Chapter 402
Fairy Hongxia is a pretty girl, but this is another nonsense, and I have never heard that there are fairies who are not beautiful. The important thing is that the beautiful fairy was very excited after seeing the jade tablet.

"Thank you, little warrior, for helping me find the relic..." Fairy Hongxia said to Tang Tang very politely, and then turned around: "It's just that this jade card is a pair of two. If the warrior can help me find the rest Half of it, the slave family is willing to reward you with five soul jades!"

Soul Realm Tip: Help Fairy Hongxia find the jade token, and after finding it, you can get Soul Jade x5!

Tang Tang felt quite depressed, and wanted to ask the fairy in front of him, if he only gave half of the jade token and only took half of the reward, would it be okay, even if it was two soul jades.You know, this kind of task of finding things is the most troublesome, but Tang Tang also knows that asking is a waste of time, so it is best to find a way to find the remaining half of the jade tablet!
The number of people in Hongyun Village has increased, of course, due to the arrival of players, but it would be a big mistake if there were all players outside.
Soul Domain has always liked to dig holes, and it is common to make a trap for players to jump into. Therefore, the clause that cannot attack npc has an extended meaning!
First of all, being unable to attack npc means literally. If you kill an npc, you will deduct [-] soul jade, and the negative number will be eliminated directly. Secondly, the probability of any player being able to beat the dungeon npc is infinitely close to zero, that is to say, As long as you attack the npc, it is very likely that you will be killed by the npc, and then the result will be eliminated.

So, here comes the problem.

How to distinguish between players and npcs?

This is the problem given by the soul domain. If you want to kill and explode the soul jade, of course there is no problem. This is also the most direct way to obtain the soul jade. However, you must first determine that the opponent is a player.

In this way, the number and scale of battles will definitely be reduced. It seems that the intensity of Soul Domain's pursuit has decreased, but this is not the case. Soul Domain also places great emphasis on upsets and dark horses. Under such circumstances, the chance of upset will be greatly increased. And after increasing the difficulty, the excitement is also greatly enhanced, and, eyesight is also a part of strength.

Tang Tang glanced around, and she knew that most of the villages were NPCs that were refreshed to confuse the view due to the increase of players, but the problem was that she had to ask everyone in the village if she wanted to find a jade token, which was obviously very troublesome, definitely not A slob like Tang Tang could accept it.

"If it's a big deal, I won't do it." Tang Tang muttered in his heart, but he also thought of a way. He ran to Yunliu in the center of the village and shouted: "Mission, look for the jade token, half of it has been found, who has the remaining half?" Buy it for the price of three soul jades!"

Tang Tang yelled several times under Yunliu. Her method is stupid, but it is still very useful. The village is so big, it is obviously troublesome to find a person alone, but it is different if there are many people. However, there is no one. Speak up, or dare not speak up, for fear that Tang Tang is a way to lure the enemy, and he will be killed if he stands up.

However, the little girl is really not that shameless, and in Tang Tang's view, there are many ways to avoid such dangers, but she can't shout out, because if she shouts out, no one will believe her, so she can only Pray that someone wise finds that jade tablet.

Fortunately, I didn't know that Tang Tang's prayer had come true. After about half a stick of incense, a flying sword and a cloth bag landed in front of Tang Tang!

Tang Tang looked around, and didn't know who did it, but when he opened the cloth pocket, he could see half a jade tablet. After confirming that it was correct, Tang Tang stuffed three pieces of soul jade into it. The flying sword was deliberately Flying around and around, it can be seen that the other party is cautious and not stupid at the same time. Maybe there will be some interested people staring at the flying sword, but as long as you go around a few times in crowded places, you should be able to avoid it. Secondly, if the opponent has the strength, it is not easy to say whether the flying sword is a bait.

From the moment they entered the dungeon, everyone began to fight wits and courage.

Tang Tang took the jade token and exchanged it for five soul jades from Fairy Hongyun, and she was about to leave Hongyun Village.

The task here is 77. However, after Tang Tang handed in the task, the display on the soul domain information panel has changed to 27. The task of Hongyun Village has bottomed out. Instead of grabbing the remaining two, I don't know if they have been picked up. For the task received, it is better to go to other villages as soon as possible, maybe the harvest will be more abundant.

With such a plan in mind, Tang Tang left Hongyun Village and continued towards the direction of Nine Heavens Cloud City along the end of the colorful clouds.

According to the calculation of the coordinates, it will take about 1 or 2 days to reach Cloud Nine Clouds. During this period, you can meditate and rest, and you are still in the dungeon. Anyway, no matter how long you rest, it will be calculated by the number of soul jades after seven days.

And Tang Tang has obtained 28 pieces of Lingyu so far, ranking No. 40 at No. [-], which can be regarded as a relatively rapid progress.Even Tang Tang couldn't help thinking about whether it was appropriate to go to Cloud Nine Clouds according to the strategy of the legendary landlord, maybe scan the villages on the entire dungeon map, maybe you can get more soul jade?
However, Tang Tang just thought about it, and immediately passed this thought. You must know that the location of the soul domain is randomly assigned, like Tang Tang being refreshed at the end of the colorful clouds in the west, while the legendary host was directly Refresh at the gate of Cloud Nine City.

