The Peerless Tangmen of Online Games

Chapter 416 Tang Tang vs Tang Taro Spear and Shield

Chapter 416 Tang Tang vs Tang Taro Spear and Shield

An inexplicable sword!
This is everyone's final evaluation, but it is very appropriate.

To be honest, if Tang Yukuang hadn't betrayed the Kuangzhan Pavilion, there would have been a deep gap between the two. Many people even wanted to suspect that the two had played a fake match. With a sword, it was over in less than a minute, which really makes people feel that it can't be fake anymore.

However, no matter how you guessed it, Tang Xin became famous!
Originally, as to how far Tang Xin could go, most people had a good idea, guessing that it was either the top 32 or the top [-]. If they were lucky, they might be able to get into the top eight. Almost no one was optimistic that Tang Xin could win the first place. After all, Tang Xin did not show himself as a strong fighter, even within the Tang Sect.

However, after killing Tang Yukuang with a single sword, Tang Xin became the biggest candidate to win the championship. Moreover, what everyone said was justified, but it was precisely because of this justification that Tang Tang became a tragedy.

First of all, is the devil Tang Tang cruel or not?

It seems that everyone does not deny this. Tang Tang, the female demon head of the Tang clan, is indeed very cruel. However, even Tang Tang, who is very cruel, was able to narrowly defeat Tang Yukuang in the duel. But what about Tang Xin?But it was a weird one-shot kill!Then, Tang Xin is obviously much stronger than Tang Tang. In this way, Tang Tang is already one of the favorites to win the championship. What qualifications does Tang Xin have?

For this, Tang Xin was also very helpless, and kept saying sorry to Tang Tang, expressing that he didn't intend to use this accident to overwhelm him.

It didn't matter to Tang Tang, besides, how could she have time to control Tang Xin now, because she was the hot topic of the second topic!
The second half of the round of the top 32 ended the next day, and the list of the top sixteen was released. After the soul domain was re-drawn, Tang Tang's limelight became extremely strong. There was no other reason, but naturally it was because of the opponents in the top sixteen!

Tang Sect Tang Tang vs Tang Sect Tang Taro!
Tang Tang's domineering attacks have always won the hearts of the Tang Sect, but what about Tang Taro?
There is one of the most intuitive statistics, from the qualifiers to the qualifying rounds, from the top 64 to the top 64, Tang Taro's journey is not easy, he is a matching teammate in the preliminaries, and in the top 32 she challenges the jade-faced Luo Sha In the top [-], she defeated Dou Shuangfei from Douluo Palace, and she can be described as a master of Lien Zhan. However, no matter whether it was Yumian Luosha or Dou Shuangfei, neither of them could break through Tang Taro's Wind Wall. Grind it to death with spells!

Then, Tang Sect's sharpest spear, and Tang Sect's strongest shield!

When the two play against each other, who can have the last laugh?
Many people want to know the answer, but the Tang Sect players are the most entangled. They want to complain about the shady scenes in the Soul Realm, and they have been let the Tang Sect masters fight inside the door since the top 64, but they are looking forward to Tang Tang and Tang Taro. !

Under such entanglement, Tang Tang and Tang Taro stepped into the dungeon!
And the dungeon map of the two matches is...

A ray of sky!

One Line of Sky is an extremely difficult and technically challenging map.

The canyon was less than two meters wide, and neither of them could pass through it side by side. When they looked up, they could only see a thin line of sky, so it was named a line of sky, and Tang Tang and Tang Taro had to pass through such a narrow Fighting in the valley, the only place where they can stand in the air, except for their flying horcruxes, there is only one iron chain that runs through the valley and is only as thick as three fingers.

Moreover, according to the rules, they cannot rush upwards out of the valley. Of course, they cannot leave from the sides of the valley, and below the valley is a deep river. Although it will be wider, it is also limited. Only four meters.

This kind of terrain can't help but make Tang Tang frown. This kind of terrain is too unsuitable for her to play. You know, Tang Tang's biggest advantage is speed and flexibility. In this kind of place where the imperial weapon will hit the mountain and rock walls when turning, it is equivalent to obliterating Tang Tang. Tang's biggest advantage, and secondly, there is a very helpless place, that is, the breath of the phoenix cannot be used, because the width of the breath of the phoenix is ​​obviously larger than the width of the valley.

Tang Taro also made an apologetic expression at Tang Tang. This dungeon map also had some influence on him, but no, compared with the impact on Tang Tang, he really took advantage of it.

Tang Tang smiled wryly, but he didn't mean to complain. Luck is also an important part of any battle!

10, 9, 8, 7, 6…

At this time, the countdown to the soul domain began to sound, and the two of them were about to be released from the state of being banned from all attributes.

At the moment of counting to zero!

"Thunder Breaks the Sky!"

—598 damage
Tang Tang rushed to attack immediately, and taking advantage of the instant shot, he summoned a thunderbolt from the sky and landed on Tang Taluo.

