The Peerless Tangmen of Online Games

Chapter 403 Lure the Enemy to Hunt the Cloud Demon

Chapter 403 Lure the Enemy to Hunt the Cloud Demon
When Tang Tang swept away the opponent's flying sword with one blow, he immediately jumped up into the air, with a small black tower in his palm, and threw it fiercely towards his feet!
Nine-level pagoda!
The hazy black tower-shaped outline swayed above everyone's heads, and the people's footsteps froze suddenly, and their speed suddenly slowed down. The three most serious people were eight or more levels behind Tang Tang, and they were under 80 % slows down, as slow as a snail, and the highest level will also bear the price of halving the speed!
"Hey, why is your momentum so weak!" Tang Tang said with a smirk, "Since you guys can't come up slowly, then let me come up!"

As the words fell, Tang Tang bent his feet slightly, bent his body, and rushed forward like a nimble leopard. The iron locks wrapped around the burial coffin made a crisp sound, raised it high, and shot it down with a loud bang. !

Bang, bang!
With a simple sweep of the two, they were knocked to the ground. At the same time, with the swing of the funeral coffin, Tang Tang flicked his light wrist, and the chains wrapped around the funeral coffin were also thrown out. , repelled the two flying swords that were attacking Tang Tang, and then slammed out of his footsteps. With the force of the recoil, he immediately turned around and charged. Tang Tang's hands were as light as a feather, and he slashed horizontally and vertically in Tang Tang's hands. In a short while, although there were no casualties, the seven players except Xue Luoyue were all knocked to the ground by Tang Tang, and Tang Tang Holding the burial coffin upside down with one hand, he walked forward proudly, like a female war god coming to the world!

The material staff was dumbfounded, and suddenly understood a truth: in the face of absolute strength, any useless efforts are futile!
It is true that the Quartet Lion's Roar is a very domineering field control spell, and Xue Luoyue also worked very hard to improve the level of Lion's Roar to a level that almost ignores immunity, but he forgot that combat power is equally powerful. Importantly, he was indeed able to seal Tang Tang's soul skills and spells, but the fact is that Tang Tang didn't even need to use soul skills or spells at all, and he could destroy them with the imperial weapon technique.

This is strength.

one, two, three...

Tang Tang quietly used the burial coffin to smash those people to death one by one. It's not that no one resisted, firstly, their skills were completely incompetent, and secondly, their speed attributes were very different. Originally, their shooting speed and imperial weapon speed were not as good as Tang Tang's. , and then was greatly decelerated by the ninth-level Buddha, and the spells and soul skills released were extremely slow. Tang Tang was even able to dodge those attacks while dancing the ballet, and knocked them to death one by one slowly. In this case, it is better not to use the four-sided lion roar, and die more happily.

When Xue Luoyue was thinking about it, Tang Tang's burial coffin was already pointing at his body.

"You won!" Xue Luoyue spread her hands and said: "This is the end of greed. If I don't bother you, maybe I still have a chance to enter the top five, and then I should be the one who wins. Little girl, like you Such an arrogant personality won't last long here..."

Tang Tang smiled, the burial coffin fell, and Xue Luoyue's chest was sunken inward, turned into white light and thrown out of the dungeon.

Tang Tang didn't take Xue Luoyue's words seriously. Firstly, she had the strength to be arrogant, and secondly, she was not arrogant just for the sake of being arrogant. If she didn't flaunt herself, how could Xue Luoyue follow her? If you don't keep an eye on her, where's the soul jade?

This is Tang Tang's original intention, to use herself as a bait to get someone to attack her, and then hunt for soul jade, just like what she is doing now!
"A total of 19 yuan soul jade, the average is almost two yuan per person, but I have some skills."

Tang Tang collected the soul jades that exploded, and his number of soul jades sprinted towards fifty. At the same time, Tang Tang jumped to the seventh place in the number of soul jades, which made Tang Tang quite satisfied.

After finishing Xue Luoyue's episode, Tang Tang continued to set off towards Cloud Nine Clouds.

The surrounding villages are divided by the colors of colorful fairy clouds, and generally have missions, but Tang Tang has never seen a village full of missions, either they have been emptied, or there are two or three remaining, and The surviving tasks are usually either extremely difficult to complete, or extremely energy-consuming tasks. It does not rule out that some people deliberately do not complete the task after completing it, and are ready to deceive the successors.

Therefore, Tang Tang's idea of ​​cleaning the village mission was clearly in vain. As she guessed, everyone was refreshed randomly, most of them were near the village, and there was no reason to miss the mission in the village.

Tang Tang had no choice but to give up.

On the other hand, there are almost no NPCs at the end of the colorful cloud. Almost all the players who will move forward on the end of the colorful cloud are going to the clouds. Tang Tang naturally accepts all the orders. When he saw Cloud Nine, he had 97 soul jades in his hand!
However, Tang Tang's ranking dropped to No. 37. It is worth mentioning that it is said that the landlord ranked No. 139 with 11 soul jades. If the two soul jades are added together, they can be ranked third. The second place is only two soul jades away, and finally entered the top five.

