The Peerless Tangmen of Online Games

Chapter 415 Advance to the Top 6, That One Sword

Chapter 415 The sword to advance to the top sixteen

There are naturally many acquaintances of Tang Tang in the rest area. Seeing that Tang Tang entered the top 32 for the first time, everyone smiled and came up to congratulate him, but when they got close to Tang Tang, they realized that Tang Tang's expression was not very good it is good.

"Little girl, is there something wrong?" Tang Taluo asked with some concern, "Is your health not good?"

Tang Tang shook his head and said, "Probably because I was too excited, I just didn't sleep well last night."

The only thing Tang Tang was thinking about at the moment was Fuxiqin. She was very clear that the piano was in Petra's hands, and she also knew that the cheap elder brother Petra sold that piano!

Previously, Tang Tang wondered why he didn't meet Petra. Perhaps his unlucky elder brother encountered trouble and failed in the preliminary selection. After all, life is always full of accidents, but now it seems that Petra He has no intention of participating in the Holy Demon Conference at all, he is still working hard to make money.

Tang Tang closed her eyes, she has the kind of temper that either doesn't do it, or does it well, it's the same in martial arts, and it's the same in Soul Domain!

The relationship between Petra and her can only be regarded as an ordinary brother and sister, but it is undeniable that Petra is the leader in his own soul domain. Once upon a time, Tang Tang looked at Yan Xiaoyi's back and watched Petra screaming in the virtual world. Fengyun, looking forward to one day he can do the same, but now, Tang Tang has done it, but unfortunately, Petra is no longer here!

Tang Tang opened his eyes and sighed, "What a pity!"

In the Holy Demon Conference, there are always a few people who want to fight and win. Petra is undoubtedly on the list in Tang Tang's heart. However, since it is Petra's own choice, Tang Tang can't say much. After adjusting his emotions, Tang Tang also turned his gaze to the ice wall and watched the game.

There were no exciting highlights in the last five rounds of the competition. It's not that the fight was not exciting, but that Tang Tang didn't know each other, which made her not very interested. It wasn't until the sixth round that Tang Taro played. And it was a strong dialogue. The opponent against Tang Taro was Yumian Luosha, and Yumian Luosha was the only master of the Shura Palace to enter the top 64. If he failed, then the Shura Palace would be the first player after the Sea God Pavilion. A few major basic sects that were wiped out by the entire army.

Of course, Sea God Pavilion is a purely auxiliary sect, and it is understandable that they cannot enter the top 64, but if Shura Palace is eliminated, it will be a tragedy!

Therefore, Yumian Luosha fought very hard, but unfortunately, although Yumian Luosha was very strong, he was the slippery type. Tang Tang had fought against him and knew his tricks well, but, this All kinds of strategies are useless in front of Tang Taro. From the beginning to the end, Tang Taro only used one tactic, that is, the wind sickle compresses the space, making Yumian Luosha exhausted. As for the defense...

The most tragic part of the jade-faced Rosha is also here, he was not even able to break through Tang Taro's Wind Wall!
In addition, there are not many things to watch in the top 64, and they didn't even see any strong dialogues. People can't help but feel that Soul Domain has done something wrong in the lottery. However, there is no good news, because there is nothing in the top 64. In the classic battle, there are not many strong dialogues, so that most of the games do not take long time. After noon, all the top 32 will be produced, which makes Soul Realm have to make some changes to the daily schedule. The first half of the round is also mentioned to be held in the evening of the first day.

Tang Tang drew a good lottery. The other party was a loose cultivator, and his strength was considered strong. He inherited the Taoist lineage of ghost fire Taoist, one of the major cultivators in ancient times, and was good at using ghost flames. Able to release more than 110 open flames, in the top 64, it is also a strong force that overwhelms an overseas casual practitioner and advances to the top 32.

It's a pity that after meeting Tang Tang, that buddy was completely tragic.

Flames, those are purely leftovers from the little girl's play. Even the fire can be used for leisurely strolls. Ordinary flames are naturally not difficult for Tang Tang. The first level began to sacrifice, until the ninth level of rare quality.

Moreover, the power of the underworld fire pot is very good. Its seventh-level legendary quality is not weaker than the eighth-level power, and its power lies in the densely packed underworld fire. It's wilting, because the amount of Nether Qi is obviously much more than that of Nether Fire!

That casual cultivator could only consider himself unlucky, and happened to meet Tang Tang, a female devil who restrained him at both ends, what else could he do?
And Tang Tang took the lead in crossing the threshold of the top 64 after the top 32 and advanced to the top [-]!
Subsequently, the battle for the top 32 was indeed much more intense.

In the second round, there was a strong dialogue between Tang Mei and Lin Dong!

This battle was a bit dark and dark. Tang Mei's arrogant Nine Heavenly Soul Jue is really a rogue, but Lin Dong has shown many things, the most important thing is the footwork, and it is not the footwork of the soul domain, but the footwork from before the era. The small steps that are common in Sanda in the world, and the moves are quite impressive, which made Tang Mei's attack return to no avail. The two of them struggled for two hours. Lin Dong was frozen by Tang Mei because of a mistake. , lost to the top 32.