Therefore, those villages near the end of the colorful clouds are likely to refresh players, even if Tang Tang has that patience, there may not be extra soul jade left for Tang Tang.

Therefore, Tang Tang decided that it would be better to go to Cloud Nine Clouds to meet up honestly.

At this moment, Tang Tang suddenly heard a faint commotion.

Very light, very subtle.

Tang Tang made a careful distinction, only to realize that the voice came from under his feet. He lowered his body and pushed aside a piece of cloud, Tang Tang immediately let out a "huh", it turned out to be someone he knew, but not very familiar with. It was the loose cultivator from Qingdi's Wangu Academy that I met overseas, who almost married Xue Luoyue from Yuhuatian.

Although the process of getting to know him was not very pleasant, this guy was also a very funny person, so Tang Tang had a deep impression of him.

But at this moment, Xue Luoyue was in a rather embarrassing situation. Anyone who was surrounded by eight players who were sharpening their knives would definitely be quite embarrassed.

"It seems that this guy has exposed his identity and was targeted by others. However, how many soul jades are on this guy? He can be targeted by so many people at the same time, and he is willing to cooperate to besiege and kill him. You must have eight pieces of soul jade, otherwise you won't even get one piece for each person, how should you divide it?"

Tang Tang curled his lips and muttered, and then checked the ranking of the number of soul jades. Tang Tang's 28 soul jades have fallen to 61. It seems that there are still many capable people, and Tang Tang easily found 100 soul jades. Many people, the number of spirit jades has dropped to about 15, but Xue Luoyue's name is still not seen, it seems that this guy does not have many soul jades in his hand, maybe it is a personal grievance.

Tang Tang certainly didn't intend to save Xue Luoyue, she was purely looking for a good show, the best situation would be to kill Xue Luoyue, and then the eight people would be divided unevenly, after the beating was so dark that Tang Tang made a move, one knife at a time Chop it up and pick a great deal.Of course, even if this ideal is a bit far away, Tang Tang can wait for them to finish fighting before making a move. Eight people plus one Xue Luoyue, even if each of them has only one soul jade, it will still be worth nine yuan. Anyway, Tang Tang No intention of letting any go.

But at this moment, those eight players surrounded Xue Luoyue and chatted some trash, which made Tang Tang snort, how could the villains be so virtuous, and they talked nonsense before killing people, but although those eight players were chattering, But his hands and feet were not slow, and he was already approaching Xue Luoyue bit by bit.

Xue Luoyue wasn't that kind of pure thug, but that didn't mean he was really willing to be slaughtered obediently. When the circle of eight people shrank to only three meters, Xue Luoyue finally couldn't help but was ready to fight.

Fight hard, there is a glimmer of hope, if you don't fight, you will die!
"The lion roars from all directions!"

Xue Luoyue made a handprint, opened her mouth and roared, every word echoed, shaking people's minds, this move is Xue Luoyue's specialty lion roar skill!
Immediately, Tang Tang felt a shock all over his body!
Soul Realm Tip: You have been banned, remaining time: 60 seconds!
Tang Tang wasn't stupid, he just stayed there for half a second. When he saw the eight players quickly withdraw from Xue Luoyue's side, raised their weapons, and came towards him, Tang Tang almost understood it.

Looking at the 60-second ban display, Tang Tang felt like crying. Tang Tang had experienced the power of the Sifang Lion Roar when he was overseas. The ban state can seal both soul skills and spells at the same time. At that time, Tang Tang felt that she was quite a rascal, but now she is very lucky to be the target of the other party's rascal again!

Tang Tang was very helpless that soul skills and spells could not be used, but that didn't mean that the little girl was ready to be captured without a fight.

Lifting his leg towards the player who was killing him was like kicking the wild donkey on the ground and kicking the person in the face. It didn't do much damage, but the person's imperial weapon flew straight up and then fell straight down Go, one butt fell out of the colorful cloud, as for whether it will fall on other colorful clouds, or directly smashed into meat and thrown out of the dungeon, it is unknown.

As for the other seven people who were slightly behind, Tang Tang had no time to raise his feet, but lifted out the funeral coffin abruptly, and suddenly pointed at Xue Luoyue.

"Damn it, you sneak up on me!"

"To be in the soul domain is to win strategically, and it's an activity!" Xue Luoyue is also a bachelor, and she spread her hands directly: "If you don't kill me, then I will kill you, and you are so ostentatious in Hongyun Village, I don't care I feel sorry for my conscience for setting up a sneak attack on you, right?"

"Very good!" Tang Tang didn't feel disgusted by this kind of honesty, but smiled awe-inspiringly and said, "Since you plan to give me the soul jade, then I will accept it very bluntly."

Xue Luoyue shrugged her shoulders with a good temper, and signaled everyone not to talk nonsense, but to kill Tang Tang.

Tang Tang didn't say any more, hooked the corner of his mouth and swept the sky coffin!

Facing the seven flying swords flying towards him, the repelling attribute of the funeral coffin made a great contribution first, knocking all the flying swords away, and at the same time, one of the flying swords made a "click" , suddenly cracked several gaps, but unfortunately touched 10% of the broken soldiers attribute on the burial coffin. Although it can be repaired, it can't be used now!

(End of this chapter)

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