Tang Taro had no choice but to accept this. He is not good at being flexible. Besides, it is really hard to avoid this hellish place. Fortunately, the thunder attribute belongs to the wood attribute, which happens to be Tang Taro's attribute. Therefore, Lei Po Tianqiong's effect was minimal, and this blow, at best, only allowed Tang Tang to take advantage of it.

next second...

Tang Taro cast the Wall of Wind on himself without hesitation!
This is Tang Tang's absolute defense, the mana is indestructible, and the wall of the wind is not broken. With the support of Tang Taro's terrifying mana, it also created Tang Taro's strongest shield!
Tang Tang took advantage of the momentum to make up a thunderbolt, but it was completely blocked by the wall of the wind, which was quite helpless, so he no longer wasted mana. However, after Tang Tang equipped the burial coffin, his health and mana would increase by 850 points , the former allowed Tang Tang's health to break through 6000 points, and the latter made Tang Tang's mana break through 2500 points. It's not like before with a few high-level spells that will cause misfires.

In a way, the burial coffin also made up for some of Tang Tang's shortcomings. Of course, with only 2500 mana points, compared with a serious soul master with [-] points, it is a great tragedy, like the wall of the wind, Tang Tang At the beginning, Tang Taro, who was keen on Tang Tang, also learned it, but the number of times he used it did not exceed single digits. Without the support of mana, many spells were a tragedy for Tang Tang.

Therefore, Tang Tang is relatively economical in terms of mana. Anyway, the soul master's health is not much, and Tang Taro's health will never exceed 3000 points. If he can kill more than 500 points, Tang Tang is already satisfied. , as soon as his body sank, Tang Tang landed on the iron lock of the thin line of sky.

It's just that Tang Tang wanted to avoid the edge temporarily, but it was Tang Taro's turn to be reluctant. Seeing Tang Tang give up the attack, Tang Taro immediately waved his hand, and a large wind scythe came towards Tang Tang.

The Wind Sickle only has the fifth level, but it consumes very little mana, especially for Tang Taro's vast mana. At the same time, the Wind Sickle is an instant spell, so Tang Taro once There were nearly a hundred shots, almost covering the entire Yixiantian densely.

However, Tang Tang was not in a hurry. He pushed the sky burial coffin horizontally into the valleys on both sides, and then hugged the sky burial coffin with his whole body, shrinking back, those wind sickles It crackled and hit the sky coffin, but even one of them couldn't hit Tang Tang who was stuck behind the sky coffin.

Everyone was stunned, and then burst out laughing, even Tang Taro twitched his lips knowingly.

Tang Tang's action was really rogue, but it had to be said that it was full of creativity, and it made good use of the terrain of a line of sky. Because of the narrow relationship, Tang Taro's wind sickle had no room to turn, and could only attack the front.

After defending against the hundreds of wind sickles, Tang Tang immediately jumped out from behind the burial coffin, gave a light drink, and raised his hand to slap the flames of the sky with his palm, and, like Tang Taro's wind Like the sickle blade, the blazing flames of the sky also cover a wide area. Once a shot is made in such a narrow place as the sky, it immediately and completely blocks the entire valley, making it impossible for Tang Taro to avoid it, but it makes Tang Tang report the situation just now. Vengeance of the Wind Sickle Blade!
Tang Taro immediately activated his soaring technique to retreat several meters in a row, but found that his movement speed was not as fast as the flames of the sky fire, so he simply stood there resisting the flames of the sky fire, and was swallowed by the incandescent flames in the blink of an eye .

However, after a while, the blazing flames of the sky fire slowly disappeared, and Tang Taro's figure was revealed in the flames. The wall of the wind on his body was still flowing, and he did not suffer the slightest damage.

Tang Tang patted his forehead, attacking the Wall of Wind could only expedite the consumption of Tang Taro's mana, so Tang Tang didn't know how much damage Tang Taro had suffered, and it was quite a headache.

However, Soul Domain is still more considerate. In order to take care of the audience, a mana value is temporarily added below Tang Taro's health bar display for the audience watching the live broadcast, and it is accompanied by a numerical value, and the numerical value of the mana value is displayed The moment I came out...

Almost everyone stared at the live video and gasped!
Mana: 32677/37000
Tang Taro's level is as high as 81. However, a normal 80-level spiritual master has a mana value of just over 10000, and with equipment, it is only about 12000. Tang Taro is three times that of an ordinary spiritual master. No wonder her Stormwall is so powerful.

You must know that the feature of the Wall of Wind is to enhance defense and counteract damage, and the offset damage will be at the cost of mana reduction. That is to say, as long as you use Wall of Wind, Tang Taro will use mana as life. , She will start to lose her life after she consumes the 36000 points of mana. In this way, Tang Tang's attack is certainly terrifying. Tarot's damage is about 2500 points, but such damage is somewhat powerless in the face of the terrifying mana value.

Fortunately, the value was only shown to the audience through the live video, but Tang Tang didn't know it. Otherwise, Tang Tang probably couldn't help complaining. Is this killing the boss, or is it a pk between players?

(End of this chapter)

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