The Peerless Tangmen of Online Games

Chapter 414 Seeing the Holy Artifact Ice and Snow Waterfall

Chapter 414 Seeing the Holy Artifact Ice and Snow Waterfall
The remaining eighteen members of the top 64 list are from some remote sects and hidden sects. Although there is one more than the major basic sects, they have not attracted much attention, because this is still a matter of quantity. After all, there are too many out-of-the-way sects and hidden sects, at least a hundred or so, and it is normal to take away [-] places.

However, although the sects are surprising, the player forces are relatively well-behaved. The top 64 players are almost all the leaders of the major player forces, such as Scarlet Mercenary Group, Mad War Pavilion, Tianxiahui, Wuyutang..., Almost all of them are big gangs that have always dominated one side. In the top 64 list, except for 48 non-gang members, two-thirds of the remaining 64 people are from those famous big gangs. There were no special upsets.Well, if it is unpopular, then we can only say some unlucky ones. For example, Tufengying sent a total of ten groups to participate in the battle, but none of them entered the top [-], especially if Tangtu was a master who survived the second calamity. Luck is really bad.

Of course, life is so colorful just because it is always full of accidents of one kind or another!

In short, the list of the top 64 can always give people a lot of room for discussion, and more people focus on the matchup of the top 64.

Tang Tang's opponent in the top 64 is a pretty little girl from the Tang Sect, her name is Shuiyuexian!

There are six people from the Tang Sect entering the top 64, namely Tang Tang, Tang Taluo, Tang Xin, Tang Yukuang, Tang Mei and Shuiyuexian!
It can be said that among the top 64 sects, Tang Sect is the biggest winner, because the rest of the major basic sects only have [-] places, and Tang Sect has six exclusive places, among which Tang Tang, Tang Taro, Tang Xin, Tang Sect Crazy, Tang Mei deserves her name, Shui Yuexian is a super dark horse, even everyone in the Tang Sect doesn't know, Tang Tang doesn't care much about the Tang Sect, so I won't mention it, even Tang Xin and Tang Taluo I've never heard of such a number one master, especially the other party is a little beauty, you know, beautiful women attract attention everywhere!
Of course, this also caused strong dissatisfaction among many disciples of the Tang Sect. Why did the Tang Sect have to stage a clash of sects in the first round of the top 64?You know, whether Tang Tang was shot down by Shui Yuexian as a dark horse, or the devil Tang Tang ended the little beauty's dark horse road, it was a regrettable loss for Tangmen.

Amidst such hustle and bustle, the picks for the top 64 were also generated in random mode. Coincidentally, Tang Tang and Shui Yuexian were the first picks to play, and the matchup map was Ice and Snow Waterfall!

The ice and snow waterfall is just like the name, it is a map of the waterfall, the two will be sent to the copy, and the whole process will be broadcast live.

Of course, the top 64 is a real battle of iron and blood. The dungeon map cannot be very extensive. In fact, the venue that Tang Tang and Shuiyuexian can use is only about 300 meters away from the front of the waterfall. Bounced back by invisible walls.

After taking a deep breath, Tang Tang chose to enter the dungeon!

Dang clang, clang clang!
Habitually carrying the burial coffin upside down, and letting the chains drag across the ground, Tang Tang stepped onto the stone steps.

The first place where they fought was the suspension bridge in front of the waterfall.

Wearing a water-blue long dress, the facial features are not very delicate, but it has a very classic taste after being matched together. She is indeed a good little beauty, and she is a little cautious. I don’t know if it’s because she is shy or Tang Tang. The name of the head is well-known in the Tang Sect. When seeing Tang Tang appear, Shui Yuexian actually nodded and bowed to express his respect.

Since the other party was polite, Tang Tang naturally didn't want to be too unreasonable. He smiled and spread his hands at Shuiyuexian, signaling that she could attack first, which was also a show of his demeanor.

Shui Yuexian murmured in a low voice, and after marking herself, she immediately pinched out her handprints.


A thunderbolt fell towards Tang Tang, but the moment he was about to succeed, Tang Tang waved his hand with a smile, and the thunder pierced the sky to intercept it horizontally.

Shui Yuexian froze, and immediately changed her handprints, but it turned into a series of thunders. In this way, the effect of thunder breaking the sky is not very good. After all, the chain of thunders strikes without a connection, even if the thunder breaks the sky, it is instant No matter how powerful Tang Tang's reaction ability is, it will not be stronger than the soul domain's automatic determination of the landing point.

However, the series of thunderbolts could not trouble Tang Tang, with a light tap of the toes, there was flying snow dancing under his feet, Tang Tang's body seemed to be wrapped in the crystal white snow, gorgeous and dazzling, quite an elegant feeling, waiting When the series of thunderstorms ended, Tang Tang landed firmly on the suspension bridge again, but he was not even hit by a single blow.

Tang Tang still made a gesture of invitation to Shui Yuexian, which did not mean to humiliate her, but the other party was a girl after all, so it would be better if she didn't kill her violently, but voluntarily abstained.

But Shui Yuexian bit her, her hands changed one after another, but it was extremely complicated, and then she gave a light drink!
"Set fire to the sky!"