After a while, the huge outline of the Nine Clouds became more and more clear.

It was a city made of clouds.

I don't know what kind of secret method was applied to the clouds one by one, but they are as square as bricks, forming a cloud layer. The cloud gate alone is ten feet high, and the city wall is nearly a hundred feet. Standing there In front of the city, Tang Tang felt as small as an ant.

The only shortcoming is that the nine clouds are too simple, they are all formed by the condensation of white clouds, a vast expanse of whiteness, dazzling people who look at it!
Soul Realm Reminder: There are cloud demons raging around Nine Heavens Cloud City, and you will get 180 Soul Jade as a reward after you eliminate them!

Soul Realm Reminder: Currently, there are 299900 remaining hidden tasks in Cloud Nine City!

Soul Realm Reminder: You need to pay two soul jades to enter Cloud Nine Heavens City!

Before walking to the city gate, Tang Tang got a reminder from the soul domain. The cloud demon made Tang Tang's eyes light up, and he couldn't help but look at a curled up cloud pile in the distance. , can reach a giant of 55 meters, is the kind of extremely huge boss, but don't feel scary because of it, on the contrary, Tang Tang is very interested in giant cloud demons, huge size does not necessarily mean powerful attack power, but it does It means that it will not be too flexible, and the speed may not be fast. Such a boss is Tang Tang's favorite!
As long as you talk to the guardian fairy general at the gate of the city, you can kill the cloud demon!

It's a pity that the owner of the legend warned Tang Tang through thousands of miles of sound transmission, never to provoke the cloud demon. Although he didn't know the reason, since the five formed a group, Tang Tang believed in the owner of the legend unconditionally. Tang Tang could only give up.

After paying two soul jades, the two immortal generals at the door will no longer obstruct Tang Tang. As for the cloud gate, there is no need to open it, as long as the immortal generals approve, they can go through the door directly.

However, after Tang Tang got into the cloud wall, he was completely silent, disappeared without a trace, and has not been seen for a long time!
Those who were not familiar with Tang Tang naturally found it inexplicable, but those who were familiar with Tang Tang naturally suddenly realized that Tang Tang used the death pulse to hide and leave by hiding!
Of course, this is also what the legendary landlord requested.

Cloud Nine City has already gathered a lot of players, and the number of NPCs is also terrifying. In the city, everyone is tied up and dare not act rashly. Firstly, they are afraid of killing the wrong person, and secondly, they are afraid of accidental injury. They dare not make casual moves, so , Some of the capable ones ran to block the door, and after finding the new players in the city, they secretly followed and killed them.

Tang Tang is not afraid. Nearly one-third of them are out now. Among the remaining people, Tang Tang checked the ranking of the number of soul jades. There is no one who can pose a threat to him. The most powerful one is called Yaoyaoer , this woman is a master of the three-eyed raccoon clan of the Tianxiahui, but she is only first-class, and she is far behind Tang Tang. As for the masters who can compare with Tang Tang, such as Tang Xin, Scarlet Lin Bo, Tang Yukuang, etc. Wait, none of them are in the copy of Cloud Nine City.

However, I'm not afraid to do it clearly, but I'm afraid that people will play a sneak attack. As for the sneak attack method, it's hard to say, but there are still many ways.Secondly, it is said that the landlord also has to think about himself. Although the little girls are not afraid, they are afraid. What if they die and are out?
It was because of this that Tang Tang sold Qiaoer and used the pulse of death to sneak into the city of Jiuxiaoyun without hiding his figure, and went around to find the place where the legendary landlord was hiding.

This is a private house, very ordinary, but it is precisely because of this that it surprised Tang Tang. How did the legendary owner hide in it? Didn't the Da Neng who lived in it slap the legendary owner into a dead person?
While thinking, he stretched out his hand to push the door, but at this moment...

"Don't move!" With a soft shout, the legendary host opened the window, stuck out his head and said, "Jiuli Moxibustion, a seventh-level legendary quality defensive Horcrux, whoever touches it will know, you will never want to try it."

Tang Tang hurriedly withdrew his hand, and it is said that the landlord stretched out his hand and flicked it. The outer layer of the room revealed a translucent light cover, like a curtain.

Entering the house, two in and two out, very simple structure, empty and no one.

"Li Yan smiled and they all went out to look for quests." The legendary host said: "I have soul jade on me, so it's not convenient to walk around at will. Secondly, I know that you should go to Jiuxiaoyun City today, so I will wait for you here."

Tang Tang nodded, and was about to throw the soul jade to the legendary landlord, but was stopped by a wave of his hand.

"Don't!" The Legendary host waved his hand and said, "Don't give me the Lingyu, things are more troublesome than planned!"

"What's the trouble?" Tang Tang asked curiously, then looked at the room and said, "How did you get this room?"

"As the saying goes, having money can make ghosts grind. In fact, it's not just ghosts. Money and power can make you tremble twice." The legendary host said: "Soul jade is the currency for trading here. I gave it to the owner of this house for 20 yuan. Yuanhunyu, he agreed to let me stay for a week."

(End of this chapter)

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