Afterwards, Tianzhu, a well-known monster master in the half-beast forest, also staged a fierce battle with Bloody Muka of the Scarlet Mercenary Group. The fights were evenly matched, but after consuming all of his soul power, Scarlet Muka was suppressed by the Nine Dragons Divine Fire Cover and couldn't breathe. He lasted for half an hour, and then was annihilated in ashes in the underworld fire.

After the two fierce battles, Soul Domain didn't know if it was to let everyone take a breather. The last two battles were relatively flat. The strength of the two sides was quite different, and there was nothing to watch. But after the announcement of the sixth round list...

Everyone in the Tang Sect was boiling over!
Tang Xin vs. Tang Desire!
In the top 32, the battle between the Tang Sect and the inner sect was staged again, and this battle was obviously more exciting than the one between the Tang Sect and Zhen Shuiyuexian!

The battle between the new and old bosses in the Berserker Pavilion!
To be honest, Tang Tang always felt that he was wronged in front of Tang Yukuang.

How majestic was Tang Yukuang in the past?It wasn't until he was killed by the little girl with Heavenly Tribulation and beaten back to his original shape that he began to go downhill, and gradually began to decline.However, Tang Tang always felt that if Tang Yukuang hated him, he should hate Tang Xin. It was Tang Xin who pushed Tang Yukuang to the position of leader and established it as the signboard of Kuangzhan Pavilion.

And when Tang Yukuang lost its effect, he abandoned it and kicked it away. From the beginning to the end, the Kuangzhan Pavilion was controlled by Tang Xin, a deputy gang leader who didn't want to be the leader. It's just a precious pawn, if you really want to hate, Tang Yukuang should hate Tang Xin, not Tang Tang.

It's a pity that Tang Yukuang is very real, because he hates both Tang Tang and Tang Xin.

So, this is not only a pinnacle battle of top-notch masters, but also has many gimmicks, such as the battle between the new and old guild leaders, the battle between the principal and deputy guild leaders, the battle between the two Tang Sect weapon soul masters, Tang Yu The crazy revenge battle, Tang Xin's battle against the traitor...

Anyway, many people are excited, and even everyone in the Tang Sect lazily complains that Soul Realm has caused Shushan civil wars in succession, but completely focused on the duel between the two.

Tang Tang also looked at the huge ice wall with anticipation, but at this moment, a breeze passed by her, and Tang Taro appeared beside her and said, "Little girl, who do you think will win?"

Tang Tang thought for a while, and said rather to the point: "Tang Yukuang should hope to be bigger. I don't deny that Tang Xin is very powerful, but he seems to focus more on gang management. Besides, I haven't seen Tang Xin. What kind of terrifying cards does Xin have?"

Tang Taro nodded. Although Tang Yukuang is not popular in the Tang Sect at the moment, his strength is still worthy of recognition, especially the auxiliary Horcrux like the iron tower, which is very impressive and difficult to deal with. Fair As far as he is concerned, Tang Xin is indeed not Tang Yukuang's opponent.

At this time, Tang Xin and Tang Yukuang entered the dungeon.

It was very dramatic, because the dungeon scene where the two entered was—before the Tangmen Hall!
Two leaders of the lineage of Tang Sect weapon soul masters competed in front of the Tang Sect's master hall, and it seemed to be very good.

After a while, the two entered the copy.

Standing at both ends of the hall, Tang Xin suddenly laughed.

"Do you know..." Tang Xin pointed to Tang Yukuang and said, "You can still be the leader of the Kuangzhan Pavilion, the number one soul master of the Tang Sect, but unfortunately, you gave up on your own. You should not focus on a non-gang player who will not pose any threat to you at all, you should learn to hide, not explode."

"Hmph!" Tang Yukuang said coldly, "You should go and talk nonsense to King Hades."

Tang Xin laughed even more happily, took out the flying sword and said, "Believe it or not, I only need one sword to kill you?"

Tang Yukuang raised his eyebrows immediately, but for Tang Xin, he was still able to maintain his rationality, but he didn't answer, and suddenly urged his sword to go towards Tang Xin, holding a flying sword, his body imagining Qiongguang, and beside him was Illusory swords gushed out continuously, and in a short time, there were hundreds of them densely packed, but they were Tangmen's signature-Wanjianjue!

The ninth-level Wanjian Jue must not be underestimated. Tang Tang broke it once, but it doesn't mean that everyone can break it.

However, Tang Xin only made one strike!
Just one sword!
It was an indescribable sword, under the gorgeous blazing white light, that sword appeared unpretentious, with a kind of indifference that washed away all the lead.

But, just after that sword!
Tang Yukuang turned into white light and was thrown out of the dungeon!

Tang Xin, win!

After the top 32 battles of the Holy Demon Avenue Club, all the players were enthusiastic!

There are two hot topics in their mouths, and, coincidentally, the characters of these two hot topics are both from the Tang Sect!

The first topic character is Tang Xin, the guild leader from the Mad War Pavilion!

Many people wanted to try to describe Tang Xin's sword fight against Tang Yukuang, but they found it very helpless. They couldn't describe that sword. Nothing special, but what about after the shot?The white light at the blade of the sword almost completely enveloped Tang Xin, people could only see an outline, and couldn't see anything clearly.

(End of this chapter)

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