"I'll fuck you!"

Tang Tang was also made to cry by the other party's sloppy methods, but at this moment, the little girl had a flash of inspiration!
"Little Huihui, come out for me!"

Tang Tang pulled the backpack abruptly, colorful lights suddenly appeared, and Bi Xi's body like a hill appeared in the air, and fell down in the air with a bang, blocking the mountain path.

The tiger demon was immediately dumbfounded, the mountain road was only a tiny bit in size, it was blocked by Bi Xi, and he couldn't even see the road, so he bypassed it?It seemed good, but there were chasing soldiers behind, which made the tiger demon quite urgent. Gritting his teeth, he headed towards Bixi, ready to turn over Bixi and continue to the top of the mountain!

Tang Tang's eyes lit up immediately!
In fact, she is also betting that if the tiger monster is around and the pangolin is entangled with her, she will probably not be able to catch up to the tiger monster. After all, there are only two or three hundred meters left, and it is too difficult to catch up. It's a pity , Tang Tang won the bet, and the tiger demon chose to climb over Bixi!
You know, Bixi's speed makes it very difficult for it to attack the enemy, but if someone foolishly approaches Bixi...

Bixi just twisted his waist and bumped lightly at the tiger monster. The half-monster tiger player with a height of two and a half meters didn't even hum, and flew backwards. At that time, it turned into white light and went to the underworld. As for the Fuxiqin wrapped in cloth strips, it was left on the ground, lying quietly, waiting for someone to pick it up again!


Tang Tang burst out laughing uncontrollably, and then the burial coffin fell heavily, creating a deep hole on the ground, and the pangolin quickly let go of Tang Tang, but at this moment, a thunderbolt suddenly appeared in Tang Tang's palm , Carry out a second bombardment on the ground!

Amidst the sound of explosions, fireworks, and heat waves, the pangolin did not expect Tang Tang to do this at all. Just as it got out of the ground, the fire thunder hit his head, and it was blown away along with the sand and gravel. The meaty man didn't die, but he was seriously injured!
Tang Tang waved his hand, hooked the corners of his mouth and walked towards Fuxiqin.

The wind turned and turned, and finally fell into his own hands.

But also at this time...

A figure flashed past suddenly, grabbed the Fuxiqin before Tang Tang was in front.

Tang Tang was also quick-witted. He used 10 points of soul power when he raised his hand, but he hit the sky burial and fell towards the figure. Who would have thought that with a clang, his sky burial coffin hit the opponent's flying sword, and there was a crisp sound? , Tang Tang felt a huge force coming, and he couldn't help taking half a step back, but the other party stepped on the flying Horcrux and went straight into the air!
"Brother!" Tang Tang cried sadly: "We are good young people in the new society. To be a person, we must be moral, first come first and then come, and be a good young man who emphasizes five things and four beauties. Good big brother, how can you steal things from your sister? This is wrong. of!"

The figure in the sky stepped on the sword and stayed in the air that day, with long hair fluttering, isn't it Petra!

"Ha!" Petra also laughed and said, "Brother who robs his sister is not considered robbing, this is called taking, let's go!"

As soon as the words fell, Petra urged the sword to leave, and Tang Tang also wanted to chase after him, but after measuring the distance, he knew that his pursuit would be in vain, so he simply looked at Petra's sword and left.

Soul Realm Announcement: Liuli Zongchen is determined to find the "Fuxiqin", and in order to reward those who seek it, he will keep the Fuxiqin (false) in the world!

A moment later, the Soul Domain announcement sounded, which meant that the activity of searching for the holy artifact Fuxiqin would officially end after 53 hours. Most people were inexplicable about this. Anyway, the search for the sacred artifact was also open to everyone. People's activities, even if they are not very popular, are still expected by many people. As a result, most people have not started, and it ended so abruptly, which is somewhat surprising.

As for the very few who participated in it, they were extremely depressed. Isn’t this a scam? Everyone killed and beat them alive, and the result was that the snipe and the clam fought for the fisherman’s profit. That bastard Petra showed a small face and took the things. It's in the bag.

Tang Tang was also depressed, but just depressed for a while, so it wouldn't make her feel uncomfortable. After all, the big brother Pitra robbed the item, so strictly speaking, it was considered fat and water, although there was an element of self-consolation in it But it did make Tang Tang free and easy.

And Dongxi already had a surname, so it was meaningless for everyone to continue fighting. After uttering a few cruel words, they separated and left the Glazed Tile School.

On the way back, everyone was a little resentful. If you say that the sacred artifact Fuxiqin has nothing to do with them, it’s just that today’s incident was too ups and downs. , In the end, it still fell short, which made everyone not so happy. After all, if you don’t get it, you don’t have much to think about it. It’s so depressing to see it suddenly disappear.

Of course, whether or not this matter can be accomplished, I sent a letter back to the legendary host, he is the boss, and Tang Tang and his group can only be regarded as mercenaries, and the legendary host received the letter with a bit of embarrassment, but the embarrassment is the embarrassment , he can see it, for him it is all about earning, that is, the difference between earning more and earning less, and immediately decided to give 200 gold coins to each person. The money is small money, and it is estimated that the legendary landlord can find it I don't like this small amount of money, it's mainly a thought, it's considered a labor fee.

As soon as this happened, Tang Tang also went to a nearby inn in Yuntai, and stayed up most of the night, but he didn't catch any hair, so Tang Tang didn't think about anything, fell asleep with his head covered, and was about to beat himself up in his dream The cheap big brother vented his anger!


The next day!

The first thing Tang Tang did after waking up was not to go out to level up, but to go to Dragon City.

The end of the hunt for the holy artifact meant that the Holy Demon Conference was about to begin, which was what Tang Tang was looking forward to.

However, the situation is not very optimistic. The time of the Holy Demon Conference is set to be ten days later. Obviously, the sacred instrument Fuxiqin was taken care of by the players in less than three days, which also caught the soul domain by surprise. In their opinion Well, it will take ten days and half a month to find the sacred artifact Fuxiqin. They have plenty of time to prepare, but unfortunately, they miscalculated.

Tang Tang actually knew a little bit about this. There are two conditions for finding Fuxi Qin. Pain to practice piano?Therefore, this one is a stumbling block, strangling the thoughts of many people. Secondly, there are really such good player luthiers. They must waste their time on practicing the piano and being a luthier. How can they have time to get equipment and leveling? The ability to fight required by the system is only better than ordinary players, which makes many people feel helpless.

However, it is said that there are a lot of bullshit under the landlord's hands, and there is really a luthier player with a master title. As for whether he can play, it is not difficult. If he can play, it is because the sacred instrument Fuxiqin fell into the hands of a group of bandits , must come back single-handedly, no rank?It doesn't matter!Bad skills?does not matter!Isn't this equipment? It is said that the owner got a set of top-quality equipment that does not require a level, so he took the Fuxiqin into his pocket!
(End of this chapter)

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