Tang Tang's eyes lit up. Raising Fire to Burn the Heavens is an eighth-level magic spell. Moreover, one must advance step by step from the first-level Fire Curse without any mutations. Ying Yu couldn't help but sigh with emotion that those who made it to the top 64 were really mediocre.

It's a pity, that Shuiyuexian should be a soul master with both thunder and fire elements, and his main attack should be fire, but...

Flame has no effect on Tang Tang!
Just a wave!
Tang Tang didn't dodge or dodge, and simply slapped a gap in the sea of ​​flames rushing towards him, and in that gap, Tang Tang had already seen the astonishment of Shui Yuexian, Apparently, the little beauty was confident in her move.

"My attributes are also fire and wood." Tang Tang shrugged helplessly and said, "Your luck is bad. If you have two elements of thunder and fire, it is basically impossible to cause harm to me."

Tang Tang smiled and said to Shuiyuexian with a mocking humorous tone, hoping that Shuiyuexian would give up.

However, Tang Tang also seemed to have underestimated Shui Yuexian's persistence, biting his lip and thinking for a moment, Shui Yuexian suddenly spoke.

"I want to try again!" Shui Yuexian nodded at Tang Tang and said, "What an offense!"

This time, Shui Yuexian did not pinch out her handprint, but took out an auxiliary item from her backpack!
The auxiliary Horcrux is actually a guqin!
"Holy Artifact Fuxiqin!" Tang Tang's complexion suddenly darkened, and he said in a deep voice, "Why is Fuxiqin here with you? I know that you were not the one who found Fuxiqin and sent it back to the Glass Sect!"

From the beginning to the end, Tang Tang was obviously quite gentle. The sudden change of face at this moment also shocked Shuiyuexian. After a moment of silence, Shuiyuexian whispered: "I bought this piano from someone, and it is also because With this violin, I was able to pass the preliminary selection, I, did I do something wrong?"

Tang Tang also knew that he was scaring people, and shook his head with a smile, still making a "please" gesture.

Shui Yuexian stretched out her slender fingers, trying to fiddle with the strings, but at this moment...

"The throbbing death pulsation of the heartbeat!"

Tang Tang's figure disappeared in a flash, and the two lived on both sides of the suspension bridge, with a distance of 50 meters. But in Tang Tang's eyes, it seemed that she had just taken a step forward, and she had arrived in front of Shui Yuexian. The huge burial coffin stood upright in front of Fuxiqin, and Shuiyuexian's outstretched right hand suddenly stopped in the air.

"No matter what the effect of Fuxiqin is, I believe that the auxiliary Horcrux with ninth-level legendary quality is extremely terrifying, but..." Tang Tang looked at Shuiyuexian and said, "Believe it or not, I will definitely touch the strings. In other words, as long as I am willing, you will have no chance to touch the strings!"

Shui Yuexian looked at the huge sarcophagus that was close at hand, and the Fuxiqin that was also close at hand, and finally shook her head!
"You win!"

Shui Yuexian's voice was soft, showing obvious unwillingness.

On the other hand, Tang Tang was expressionless, and he didn't have any joy of stepping into the top 32. On the contrary, Tang Tang clenched his right fist the moment he turned to leave the dungeon, and he could clearly see the throbbing veins on his joints.

"Holy artifact? Fuxiqin? Well, brother, it looks like you've really fallen!"

Tang Tang closed his eyes and muttered to himself!

Tang Tang's first battle ended and he became the first player to advance to the top 32!

Although it only lasted 10 minutes, and the fight between Tang Tang and Shui Yuexian was still tepid, which was somewhat boring, but many people still gave their enthusiastic support, and anyone with a discerning eye could see that Tang Tang happened to be The same attributes as Shuiyuexian, so that the female devil is not afraid of Shuiyuexian's spells. Secondly, the gap in strength between the two is too obvious. Shuiyuexian can pass the preliminaries all the way. The biggest reliance is Fuxiqin, not her own strength. Although being able to possess eighth-level spells is considered a quasi-first-rate master, it is still far from those masters standing in the clouds!

Of course, one of the more interesting things to watch is the Fuxiqin. With the release of some eighth-level assistants and surprise soldiers, everyone already knows that eighth-level and ninth-level things must go through two catastrophes before they are eligible to use. Fuxiqin is The only auxiliary Horcrux that does not have this restriction, and secondly, no one has ever seen an auxiliary Horcrux of ninth-level legendary quality, and everyone wants to see it. Unfortunately, Tang Tang's speed determines that if she wants to kill the water It is impossible for Yuexian to give her the chance to use the Fuxiqin, so it is somewhat regrettable.

After leaving the instance of Ice and Snow Waterfall, Tang Tang returned to the rest area.

The rest area is also a copy!
After entering the top 64, Soul Realm will broadcast the whole process live, and in order to facilitate the scheduling of the game, there may be accidents for the contestants in the top 64, so I made a copy of the rest area, and the chosen scene is a towering mountain top , but it is the misty peak of the snow mountain, which is the best place to watch the snow scene. At the same time, the picture of every battle will be projected on the ice wall.

(End of this chapter)

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